Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2025, Page: 52-61
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Nurdiyana (Integration of Civic Education in.)
Integration of Civic Education in Climate Crisis and
Natural Disaster Management in South Tangerang
, Sulastri
, Suwandi
, Riska Putri
Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pamulang
Sejarah Artikel:
Diterima: 29 September 2024
Direvisi: 27 November 2024
Disetujui: 15 Desember 2024
Tersedia Daring: 1 Januari 2025
Meningkatnya urbanisasi dan perubahan iklim di Kota Tangerang Selatan telah
meningkatkan frekuensi dan dampak bencana alam. Oleh karena itu, strategi
mitigasi bencana yang efektif diperlukan untuk melindungi masyarakat dan
mengurangi potensi kerugian. Penelitian ini mengkaji peran pendidikan
kewarganegaraan (Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan - PPKn) dalam
menghadapi tantangan krisis iklim dan kesiapsiagaan bencana. Dengan
mengintegrasikan pengurangan risiko bencana (PRB) dalam kurikulum PPKn,
penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya membekali siswa dengan pengetahuan dan
keterampilan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan
bencana. Metode yang digunakan adalah tinjauan literatur yang menganalisis
laporan pemerintah, data bencana dari BPBD Tangerang Selatan, serta literatur
akademis terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun pemerintah
daerah telah menerapkan berbagai upaya mitigasi, masih terdapat kesenjangan
dalam kesadaran dan partisipasi aktif masyarakat. Kurikulum PKn dengan
materi PRB dapat berperan penting dalam mengisi kesenjangan ini dengan
mendidik generasi muda tentang ketahanan bencana. Penelitian ini menekankan
perlunya kolaborasi antara pemerintah, lembaga pendidikan, dan masyarakat
untuk menciptakan budaya kesiapsiagaan yang kuat. Integrasi strategi mitigasi
bencana dalam pendidikan tidak hanya memperkuat ketahanan masyarakat,
tetapi juga selaras dengan tujuan nasional untuk pengurangan risiko bencana.
Reformasi kurikulum PPKn dapat berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap
ketangguhan masyarakat Kota Tangerang Selatan dalam menghadapi perubahan
Kata Kunci:
Mitigasi Bencana
Krisis Iklim
Civic Education
Disaster Mitigation
Climate Crisis
The increasing urbanization and climate change in South Tangerang City have
intensified the frequency and impact of natural disasters. Therefore, effective
disaster mitigation strategies are essential to protect communities and reduce
potential losses. This study examines the role of citizenship education (Pancasila
and Civic Education - PPKn) in addressing climate crisis challenges and disaster
preparedness. By integrating disaster risk reduction (DRR) into the PPKn
curriculum, this research highlights the importance of equipping students with
knowledge and skills to actively participate in disaster prevention and
management efforts. The methodology employed is a literature review analyzing
government reports, disaster data from the South Tangerang Regional Disaster
Management Agency (BPBD), and related academic literature. The findings
reveal that, despite various mitigation efforts by the local government, gaps
remain in public awareness and active community participation in disaster
preparedness. The PPKn curriculum, enriched with DRR materials, can play a
crucial role in bridging these gaps by educating the younger generation about
disaster resilience. This study emphasizes the need for collaboration among the
government, educational institutions, and society to foster a strong culture of
preparedness. Integrating disaster mitigation strategies into education not only
strengthens community resilience but also aligns with national goals for disaster
risk reduction. Reforming the PPKn curriculum can significantly contribute to
enhancing the resilience of South Tangerang City residents in facing climate
change challenges.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2025, Page: 52-61
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Nurdiyana (Integration of Civic Education in.)
©2024, Nurdiyana, Sulastri, Suwandi, Riska Putri
This is an open access article under CC BY-SA license
1. Introduction
Natural disasters are an increasing global challenge due to a combination of climate
change and unsustainable human activities. South Tangerang City, as an urban area with rapid
population growth, faces various disaster risks, such as floods, landslides, fires, and strong
winds. Data from the BPBD of South Tangerang City shows that during the period 2020-2023,
the number of disaster events continued to increase, especially in sub districts such as Pondok
Aren and Serpong, which have high levels of urbanization (Tangerang Selatan, 2023).
Flooding, as one of the most dominant types of disasters, is caused by a decrease in
environmental carrying capacity due to uncontrolled urbanization. Based on the Urban
Disaster Risk theory of Nguyen et al. (2024), urban areas that experience increased
development without proper mitigation tend to be more vulnerable to disaster risk (Nguyen et
al., 2024). In Pondok Aren sub district, for example, flooding in 2022 reached 76 events, an
indicator that drainage infrastructure is unable to keep up with the flow of water due to
extreme rainfall.
Civic education (Civics) has an important role in shaping public awareness of disaster
mitigation. According to Banks (2020), civic education not only aims to build democratic
insight, but also instill social responsibility in managing environmental risks (Banks, 2020).
Civics can be an effective tool to increase citizen participation in preventive measures, such as
keeping the environment clean and contributing to better urban planning.
For example, the landslide disaster in Setu sub district in 2023 shows the importance of
land rehabilitation as a mitigation measure. However, this step is not sufficient without
educating the community on the importance of afforestation and soil conservation. In this
context, the Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) theory of Shaw (2016)
emphasizes that community based approaches are highly effective in reducing disaster
impacts, especially if supported by formal education programs (Shaw, 2016).
Civic education also serves as a medium to integrate Pancasila values in disaster
management. The value of gotong royong, for example, can be maximized through project
based learning in schools, where students are taught to develop local disaster mitigation plans
(Hikmatyar, 2024). According to Londa and Kamarudin (2023), this learning model allows
students to not only understand the theory, but also apply it directly in a real context (Londa &
Kamaruddin, 2023).
Another challenge faced is the low level of public awareness of the importance of disaster
mitigation. A study by Hoskins and Crick (2010) shows that civic competence, which is the
ability of individuals to actively participate in public issues, including environmental
management, needs to be instilled from school age (Hoskins & Crick, 2010). Civics can be a
platform to build this competence through contextualized and local issue based teaching.
In the case of fallen trees in Serpong sub district, for example, BPBD data recorded 12
incidents in 2022, most of which were caused by large trees that were not properly maintained.
Civics can teach students to take an active role in tree inspections in their neighborhood as part
of an environment based school program.
In addition, the local wisdom based education approach is also relevant in the context of
disaster mitigation. A study by Musthofa and Indartono (2020) confirms that the integration of
local wisdom in the curriculum can increase the effectiveness of disaster mitigation education
(Musthofa & Indartono, 2020). For example, communities in the North Serpong area use the
tradition of gotong royong in cleaning drainage to prevent flooding. This practice can be used
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2025, Page: 52-61
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Nurdiyana (Integration of Civic Education in.)
as learning material in Civics class to instill collective values.
In the policy context, civic education can encourage students to understand the role of
regulation and governance in disaster mitigation. Law No. 24/2007 on Disaster Management
states that mitigation is a shared responsibility between the government and the community
(Aisyah et al., 2023). Students are taught to analyze local policies and provide input as part of
civic engagement (Fu & Zhang, 2024).
Furthermore, Civics can also facilitate intergenerational dialogue on disaster risk
management. According to Galletta and Torre (2019), participatory education can be a means
to create collective awareness in facing common challenges (Galletta & Torre, 2019). This
dialog is important to ensure that mitigation measures are inclusive and sustainable.
Based on empirical data and relevant theories, this study aims to explore the role of civic
education in addressing disaster challenges in South Tangerang City. Using an
interdisciplinary approach, this research is expected to contribute to the development of a
civics curriculum that is more contextual and relevant to local issues.
2. Method
This research used a qualitative method based on literature review. This approach is in
accordance with Creswell (2014), who emphasize that qualitative research allows in-depth
exploration of social phenomena through data collection from various sources (Creswell,
2014). The literature review provides a solid foundation to analyze the relationship between
civic education theory and disaster mitigation, especially in the context of South Tangerang
Data sources came from Scopus indexed scientific journals published in the last five
years, official reports of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of South
Tangerang City, and national policy documents. Literature selection was conducted using the
systematic review method as described by Kitchenham and Brereton (2013), which
emphasizes the importance of literature selection based on inclusion criteria, such as topic
relevance, novelty, and source credibility (Kitchenham & Brereton, 2013).
Data analysis was conducted using content analysis techniques, as recommended by
Vaismoradi et al. (2016), to identify key themes relevant to civic education and disaster
mitigation (Vaismoradi et al., 2016). This technique enabled the identification of patterns in
documents related to the implementation of civic education to increase disaster mitigation
awareness. In addition, data triangulation was applied to ensure the validity and reliability of
the research results (Qassimi, 2023).
In the context of theory, this research refers to the citizenship education framework
developed by Banks (2020), which highlights that citizenship education should include
dimensions of social participation and environmental awareness. This theory is relevant to the
finding that communities with civic awareness tend to be more responsive to disaster
mitigation efforts. Other research, such as that conducted by Ardoin et al., (2023), confirmed
that the integration of environmental issues in formal education can increase community
involvement in disaster mitigation (Ardoin et al., 2023).
The data table on disasters in South Tangerang City presented in this study provides an
empirical picture of the types of disasters that have occurred and the mitigation measures that
have been taken. This data is not only practically relevant but also serves as a basis for
analysis to understand the role of civic education in building disaster resilient communities.
Through this approach, the research is expected to make theoretical and practical
contributions in strengthening the relationship between civic education and disaster mitigation,
particularly in specific local contexts. This is in line with recent findings in the environmental
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2025, Page: 52-61
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Nurdiyana (Integration of Civic Education in.)
education and disaster mitigation literature, which suggest the need for integration of
interdisciplinary approaches to deal with complex global challenges.
3. Result and Discussion
Civic education in Indonesia has a very important role in shaping the character and social
awareness of its citizens, especially in terms of disaster preparedness (Amri et al., 2017). In
this context, Pancasila and Civic Education (PPKn) subjects not only function as a means to
teach basic values such as rights and obligations as citizens, but also as a vehicle to instill
awareness and understanding of social responsibility towards the environment and others
(Usmi & Murdiono, 2021). Natural disasters, which often occur in Indonesia, such as floods,
earthquakes and landslides, require effective and responsive handling from all elements of
society (Berliani & Widowati, 2023). Therefore, civic education needs to include material
related to disaster mitigation, so that each individual not only knows what to do, but also has
the readiness to deal with emergency situations.
Through civic education, students are expected to understand the importance of mitigation
measures, such as planning and structuring disaster prone areas, building disaster resistant
infrastructure, and awareness to evacuate in an organized and safe manner (Aprilyanto et al.,
2021). It is also important to teach them how to participate in disaster prevention efforts from
an early age, such as first aid training, knowledge of evacuation routes and the use of
emergency aid kits. By integrating this knowledge into the curriculum, schools can shape a
younger generation that not only cares for their own safety, but also for the sustainability and
safety of the community at large.
Civic education that includes aspects of disaster mitigation also promotes a culture of
preparedness (Sayuti et al., 2021). Communities that are well educated about disaster
mitigation will be better prepared to deal with the impacts of disasters effectively and more
able to act quickly and appropriately when disasters occur (Rusmana et al., 2024). The
integration of disaster mitigation education into civic education will equip students with
practical skills that can be applied in daily life, as well as increase solidarity and a sense of
responsibility for community safety (A Gani et al., 2023). Therefore, it is important for the
government and educational institutions to be more serious in developing a curriculum that
can accommodate this need, so that civic education does not only stop at understanding theory,
but also makes a real contribution to better disaster preparedness (Rachman et al., 2024). This
is in line with the theory of civic education which states that the purpose of education is not
only to produce intelligent citizens, but also those who are able to play an active role in
society, including in dealing with disasters (Susanto & Saylendra, 2018).
Based on data collected from the South Tangerang Regional Disaster Management
Agency (BPBD), it appears that various types of natural disasters often occur in this area,
ranging from floods, fires, landslides, to falling trees. Data on disaster events recorded from
2020 to 2023 shows that flooding is one of the most frequent disasters in Pondok Aren Sub
district, with 14 events in 2020 and 76 events in 2022. The following table illustrates more
clearly the types of disasters and mitigation measures implemented in each sub district:
Table 1. Data on Disaster Events and Mitigation Measures in South Tangerang City (2020-2023)
Type of Disaster/Event
Number of Occurrences
Mitigation Measures
Additional capacity of
Simple fire-fighting
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2025, Page: 52-61
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Nurdiyana (Integration of Civic Education in.)
Drainage channel
Wall erection and cliff
Strong Winds
Educate the public on home
Fallen Tree
Pruning of trees prone to
Drainage optimization
Installation of sheet piling
Fallen Tree
Regular pruning
Structuring flood-prone areas
Improvement of water
disposal system
Evacuation socialization
Fallen Tree
Regular inspection of large
Slope land rehabilitation
The chart above illustrates the distribution of disaster incidents in South Tangerang City
from 2020 to 2023 by type of disaster. The data highlights that flooding is the most frequently
occurring disaster, particularly in 2022, with a total of 76 incidents. Other disasters, such as
fires, landslides, and fallen trees, were recorded less frequently. In 2023, there was a general
decrease in the number of incidents compared to the previous year, with landslides and fallen
trees being the primary recorded disasters. This chart provides valuable insights for local
governments and communities to understand disaster patterns, enabling more effective
mitigation efforts, especially for the most prevalent issue, flooding.
Figure 1. Disaster Incidents in South Tangerang City (2020-2023)
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2025, Page: 52-61
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Nurdiyana (Integration of Civic Education in.)
The data shows that Pondok Aren and Serpong sub districts have a high propensity for
natural disasters, especially floods. This requires the community to be more vigilant and
prepare themselves in the face of possible natural disasters. Therefore, it is important to
include disaster mitigation education in civic education in schools, so that students not only
understand civic theory, but also have practical skills to deal with disasters that may occur in
their environment (Rahma et al., 2024).
In the context of disaster mitigation, the measures implemented by BPBD South
Tangerang include various actions such as increasing the capacity of waterways, maintaining
drainage channels, and pruning trees prone to falling. This shows that the local government
has implemented proactive measures to reduce the impact of disasters. However, although
these mitigation measures are good enough, there are still some challenges in their
implementation, especially in terms of coordination between various agencies and the level of
community awareness about the importance of disaster mitigation (Prihantoro et al., 2024).
For example, although the structuring of flood prone areas has been carried out in Pondok
Aren, the high number of flood events shows that more comprehensive handling is still
Civic education that integrates disaster mitigation topics can play a very important role in
creating a more disaster-prepared society. According to research from Blitstein-Mishor et al.,
(2023), educational programs involving disaster simulations such as evacuation and
introduction to fire extinguishers have been proven effective in improving community
preparedness (Blitstein-Mishor et al., 2023). Such programs should be part of the civic
education curriculum, which addresses not only the obligations of citizens, but also the social
responsibility to contribute to disaster risk reduction.
In addition, based on findings from Mitsuhara et al., (2023), experiential learning, such as
evacuation drills and disaster simulations, can strengthen students' knowledge and skills in
dealing with disasters (Mitsuhara et al., 2023). Therefore, schools in South Tangerang, as in
other areas, need to increase such drill programs, so that students are better prepared for real
disasters. Education that focuses on disaster preparedness can also accelerate the learning
process for students, as they get hands on experience that makes it easier for them to
remember mitigation measures.
The involvement of technology in disaster mitigation education is also an important factor
that cannot be ignored (Berlian et al., 2024). With the rapid development of information
technology, the use of digital applications and platforms to educate the public on disaster
mitigation measures is increasingly becoming an attractive alternative. Technology enables
rapid and wide distribution of information, especially to younger generations who are more
familiar with digital media. For example, the use of mobile applications that inform potential
disasters and appropriate mitigation measures can improve community response to impending
disasters (Putri & Awalia, 2024).
In addition to technology, it is important to actively involve the community in the disaster
mitigation education process. Through a community based approach, as is done in disaster
mitigation programs in some areas, communities can jointly design mitigation measures that
suit local needs. This approach will be more effective because it involves the active
participation of citizens in planning and implementing appropriate mitigation measures.
According to Pradipta et al., (2024), active participation of communities in disaster mitigation
education can increase their sense of responsibility in facing and reducing the impact of
disasters (Pradipta et al., 2024).
The role of schools as formal educational institutions is also very important in shaping
students' understanding of the importance of disaster mitigation. By integrating knowledge
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2025, Page: 52-61
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Nurdiyana (Integration of Civic Education in.)
about disaster mitigation in Civics subjects, students are expected to understand the
relationship between citizenship and disaster preparedness. Through this understanding,
students are expected to educate their families and surrounding communities about mitigation
measures that can be taken to reduce disaster risk (Yani et al., 2024).
Overall, civic education that integrates aspects of disaster mitigation is needed to form a
society that is more responsive and prepared to face disasters. Although several mitigation
measures have been implemented by BPBD South Tangerang, to achieve maximum
preparedness, collaboration between the government, educational institutions and the
community is needed. Thus, it is hoped that the community can face disasters more prepared
and have adequate skills to reduce the impact of disasters.
A more holistic education on disasters, which includes technical knowledge, practical
skills, as well as good citizenship attitudes, will result in a more disaster resilient society.
This, of course, must be matched by more intensive efforts in disseminating information and
raising public awareness about the importance of disaster mitigation at every level of their
4. Conclusion
Climate change is a global challenge that not only affects environmental aspects but also
the social and economic lives of communities. In South Tangerang, the impacts of climate
change, such as increased flooding frequency and heatwaves, are becoming more pronounced.
In addressing this crisis, citizenship education plays a vital role in shaping public attitudes and
behaviors toward environmental issues. Through education grounded in Pancasila values,
citizens can be equipped with an understanding of their rights and responsibilities toward the
environment, as well as the importance of social solidarity in overcoming environmental
Based on the literature review, numerous studies emphasize the importance of active
public involvement in climate change policies. Citizenship education that promotes
community participation, using project based approaches and direct engagement, can enhance
awareness and social responsibility toward environmental sustainability. Therefore, it is
crucial for local policies in South Tangerang to integrate citizenship education into climate
change mitigation efforts.
As a next step, collaboration between the government, private sectors, and communities
is necessary to create sustainable, community based solutions. Programs involving direct
community participation, such as waste management and tree planting, can accelerate climate
change mitigation goals. Additionally, education based on direct experience and collaboration
involving various sectors will strengthen public commitment to environmental preservation.
Overall, effective citizenship education will be a driving force in developing a society
that is not only concerned about environmental issues but also actively engaged in mitigation
efforts. South Tangerang can serve as a model for other regions by integrating citizenship
education focused on environmental issues to achieve sustainable and eco friendly
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