Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1488-1494
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Devi Perdana Putri Gea (Descriptive Analysis of Building Partnership.)
Descriptive Analysis of Building Partnership Network
in the Concept of Management Towards Non-Formal
Educational Institution at PKBM Ziona in 2023/2024
Devi Perdana Putri Gea
, Elwin Piarawan Zebua
, Riswan Zega
, Afore Tahir Harefa
a, b, c, d
Universitas Nias, Sumatera utara, Indonesia
Article History:
Accepted: 19 August 2024
Recived: 20 August 2024
Approved: 22 August 2024
Available online: 23 August 2024
Concept management,
non-formal education,
partnership network
This research aimed to determine the concept of partnership management
occured at PKBM Ziona with partner institutions. This research was
descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data source were the
Head of PKBM Ziona and a staff member. Data collection techniques were
observation, interviews and documentation with interview guide and
documentation guide instruments. Data analysis used Miles and Huberman
which includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, as well as
drawing conclusions and verification. The research results showed that: 1).
The process of partnership they did were mapping, digging and collecting
information, analyzing information, cooperation exploration, making
agreements, signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU),
implementation of activities, monitoring and evaluation, improvement, and
further planning; 2). The concept of partnership management they did in
some stages, namely (1) Partnership planning; (2) Implementation of the
partnership includes realizing internal partnership activities industrial
culture programs, as well as communication and coordination carried out by
stakeholders who play a role; (3) Partnership evaluation includes
monitoring and evaluation, reporting partnership activities, analysis of
supporting factors and factors inhibiting partnerships include efforts to
overcome obstacles, determination achievement of the objectives of
partnership activities, benefits of partnerships, and development
partnership. Both sides parties seek cooperation that is mutually helpful,
complementary, and mutually beneficial. The collaboration that occurred
has gone well and been successful.
©2024, Devi Perdana Putri. G, Elwin P. Zebua, Riswan Zega, Afore T. Harefa
This is an open access article under CC BY-SA license
1. Introduction
Education is an important aspect of national life because, through citizenship education,
the economy becomes more advanced and prosperity increase. In the implementation of
education in a nation, there are three types: formal, non-formal, and informal education. All of
them have the aim of educating but have unique characteristics during implementation.
Education Law Article 1 Paragraph 11 of 2003 states that non-formal education is an
educational path that can be taken in a structured and gradual manner. Non-formal education
units provide opportunities for the wider community to engage in lifelong learning regardless
of age, gender, race, or level of academic ability. These institutions aim to promote knowledge
beyond the traditional classroom setting and provide accessible and flexible learning pathways
for individuals who may not have access to formal education (Irvansyah, Adi, et al., 2023).
Non-formal education functions to develop the potential of students (learning citizens) with an
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1488-1494
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Devi Perdana Putri Gea (Descriptive Analysis of Building Partnership.)
emphasis on mastery of knowledge and functional and developing skills, professional attitude,
and personality (Alif, Forming Characteristics of Early Children in Non-formal Education
Units, 2019).
The growth and development of non-formal education are influenced by several factors,
one of them is building partnership networks. A partnership network is a form of cooperation
built in an effort to achieve its vision, mission, and goals by being fully aware of the limited
resources it has and the challenges of information technology development in order to be able
to compete fairly and maintain its existence. A partnership network is a form of collaboration
established by an organization with a vision, mission, and organizational goals through the full
realization of the limitations of one's own resources (Latief et al., 2022). In Module 5,
published by the Directorate of Course and Institutional Development (2010), it is stated that
the existence of a partnership network is very useful: it increases community participation,
improves quality and relevance, builds synergy among programs, increases the absorption
capacity of graduates into the world of work, increases socialization, promotion, and
publication, improves access, builds public image, and strengthens institutional capacity and
Those roles can be achieved if the partnership network follows the process based on the
concept of management, such as planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling (George R.
Terry in Syahputra, 2023). Planning can be interpreted as determining the desired goals to be
achieved during a future period. Then, organizing means dividing work among group members
and making internal provisions necessary for relationships. A similar understanding was
expressed by Ibrahim, namely that organizing is a whole process of grouping all tasks,
responsibilities, authority, and components in the collaborative process to create a system of
good work in order to achieve the set goals. Actuating is the activity of member groups to
carry out work according to their duties and plans that have been made. And the last,
controlling (supervision, evaluation, and observation) is an activity to match implementation
with plans that have been specified.
From the explanation above, it can be understood that, with good cooperation and
following the correct management concept, PKBM Ziona gets many benefits from building
partnership networks such as, increases community participation in PKBM Ziona, quality and
relevance increase, program synergy is built, and so on. Based on preliminary research this is
not yet fully realized. Researchers obtained information that, as a form of non-formal
education, PKBM Ziona also pays special attention to organizing partnership networks.
PKBM Ziona has established working partnerships with several government agencies, such as
the Village Government, the Education Service, and other independent institutions. In its
implementation, PKBM Ziona and its partner network synergize with each other for mutual
benefit. However, in its implementation, there are still several obstacles faced due to
inappropriate management concepts. For example, the management concept of planning and
implementing a partnership network is not appropriate; there are misunderstandings because
there is no complete procedural planning, which makes the collaboration process not run well.
This made the researcher curious and wanted to know more about this matter, so the researcher
formulated a research title, “Descriptive Analysis of Building Partnership Networks in the
Concept of Management Towards Non-Formal Educational Institutions at PKBM Ziona in
2. Method
The researcher employed a qualitative research approach. According to Harefa et al.
(2022), qualitative research is a type of study that examines natural conditions with the aim of
understanding and interpreting them. The approach used in this study is qualitative. Qualitative
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1488-1494
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Devi Perdana Putri Gea (Descriptive Analysis of Building Partnership.)
research seeks to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects in a holistic
manner, using descriptions in words and language within a specific natural context, and
employing various scientific methods. Creswell (as cited in Murdiyanto, 2020) defines
qualitative research as a process of investigating social phenomena and human issues.
Additionally, qualitative research is described as a strategy to explore meanings,
understandings, concepts, characteristics, symptoms, symbols, and descriptions of a
phenomenon in a focused, multimethod, natural, and holistic manner, prioritizing quality,
using several methods, and presented narratively in scientific research (Sidiq & Choiri, 2019).
Qualitative research involves describing and investigating phenomena through reliable data
collection (Telaumbanua et al., 2022). This qualitative study aims to clearly describe
information about the problem or phenomenon as accurately as possible, reflecting factual
truth. Qualitative research must be objective, and the results or data presented must align with
reality and be logical.
The type of this research is descriptive research, namely a form of research aimed at
describing or illustrating existing phenomena, both natural phenomena and human
engineering. The aim of descriptive research is to create systematic, factual, and accurate
information about the facts and characteristics of a particular population or area. Data
collection techniques were observation, interviews and documentation with interview guide
and documentation guide instruments. The data was collected through observation, namely
direct observations to non-formal education unit institutions. Furthermore, researchers
employed structured interviews. Initially, the researcher prepared a set of questions and then
conducted interviews with participants. Interviews were conducted with the managers of non-
formal education units and staf at Pkbm Ziona. Data analysis used Miles and Huberman which
includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, as well as drawing conclusions and
3. Result and Discussion
3.1 What is the process of building partnership network at PKBM Ziona?
From the results of observations and interviews conducted by researchers, it can be
seen that the collaboration carried out at PKBM Ziona consists of 3 stages, namely
planning, implementing and evaluating. At the planning stage, the first thing to do is
mapping the potential and objectives of the collaboration. Each institution needs to
conduct a mapping of institutions/organizations that can be invited to collaborate both in
the surrounding area and in a wider reach. The mapping is based on the characteristics
and needs of each organization. Mapping is carried out on institutions or organizations
including: government institutions, banking/financial institutions and cooperatives,
community and social organizations that have the same vision, mission and goals,
community leaders, religious leaders and youth leaders, the business world and industry
(DUDI), educational institutions PKBM Ziona must have the potential to be quite
attractive to partner institutions. The potential in question must be created consistently so
that institutions wishing to carry out collaboration can benefit.
After mapping, the next step is to dig up information about the organization's goals,
scope of work (field of work), vision and mission, etc. This information is useful for
exploring the possibility of building networks and partnerships. Information collection
can be done with a personal, informal and formal approach. Based on the data and
information collected, then analyze and determine which parties need to be followed up
to explore cooperation that is relevant to the problems and needs faced. Following up on
the results of data and information analysis, it is necessary to conduct a more in-depth
and intensive exploration with parties that are possible to be invited to collaborate.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1488-1494
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Devi Perdana Putri Gea (Descriptive Analysis of Building Partnership.)
Exploration can be done by conducting an audience or presentation about the
company/organization profile and offering programs that can be collaborated on both
formally and informally.
Parties who want to partner need to formulate the roles and responsibilities of each
party in the activities to be carried out together MoU. The memorandum of
understanding that has been formulated is then signed by the partnering parties. After
that, the next process is the implementation stage of the cooperation plan that has been
prepared together in order to achieve the goals that have been set. The implementation of
activities is in accordance with the responsibilities and roles of each partnering party.
During the implementation of the cooperation, monitoring and evaluation need to be
carried out. The purpose of monitoring is to monitor the progress of the implementation
of activities so that deviations from the goals that are to be achieved can be prevented. In
addition, any problems that arise in the implementation of activities can be solved. The
monitoring results can be used as a basis for conducting an evaluation. A joint evaluation
between the partnering parties is needed to find out which activities have not been able
to run according to plan and which have, which goals have been achieved and which
have not, what problems/weaknesses are hindering the achievement of goals and the
causes. If the partners consider it important to continue the cooperation, they need to re-
plan the activities to be carried out in the following year. Further planning needs to take
into account the results of previous evaluations and reflections. In addition, it may be
deemed necessary to extend the cooperation agreement with or without changes to the
memorandum of understanding.
3.2 What is the concept of management partnership network at PKBM Ziona?
In accordance with the results of observations, interviews and documentation, the
concept of cooperation carried out at PKBM Ziona consists of 3 parts, namely:
a. Planning stage
The concept of planning cooperation at PKBM Ziona with partner institutions started
from discussions between the head of PKBM Ziona and partner institutions. Then,
potential mapping was carried out between the two collaborating institutions, followed
by mapping of the facilities and infrastructure needed, then stages of collaboration
activities were created. The results of discussions at this stage for several institutional
collaborations will result in an MoU between the two institutions.
b. Actuating stage
The concept for implementing cooperation at this stage was agreed upon by PKBM
Ziona and partner institutions. Several partner institutions and PKBM Ziona
collaborate in the fields of education, computer training and also implementing
internships. Of the several partnerships that have been implemented at PKBM Ziona,
the activities carried out can be in the form of training (video editing, graphic design)
then there are also partnerships where PKBM Ziona sends its graduates to work in the
world of work/business , in this case partner institutions that collaborate with PKBM
Ziona such as UD. Love Advertising. At this stage, things that need to be
conceptualized are the targets you want to achieve and the targets you hope to achieve.
Usually, the target of collaboration is the community in general and specifically
people who do not have the opportunity to study in state schools. In implementing the
partnership program at PKBM Ziona, partner institutions carry out cooperative
relationships without requiring stakeholders. Collaboration carried out in the private
sector, such as UD, does not involve external stakeholders. Collaborative activities are
carried out only between the two partner institutions. However, the case is different
with partner institutions in the education sector. Of course, it requires stakeholders
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1488-1494
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Devi Perdana Putri Gea (Descriptive Analysis of Building Partnership.)
such as the education department. The form of support from the Education
Department is in the form of policies and validators in implementing activities so that
educational goals can be achieved optimally. The education department is the
supervisor and validator of the activities carried out because PKBM Ziona also
focuses on improving the quality of community education. Apart from that, there are
several stakeholders who also provide financing for the activities carried out and
provide facilities such as procurement of computers from PT.Askrido.
c. Evaluation Stage
At this evaluation stage, several collaborations operating in the education sector
continue to be monitored by the Education Office. The education department monitors
every process that has been implemented and provides input. Meanwhile, the
evaluation process is carried out by the Head of PKBM Ziona directly together with
partner institutions. The evaluation carried out produces notes that must be followed
up and become lessons learned in future partnership programs. Apart from that,
reporting on the results of collaboration at PKBM Ziona is carried out differently. For
institutions collaborating in the education sector, the reports submitted are written in
formal form and submitted to partner institutions and the education department.
Meanwhile, for business institutions that collaborate with PKBM Ziona, the reporting
does not have to be formal but can be in the form of photo/video evidence of the
implementation of activities.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the research and discussions that have been carried out, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
a. The process of partnership are Mapping, Digging and collecting information, Analyzing
information, Cooperation exploration, Making agreements, Signing of cooperation
agreements (MOU), Implementation of activities, Monitoring and evaluation,
Improvement, and Further planning. The concept of implementing the Ziona PKBM
partnership and partner institutions is the realization of partnership activities in
educational programs such as training and also in business cooperation programs in the
world of work.
b. The concept of partnership management includes some stages, namely Partnership
planning, implementation of the partnership includes realizing internal partnership
activities industrial culture programs, as well as communication and coordination carried
out by stakeholders who play a role and Partnership evaluation includes monitoring and
evaluation, reporting partnership activities, analysis of supporting factors and factors
inhibiting partnerships include efforts to overcome obstacles, determination achievement
of the objectives of partnership activities, benefits of partnerships, and development
c. From this research, it can also be concluded that PKBM Ziona has carried out the process
and concept of cooperation well so that it provides good results. From the results of the
study, it is known that PKBM Ziona does not organize directly but in its implementation,
intrapersonal communication is carried out with the entire team.
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