Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2024, Page: 1495-1503
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Muhammad Suhadi (Correlation Between Arabic Vocabulary.)
Correlation Between Arabic Vocabulary Mastery and
Arabic Speaking Ability
Muhammad Suhadi
*, Fahrurozi
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
Sejarah Artikel:
Diterima: 11 May 2024
Direvisi: 26 June 2024
Disetujui: 18 July 2024
Tersedia Daring: 27 August 2024
Di era globalisasi yang terus berkembang pesat, penguasaan bahasa asing
merupakan salah satu keterampilan penting yang dibutuhkan dalam
berbagai aspek kehidupan, baik dalam konteks pendidikan, pekerjaan,
maupun pergaulan sosial khususnya bahasa Arab, namun hal tersebut tidak
dibarengi dengan penguasaan kosakata yang baik untuk menunjang
keterampilan berbicara. Dengan demikian, tujuan penelitian ini adalah
untuk mengetahui korelasi atau hubungan antara penguasaan kosakata
bahasa Arab dengan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Arab. Metode penelitian
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif
dengan jumlah populasi kurang lebih 75 orang siswa dan sampel penelitian
sebanyak 30 orang siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat
hubungan yang negatif dan signifikan antara Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa
Arab dengan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Arab dengan nilai sig. (2-
tailed) sebesar 0,023, karena nilai sig. (2-tailed) < 0,05 artinya terdapat
hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel X dengan variabel Y serta nilai r =
0,413 dengan nilai p < 0,05 artinya terdapat korelasi antara kedua variabel
yang artinya semakin tinggi Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Arab maka
semakin rendah Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Arab. Jadi dapat
disimpulkan bahwa penguasaan kosakata bahasa Arab mempengaruhi
kemampuan berbicara bahasa Arab.
Kata Kunci:
Bahasa Arab
Kemampuan Berbicara
Penguasaan Kosakata
Speaking Ability
Vocabulary Mastery
In the era of globalization that continues to grow rapidly, mastery of foreign
languages is one of the important skills needed in various aspects of life,
both in the context of education, work, and social interaction, especially
Arabic, but this is not accompanied by good vocabulary mastery to support
speaking skills. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the
correlation or relationship between Arabic vocabulary mastery and Arabic
speaking skills. The research method used in this study is a quantitative
research method with a population of approximately 75 students and a
sample of 30 students. The results of this study indicate that there is a
negative and significant relationship between Arabic Vocabulary Mastery
and Arabic Speaking Skills with a sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.023, because the
sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 means that there is a significant relationship between
variable X and variable Y and the r value = 0.413 with a p value <0.05 that
there is a correlation between the two variables, which means that the
higher the Arabic Vocabulary Mastery, the lower the Arabic Speaking Skills.
So it can be concluded that Arabic vocabulary mastery influences Arabic
speaking ability.
©2024, Muhammad Suhadi, Fahrurozi
This is an open access article under CC BY-SA license
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2024, Page: 1495-1503
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Muhammad Suhadi (Correlation Between Arabic Vocabulary.)
1. Introduction
In the era of globalization that continues to grow rapidly, mastery of foreign languages is
one of the important skills needed in various aspects of life, both in the context of education,
work, and social interaction (Ni’mah, 2017). Arabic, as one of the languages with profound
historical, cultural, and religious significance, has become the focus of attention of many
language education researchers and practitioners around the world. This language is not only
used in the context of Islam but also plays an important role in diplomatic, trade, and cultural
relations in various parts of the world (Abusyairy et al., 2020).
As a Semitic language that has a distinctive grammatical structure and vocabulary, Arabic
requires a structured and comprehensive learning approach (Baso et al., 2016). Vocabulary
mastery is one of the key elements in language learning that is often the focal point in various
language teaching methods. In the context of Arabic, vocabulary includes a number of terms that
are not only different from other languages but also often have specific meanings and nuances
according to the context in which they are used (Kasmiati et al., 2022). Therefore, the ability to
master Arabic vocabulary not only affects language comprehension but also has a direct impact
on speaking ability.
Speaking is one of the key skills in language learning that is often the main indicator of
successful language mastery. The ability to speak in Arabic involves correct grammar
understanding, adequate vocabulary mastery, and the ability to communicate fluently and
effectively in a variety of situations (Hendri, 2017). In other words, a person who is able to speak
Arabic well must be able to use the right and relevant vocabulary according to the context of the
conversation. Therefore, it is important to understand the correlation between vocabulary
mastery and speaking ability in Arabic to design more effective learning strategies, so in this case
the importance of vocabulary mastery in language learning (Jabir & Diran, 2020).
Vocabulary is a fundamental element in language learning, which functions as a basic unit
in the communication process. Without adequate vocabulary mastery, a person will have
difficulty understanding and using language effectively (Nurlaila Sapitri, 2023). In the context of
Arabic, vocabulary includes a variety of categories, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and
special terms that are often used in everyday situations. Mastery of a broad vocabulary allows
learners to understand the meaning of words and phrases in a broader context, so they can
communicate more smoothly and precisely Minatullah, 2019.
This is in line with research conducted by (Abusyairy et al., 2020) The results of the study
showed that there was a correlation in the "very strong" category between mastery of Arabic
vocabulary and Arabic speaking skills, as evidenced by the analysis of hypothesis tests with the
product moment correlation formula, which obtained a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 and a
Pearson correlation value of 0.926 included in the category of very strong correlation. And the
average value of Arabic vocabulary mastery of students = 81 and the average value of Arabic
speaking skills of students = 80 which means the mastery of Arabic vocabulary and Arabic
speaking skills of grade XII students of SMK Muhammadiyah Loa Janan in the Good category.
Other similar research conducted by (Kasmiati et al., 2022) The results of his research show that
Sig. The t value is 0.00 < 0.05 and the t is 22.572 > t table 1.672. From the results of the above
analysis, it can be concluded that vocabulary mastery has a significant effect on Insyā's ability.
This shows that the better the mastery of the mufrodāt of the student, the better the ability to
write Insya'.
Previous research shows that there is a significant relationship between vocabulary mastery
and the ability to speak in the target language. This also applies to learning Arabic, where
mastering a wide vocabulary can enrich a person's speaking skills by increasing fluency and
accuracy in communicating.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2024, Page: 1495-1503
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Muhammad Suhadi (Correlation Between Arabic Vocabulary.)
However, although previous research has shown a significant relationship, there are
challenges in mastering Arabic vocabulary. Arabic has unique characteristics that set it apart
from other languages. One of the main challenges in mastering Arabic vocabulary is the complex
morphological and syntactic system. The language has a root structure and patterns that allow the
formation of words from the same root. This structure is often confusing for new learners,
especially those who are unfamiliar with the Semitic morphological system Zahra, 2024). In
addition, Arabic has a wide variety of dialects that can affect vocabulary mastery. These dialects
often have different vocabulary and pronunciations than Modern Standard Arabic. Therefore,
learners must be able to navigate these vocabulary variations to become effective communicators
in a variety of contexts (Nalole, 2018).
Another challenge faced by Arabic learners is the use of vocabulary that is appropriate to
certain social and cultural situations. For example, vocabulary used in formal contexts, such as
official speeches or academic documents, may differ from vocabulary used in everyday
conversation. Therefore, it is important for learners to understand and master vocabulary relevant
to the context in which they will use the language Riska et al., 2021).
The correlation between vocabulary mastery and speaking ability has been the focus of
research in various language learning studies. In the context of Arabic, this relationship is very
important because speaking ability is often the main indicator of language learning success.
Research shows that good vocabulary mastery can improve speaking fluency and confidence in
oral communication Zulhannan, 2015).
A broad vocabulary allows learners to express their ideas more precisely and clearly. By
having an adequate vocabulary, learners can avoid miscommunication and improve their ability
to adapt to different speaking situations. In addition, a good vocabulary mastery also aids in
understanding and responding to conversations more quickly, which is an important skill in
verbal interactions Nurgiyanto, 2018).
Thus, the purpose of this study is to find out the correlation or relationship between
mastery of Arabic vocabulary and Arabic Literacy Ability. Therefore, the researcher is
interested in conducting a study entitled "Correlation Between Mastery of Arabic Vocabulary
and Arabic Speaking Ability".
2. Method
The type of research used in this study is correlational quantitative research. Correlational
quantitative research is research that examines the relationship between variables or more,
independent (independent variables) and dependent variables (bound variables). Data processed
by statistical analysis or in the form of numbers (Sugiyono, 2021)
The research conducted by the researcher is carried out in Madrasah and the time of this
research is carried out from January to May 2024. In this case, the population that is the focus of
this study is students with a population of approximately 75 students. In the sampling of this
study, the formula used is the slovin formula, which is as follows:
n = Number of samples
N = Number of Population
d = Precession (10%)
From the formula above, the calculation results are as follows:
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2024, Page: 1495-1503
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Muhammad Suhadi (Correlation Between Arabic Vocabulary.)
= 30 Respondents
Based on the formula above, the sample value is 30 students.
The sampling technique in this study uses simple random sampling, which is taking
sample members from the population randomly without paying attention to the strata in the
population. The data collection technique used in this study uses several steps, namely using
observation, tests and documentation. The data analysis techniques used in this study used
instrument tests and hypothesis tests.
3. Result and Discussion
Data Presentation
In this study, the researcher focuses on the mastery of Arabic vocabulary on the ability to
speak Arabic, whether the extent of mastery of Arabic vocabulary on the ability to speak Arabic
students, the process of mastering vocabulary, the teacher here writes vocabulary on the
blackboard and the students rewrite and memorize the vocabulary.
The researcher uses tests, observations, and documentation in the data collection method
from this study, therefore the data obtained are:
Correlation of Arabic Vocabulary Mastery to Madrasah Students' Arabic Speaking Ability.
This study uses two variables, namely the independent variable and the bound variable. The
independent variables in this study are in the form of mastery of Arabic vocabulary, and the
bound variable is in the form of Arabic speaking ability. There are several objectives for learning
Arabic vocabulary and speaking skills.
Among the main objectives of learning Arabic vocabulary are as follows: Introducing new
vocabulary to students, both through reading materials. Train students or students to be able to
pronounce the mufradāt properly and correctly because good and correct pronunciation leads to
the proficiency of speaking and reading properly and correctly. Understanding the meaning of
vocabulary, both denotatively or lexically (stand-alone) and when used in the context of a
particular sentence (connotative and grammatical meaning). Being able to appreciate and
function the mufradāt in oral expression (speaking) and writing (composing) according to the
correct context (Achoita & Susanti, 2020).
And among the main objectives of the ability to speak Arabic are as follows: In order to be
able to pronounce Arabic expressions. In order to be able to pronounce different expressions or
those that resemble them. In order to be able to pronounce phrases that are read long and those
that are read short. Able to express their heart's desires by using sentence arrangements that are
in accordance with nahwu (grammar). Be able to express what comes to mind by using the
correct rules in sentence formation in Arabic. Able to think about Arabic and express it
appropriately in any situation and condition Faizah, 2017).
Data Analysis
Analysis of Instrument Test Results
The testing of this test instrument is carried out to see whether the question meets the criteria
for a good question or not to be used as a research instrument. The test instrument used by the
researcher in this study has two types of analysis, namely validity and reliability tests.
Validity Test
The Validity Test on this instrument was carried out using excel and spss.25 for windows.
The benchmark used to interpret the degree of validity of an instrument, namely by comparing
the calculation with the Product Moment table In such a way that if at a significance level of 5%
the calculation > the table then the problem is valid, but if the calculation > the table then the
problem is invalid. A good limit for measuring validity is 0.361 by looking at the "rtable" with a
significant value of 5%.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2024, Page: 1495-1503
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Muhammad Suhadi (Correlation Between Arabic Vocabulary.)
Validity Test of Vocabulary Mastery Test
In the test, the researcher asked several observation sheets and several criteria that must be
looked at, starting from pronunciation which has a score of 0-10, a minimum score of 0 and a
maximum score of 10 and so on to word variation, the research respondents totaled 30 students.
The following are the results of the validity test of the vocabulary user test.
Table 1. Results of the Validity Test of the Vocabulary Mastery Test
R Table
From the 10 test items, it can be known that all test items can be tested on students as
questions to test their mastery of Arabic vocabulary.
Speaking Validity Test
The instrument's utility can be proven by several evidences. These evidences include content,
or known as content validity or content validity, construct, or known as construct validity, and
criteria, or known as criterion validity. In this study, what is used is the validity of speaking
In the test, the researcher made several observation sheets and several criteria that must be
looked at, starting from pronunciation which has a score of 0-20, a minimum score of 0 and a
maximum score of 20 and so on to word variation, the research respondents totaled 30 Madrasah
students The following is a rubric of assessment of speaking ability.
Table 2. Results of the Speaking Ability Validity Test
R Table
R Calculates > R
Table then the
question is valid
and if R
Calculates < R
Table the
question is
In the assessment of the test observation sheet, each item has its assessment criteria, each
item has a maximum score of 20, each item is assessed from the extent of mastery in speaking
skills. The scoring is taken from 0-20 points, if you can master everything, you will get 100
And from the results of the validity test above, it can be seen that the results of the
assessment criteria for each item are valid.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2024, Page: 1495-1503
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Muhammad Suhadi (Correlation Between Arabic Vocabulary.)
Reliability Test
The reliability test of the instrument can be tested with multiple reliability tests. Some of the
reliability tests of an instrument that can be used include test-retest, equivalent, and internal
consistency. Internal consistency itself has several different test techniques. The internal
consistency reliability test technique consists of split half, KR 20, KR 21, and Alfa Cronbach
tests. However, each test has criteria for what kind of instruments can be tested with the
technique. The test used in this study is using the Alfa Cronbach reliability test.
Tabel 3. Hasil Uji Reliabilitas Tes
In the results of the reliability test, it can be seen that from 30 samples, the cronchbact's alpha
value was obtained as much as 0.701 out of a total of 10 statements. If the Alfa Cronbach
reliability coefficient has been calculated (ri), the value is then compared with the Alfa Cronbach
reliability coefficient criterion for a reliable instrument. If it is based on the cronbach alpha value
> 0.60: reliable and if the cronbach alpha value < 0.60: not reliable, then it can be said that the
results of the above reliability test are appropriate and reliable because the value is 0.701 > 0.60.
Results of Correlation Hypothesis Test
The hypothesis testing in this study is related to the presence or absence of a significant
influence of the independent variable, namely the mastery of Arabic vocabulary, on the
dependent variable, namely the ability to speak Arabic.
In this study, the hypothesis test used is the Spearman Rank Correlation hypothesis test used
to find relationships or to test the significance of associative hypotheses if each of the variables
that are connected is ordinal, and the data sources between variables do not have to be the same.
The results of the Spearman Rank Correlation can be seen in the table below:
Table 4. Results of the Spearman Rank Correlation Test Correlations
Speaking Ability
Spearman’s rho
Sig. (2-tailed
Sig. (2-tailed
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Based on the output above, it is known that the value of sig. (2-tailed) of 0.023, because the
value of sig. (2-tailed) < of 0.05 means that there is a significant relationship between variable X
and variable Y.
From the output of SPSS, a correlation coefficient of -0.413** is obtained, meaning that
the level of correlation strength is sufficient or strong. The direction of the relationship -0.413
is negative.
Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.701 10
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2024, Page: 1495-1503
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Muhammad Suhadi (Correlation Between Arabic Vocabulary.)
This study aims to find out whether the mastery of Arabic vocabulary owned by students
affects students' speaking ability. The researcher took the population for this study as all students
in madrasah Fathul Ulum which amounted to approximately 75 students while the sample
amounted to 30 students. Before taking data on the sample, the researcher first compiled research
instruments for vocabulary mastery and Arabic speaking skills. The Arabic vocabulary mastery
instrument is in the form of a test consisting of translating Arabic conversation texts, while the
ability to speak Arabic is in the form of speaking Arabic and has assessment criteria.
After the research instrument is prepared, the researcher first conducts a research trial to find
out whether the instrument used is valid and reliable to be used as a measuring tool. The
researcher conducted a research trial on 30 students. After being tested, the instrument was then
measured for its validity and reliability. From translating conversation texts that are declared
valid and reliable and the ability to speak with assessment criteria are all declared valid and
reliable. Then the researcher collected data on 30 predetermined samples.
In this discussion, it started from the validation test of Arabic speaking ability, the research
respondents totaled 30 people and obtained the following results by using the Product Moment
formula In this way, if at the significance level of 5% the calculation > the table, the question is
valid, but if the calculation > the table, the question is invalid. A good limit for measuring
validity is 0.05 by looking at the "rtable" with a significant value of 5% and producing the
following data, it can be seen that from the results of the validity test, it is found that the results
with a significance correlation with a value of 0.01 and a value of 0.05 are obtained. It can be
seen from the 10 statement questions that statements that have been tested for validity get
statements with valid results.
In the next test, namely reliability, the researcher obtained the results of 30 students and the
data is In the results of the reliability test, it can be seen that from 30 samples of students in the
madrasah obtained a cronchbact's alpha score of 0.701 out of a total of 10 test items, the
statement from the conclusion of the reliability coefficient statement statement that more than
0.70 can be declared moderate reliability and if it is less than 0.60, it can be declared low
reliability. The research data obtained by the researcher was 0.701, so it was declared high and
more than 0.70.
In the second test, the researcher used a correlation hypothesis test, in this test, the researcher
has taken data and must do there are several requirements in drawing conclusions. To find out
whether the independent variable has a significant influence on the dependent variable. The
meaning of significant is that the influence between variables applies to the entire population.
The hypothesis to be tested is as follows:
H0 : There is no positive relationship between Arabic vocabulary mastery and students' Arabic
speaking ability.
H1 : There is a negative relationship between Arabic vocabulary mastery and students' Arabic
speaking ability.
In this hypothesis test to determine the hypothesis using the Spearman Rank test, it is found
with a statement of decision conclusions, if the significance value is <0.05, then the data is
significant, and if the significance value is >0.05, then the data is not significant. Results sig.
obtained by 0.023, it can be stated that the data is significant.
0.023 < 0.05, then the regression model can be used to predict the influence of variable (X)
on variable (Y). From the data produced by the researcher as follows, the researcher obtained
data of 0.023, the significance level is 0.023< 0.05, then the regression model can be used to
predict the religiosity variable or in other words there is an influence of the free variable (X) on
the bound variable (Y).=, then it can be concluded as follows that 0.023 < 0.05 is less than 0.05,
then it is predicted that there is a correlation (significant) from the data of 0.023 because it is less
than 0.05.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2024, Page: 1495-1503
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Muhammad Suhadi (Correlation Between Arabic Vocabulary.)
So it can be explained if the correlation test between the mastery of Arabic vocabulary and
the ability to speak Arabic has a negative relationship/correlation with a value (r= -413) that is
sufficient or strong enough (p=<0.05).
Based on the discussion above, this is in line with the research conducted by This is in line
with the research conducted by (Abusyairy et al., 2020) from the results of the research show that
there is a correlation in the "very strong" category between mastery of Arabic vocabulary and
Arabic speaking skills, as evidenced by the analysis of hypothesis tests with the product moment
correlation formula, The significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 and the Pearson correlation value of
0.926 are included in the category of very strong correlation. And the average value of Arabic
vocabulary mastery of students = 81 and the average value of Arabic speaking skills of students
= 80 which means the mastery of Arabic vocabulary and Arabic speaking skills of grade XII
students of SMK Muhammadiyah Loa Janan in the Good category. Another similar study
conducted by (Kasmiati et al., 2022) from the results of her research showed that Sig. The t value
was calculated 0.00 < 0.05 and t calculated 22.572 > t table 1.672. From the results of the above
analysis, it can be concluded that vocabulary mastery has a significant effect on Insyā's ability.
This shows that the better the mastery of the mufrodāt of the student, the better the ability to
write Insya'.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of this study, it was found that there was a negative and significant
relationship between Arabic Vocabulary Mastery and Arabic Speaking Ability with a value of
0.413, with a p < value of 0.05 and can be seen from the results listed in table 4. that there is a
correlation between these two variables, which means that the higher the Mastery of Arabic
Vocabulary, the lower the Arabic Speaking Ability. So it can be concluded that the Mastery of
Arabic Vocabulary affects the ability to speak Arabic in students.
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ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
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