Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
The Impact of Teacher Professional Development
Programs Incorporating Educational Technology on
Student Achievement: A Meta-Analysis
S2 Teknologi Pendidikan, Universitas Islam As Syafiiyah
Historical Articles:
Accepted: 05 June 2024
Revised: 27 July 2024
Approved: 28 August 2024
Available Online: 18 September 2024
The objective of this study is to ascertain the role and influence of
technology in the field of education. This research employs a
qualitative research method utilizing library research
methodologies. Technology in education is an integrated system
that facilitates instructional processes to achieve optimal results.
There is a persistent discrepancy between the advancements in
both education and technology and the broader progression of
humanity. In this endeavor, educational technology necessitates
the integration of diverse components, including tools and
mechanisms for information collection, analysis, and problem
resolution. The advantages encompass the addition of knowledge,
augmented learning capacity, and the simplification of this
technology's learning processes.
©2024, Samsudin
This is an open access article under CC BY-SA license
1. Introduction
In the contemporary era, humanity is becoming increasingly reliant on technology, to the
extent that it can be considered a necessity for all members of the human race. From infancy
to old age, technology is integrated into numerous facets of daily life. Technological
advancement has reached a significant level of advancement in the present era. As technology
becomes increasingly sophisticated, it is imperative to consider its impact on education. In the
field of technology education, technology plays an instrumental role in enhancing students'
comprehension of fundamental concepts such as laws and natural phenomena. In consequence
of the advent of modern technology, people are able to apply these concepts through the use
of technology. Technological advancement has the potential to enhance human well-being on
a daily basis and facilitate the completion of challenging tasks (Bradford & Adewale, 2024).
In the field of educational technology, the creation of a system is necessary in order to fulfill
human needs or to facilitate working from home on a daily basis. In the process of developing
educational technology, it is necessary to consider a number of components, including tools
and components used to collect information, analyze it, and solve any problems that may arise.
Additionally, technology may be defined as a branch of science that involves the study of a
system on a computer or laptop and the creation of a device or application embedded in a
network to assist or facilitate daily human activities. In the contemporary era, technology has
become increasingly sophisticated and varied, accompanied by a proliferation of media used
by employees and students to complete tasks. This includes educators who are able to employ
technology as a medium (Kutuzov, 2024).
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
Education is a type of learning referred to as experiential learning, which is undertaken
by humans to gain an understanding of the tasks that will be carried out in the workplace. In
its earliest form, education was provided from TPA (daycare centers) to the university level,
representing the highest degree of academic instruction. Over time, the internet has emerged
as a prominent medium for educational purposes, serving as an invaluable teaching tool. To
remain competitive in the modern age, educational institutions must demonstrate an ability to
adapt and harness the potential of technological advancements. This necessitates the pursuit of
enhanced productivity and innovation within the realm of academia. It is crucial to ensure that
educational technology information is disseminated with clarity, avoiding potential
misunderstandings and ensuring optimal utilization of these resources (Kovaric & Gingell,
2. Method
This research employs a qualitative methodology based on the analysis of existing
literature. (Heilig & Sandell Hardesty, 2024) posits that qualitative research methods permit
investigators to delineate the impact of educational policies and practices at both the personal
and interpersonal levels. This process is related to the literature review, whereby investigators
collect data in the form of books, journals, and prior research findings relevant to the current
research subject (Heilig & Sandell Hardesty, 2024). The term "literature"or, as it is
sometimes called, "literature review"refers, according to (Mey, 2022), to the application of
relevant theoretical frameworks and academic literature concerning religion, morality, and
norms to the social situation under investigation. In this case, data were gathered via internet
searches of a variety of sources, including books and research journals that are current and
aligned with the research topic.
3. Result and Discussion
Educational technology is defined as a systematic approach to the coordination,
utilisation, and evaluation of all teaching and learning activities, with a view to optimising the
potential of both human and technological resources. The result is an enhanced efficacy in
teaching methods, in accordance with the definition provided by Kamus Besar Bahasa
Indonesia (2016). Conversely, (Högström et al., 2024) posits that educational technology is a
systematic process that assists in the resolution of myriad teaching-related issues. The
educational technology is not solely about computers, robots, or other devices. Rather, it
encompasses systems and procedures that are designed to contribute to desired outcomes.
The term "technology for education" can be defined as a methodology or instrument that
facilitates student learning. In an educational setting, the process of developing lesson plans
may necessitate the utilisation of reliable technology to facilitate the creation of effective
learning concepts. In accordance with the definition set forth by the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) in 2004, educational technology can
be defined as "the study and ethical practice of creating, using, and managing appropriate
technological processes and resources to facilitate learning and improve performance." The
field of technology education encompasses the examination of methodologies and ethical
principles that facilitate learning and improve performance through the creation, use,
utilization, and management of existing technological resources (Chen & Qi, 2024).
In the context of Webster's Dictionary, the term "technologia" in Greek is defined as "a
systematic treatment or application of anything." In contrast, technology is the foundation of
technology and refers to intelligence, ability, knowledge, or the acquisition of knowledge.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
Accordingly, educational technology can be defined as the tools or methods of implementing
teaching in a systematic manner. In anticipation of acquiring knowledge, the tools utilized in
educational methodology may alter the role of the instructor. This is because the instructor
applies these tools in the classroom, allowing students to utilize both sophisticated and existing
technologies to demonstrate their knowledge through these same tools, which may take the
form of media or other means. Moreover, teacher guidance remains essential in the classroom,
as the objective of technology is to facilitate learning, not to replace teacher guidance
altogether (Dong & Hu, 2024).
The deployment of educational technology represents a viable strategy for cultivating
employee loyalty in the workplace. This approach is perceived as a valuable instrument for
facilitating student growth. It is, therefore, incumbent upon school administrators and teachers
alike to give close consideration to the relationship between educational technology and the
formal, as well as the filtered, learning environment. As a consequence, educational technology
is evolving as a tool for both theoretical and practical instruction. It offers a means of analysing
human processes, systems and summaries, facilitating their development, implementation,
assessment and evaluation.
To illustrate, the quantity of data that must be gathered is not excessive, yet still
significant. The advancement of educational technology is significantly shaped by the
mounting demands of an evolving landscape, which in turn informs the advancement of
technological science as a vital component of human-made creations. Information and
communication are regarded as constraints on technological advancement. Consequently, it
can be posited that educational technology is a system employed to direct pedagogical
processes in order to attain the desired outcomes. There is an ever-increasing disparity between
the advancement of education and technology and that of humanity. Education is a highly
expeditious method of moulding personality. It must continually undergo modifications that
are more efficacious and robust than those of the preceding era, given the evolving landscape
of education (Saepurrohman & Erihadiana, 2024).
Technological advancement has become an integral aspect of human existence,
particularly within the realm of academia. The advent of technology has made information
more readily available to students and teachers than it was previously, superseding the use of
books and print media. Students have the ability to access the most recent information from a
multitude of online sources, including databases, electronic journals, and websites. This
enables them to gain a more profound and comprehensive understanding of a multitude of
The use of technology in the learning process has been shown to facilitate the acquisition
of knowledge and skills. Educators can furnish students with learning materials or assignments
via email or other online platforms, thus facilitating their access to and completion of the
assigned work. This allows for a more flexible approach to learning that can be adapted to meet
the specific needs of each student. The integration of technology in education can enhance the
learning experience, reducing stress and increasing engagement. The dissemination of
information through advanced technology, such as animated videos, simulations, and
interactive presentations, can foster greater attention and engagement in the learning process.
The use of technology in education can benefit students and teachers in numerous ways. When
used appropriately and responsibly, technology can contribute to the improvement of education
standards and foster the development of a more intelligent and compassionate younger
generation (Aina & Abdulwasiu, 2023).
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
In the field of education, technology is regarded as a valuable instrument that can be
employed to facilitate the accomplishment of learning objectives. Those who are adept at
leveraging technology in an educational setting are better positioned to enhance their
knowledge base. In the context of education, technology is expected to provide support to both
students and teachers in the execution of their classroom activities. To illustrate, educators can
facilitate students' presentations of their work to parents without having to await the conclusion
of the students' learning activities for the purpose of evaluating their outcomes (Wei et al.,
The contemporary era of technological advancement, frequently designated the
"millennium era" or the "modern era of globalization," relies significantly upon information
technology to address a multitude of issues that impact both secondary and post-secondary
education. The advent of globalization has prompted the educational sector to continually
evolve in order to align itself with the latest technological advancements. This necessitates a
transformation in the way classroom teaching is approached to accommodate these
developments. The application of technology in the field of education offers a number of
significant advantages, including the following.
With the advent of mass media, particularly electronic media, as a source of knowledge
and educational materials, such as the Internet, computer labs, and other digital platforms, the
landscape of education has undergone a significant transformation. New pedagogical methods
have emerged that facilitate a more efficient and effective teaching process. The education
system has become increasingly reliant on digital technologies, allowing for a shift away from
solely face-to-face interactions. Technological advancements have enabled the integration of
various multimedia applications, including platforms like Google Classroom and Zoom, which
enhance the delivery of instruction and promote more dynamic and engaging learning
environments (Dr Shaheen Parveen & Shaikh Imran Ramzan, 2024).
The concept of true education is one that has the potential to be perceived as a continuous
and enjoyable social process, one that contributes to the advancement of humanity. It is not
necessary for the learning process to occur within the confines of a traditional classroom
setting. Educators can leverage the capabilities of internet technology and a multitude of
technological applications to enhance the teaching and learning process. In the meantime, as
(Нerasymenko, 2023) posits, technology can be defined as the advancement of a medium or
equipment that can be utilized in a more efficacious manner to process and organize a given
problem. It can be posited that technology can facilitate an enhancement in the capacity for
individuals to adapt to and navigate change.
One of the advantages of technology is that it can be used to overcome existing problems.
It is regrettable when an individual exhibits a lack of interest or engagement with the presence
of technology. Consequently, the individual is left behind and unable to adapt to the changing
environment. The role of technology in the field of education is a significant one. As defined
by the KBBI, educational technology is a systematic approach to the planning, implementation,
and assessment of all educational and learning activities, with a focus on the observation of
technical and interactive processes to ensure the optimal delivery of knowledge. The
application of educational technology serves to enhance the learning process and foster
performance improvement by leveraging appropriate processes and technologies (Satari et al.,
In the context of a this era, technology assumes a pivotal role. As a result, all activities
that were originally conducted in person are now being conducted via technology. In light of
these circumstances, the government has enacted stringent policy measures aimed at halting
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
the spread of the virus. These include recommendations for physical distancing, frequent
handwashing, and the closure of non-essential businesses, including schools. In light of these
regulations, it is evident that technology is the sole viable avenue for compliance. The advent
of this technology has rendered it relatively simple for students to continue pursuing their
studies, even if only through virtual means.
Information and communication technology plays a pivotal role in the contemporary
educational landscape. In this context, technology serves as a conduit through which educators
can disseminate instructional materials to their students. The aforementioned technology
facilitates the acquisition of information and other benefits, including the use of online-based
learning media, for all members of society. The advent of technology has rendered the online
learning process considerably more accessible. A plethora of technological media applications,
including Google, Zoom, Google Meet, Google Classroom, and numerous others, can be
leveraged to facilitate the learning process. These applications facilitate the learning process.
This can be considered an optimal solution with regard to the policy that requires educators
and students to organize online learning (e-learning). E-learning represents a significant
departure from conventional educational practices, which typically require educators and
students to interact in person within a traditional classroom setting. In contrast, e-learning
allows students to engage in learning activities at their own pace and in a variety of locations,
effectively training them to become independent learners. Consequently, educators must
possess a comprehensive understanding of the essential elements required for effective e-
learning implementation (Omotosho, 2015).
The application of technology in education has a demonstrably advantageous impact on
the advancement of learning. It is imperative that teachers, as the primary agents of education,
possess the capacity to innovate and adopt technological advancements. This is essential to
ensure that the teaching and learning process is not only effective but also engaging and
inspiring. It is incumbent upon teachers to remain abreast of the latest developments in their
field and to utilize technology in a manner that enhances the competencies required by law.
The primary regulatory framework for enhancing an educator's efficacy in facilitating learning
is the ability to comprehend pedagogical competence, personality competence, professional
competence, and social competence.
The advent of educational technology has afforded educators a plethora of tools to
enhance their professional competence, thereby facilitating more effective and efficient
pedagogical practices(Tissa Maharani, 2023). Professional competence can be defined as the
teacher's proficiency in understanding and utilizing a range of resources to facilitate education,
including the capacity to comprehend scientific concepts and information and communication
technology in alignment with contemporary standards. Teachers occupy a pivotal position in
the educational process. Consequently, it is beneficial for them to possess the requisite
knowledge, expertise, and technological capabilities to support the educational process.
In the future, teachers will be required to address four significant issues: In order to
remain competitive on a global scale, educators must be prepared to enhance the quality of
their work, embrace innovation, and provide exemplary service. Additionally, they must be
equipped to navigate the complexities of knowledge and opportunity mergers and acquisitions.
Finally, educators must demonstrate proficiency in network-based information technology.
Three categories of technology implementation in education are identified. Firstly, teachers
must utilise technology in the design of lessons. Secondly, teachers employ technology in the
delivery of presentations. Thirdly, teachers utilise technology for administrative tasks related
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
to their profession, including evaluation, record keeping, reporting, and management tasks
(Krasa, 2023).
Nevertheless, it is pertinent to inquire as to the potential consequences of a teacher's lack
of proficiency in technology with regard to the learning process. The term "technology
stuttering" is used to describe an individual who is unable to operate technology effectively
due to a lack of knowledge about current technological advances. The results of various
research studies and published works indicate that between 70 and 90 percent of teachers
utilize information and communication technology (ICT) in the educational process (James
Eburikure et al., 2024).
However, a significant proportion of teachers, estimated at between 10 and 30 percent,
are still considered to be experiencing difficulties with technology. Consequently, educators,
as intermediaries in the field of education, are obliged to enhance their professional standards
in conjunction with the rapid advancement of technology across all domains, including that of
education. Teachers are expected to adhere to the standards set forth in the pertinent legislation
and to integrate technology into their pedagogical practices, thereby fostering high levels of
student engagement and significantly influencing both student learning outcomes and overall
academic achievement.
The implementation of educational technology can facilitate the learning process,
thereby eliminating potential obstacles. In the context of teacher-led learning, the process of
delivering instruction is of paramount importance.
Technology represents an optimal solution for all stakeholders, particularly students, due
to its numerous advantages and flexibility. It is well-positioned to support independent learning
in the present circumstances. Given their central role in the educational process, teachers are
obliged to demonstrate proficiency in the use of information technology. As a result of the
teacher's ability to utilize and excel in the field of information technology, the teacher is able
to demonstrate proficiency in the competencies outlined in the legislation that has been
established. Conversely, a teacher's lack of IT proficiency will impede their ability to
implement the requisite competencies, thereby reducing the professionalism of their teaching.
The impact of information technology (IT) on educators is significant in the field of education.
As technology advances, educators must adapt their skills to keep pace with the changing
landscape of education. The ability to recognize and utilize IT is a crucial competency for
educators in today's digital age.
The success of educational activities in a school is influenced by a number of factors,
including the input of teachers, the engagement of students, the curriculum, the social context,
and so forth. Teachers constitute a significant aspect of the educational process, with the
primary objective of assisting students in acquiring knowledge in accordance with their
individual needs and interests. The pursuit of enhanced learning quality is ongoing, with
ongoing research into the potential of various learning components. These include curriculum
revisions and improvements, instructional materials, evaluation systems, instructional
management, learning seminars, teaching and learning processes, and facilities and
infrastructure that support the smooth running of academic activities with the objective of
improving learning quality. One potential avenue for enhancing educational outcomes is the
integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in the learning process. The
utilization of appropriate media, including various forms, has immediate value. It can
overcome limitations of student experience, concretize abstract messages, instill fundamental
concepts, and bring uniformity to enhance the quality of learning. It can also improve the
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
usability and efficiency of educational activities, thus enhancing the quality of education
(Febrina & Setiawan, 2024).
The growth of technology and communication (ICT) has had a significant impact on the
world of learning, particularly in the context of the education process. As Rosenberg (2001)
observed in the journal article cited by Ibnu Rusydi (2017), the increasing use of ICT has
resulted in five notable shifts in the educational process. These include: (1) a transition from
training to performance, (2) a shift from the traditional classroom setting to one that is
accessible from anywhere and at any time, (3) a move from paper-based to digital or online
resources, (4) a change from physical to network-based facilities, and (5) a shift from
scheduled, synchronous learning to real-time, asynchronous learning. The use of
communication media, including telephone, PC, internet, and email, is an attempt to facilitate
learning through communication. The interaction between teachers and students is not limited
to face-to-face communication; it also encompasses the use of various media.
The effective facilitation of educational activities necessitates the utilisation of a medium
that is capable of supporting the comprehensive absorption of data. As the era progresses, data
technology serves as a conduit for accessing a multitude of data sources pertaining to the lesson
modules being taught. In addition to proficiency in information technology, educators must
possess the ability to comprehend the pedagogical concepts underlying their students' learning
processes. This enables them to present lessons in a manner that is more readily
comprehensible to their students. It is of great consequence that educators comprehend the
concept of learning, for if they are proficient in IT but the students are unable to grasp the
fundamental principles of learning, the results will be similarly unsatisfactory. It is therefore
incumbent upon the teacher to be able to design the optimal learning process, as students are
not only presented with video content but also guidance on how to comprehend the learning
concept. (Hamidaturrohmah & Mulyani, 2020).
From the aforementioned sources, it can be concluded that the influence of IT teachers
in the field of education is as follows: Firstly, the continuous advancement of technology has
resulted in alterations to the manner in which educators engage in the learning process, with
the utilisation of projectors and laptops becoming increasingly prevalent. Secondly, the
learning process itself has also undergone a transformation. Traditionally conducted within the
confines of the classroom, it has now been largely supplanted by distance learning and online-
based instruction. By leveraging technology-enabled learning applications that facilitate
synchronous communication between students and educators. Thirdly, the advent of
increasingly sophisticated technology has resulted in the development of novel and innovative
learning models and methodologies that facilitate students' engagement with the learning
process, guided by their educators. Fourth, the advancement of technology has precipitated a
period of rapid transformation in the field of education. In order to align with the evolving
landscape of an increasingly sophisticated era, the education curriculum has also undergone a
significant shift. Consequently, students must demonstrate the capacity to adapt to these
The various influences of IT on learning during this pandemic are evident. It has a
beneficial impact because, in the context of a pandemic, the ability to use technology is crucial,
particularly for individuals who perceive technology as a barrier to continued learning,
development, and adaptation. Not only are students expected to demonstrate technological
proficiency, but educators must also demonstrate the capacity to adapt to the prevailing
circumstances in order to facilitate optimal learning through online media.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
The beneficial impact of technological developments in the domain of education, As
stated by (Nirmala Grace Rani, 2023), information technology facilitates the process of
accessing information related to education. It encompasses systems and methodologies,
including hardware, software, and useware, that manipulate, transfer, secure, enhance, and
produce data in a readable format.
The potential for experiential learning, as exemplified by e-learning, is to facilitate the
learning process. It is imperative to reduce the technological debt of developing countries.
There is the potential for improvement in the standard of living of humanity in terms of
education and technological knowledge. Technology can be conceptualized as a system that
provides support for the educational process. It is possible to access written material without
the need to purchase physical copies, provided that one is able to utilise the internet. It is
possible to communicate with subjects in an online capacity.
The enhancement of educational facilities can facilitate the expeditious fulfillment of
students' requisite needs. Conversely, the adverse consequences of technological innovations
in education include:
Plagiarism can have severe consequences for an educational institution if there is a systemic
failure to address it effectively. The program is, for all intents and purposes, fully functional
and accessible.
The advent of information technology has had a profound impact on the field of education.
The emergence of internet networks and laboratories has been a significant contributing factor.
Computers and other technologies in schools serve as a source of learning and educational
The consequence of this is that, despite students having received material provided by
the instructor, educators are also able to seek out supplementary learning materials and search
for learning resources via the Internet. The advent of technology has enabled educators to
pursue avenues of knowledge expansion, thereby ensuring that learning transcends the
limitations of traditional didactic approaches. The pursuit of diverse learning resources
facilitates a more profound and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The role
of the teacher extends beyond the mere transmission of knowledge and the provision of
learning materials. It also encompasses the guidance of students in the constructive utilisation
of technology and communication media.
Secondly, the advent of IT has given rise to a plethora of sophisticated learning
methodologies that are designed to assist both teachers and students in the learning process.
The advent of IT has given rise to a plethora of innovative learning methods that enhance the
learning process and facilitate comprehension of complex concepts. These methods employ
the use of technology to vary the learning approach, thereby making the learning experience
more engaging and enjoyable. The advent of novel pedagogical approaches can be attributed
to educators who are constantly striving to adapt their methods to align with the evolving
landscape of education.
Thirdly, the advent of IT has enabled the learning process to be conducted remotely,
obviating the necessity for face-to-face interaction. The learning process has hitherto been
conducted in person. However, the advent of the pandemic and the concomitant increase in the
sophistication of technology has precipitated a shift towards the utilisation of technology-based
learning media for the remote or online conduct of the learning process.
A fifth notable aspect is the implementation of a technological system for the input of
assessment results. The advent of technology has had a significant impact on the processing of
assessment data. The time-consuming and laborious task of analyzing assessment data
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
individually has been replaced by a more efficient and expedient process facilitated by
technological media such as laptops and computers. These devices are capable of processing
data according to the specific requirements of the application, extending beyond the mere
processing of assessment data. Furthermore, the results of a study can facilitate the analysis of
results through the use of technological media. Sixth, the fulfillment of facilities and
infrastructure needs can be achieved expeditiously due to the presence of technology. In the
field of education, a number of preparations are required. One such example is the necessity
for the availability of files, including those containing exam questions. The expeditious
processing of this considerable volume of data necessitates the utilisation of a photocopying
machine. One can readily envisage the considerable time investment that would be required if
all processes were to be conducted manually. However, the increasing sophistication of
technology will facilitate the completion of these tasks in a relatively short time. In the context
of learning activities, the advancement of science and technology offers a number of
advantages. These include: 1) Enhancing the effectiveness and appeal of learning; 2) Providing
explanations for complex or challenging concepts; 3) Speeding up the learning process for
lengthy or intricate topics; 4) Presenting events that are uncommon or potentially dangerous
(Pooja Yadav & Prof. Charu Vyas, 2024).
The inappropriate application of technology, for example, the use of technology for
criminal purposes. The objective is to reinforce the utilisation of technology for those residing
in rural areas. The influence of information technology (IT) on education is both beneficial
and detrimental. While its positive impact is well documented, its negative impact may be
overlooked. As IT continues to advance in terms of sophistication and complexity during the
occupation process, it is likely to cause further challenges. These challenges include: Firstly,
the advent of technology and e-learning in education will result in the gradual marginalisation
of the role of the teacher as an educator.
As a result of their growing dependence on the internet, students will increasingly rely
on technology as a source of information and support. Furthermore, distance learning may
result in students developing a more individualistic approach due to the lack of social
interaction. Furthermore, there is a possibility of a lack of ethical conduct and a lack of concern
for others. Secondly, the influence of technology has the potential to both positively and
negatively impact education. One concern is that frequent internet usage may lead students to
access inappropriate content, rather than utilizing technology in a constructive manner.
Furthermore, students may engage in activities such as accessing pornographic videos,
excessive gaming, and other content that is not aligned with educational objectives. It is
therefore essential that parents provide supervision and guidance in the use of technology.
Thirdly, the consequence of excessive technology use, or what might be termed an information
overload, is a relentless pursuit of data, which can ultimately result in dependence and a
willingness to invest time in activities such as playing with mobile phones, driven by the desire
to gather information or engage in gaming. This, in turn, can have adverse effects, particularly
in relation to pornography, and may also lead to the expenditure of funds due to the ease of
access to the internet. This phenomenon can be attributed to the addictive nature of the internet,
which often leads individuals to spend money on subscriptions or quotas in order to access
games and other non-educational content. Fourth, excessive use of the Internet can lead to
addiction among students. This issue may arise when students lack the ability to discern
between reliable and unreliable sources of information. In particular, in the context of
cyberspace (the Internet), individuals have indirectly entered an environment that is, in many
ways, unregulated and unfiltered. It is therefore highly beneficial for individuals to adopt the
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
two aforementioned behaviors as a means of protecting themselves from the vast array of data
sources that are available to them. Furthermore, it is equally important to note that parental
attention and supervision plays a significant role in instilling religious values as a guiding
principle in one's life. A fifth consequence of the internet's presence in education is the
potential for criminal activity, or 'cyber crime'. This can take the form of the theft of important
documents or assets belonging to an educational establishment that are actually confidential
and must be secured (such as documents relating to final or state exams) through internet
media. A sixth consequence is the fostering of apathetic behavior among individuals, whether
students or teachers/lecturers. This phenomenon can be observed in the context of a virtual
learning system, otherwise known as e-learning. In cases where the learning process is
conducted remotely or via digital platforms, there is a potential for ineffectiveness and
suboptimal outcomes. This is due to the lack of direct, face-to-face interaction between
educators and students, which is crucial for fostering engagement and motivation in the
learning process (Mutiawati et al., 2024)
4. Conclusion
In light of the aforementioned explanation, it can be posited that the impact of teachers'
IT proficiency on the quality of learning is significant. In the current context, where IT
proficiency in learning is becoming increasingly crucial, especially in the wake of the ongoing
pandemic, the influence of teachers' IT mastery on the quality of learning cannot be
understated. The use of information and communication technology can facilitate more
effective and efficient learning processes. The growing influence of IT in the field of education
provides a valuable opportunity to enhance the remote teaching and learning process. In the
context of a pandemic, technology assumes a pivotal role. As a result, all activities that were
originally conducted in person are now being conducted almost entirely through technology.
Consequently, the influence of IT on teachers can prevent any hindrance to the learning
process. It is imperative that educators, as the primary agents of learning, possess the capacity
to innovate and integrate technological advancements in order to ensure that the learning
process is not only engaging but also intellectually stimulating. A teacher who is adept at
navigating the digital landscape will be better equipped to combine their pedagogical expertise
with innovative and creative approaches to learning. Consequently, it is crucial for educators
to possess proficiency in information technology in order to facilitate a seamless learning
experience. It is not solely the field of information technology that influences pedagogical
advancement; the duration of a teacher's teaching experience also plays a role. As the duration
of a teacher's experience in the field of education increases, the quality of the teaching process
tends to improve. This, in turn, enhances the perception of the teacher's professionalism and
reliability in fulfilling their assigned duties. The researchers concluded that pedagogical
competence may be affected by two factors: the mastery of IT and the length of the teacher's
teaching experience. The impact of information technology (IT) in education is not solely
beneficial; it can also have adverse effects. Among the positive influences of IT in the field of
education is the advent of internet networks, computer laboratories in schools, and other
technologies that serve as sources of learning and educational media. The advent of technology
has facilitated a shift in pedagogical practices, enabling educators to pursue knowledge in ways
that transcend the limitations of traditional didactic approaches. The advent of IT has led to the
development of more sophisticated learning methods, facilitating learning for teachers and
students alike. The negative influence of technology in education, particularly in e-learning
contexts, is a growing concern as it risks undermining the traditional role of teachers. As
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2024, Page: 1562-1573
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Samsudin (The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs….)
students become increasingly dependent on digital resources, there is a risk that educators'
guidance and support may be overlooked. Distance learning can also foster a sense of
individualism, potentially leading to a lack of social interaction. Furthermore, the digital divide
could lead to a decline in moral standards and a reduced sense of social responsibility.
5. Acknowledgement
The authors express their sincere gratitude to their colleagues, institutions, and all
individuals who provided assistance in the course of this research.
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