Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1479-1487
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Fimel Rospintar Iman Larosa (An Analysis of Learning Management….)
An Analysis of Learning Management Based on
Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in Teaching Students
Writing Skill of the Eighth Grade at SMP Negeri 2
Dharma Caraka Gunungsitoli Selatan in 2023/2024
Fimel Rospintar Iman Larosa
, Elwin Piarawan Zebua
, Trisman Harefa
, Kristof Martin Efori
a, b, c, d
Universitas Nias, Kota Gunungsitoli, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Article History:
Accepted: 19 August 2024
Reviced: 20 August 2024
Approved: 22 August 2024
Available Online: 23 August 2024
Writing is a crucial skill in language that enables individuals to express
their thoughts and ideas. However, many of student have difficulties with
writing, and teachers play a significant role in aiding students to achieve
their desired learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to analysed
the learning management based on Merdeka Belajar curriculum in teaching
writing skill of the eighth grade at SMP Negeri 2 Dharma Caraka. Two
English teachers and 27 students were observed through a qualitative
descriptive analysis that focused on planning, implementation, and
assessment. The results revealed that the learning planning was well-
prepared by creating learning devices such as ATP and MA, equipped with
completeness criteria. ATP provided is equipped with ten completeness
components, while the MA consists of three general components. However,
the MA created by the first English teacher has better completeness criteria
than the module created by the second English teacher and the modified
module can be developed into a learning book. Moreover, the learning
implementation was conducted into three stage of learning by integrating
Merdeka curriculum principles and varied teaching techniques such as
lecturing, discussions, Q&A, quizzes, and PjBL. The evaluation approach
consisted of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments,
demonstrating excellent learning management of the teacher. However,
some students showed minor difficulties in writing, they were able to
express their ideas, communicate their opinions, and improve their writing
skills through the observed teacher's excellent management of the class.
Learning Management
Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
Writing Skill
©2024, Fimel Rospintar Iman Larosa, Elwin Piarawan Zebua, Trisman Harefa, Kristof
Martin Efori Telaumbanua
This is an open access article under CC BY-SA license
1. Introduction
Education is critical for improving the quality of human resources. Its elements include
curriculum, objectives, materials, methods, educators, students, facilities, tools, and approaches
(Hidayat et al. 2019:27-29). The education system that governs these elements is referred to as
the curriculum, which consists of four main components: goals to be achieved, teaching content
or materials, teaching methods, and evaluations used to measure the results of the teaching
process according to Hakim, Z. A., & Hamzah, M. F. (2022).
Furthermore, the curriculum has undergone various improvements. The ministry of
education has changed the curriculum from Curriculum 2013 become Merdeka Belajar
Curriculum. The implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum has been inaugurated by
government regulation number 22 of 2023. The Merdeka Belajar curriculum is an educational
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1479-1487
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Fimel Rospintar Iman Larosa (An Analysis of Learning Management….)
system that improves the learning process beyond the traditional classroom and textbook
approach then emphasizes the developing of students' critical thinking skills, creativity and
promoting lifelong learning with Pancasila characteristics. (Kemendikbudristek Number 12 of
In addition, English learning achievements based on Kemendikbudristek (2022) reveals that
there are six skills element of language they are listening, speaking, reading, viewing, writing,
and presenting. One of the most important skill namely writing skill. Writing is the ability to
convey communicates ideas, express creativity, and create in various genres of written texts in an
effective and understandable way and interest to readers with the right organizational structure
and linguistic elements, Kemendikbudristek (2022). The Merdeka Belajar curriculum program
requires students to have a proficient understanding of various text genres, such as narratives,
descriptions, procedures, advertisements, and authentic texts. Therefore, the students should
achieve the learning goals in the end of the phase (Kemendikbudristek, 2022). However, in
reality writing still become the most difficult skill for students.
Based on the phenomenon, the student’s difficulties, and the students’ lack of writing
ability, become a challenge and English teacher responsibility. Teacher is a factor that plays a
significant role and frontline in determining the quality and achievement of learning desires.
Therefore, it is crucial for the teacher to prioritize achieving educational goals and learning
desires. Supported by Carolus in Gulo (2023), the teacher is the spearhead of the implementation
of education and very influential party in the learning process. So, in simple terms it means that
the effectiveness of a teacher has a big impact on how well their students perform academically.
The ability of teacher in managing the learning mention as teacher performance, which become
part of teacher competencies called as pedagogic competence. Then, teacher must have potentials
in design learning, such as preparing teaching programs such as syllabi, design learning plan,
design strategic and methods of teaching, design the use of media, approaches and learning
models, and design the assessments in a time allocation that will be carried out in a certain
period to achieve the specified goals (Hidayat, 2019;88-89).
Therefore, the successful of learning depends on the quality of learning management.
According to James A. F Stoner, learning management is an activity that includes three points,
namely planning, implementing, and evaluating learning outcomes. In conclusion, learning
management is one of the main keys to achieve the learning goals especially writing skill, (Jaini,
2021:2). The successful learning can be realized if it is determined by the quality of
management, because the better quality of teaching management so the more effective the
learning targets can be achieved. Therefore, due to the existence of Merdeka Belajar curriculum,
the teachers need to have effective teaching strategies and must be able to optimize students'
writing skills through the skill of management the learning process. Because specifically learning
management refers to planning, implementing, and evaluation of learning and consists of some
components such as teaching techniques, methods, approach, and media using in teaching.
Therefore, English learning must be integrated with the new curriculum in a practical and
relevant context, so that teaching can be more interesting and provide meaning for learners.
Based on the phenomenon, and explanation of exiting theory above, the researcher interested to
ask critical research questions namely; 1) How is the management of learning plan based on
Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in teaching students' writing skills? 2) How is the management of
teaching students' writing skills based on Merdeka Belajar Curriculum? 3) How is the
management of evaluation towards student writing skill based on Merdeka Belajar Curriculum?
2. Method
This study use qualitative analysis, with descriptive approach which focuses on
understanding the three stages of learning management based on Merdeka Belajar curriculum.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1479-1487
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Fimel Rospintar Iman Larosa (An Analysis of Learning Management….)
Qualitative research is to comprehend a variety of phenomena, including behavior; perception,
motivation, and action, on a deeper level (Fiantika et al., 2022:5). Furthermore, the research
informants were consists of two English teachers and 27 students of class VIII-D. The data
collected through the observations of learning devices provided and observed the learning
process, then interviews the both of English teachers, also collected the documentations of
studentswritten recount text. Therefore, the researcher collecting the data using instruments
such as observation sheet checklist, structure interview by using interview sheet guideline, and
documentation. Then, the data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman's theory through data
condensation, presentation, and conclusion drawing. Additionally, after collecting the data the
researcher analyzed the observation results based on the completeness criteria of the analysis
documents in teaching planning and implementation, as follows:
Table 1. Assesment criteria for completeness of learning planning and teaching
Very Complete
3. Result and Discussion
The Management of Learning Planning
The English teacher manages the learning planning by providing an ATP (Flow of Learning
Objectives) and an MA (Learning Module), with the ten components of the ATP specified in
Curriculum Standards Agency (2022). These include the ATP identity, learning outcomes in one
phase, learning objectives with materials, general learning objectives, CP (Learning Objectives),
prepared collaboratively with time allocation, containing the Pancasila student profile, general
learning activities or stages, assessment, references, and information about strengthening the
Pancasila profile. The researcher analyzed the components of the ATP and provided detailed
information about the completeness of the components of the ATP provided namely as follow:
Table 2. The Complements of ATP
The Indicator of ATP Completeness
Including the identity of the ATP such as author identity, the name of education
unit and subject, class, year and semester and total lesson hours
Including the Learning Outcomes in one phase
Including the learning objectives to complete one phase by providing material.
Including the general learning objective
Including the Flow of CP (Learning Objectives) prepared collaboratively and
includes time allocation,
Contain Pancasila student profile
Contain the general learning activities or stages
Contain the assessment
Contain the references/student learning resources
Contain information about the Pancasila profile and focus on achieving CP.
The analysis of the ATP completeness indicates that the English teacher's ATP meets the
completeness criteria set by Curriculum Standards Agency (2022), and has a high completeness
score with an average of 94. In addition, the analysis of the Learning Module (MA) provided by
both English teachers was based on the Ministry of Culture, Education, Research, and
Technology No. 262 of 2022, which specifies three main components of a learning module:
general information, core components, and appendices - each consisting of smaller elements. The
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1479-1487
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Fimel Rospintar Iman Larosa (An Analysis of Learning Management….)
researcher analyzed the completeness of the learning module provided and created a comparison
table as follows:
Table 3. The Completeness of MA
Aspect of MA Completeness
General Information
Clearly state the identity of the module's author
State the initial learning competency
State the targeted students' Profile of Pancasila
State the facilities and infrastructure needed
Use an appropriate learning model
Core Component
State suitable learning objectives
Implement learning assessment
Use appropriate prompting questions
Perform meaningful teaching
Organize learning activities in a structured manner (opening, core
activities, and closing).
Encourage reflection on learning for both students and educators
Use enrichment and remedial measures.
Use student worksheets that are aligned with learning
Provide relevant reading materials for both teachers and students.
Use relevant glossary.
Use relevant bibliography.
Based on the table of learning module completeness, it can be identified that the learning
module 1 by Teacher A has a better completeness level with an average score of 87.5, while
Teaching Module 2 by Teacher B has an average completeness score of 84.37. Therefore, the
based on the results above the researcher reveals that the modified module can be developed into
a learning book.
The Management of Teaching Writing Skill
The provided information states that both English teachers conducted teaching activities in
accordance with the learning guidelines set by the Curriculum Standard Process (2022), which
includes three components of teaching management: opening, core activities, and closing. In
addition, the English teachers integrated principles of teaching based on the Merdeka curriculum
in their teaching, which is regulated in Regulation of the Minister of Education & culture
Number 16 of 2022. The Merdeka Curriculum is a new curriculum introduced by the Indonesian
Minister of Education as an alternative to restore the condition of education in Indonesia after the
COVID-19 pandemic. The curriculum provides flexibility to schools and teachers in exploring
according to the needs of the school, especially the needs of students. The observation results
based on the learning principles regulated in Permendikbudristek Number 16 of 2022, article 9-
18, are presented in a table as follows:
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1479-1487
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Fimel Rospintar Iman Larosa (An Analysis of Learning Management….)
Table 4. Principles of Teaching Based on Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
Principles of Teaching Based on Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
Teaching Writing Interactively
Creating dialogic interactions in teaching writing
Creating active interactions with the learning environment for
writing learning
Building collaboration to nurture students' spirit of
togetherness in learning writing
Teaching writing inspiringly
Creating a learning atmosphere that can spark ideas, encourage
imagination, and explore new things
Facilitating students with various learning resources to enrich
insights and learning resources about writing
Teaching writing in a fun way Creating a joyful, interesting,
and safe learning atmosphere in teaching writing
Creating a joyful, interesting, and safe learning atmosphere in
teaching writing
Using a variety of writing teaching methods
Accommodating gender, cultural, religious or belief, and
students' needs in teaching writing
Creating writing learning that is challenging
Using learning material and activities according to students'
abilities and developmental stages
Facilitating students to believe that their potential can be
Creating writing learning that can motivate students to
participate actively and develop creativity.
Building a learning atmosphere that provides opportunities for
students to express their opinions through their writing
Involving students in developing learning plans, setting
individual or group targets, and monitoring students' writing
Based on the table of Merdeka Curriculum implementation principles, it can be identified
that both English teachers have applied the fifth principles of Merdeka Curriculum teaching
along with their elements. English Teacher A has implemented writing learning based on those
principles with a total of 12 teaching principle elements. Meanwhile, English Teacher B has
implemented 11 teaching principle elements.
Management of Evaluating
In management of evaluating, the English teachers conducted assessments by implementing
three kinds of assessments, namely diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, and summative
assessment. Diagnostic assessment is a test conducted by a teacher at the beginning of the
learning process. The test is carried out to obtain initial information about the students' cognitive
abilities. Meanwhile, formative assessment is a test conducted during the learning process. The
formative tests can take the form of student assignments given by the teacher after the end of the
learning process, or during the teaching and learning process. Based on observations that have
been conducted, the English teachers have conducted formative assessments to students at every
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1479-1487
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Fimel Rospintar Iman Larosa (An Analysis of Learning Management….)
meeting. The last one is summative assessment, which is an assessment conducted by teachers to
find out students' learning outcomes over a period.
The Management of learning plan based on Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in teaching
students' writing skills
Based on the research result above, the researcher found that both of English teacher
analyzing CP, and determining the learning outcomes, before making the ATP and MA with
each components. Then, after analyzed the learning devices, the researcher presented the
completeness of teaching module in the form of a diagram namely as follows:
Teacher A
teacher B
Chart 1. The Completeness Comparison components of Modul Ajar Both of English Teachers
Based on the above diagram, it can be seen that the Learning Module of the Teacher A has
very good completeness criteria with a score of 87.5. However, MA of Teacher B has good
completeness criteria with a score of 84.37. Therefore, MA provided by Teacher A more be
better that MA provided by teacher B.
The Management of implementation based on Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in teaching
students' writing skills
Based on the result of teaching writing activities, both of english teacher implementing three
stages of teaching by integrated the principles of teaching based on Perkemendikbudristek No.
16 of 2022 namely creating learning interactive, inspiring, enjoyable, challenging, and
motivating learning environments by integrating trigger questions with teaching methods such as
lecturing, discussions, Q&A, and quizzes, as well as using problem-based learning (PjBL).
Additionally, teachers integrate technology into learning to facilitate writing teaching material
delivery. Furthermore, bellow the researcher presented the diagram of principles of teaching
implemented by both English teachers namely as follows:
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1479-1487
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Fimel Rospintar Iman Larosa (An Analysis of Learning Management….)
Chart 2. Comparis on data on the number of principles' indicators of both english teacher
Based on the chart, there is a comparison of the learning principles. It can be concluded that
Teacher A has implemented many of the Merdeka curriculum-based learning principles than
Teacher B.
The management of evaluation towards students writing skill based on Merdeka Belajar
Accordance with the results the English teacher implemented three assessments in teaching
namely diagnostic, formative, and summative. Related to the documentation of formative
assessment, the researcher analyzed the results of the students' recount text that had been
assessed by the teacher. The researcher found minor errors in the students' recount texts, such as
errors in the use of word position, errors in the use of prepositions, errors in the use of articles,
mistakes in writing singular or plural forms of nouns, grammatical errors, such as the use of
verbs without attaching the "-ed" ending after the subject, and spelling mistakes. However, based
on the researcher's analysis, the students were able to convey their ideas and opinions through a
series of sentences in their recount texts. Therefore, the results of the assessment of the students'
recount texts are presented in the categories shown in the diagram below.
Chart 3. Comparis on Data on the number of students level recount text result
Based on the data, the students have ability in writing that we can see from the results of
their writing. However, on the other hand the researcher found some ironic facts in English
language teaching namely the learning administration provided by the English language teacher
was very good and appropriate. The teacher provides complete learning administration, but in
reality, English language teaching is still conducted in Indonesian and students struggle to
construct English sentences spontaneously, resulting in shortcomings in writing. This creates a
gap between expectations and reality in the implementation of the curriculum. Therefore, for the
further researcherrs is needed to explore and solve this problem to improve student achievement.
0 1
English teacher A English Teacher B
Chart 2 . Comparison Data on the
Number of PrinciplesIndicators of Both
English Teachers
Excellent; 9
Very Good; 8
Good ; 7
Try Harder; 3
Students Level Categories
Chart 3. Comparison Data on the Number of
students level in Recount Text Results
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2024, Page: 1479-1487
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Fimel Rospintar Iman Larosa (An Analysis of Learning Management….)
4. Conclusion
The learning management carried out by English teachers is guided by the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Research and Technology Regulation No. 16 of 2022, which consists of
planning, implementation, and assessment. The learning planning management is carried out by
teachers by preparing the ATP with ten components and MA with three general elements. The
management of teaching writing skill is carried out according to the ATP prepared, which
consists of three stages; opening, core activities, and closing by integrated five principles of
teaching based on Merdeka Belajar Curriculum, integrated trigger questions to students, used
lecturing method, discussions, Q&A, and quizzes, then using problem-based as learning model.
The evaluation management carried out by the English teacher was diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment. The students were able to convey their ideas and opinions through a
series of sentences in their recount texts. It is recommended that English teachers consistently
manage English learning properly, so that the students can expand their knowledge of grammar,
vocabulary, and practice writing various types of genres.
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