Articles Processing Charge

All articles published in Fortiori Law Journal (FLJ) are open access and freely available online immediately upon publication. This is made possible through an article-processing charge (APC), which covers a range of publishing services we provide, including online tools for editors and authors, article production and hosting, liaison with abstracting and indexing services, and customer support. To ensure accessibility, we do not require authors to pay an article submission charge (ASC). The APC, which is IDR 500,000, is only payable when your manuscript is editorially accepted and before publication. This charge may be covered by you, your funder, institution, or employer. Upon editorial acceptance of your article, you will be notified by our official email that payment is due, along with the payment method. It is important to arrange payment promptly, as we cannot publish accepted articles until payment has been received. If a waiver has been granted or your institution or employer covers the cost, this will be communicated accordingly.