AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Volume 12 Nomor 1, Januari 2021
Fletcher, A. dan Shaw, G. 2012. “How does Student-Directed Assessment Affect
Learning? Using Assessment as a Learning Process”. International Journal of
Multiple Research Approaches Volume 6 Issue 3, halaman 245—263.
Fletcher, A. K. 2016. “Exceeding Expectations: Scaffolding Agentic Engagement through
Assessment as Learning”. Educational Research Volume 58 Issue 4, halaman
Gibbons, S. L. dan Kankkonen, B. 2011. Assessment as learning in physical education:
making assessment meaningful for secondary school students. Physical & Health
Education Journal. Winter.
Hattie, J. dan Jaeger, R.1998. “Assessment and Classroom Learning: a Deductive
Approach”. Assessment in Education Volume 5 Number 1, halaman 111—122.
Hay, P., Tinning, R., dan Engstrom, C. 2015. “Assessment as Pedagogy: a Consideration
of Pedagogical Work and the Preparation of Kinesiology Professionals”. Physical
Education and Sport Pedagogy Volume 20 Issue 1, halaman 31—44.
Hickey, D. T., Taasoobshirazi, G., dan Cross, D. 2012. “Assessment as Learning:
Enhancing Discourse, Understanding, and Achievement in Innovative Science
Curricula”. Journal of Research in Science Teaching Volume 49 Number 10,
halaman 1240–1270.
Hume, A. dan Coll, R. K. 2009. “Assessment of Learning, for Learning, and as Learning:
New Zealand Case Studies”. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy &
Practice Volume 16 Number 3, halaman 269—290.
Lam, R. 2015. “Assessment as Learning: Examining a Cycle of Teaching, Learning, and
Assessment of Writing in the Portfolio-Based Classroom”. Studies in Higher
Education Volume 41 Issue 11, halaman 1—18.
Laveault, D. dan Allal, L. (Eds.). 2016. Assessment for Learning: Meeting the Challenge of
Implementation. Cham: Springer.
Lee, I. dan Mak, P. 2014. “Assessment as Learning in the Language Classroom”.
Assessment & Learning Issue 3, halaman 66—78.
Li, X. 2018. “Self-Assessment as ‘Assessment as Learning’ in Translator and Interpreter
Education: Validity and Washback”. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer
Volume 12 Issue 1, halaman 1—20.
MacMath, S., Wallace, J. dan Chi, X. 2009. “CurriculumIntegration: Opportunities to
Maximize Assessment as, of, and for Learning”. McGill Journal of Education
Volume 44 Number 3, halaman 451—465.
Mutch, C. 2012. “Assessment for, of and as Learning: Developing a Sustainable
Assessment Culture in New Zealand Schools”. Policy Futures in Education
Volume 10 Number 4, halaman 374—385.