Mubarak, were among the interpreters of the tabiin and tabi'ut tabiin periods (181/797) (Ates,
1974). When the ascetic movement developed after the period of tabi'in and tabi'ut tabi'in and
love of Allah became the main theme, the ishari tafsir developed in parallel with this, taking up
concepts such as zuhud and taqwa as well as the concepts of fana fillah. In this period, there were
three great Sufis who played the greatest role in the development and systematization of Sufi
tafsir. They were: Sahl ibn Abdullah al-Tustari (283/896), Junayd al-Baghdadi (298/910), and
Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Musa al-Washiti (331/942) (Al-Sulami, n.d.). Towards the end of the
fourth century AH, there was a major development in the ishari tafsir. Orally transmitted tafsirs
were replaced by stand-alone tafsir books. Some of the scholars who paved the way for this are
as follows. Abu Abdurrahman al-Sulami (412/1021), Abu Ishaq al-Sa'lebi (427/1035),
Abdulkarim al-Qusyairi (465/1072), Abdullah al-Anshari (481/1089), Imam al-Ghazali
(505/111), Abdul Kadir al-Jaylani (561/1165), and Ruzbihan Bakli (606/1209).
Among the many works of interpretation written by the mufassirs, the author would like
to focus on the interpretation of Mektubat Rabbani by Ahmad Sirhindi. He, who is often called
Imam Rabbani, was a Sufi and multidisciplinary scholar who lived in the late 16th and early 17th
centuries. His understanding of jihad was shaped by the driving forces of the historical
background of his time. Many deviant groups emerged at that time. The basic understanding of
these deviant groups was to discredit the revelation and consider it no longer valid because a
thousand years had passed since the arrival of the Prophet. They tried to build an eclectic
understanding of religion by taking part in all religions. In conditions like this, Ahmad Sirhindi
tried hard to purify religion from superstition and obey the Prophet. He carried out his guidance
activities by sending letters to people who were politically, scientifically, and spiritually
influential in the area where he was. For his efforts, he was given the title Mujaddid Alf Sani
(Reformer of the Second Millennium Hijri).
Ahmad Sirhindi, who completed his memorization at a young age, included many verses
of the Qur'an in his letters and other works. When interpreting these verses, he sometimes
mentioned them figuratively and sometimes in a straightforward manner. When he felt joy and
success in what he interpreted, he quoted verses that indicated God's favor, and when he felt tired
and obstructed, he sought a way out with the verses he quoted in the form of prayers. This
research consists of a study of Imam Rabbani's understanding of the Qur'an and the theological,
legal, political, and theological interpretations of the verses he discussed in the letters. These
letters will later be collected into the book Mektubat Rabbani (Nesriyat, 2017). This book is very
interesting to study because it was written in Persian, translated into Arabic more than a century
ago, and widely accepted, especially in Muslim countries that use Turkish (Atalay, 2020). The
ishari interpretation method used by Ahmad Sirhindi in interpreting texts may be a fairly foreign
method used by Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia.
The author will investigate this book in more detail by using epistemology as an object or
formal method. By using epistemology, this book of interpretation can be studied
comprehensively and conceptually, starting from the source of the interpretation and continuing
to the style, writing process, and validity of the interpretation. In short, the research of the
epistemology of interpretation using Ahmad Sirhindi's work, Mektubat Rabbani, as a material
object is something new and has never been done before. Points regarding the epistemology of
interpretation, namely the sources used by the interpreter in interpreting the verses of the Qur'an,
the approach used in explaining the interpretation of the verses, the characteristics that emerge
from the results of the interpretation, and the validity value of the work of interpretation-will be
highlighted in this article.