GEMI <p>Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian yang dikelola oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta (UCY).</p> Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta en-US GEMI 1907-2333 SINEGRITAS AKADEMIKA DAN MASYARAKAT DALAM MEMBANGUN DESA BERSAMA MAHASISWA KKN REGULER UCY DI PADUKUHAN SINDET <p><em>The Regular Community Service Program (KKN) of UCY XLIII 2024 Group 1 with the theme "Academic and Community Synergy in Village Development" is a manifestation of community service in integrating campus learning with community life. As an educational institution with awareness of its important role in national progress, UCY participates in village development efforts through the KKN Program. In its implementation, there are two types of activities: main activities and supporting activities. In the main KKN activities, students actively collaborate with the community in conducting education, socialization, and innovation activities as strategic steps in advancing the village. Additionally, students also play a role in efforts to improve economic, food, social, educational, and cultural resilience of the community, as well as creatively and independently optimizing human and natural resources. Furthermore, students are also expected to develop interpersonal skills to build partnerships, interdisciplinary team cooperation, and leadership in managing village potentials. Meanwhile, for supporting activities, students are asked to apply their knowledge according to their respective fields of study.</em></p> Prihastini Oktasari Putri Mustakim Firdaus Resvi Septiani Fauziah Siti Nur Khasanan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 1 10 10.47200/gemi.v3i2.2409 PELATIHAN ASESMEN AUTENTIK BAGI GURU SEKOLAH DASAR MUHAMMADIYAH PAKEM SLEMAN <p>A kind of learning assessments that has not been done by the teachers of Pakem Muhammadiyah Elementary School, Sleman, Special Province of Yogyakarta is authentic assessment. Therefore, training and workshop of authentic assessment were held for the six teachers of 1—6 grades. Before and after the training and workshop were held, the teachers were pretested and postested. The training and workshop were held in forms of lecturing, discussing and designing authentic assessment. Scores of the pretest and postest were analyzed with Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test. Ho is the training and workshop do not improve the teachers’ knowledge on authentic assessment. Ho is accepted if P-value &lt; 0,05 with α = 0,05. Because of P-value &lt; α, 0,00027 &lt; 0,05, Ho is accepted. It concludes that the training and workshop do not improve the teachers’ knowledge on authentic assessment. It may be caused of limited durance of the training and workshop.</p> Agung Ptihantoro Taufik Nugroho Muhammad Nasrudin Ridwan Nur Hidayat Aprilia Aprilia ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 11 17 10.47200/gemi.v3i2.2410 BERSINERGI UNTUK DESA: MAHASISWA KKN UNIVERSITAS COKROAMINOTO YOGYAKARTA DAN MASYARAKAT PADUKUHAN SINGOSAREN <p><em>T</em><em>he Real Work Lecture (Kuliah&nbsp; Kerja&nbsp; Nyata)&nbsp; has &nbsp;taken&nbsp; place in&nbsp; Padukuhan Singosaren, Kalurahan Wukirsari, Kapanewon Imogiri, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. The duration of this activity spanned approximately 4 weeks, starting from February 6th to March 6th, 2024. Padukuhan Singosaren was chosen as the location for KKN due to its rich village potential, which became the main focus for enhancing village development and the quality of Human Resources (HR) in utilizing and developing local potential. The KKN activity began with observations of the padukuhan to identify the village potential that would be the main focus of the KKN implementation. The programs designed were then arranged sequentially, starting from discussions among KKN groups, village apparatus, and the local community, especially those directly involved in the designed programs.</em></p> <p><em>T</em><em>he implementation of the KKN program begins with the stages of planning, execution, and evaluation at the end of each program. The outcomes of the overall implementation of the KKN program encompass the development of community knowledge &nbsp;through&nbsp; various &nbsp;educational and&nbsp; socialization&nbsp; activities &nbsp;across &nbsp;different layers of society, aiming to support development and enhance Human Resources (HR) to boost the potential of the local village. Literacy and learning programs, whether academic or religion-based, are conducted to enrich HR from an early age. In the environmental and planning sector, the development of drainage planning concepts and layouts is carried out in Padukuhan Singosaren, Kalurahan Wukirsari, Kapanewon Imogiri,&nbsp; Bantul &nbsp;Regency,&nbsp; Yogyakarta.&nbsp; Socialization&nbsp; on&nbsp; economic and &nbsp;legal &nbsp;aspects integrated into the work program has also been successfully implemented.</em></p> Prihastini Oktasari Putri Ervin Dwi Antari Fifianawati Fifianawati Beni Beni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 18 31 10.47200/gemi.v3i2.2411 KOLABORASI MAHASISWA BERSAMA MASYARAKAT DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEMBANGUNAN PADUKUHAN KEDUNGBUWENG MELALUI KULIAH KERJA NYATA REGULER UNIVERSITAS COKROAMINOTO YOGYAKARTA PERIODE XLIII <p><em>The Real Work Lecture was held in Padukuhan KedungBuweng, Wukirsari Village, Kapanewon Imogiri, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province. For 4 weeks and 3 days starting from 05 February to 06 March 2024. Padukuhan KedungBuweng is the padukuhan chosen to be the padukuhan for KKN purposes. The abundant village potential is one of the main objectives of implementing KKN to improve the quality of Human Resources (HR) in processing and developing the potential of local villages. KKN begins with a communityobservation process to explore the village and see the potential of the village which will be the main target in implementing KKN. The programs are designed sequentially starting with discussions between KKN groups, community service officials, and local communities, especially those that are in direct contact with the programs being designed.</em></p> <p><em>The implementation of the KKN program is carried out in a balanced manner starting with planning, implementation and evaluation at the end of each program. The results achieved from the entire KKN program include developing community skills and helping develop Human Resources (HR) to increase the potential of local villages. In the field of education, namely literacy and learning programs, both academic and religion-based, are implemented to develop quality human resources from an early age. Apart from that, the provision of a reading corner to improve children's literacy at Padukuhan KedungBaweng. In the field of religion, namely the empowerment of mosques and TPAs. In the fields of environment and planning, building road fences and land management, as well as providing land inventory. In the legal field, namely the sticking of anti-bullying posters and the socialization of acts of violence against children. In the economic sector, namely the socialization of the hobby of saving and making a map of MSMEs in Padukuhan KedungBuweng, Wukirsari Village, Kapanewon Imogiri, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province.</em></p> Intan Kusumawati Rikki Pratama ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 32 47 10.47200/gemi.v3i2.2412 UPAYA PENANGANAN MASALAH URBAN: IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH ORGANIK MANDIRI DAN SOSIALISASI ISU KESEJAHTERAAN MASYARAKAT DI KELURAHAN PANDEYAN UMBULHARJO, KOTA YOGYAKARTA <p><em>Urban issues such as waste management and community welfare are commonly encountered by neighborhoods in various cities in Indonesia, including Yogyakarta. Among the challenges are the lack of community awareness about the importance of waste management and suboptimal infrastructure. Additionally, there is a need to enhance the socialization of community welfare issues to ensure more equitable and sustainable programs. Socialization efforts include addressing adolescent issues, educating about marriage laws, digital marketing, financial reporting for SMEs, and providing halal certification services. This study aims to assess the implementation of independent organic waste management programs and the socialization of community welfare issues in Pandeyan Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. Approaches such as socialization, counseling, persuasive approaches, training provision, and physical facility support are appropriate strategies for addressing these urban problems. This engagement is carried out with the main goal of increasing awareness and assisting in improving suboptimal infrastructure and facilities within the community environment. Through various activities such as socialization, facility construction, and assistance, these efforts aim to create broader positive changes in society. By enhancing awareness through socialization, communities become more concerned about various issues, including waste management, adolescent issues, and the importance of digital marketing for SMEs. Furthermore, facility construction such as stackable bins, signboards, and mosque repairs helps improve the quality of services and facilities available to the community, such as health services, religious activities, and environmental services.</em></p> Diva Meizahra A. R. Adewiah Sadat Doni Dayatama Wahyu Hasanah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 48 62 10.47200/gemi.v3i2.2413 PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MENUJU DESA MANDIRI DAN BERKELANJUTAN DI PADUKUHAN GIRILOYO D.I. YOGYAKARTA MELALUI PROGRAM KERJA KKN XLIII UNIVERSITAS COKROAMINOTO YOGYAKARTA <p><em>Giriloyo hamlet has community organizations such as LPMD Pokgiat, PKK, youth organizations, Posyandu for infants and the elderly, PKK, and Batik Tulis Craftsmen Association. Although there are already various organizations, there are still several major problems in Giriloyo hamlet that need attention and support to overcome these problems in order to create an independent and highly competitive village. The target of this KKN program is the community of Giriloyo hamlet. This is because Giriloyo hamlet has become a place of devotion for the group 09 UCY KKN for 30 days. Based on the analysis of the problem, the focus of attention is the improvement of knowledge, skills and environmental concern. The mechanism for implementing the program is observation, socialization, participation in community empowerment, development of social and cultural programs, DPL guidance, briefing and evaluation. The group work program includes activities such as procurement of stop signs, procurement of garbage cans, Musholah Al Wustho signs, and Ahad Wage service work. The individual work program includes Mushola empowerment activities, procurement of juvenile delinquency posters, support for early childhood education, socialization of saving at an early age, making alley signs, BTA activities, education on the use of plastic waste to make eco-bricks, posyandu support, joint gymnastics, tutoring children, and making hamlet maps. Overall, these programs reflect the joint efforts of KKN students, local communities, and related parties in improving the welfare and development of Giriloyo hamlet. Thus, the results of the above conclusions show that, in general, the KKN program can be said to be successful and smooth, even though the time is more advanced or more backward.</em></p> Fitri Rahmawati Shintia Devi Sofia Muninggarsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 63 76 10.47200/gemi.v3i2.2414 PENYUSUNAN JALUR EVAKUASI BANJIR SUNGAI GAJAH WONG WARUNGBOTO DALAM MENDUKUNG DESA TANGGUH BENCANA KOTA YOGYAKARTA <p>The Gajahwong Warungboto River Bank Area Yogyakarta is one of the areas that has received the attention of the Yogyakarta City Government because it was previously included in the slum area data and from 2016 to 2020 it has been arranged into an environmentally and residential area with the concept of a Backward house, MUpload Madep Kali (M3K).&nbsp; In 2021 due to heavy rain, there was a flood in Warungboto Village which caused talut to collapse and affected residents' homes around the riverbanks. The problem at the location, especially RW 09 and RW 08, is the lack of disaster mitigation facilities, the lack of smooth drainage channels in areas blocked by river embankments because the position of the flood water level is higher than the drainage outlet channels, so that water collects at a certain point. The results of surveys and interviews are taken into consideration in carrying out activities. Preparation of evacuation routes to provide solutions during flood events by mapping flood inundation areas from the overflow of the Gajahwong River and establishing evacuation routes / access for affected people to a safe location from flood overflow / inundation. After community dedication, community readiness in evacuation activities during flood disasters is better and directed based on evacuation routes that have been prepared. As a recommendation for an approach to increase understanding of disaster mitigation in potential impacts and increase partnerships for the sustainability of synergy in handling flood disaster problems in the riverbank area.</p> Budiyanto M.A Nurokhman Nurokhman Arifin M. ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 77 85 10.47200/gemi.v3i2.2415