Real Work Lectures, Village Potential, Village DevelopmentAbstract
The Real Work Lecture (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) has taken place in Padukuhan Singosaren, Kalurahan Wukirsari, Kapanewon Imogiri, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. The duration of this activity spanned approximately 4 weeks, starting from February 6th to March 6th, 2024. Padukuhan Singosaren was chosen as the location for KKN due to its rich village potential, which became the main focus for enhancing village development and the quality of Human Resources (HR) in utilizing and developing local potential. The KKN activity began with observations of the padukuhan to identify the village potential that would be the main focus of the KKN implementation. The programs designed were then arranged sequentially, starting from discussions among KKN groups, village apparatus, and the local community, especially those directly involved in the designed programs.
The implementation of the KKN program begins with the stages of planning, execution, and evaluation at the end of each program. The outcomes of the overall implementation of the KKN program encompass the development of community knowledge through various educational and socialization activities across different layers of society, aiming to support development and enhance Human Resources (HR) to boost the potential of the local village. Literacy and learning programs, whether academic or religion-based, are conducted to enrich HR from an early age. In the environmental and planning sector, the development of drainage planning concepts and layouts is carried out in Padukuhan Singosaren, Kalurahan Wukirsari, Kapanewon Imogiri, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. Socialization on economic and legal aspects integrated into the work program has also been successfully implemented.
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