• Zunita Sari
  • Latifa Mustafida
Keywords: Sale and purchase agreement, public notaries, law, law agreement, privat law


This study aims to discuss and examine role of a notary in making sale and purchase agreements that exist in practice in Indonesia. Notaries as public officials who are authorized to create authentic deeds play an important role in transaction service activities and many aspects of legal relations, one of which is regarding all actions such as creating agreements that are allowed by law. The regulation of contract law according to the Civil Code (KUHPerdata) adhere to open system that gives the parties widest freedom to carry out any kind of agreement about anything and with anyone as long as it is not against the law. With its open system, sale and purchase agreement (PPJB) was formed as a preliminary agreement before the sale and purchase deed is made. The existence of arrangements and practices regarding the creation of the sale and purchase agreement needs to be studied and acknowledged further on the implementation and obstacles in the process since they have not been adjusted in the regulations in details. Thus, the function of research is to find out about the legal review of the role of a notary in creating a sale and purchase agreement and the obstacles that exist in the field. The method used in this research is primarily empirical and juridical approach. Data collection obtained directly from the field and secondary sources from books, laws, regulations and other supporting works. The results of this study were obtained using descriptive data analysis to describe the nature of the problems studied. The results of the study show that the role of a notary and sale and purchase agreement (PPJB) cannot be separated because a notary acts as an official as well as a witness of the existence of legal relations in buying and selling. Obstacles in practice include lack of knowledge about sale and purchase agreement (PPJB) process and lack of legal awareness from the parties to carry out further procedures.


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How to Cite
SariZ., & MustafidaL. (2021). TINJAUAN HUKUM TERHADAP PERAN NOTARIS DALAM PEMBUATAN PERJANJIAN PERIKATAN JUAL BELI. Fortiori Law Journal, 1(01), 88-110. Retrieved from https://jurnal.ucy.ac.id/index.php/flj/article/view/922

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