Kesulitan mahasiswa dalam membagi tugas kelompok sebagai efek terhadap perilaku social loafing

  • Aditia Wirayudha Universitas Islam Bandung
  • Firman Shakti Firdaus Universitas Islam Bandung
  • Rafi Ariq Maajid Universitas Islam Bandung
  • Firda Nurfarida Universitas Islam Bandung
  • Muhammad Iqbal Santosa Universitas Islam Bandung
Keywords: Costs, Inconvenience, Coercion, Social Loafing, Student Groups


Groups, comprising two or more interacting individuals, exert mutual influence on each other's behavior. This influence can be both positive and negative, affecting group cohesion. Negative effects may include dysfunctions like special interests, norm violations, role ambiguity, and kemalasan sosial. Social loafing involves an individual reducing effort when working collectively with others. It's a habitual behavior where one person's low contribution influences others. The study aims to investigate how difficulty in task distribution influences perceived inequality in contributions. Hypotheses were formulated to test the influence of Costs/Inconvenience, Coercion, and their combined effect on Kemalasan sosial. Results showed a significant positive influence of Costs/Inconvenience and Coercion on Social Loafing. Costs/Inconvenience had a greater individual impact. Respondents faced challenges in adjusting group work schedules, leading to rushed tasks and a perception of social loafing.


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How to Cite
WirayudhaA., FirdausF., MaajidR., NurfaridaF., & SantosaM. (2024). Kesulitan mahasiswa dalam membagi tugas kelompok sebagai efek terhadap perilaku social loafing. Academy of Education Journal, 15(1), 148-157.