people be able to communicate with others in the world, because it is as an international
language. Then Indonesian government makes English as one of subjects in the school.
There are four language skills in English learning, those are speaking, writing, reading and
listening. According to Hengwichitcul et al in Pochacorn et all (2017: 101) it has been
considered that the most difficult skill among the four skill in the learning of English is
writing. Based on Javed, Muhamad et all (2013: 132) “the ultimate meaning of writing skill is
to construct grammatically correct sentences and to comunicate a meaning to the reader.” Then
about writing Prasetyaningrum & Asrobi (2017: 199) explain that spelling correctly, forming
letters correctly, writing legibly, punctuating correctly, using correct layouts, choosing the
right vocabulary, using grammar correctly, joining sentences correctly and using paragraph
correctly are related to writing appropriately.
From the definition above absolutely there are processes in the learning of writing. There
are processes that have to be mastered by students to have good skill in writing. Silva et all in
Pochacorn et all (2017: 108) say that very limited knowledge of English grammar and
vocabulary leads the writer to commit errors. According to Ur (1991: 75) “ grammar is
sometimes defined as ‘the way words are put together to make correct sentences’.” This
research focuses on the grammar in writing. Chowdhury (2014: 1) say that many factors make
low motivation and concentration of students in getting the grammar based on input of English
in the classroom in nonnative countries which make teaching English grammar becomes a
difficult duty. Then in grammar, there are parts of speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adverb,
adjective, preposition, conjunction), tenses, modal auxiliaries, comparison degree. What is
discussed here is about verb which are consists of regular verbs and Irregular verbs.
Based on the interview with the English teacher of the eight grade at MTs NU Salatiga,
the students still have difficulties in writing mastery which they feel difficult to create
sentences to be good paragraph because they are less in the mastery of grammar. They got
errors when using verbs. The Students have difficulties in understanding irregular verbs. It is
possible to happen because as many people know that irregular verbs are not really easy to
Based on the case the writer makes research to help the students’ problem in writing
especially on grammar, because the teacher needs solutions to teach English using interesting
method in order to make the students feel really interested, fun and easy in the learning
process. Game is something that usually helps many people in learning. According to
Haldfield in Doan & Tuan (2010:67) game means an object and an substace of contentment
and it is in an activity which have rules. Based on the explanation above, the dice and grid
game is choosen by the writer in order to improve students writing mastery on irregular verbs.
Based on the explanation of background of the study the writer would like to make a
research entitled improving student’s writing mastery on irregular verb through the dice and
grid game.
2. Method
In this research, the writer applied classroom action research. According to Carr and
Kemmis in Burns (1999: 30) “Action research is simply a form of self-reflective enquiry
undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of
their own practices, their understanding of these practices and the situations in which the
practices are carried out.” Addapted from Kemmis & Mc Taggar in Burns (2010: 8), action
research has cycles and there are four steps in it. The following are the steps of classroom
action research: planning, action, observation, and reflection.
In this research, the author also employs both quantitative and qualitative data. Creswell
(2012: 22) says “action research designs are systematic procedures used by teachers (or other