Peer Review Process

  • Every article will be selected through initial manuscript evaluation processes by Editorial Board. Those Manuscript evaluated by editors to be inappropiate to journal criteria are rejected promptly without external review. Manuscript evaluated to be of potential interest to our readership are sent to double blind reviewers.
  • Reviewer receives a double-blind review manuscript from the section editor. If not in accordance with his/her competence, reviewer has the right to reject the manuscript and recommend it to other reviewers who are more competent.
  • Two reviewer at least reviewed a manuscript and a manuscript was minimally reviewed by two reviewer. Reviewer assesses the manuscript from the writing quality and substance aspects, which includes the renewal, authenticity, usefulness, validity of citation and bibliography.
  • The editors then make a decision based on the reviewer’s recommendation. The manuscript will be adjudged into one of four categories: (1) accepted for publication (2) accepted with minor modifications, (3) accepted with major modifications and (4) not accepted.
  • Review Process: (1) author submit the manuscript; (2) editor Evaluation; (3) double-blind peer review process; (4) editor Decision; and (5)confirmation to the authors. Its take a month (four week) for a maximum time.