test total was 1890 with an average of 63.00, and the post-test total was 2320 with an average
of 77.33. At Langsa 9 Public Middle School, the pre-test total was 1866 with an average of
62.26, and the post-test total was 2190 with an average of 73.00 among 30 students in each
case. The use of teaching materials based on local wisdom was more effective in improving
student learning outcomes compared to using textbooks and conventional learning methods,
as evidenced by the higher scores achieved with the developed teaching materials.
The last related research by Delwi Lailatul Vaziria (2022), titled "Pengembangan buku
cerita rakyat berbasis kearifan lokal Blitar untuk kelas X," evaluated the content, language,
and presentation aspects, yielding a score of 78.5% with a "decent" rating, and suggested
implementation. Practitioners evaluated various aspects of the folktale teaching materials,
concluding that they are suitable for implementation in teaching folktale texts for Class X
students at SMKN 1 Kademangan. The validation process involved experts, practitioners,
and students, assessing different criteria. Teaching materials experts evaluated the
appearance, presentation, and language aspects, giving a score of 86% with a "very feasible"
rating, recommending follow-up implementation. Material experts evaluated the content,
presentation, linguistic aspects, cover design, and content design aspects, scoring 89.5% with
a "very feasible" rating, and recommended follow-up implementation. Students, evaluating
attractiveness through 10 indicators, gave a score of 91% with a "very feasible" rating,
suggesting further implementation. Overall, the feedback indicates that the developed
product meets the necessary criteria and is suitable for implementation, with attention to
incorporating suggestions and feedback for further improvement.
In line with the previous research mentioned above, this research also shows
similarities in developing materials based on local wisdom. Although the subject, year,
location, validators, informants, and instruments used are different, the results indicate that
teaching materials based on local wisdom are very suitable for use as learning resources in
schools and are highly practical for both students and teachers. This is evidenced by the
validation results of the teaching materials in each of the studies mentioned above. The
results also demonstrate that teaching materials based on local wisdom are highly influential
in increasing students' motivation, character, and interest in learning. This research is titled:
"Developing English Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom for Eighth Grade Students
at SMA Negeri 1 Alasa."
The teaching materials developed by the researcher were deemed highly appropriate
based on the validation results and practicality tests, and were considered superior to the
previous book. This improvement was due to the fact that the previous book had not
integrated the local wisdom and culture of Nias, which should align with the current
"Merdeka Curriculum." The old textbook's content was very incomplete, consisting only of
definitions and modern examples of narrative texts. Its presentation and visualization,
including images and colors, were less appealing, leading to monotony, rigidity, and a lack of
motivation among students. Additionally, the textbook did not include concepts, usage
guidelines, or teaching modules. It contained too many activities and tasks that were not
suitable for 10th-grade high school students, with questions that were essentially the same,
differing only in their phrasing. This contributed further to students' confusion and boredom
in learning. In contrast, the teaching materials developed by the researcher addressed all the
weaknesses of the old textbook, improving, completing, and developing them into a more
advanced visual book.
Based on the validation results from experts and educators, this book was developed
with very favorable criteria. Linguists awarded a score of 36 out of a maximum of 36,
resulting in a percentage of 100%. Material experts gave a score of 58 out of 60, which
corresponds to a percentage of 96.66%. Media experts provided a score of 57 out of 60,