AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Volume 12 Nomor 2, Juli 2021
Elihami Elihami
Nonformal Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.17, Enrekang, Galonta, Kabupaten Enrekang
In the middle of the global COVID-19 epidemic, it has an influence on several sectors, including
education, to ensure that e-learning Islamic education and Pancasila on during Covid-19 pandemic
continues in forming the character of the nation's youngsters. The government has a policy on
distant education, however there are several impediments. Teachers can continue to teach using a
mixed learning paradigm, and it is believed that character development will still be ingrained. The
goal of this study was to investigate the efficacy of e-learning Islamic education and Pancasila on
during Covid-19 pandemic in character development of students at SD Negeri 4 Bilokka, South
Sulawesi. The research approach employed is qualitative analysis. According to the conclusions of
data analysis, character building is still implanted with parental supervision and reporting to school
in the form of an electronic Learning Management System (LMS) of e-learning Islamic education
and Pancasila on during Covid-19 pandemic, which is then confirmed by the instructor. This
demonstrates how vital parents' roles at home are. More study is needed to ensure that character
education can be strengthened even with different methodologies.
Keywords: E-Learning; Pancasila; Islamic Education; Students; Covid-19
Indonesian education is currently experiencing complex problems regarding the
character of the nation's children. This is a serious problem that must be of particular
concern to the world of education and the family. We can see the shift in personality
orientation that leads to the decline in morals and character of the nation's children
recently. This indicates a character crisis case in society. Educational institutions are no
longer a place for knowledge transfer only, but more than that as the formation of attitudes,
behaviors, and character of someone who is expected to create a golden generation.
Pancasila became the guideline for the Indonesian Nation Regulations, in addition to
the system hypothesis that was assembled to put the demands and guidelines for the
Indonesian state in viewing and personality. That is, humans are required to be able to
increase the dimensions of moral to him, so that they have competence to demonstrate the
attitude of service in life as an Indonesian citizen. In hopes of becoming a scientific-
academic community in ultimately being able to make a comprehensive decision using
morality consideration. Pancasila holds a crucial obligation to the implementation of a kind
of ethical system that this region. It can be seen how and anytime when we try to
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Volume 12 Nomor 2, Juli 2021
implement ethical character such as the ethics of speaking, dressing, and also manners like
being listed in the second precepts of Pancasila, which cannot be denied that the existence
of the Pancasila in the environment can form ethics of this nation is really very necessary.
Pancasila holds a crucial obligation to the implementation of a kind of ethical system that
this region. Can be seen how and anytime when we try to carry out ethical characteristics
such as ethics speaking, dressed, and also manners like being listed in the Second
Pancasila, which cannot be denied that the existence of the existence in the environment
can form ethics of this nation is really very necessary, (Syarif,, 2021).
There are two terms of Pancasila as ethical systems namely ethics and etiquette.
Ethics is a moral while it is more etiquette to manners and customs. Ethical examples are
careless parking is a moral violation, (Aiman, et.all., 2018). While examples of etiquette,
namely procedures in association. Pancasila as a system is a sign or a collection of
principles that establish an overall stability, aligned, and integrated. Pancasila holds a
crucial obligation to the implementation of a kind of ethical system that this region,
(Andrew, 2019). Can be seen how and anytime when we try to carry out ethical
characteristics such as ethics speaking, dressed, and also manners like being listed in the
Second Pancasila, which cannot be denied that the existence of the existence in the
environment can form ethics of this nation is really very necessary, (Ainsyiyah, E. D., &
Ginting, A. M, 2020).
There are two terms of Pancasila as ethical systems namely ethics and etiquette.
Ethics is a moral while it is more etiquette to manners and customs. Ethical examples are
careless parking is a moral violation, (Baehaqi, M. L., 2020). While examples of etiquette,
namely procedures in association. Pancasila as a system is a sign or a collection of
principles that establish an overall stability, aligned, and integrated, (Sumardjoko &
Supriyanto,et.all., 2018).
Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to revitalize civic education learning in
accordance with the demands and needs of the development of national identity and
character. One of the strategies is to develop civic education learning in elementary school
students based on local wisdom. The fundamental students of theoretically are on the
periods of adolescence in which they were on the period of cognitive transition as well as
the critical period of character development.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Volume 12 Nomor 2, Juli 2021
This research method used qualitative method research, which is a method that is
applied if the researcher has questions that need to be tested in terms of outcomes and
processes, and involves of quantitative methods. The data sources of this study were 220
respondents (students) via online survey at SD Negeri 4 Bilokka giving a response rate of
around 98%. Respondent consisted Class III (70% female and 30% male), class IV (50%
female and 50% male), class V (40% female and 60% male), class III (60% female and
40% male), teachers and parents who had participated in E-learning. The data collection
technique is carried out by an online process using google form, zoom, WA, Google meet,
and You tube, which is addressed to teachers and parents of students through observation,
interviews, documentation.
The results showed teachers can continue to teach by using E- learning Pancasila and
Islamic education. The goal of this study investigated the efficacy of e-learning Islamic
education and Pancasila on during Covid-19 pandemic in character development of
students at SD Negeri 4 Bilokka, South Sulawesi. According to the conclusions of data
analysis, character building is still implanted with parental supervision and reporting to
school in the form of an electronic Learning Management System (LMS) of e-learning
Islamic education and Pancasila on during Covid-19 pandemic, which is then confirmed by
the instructor.
The formation to teach by using E- learning Pancasila and Islamic education is very
important to start early at SD Negeri 4 Bilokka, South Sulawesi. Students are smart but fail
in life because many problems cannot solve. Therefore it is necessary to instill a strong
character in students teach by using E- learning Pancasila and Islamic education on during
Covid-19 pandemic. The character building by using E- learning Pancasila and Islamic
education can be done in at SD Negeri 4 Bilokka, home and community environment. The
condition of the COVID-19 academy requires that education be carried out online with
both synchronus and asynchronous. This research instrument is distributed online using
google form. This questionnaire was administered to 220 respondents via online survey at
SD Negeri 4 Bilokka giving a response rate of around 60%. Respondent consisted Class III
(70% female and 30% male), class IV (50% female and 50% male), class V (40% female
and 60% male), class III (60% female and 40% male). More demographics are detailed in
Table 1.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Volume 12 Nomor 2, Juli 2021
Table 1. Demographic Analysis at SD Negeri 4 Bilokka
Table 1 showed that Demographic Analysis during The COVID-19 pandemic has
created an unprecedented condition in Muhammadiyah University of Enrekang, and has
gotten worse from time to time since the end of the academic year, when there were
several questions about course material instruction, course completion, examinations, and
tests. The aim of this research is to assess of social students' views of E-learning.
Using Media at SD Negeri 4 Bilokka
E-Learning of Islamic Education
E-Learning of Teaching Pancasila
Zoom (V and VI); Collaboration software
(teaching Islamic Education)- The
student is difficult by using zoom
Google Meet (Class III, IV, V and VI);
Collaboration tools (teaching Pancasila)-The
student is difficult by using goole meet
WA (Class III, IV, V and VI); Share files
via chat and instant messaging
WA (V and VI); Send files trough chat +
instant messaging
Zoom (Class V and VI); Complete
integration with Google Apps
Google Meet (Class III, IV, V and VI); Full
integration with Google Apps
Zoom (Class V and VI); Can hold up to
250 people- the students can use by zoom
Google Meet (Class III, IV, V and VI);
Host up to 250 persons for free until
Zoom (Class V and VI); Download the
app (you tube and etc)
Google Meet (Class III, IV, V and VI); No
waiting room for participants that join early
Zoom (Class V and VI); Time limit of
40 min
Google Meet (Class III, IV, V and VI); The
only person at a time can share his screen
Zoom (Class V and VI); Security
problems “zoom-bombing”
Google Meet (Class III, IV, V and VI);
Users privacy can be improved
Table 2. Functional Dimensions of E-Learning Pancasila and Islamic Education
Table 2 showed that as previously reported, several factors were considered when
choosing platforms, including performance, ease of use and setup, and level of integration
with existing systems. Good collaboration of E- learning Pancasila and Islamic education
on during Covid-19 pandemic between teachers, students and parents as well as
community support in character building is very high so even though the COVID19
pandemic is still being carried out seriously by the parents. Adequate facilities and
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Volume 12 Nomor 2, Juli 2021
infrastructure are important supporting factors this can facilitate the planting of characters
(online process using google form, zoom, WA, Google meet, and You tube). The following
is a display of the Learning Management System, online process using google form, zoom,
WA, Google meet, and You tube used at SD Negeri 4 Bilokka.
Figure 1. VOSviewer about Pancasila
The figure 1 showed that VOSviewer about Pancasila through analysis in 2018 until
2019 as references. The Pancasila learning implementation strategy and citizenship
education through habituation, communication, and role models that can develop religious,
nationalist, independent, cooperation, and integrity characters was very well in every
teaching and learning process in the classroom. Supporting and inhibiting factors in the
implementation of Pancasila and citizenship education with character development include
the availability of learning tools, the cooperation of the teacher component, and the
presence of student independence in all teaching and learning activities. The impediment
was that a number of learning tools could not be provided in learning, (Sumardjoko, B,
The teachers discuss the challenges and obstacles to integrating Pancasila values and
local wisdom in the interview, (Kusdarini, E, 2020). The following are some of the
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Volume 12 Nomor 2, Juli 2021
difficulties and roadblocks. First, the curriculum's suitability of civic education materials
and time allocation is unbalanced. As a result, the learning process is repetitive,
memorizing, and textual. because most teachers use the lecture method Second, teachers
face low student motivation in implementing civic education learning in the classroom.
The students' assumption that civic education learning is primarily memorized is one of the
factors contributing to low student motivation. Third, teachers must contend with students'
perceptions of civic education learning as unimportant. The fact that civic education
learning is not included in the national final examination demonstrates, (Iasha, 2018).
Civic education, also known as value education, is a subject that aims to mold
students into moral beings. In order to accomplish this goal. It is necessary to use
appropriate learning media, (Hendra, H., Indrawadi, J, 2019). Civic education is essentially
value education that aims to shape human beings so that they can respect the law. Others
should be treated with dignity, and the perfect human should be built. The development of
students' intellectual thinking or Intelligence Quotient through a variety of sciences is
insufficient to form a perfect human, (Julkifli, J, 2020). The development of behavior and
moral awareness should go hand in hand. The practice of civic education learning should
be combined with various value approaches, (Listyaningsih, et.all., 2018). The main
characteristic of civic education is that it should be oriented to educate the society rather
than simply transfer knowledge, (Musdalifah, M., et.all., 2021). live in a good way Thus,
the substance of Civics learning includes not only knowledge but also moral and value
learning. Teachers play an important role for expected to comprehend and apply various
value education models Furthermore, teachers are expected to have a thorough
understanding of the subject of Pancasila and the concept of Indonesian unity, (Sugiati, A,
The results showed that character buildingbased E-Learning in teaching pancasila
and Isalmic education is quite effective in use, but this must have a strong commitment
from parents to collaboration with teachers and students. It seems that the seriousness of
the school in implementing E-learning based on character education, namely there are
religious, cooperation, independent, integrity and nationalist dimensions that appear in E-
learning by using google form, zoom, WA, Google meet, and You tube facility so that it
can be accessed by all students and teachers. So that the effectiveness of hybrid learning in
character building can be applied even with the COVID-19 pandemic.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Volume 12 Nomor 2, Juli 2021
Suggestion from research, it would be better if (E-learning by using google form,
zoom, WA, Google meet, and You tube) that has been used makes the learning process
synchronous so that there is no need for additional platforms, this will be more effective
and efficient. And then, we would like to thank the Research and Development Institute
(LP2M) Muhammadiyah University of Enrekang and SD Negeri 4 Bilokka, as well as the
parents and students who helped us during the research.
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