Author Guidelines



First Author1),  Second Author2*); Georgia Capital Bold 10 Pt  Space 1 

1) Affiliation of the 1st author,  2) Affiliation of the 2nd author; Georgia regular 10 Pt space 1

1st Author email, 2nd Author email; Georgia regular 10 Pt space 1

* Corresponding Author




Abstract: describe your research briefly here in one paragraph in Georgia regular 12 pt, no more than 150 words on 1 space. It should contain; the main question of research; how the question is discussed; and the result of the research. 

Keywords: write only about 3-5 specific concepts (words or phrase)


Abstrak: Jabarkan penelitian anda disini secara ringkas dalam satu paragraph, tidak lebih dari 150 kata dalam huruf Georgia reguler 12 pt, 1 spasi. isinya adalah perumusan masalah, bagaimana proses, penemuan dan  analisis serta diakhiri dengan hasil penelitian. 

Kata kunci: tulis disini sekitar 3-5 konsep kunci (kata atau frasa) 

  1. Introduction; Georgia bold 12pt, space 1,5 

In writing the content of the article, you can copy-paste the article into this template. Page setup is A4 size paper with Top 3 cm, Left 3 cm, Button 3 cm, Right 3 cm, gutter 1 cm in multiple page options on mirror margins. The layout is different odd and even and different first page. Header - Footer 1.6 cm. The vertical alignment is Top. Use 12 pt regular Georgian font in 1.5 spaces. The entire article should range from 8-15 pages. After subtitles/level 1 (introduction, discussion and conclusion) it is allowed to make 2 levels of numbering as follows;

  1. Level 1; Georgia, Bold, 12pt
  • Level 2;  Georgia, regular, 12pt
  1. Level 3 ; Georgia, regular, 12pt  

For writing Arabic, you can use Arabic Typesetting, regular, 24 pt. Writing foreign terms in Latin letters is written in italics. as for the transliteration based on the Joint Decree of the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 158 of 1987 and Number 0543 b/U/1987.

The introduction contains the background of the problem, its formulation, including a literature review of related previous studies and the theory used in the study. This is intended to show which is the best from previous research as well as to show the main limitations of previous research, including showing what should be done in a nutshell. Thus, the scientific advantages of the article can be raised.

  1. Method;  Georgia bold 12pt, space 1,5

The main topics of this section are: While the method contains techniques for collecting, processing, and analyzing data. This includes data sources, data collection time, population and samples, data presentation, and data analysis techniques. For qualitative research such as classroom action research, ethnography, phenomenology, case studies, and others, it is necessary to add the presence of researchers, research subjects, informants who helped along with ways to explore research data, location and duration of research as well as descriptions of checking validity of research results. In quantitative research, it is better to explain how the research was carried out. The descriptions in this method section are expected to be summarized in one paragraph. If not possible, the writing is maximum in three paragraphs. 

  1. Results and Discussion; Georgia bold 12pt, space 1,5 

The results of the study describe the data obtained after processing, and not raw data. What is presented is then analyzed in the discussion to answer the problems that have been presented in the introduction. The discussion then contains a description of the results discussion, theoretical discussions that are relevant to the research findings. In it, it can also be explained about the theoretical findings from the description of the results. Discussion of research results needs to be supported by references and theoretical perspectives from relevant literature reviews. Therefore, the discussion is allowed to be separated in a separate section/chapter from the description of the research results.

The contents of the description can be supported by pictures and tables to clarify the description of the research results. Each image must be given a caption above the image. The image is placed in the center of the page (center alignment). All images must be numbered sequentially. 

Picture 1

Description Is Written In Capital Letters Except For Conjunctions; Georgia bold 12pt space 1 center 


Description in the table is written in capital letters except for the first character in each sentence. The description in the table is given above the table. while the table begins at the left edge (left alignment) of the page.

Table 1.

Description Is Written In Capital Letters Except For Conjunctions; Georgia bold 12pt space 1 center


1st Title 

2nd Title

1st Name

2nd Name

1st name 


2nd name


* Table contents can be written in Georgia regular 10pt space 1


Common abbreviations, such as PAI or NTCR, do not need to be extended. Acronyms that are not well known or acronyms made by the author that are often used need to be explained at the beginning of writing. Abbreviations or acronyms in article titles should be avoided.

Equations are still written in Georgian font or Symbol font. If there are multiple equations, number the equations. Equation numbers are written sequentially on the far right, namely (1), (2), and so on. Use signs to make the writing concise and italic for variables, bold for vectors. 

  1. Conclusion; Georgia bold 12pt, space 1,5 

Write your conclusions and suggestions in narrative form and not in bullet or numeral form in this section. Conclusions should address the purpose of the research and how it impacts the current state and development of the field of knowledge. Suggestions can indicate possible applications and extensions. You can also display suggestions for further research in the future as well as information related to ongoing research.

  1. Acknowledgment; Georgia bold 12pt, space 1,5

Write here an appreciation in the form of thanks and appreciation. This option is not mandatory, it is optional. The appreciation can be written in just one paragraph.

Biblliography; Georgia bold 12pt, space 1,5 no numbering

References that become reference material and citations of the article as a whole should contain up-to-date information. The time period is in the range of ten (10) years back which refers to the primary source. It is highly recommended to use as many references as possible, at least 15 books, including journal articles.

Bibliographic references should be noted in footnotes and bibliography according to Turabian format 8th edition (full note) or latest in 1 space. Please use a Reference Manager Application such as Endnote, Mendeley, Zotero, or others.

  1. Footnotes are written in 1.27 cm indent, Georgia regular 10 pt 1 space, eg:

26 Waidl, Pendidikan Yang Menghargai Kemajemukan,  Bulletin Jum'at al-Ikhtilaf, No. 07/9 Juni 2000 Ikhtilaf dalam http//

27 Andree Feillard, NU Vis-a -Vis Negara; Pencarian Isi Bentuk Dan Makna. (Yogyakarta: LKIS, 1999), h.376


29 Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Peta Bumi Intelektualisme Islam di Indonesia, (Bandung: Mizan, 1993), h.238

30 Koentjaraningrat, Bunga Rampai Kebudayaan, Mentalitas Dan Pembangunan, (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1994), h. 71

31 Maarif, Peta Bumi, h. 238


  1. Bibliography written hanging 1.27 cm, Georgia regular 12 pt, 1 space, justified. Example:

Awan, Mahmud. The Faith Community And World Order In The Perspective Of Islam dalam Ismail Raji al Faruqi (ed.), Trialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths. New Delhi: Genuine Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1989

Bawani, Imam. Tradisionalisme dalam Pendidikan Islam. Surabaya: al Ikhlas, 1993

Boisard, Marcel A. Humanisme Dalam Islam. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1979 

Fadjar, Abdullah. Peradaban dan Pendidikan Islam, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 1991

Feillard, Andree. NU Vis-a -Vis Negara; Pencarian Isi Bentuk Dan Makna. Yogyakarta: LkiS, 1999

Garcia, Ricardo L. Theaching In Pluralistic Society. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1982.