Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, Juli 2024, Page: 1299-1307
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Reniwati Lubis (The Management of Education ....)
The Management of Education Operational Grant
and Its Effects on School Development
Reniwati Lubis
, Tungga Buana Irfana
, Sri Purwatiningsih
, Sayida Khoiratun Nisak
Vivi Puspita Sari
Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Ps, Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung, Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Banten, Indonesia
Institut Islam Al-Mujaddid sabak, Muara Sabak Barat, Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi, Indonesia
Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang, Lubuk Begalung, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
reniwatilubis20[email protected]om
Article History
Accepted: 20 March 2024
Revised: 29 April 2024
Approved: 28 June 2024
Available online: 8 July 2024
This study aims to describe how BOS funds can improve educational quality
in Indonesia, with a particular focus on developing facilities and
infrastructure in schools to enhance student learning. To achieve these
objectives, a literature review research method was employed, namely the
study of the concepts and theories used based on the available literature.
The results of the literature review demonstrate that the optimal
implementation of the eight education standards through BOS funding is
conducive to realizing the advancement and enhancement of educational
quality in academic institutions. The improvement of educational quality in
schools must include the development of the eight standards, and the
operationalization of these standards is contingent upon financial resources.
This study also examined how schools utilize government assistance funds,
including their allocation for the fulfillment of these needs. Thus, BOS funds
have a pivotal, strategic, and contributory role in the seamless and
efficacious implementation and enhancement of educational quality.
©2024, Reniwati Lubis et al.
This is an open access article under CC BY-SA license
1. Introduction
The allocation of funds for operational assistance in educational institutions is motivated
by a number of factors. (Bhawa, Gede Andrayan Semara, Iyus Akhmad Haris, 2014).
Primarily, it can be seen as an embodiment of the mandate of Law No. 20/2003 on the
National Education System, which stipulates that every citizen aged 7-15 years must attend
basic education. Article 34, paragraph 2, states that the government and regional governments
are responsible for guaranteeing the implementation of compulsory education at the basic
level, without the imposition of fees; paragraph 3 further specifies that the responsibility for
compulsory education lies with the state, and that this is to be organised by governments,
regional governments and community educational institutions.
Secondly, the BOS program was initiated in response to the adverse effects of rising fuel
prices on the purchasing power of the community, which in turn constrained the poor's access
to nine years of basic education. In addition, Law No. 20/2003 on the National Education
System stipulates that every citizen is entitled to access quality education. Furthermore, the
government is obliged to provide services and facilities as well as guarantee the
implementation of quality education for every citizen without discrimination.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, Juli 2024, Page: 1299-1307
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Reniwati Lubis (The Management of Education ....)
Third, the demands and requirements in the field of education are increasing, prompting
the Indonesian government to provide various forms of assistance. One such assistance is the
distribution of School Operational Assistance funds, which aims to ensure the sustainability of
the implementation and improvement of the quality of education in Indonesia. The
aforementioned needs and demands pertain primarily to the advancement of various
educational programme standards. These include standards pertaining to graduate
competencies, content, processes, educators and education personnel, school facilities and
infrastructure, management, financing, and assessments. It is important to note that the
development of content standards comprises a multitude of activities, each of which incurs
costs. (Rahman, 2017)
In light of the aforementioned background, the primary question is whether the provision
of BOS funds has contributed to the enhancement of educational quality in Indonesia. In
alignment with this inquiry, this paper endeavors to elucidate the qualitative impact of BOS
funds on the quality of education in Indonesia.
2. Method
A literature study was selected as the methodology to address the research problem. Data
were gathered through online searches using the keywords "BOS" and "Education
Development." The data utilized were journal articles that met the criteria for inclusion in
Scopus-indexed journals and underwent rigorous selection. Content analysis was employed to
assess the relevance and alignment between the article content and the research objectives.
Additionally, conclusions were drawn by describing the evolution of the educational landscape
with regard to BOS management, with reference to a comprehensive literature review.
(Sugiyono., 2019)
Figure 1. Literature Review Chart
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, Juli 2024, Page: 1299-1307
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Reniwati Lubis (The Management of Education ....)
3. Result and Discussion
A. Definition
The BOS, an acronym for School Operational Assistance, is a government program that
provides funding for non-personnel operating costs associated with primary and secondary
educational institutions. In accordance with the 2020 BOS Fund objectives, there are both
general and specific objectives. The general objectives of the BOS Fund in 2020 are as
follows: (1) To provide financial assistance for the operational and non-personnel costs of
educational institutions; (2) To alleviate the financial burden of operating costs for students in
community-based educational institutions; and (3) To enhance the quality of the educational
experience in these institutions (Mamonto, 2016).
In addition, the specific objectives of the 2020 BOS Fund are as follows: The primary
objective of regular BOS funding at primary and junior high schools is to waive fees for
students whose parents or legal guardians are financially disadvantaged. (Sholihin, Miftahus,
2014). This is in addition to the objective of providing assistance with the costs of fees at
senior high and vocational high schools. This is designed to ensure that students from families
with lower incomes can access affordable and quality education services (Hasanah, 2017).
The 2020 BOS is utilized for the following components by (1) Admission of New
Learners (PPDB)11; (2) Library Development12; (3) Learning and Extracurricular Activities;
(4) Learning Assessment/Evaluation Activities; (5) Administration of School Activities; (6)
Professional Development of Teachers and Education Personnel;(Juhji, Juhji, 2018) (7)
Subscriptions to Utilities and Services; (8) Maintenance of school facilities and infrastructure;
(9) Provision of learning multimedia tools; (10) Implementation of the Special Employment
Exchange (BKK), Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin), or Field Work Practices in the
country,(Juhji, 2017) job monitoring, teacher apprenticeship, and professional certification
institution P1; (11) The implementation of expertise competency tests, expertise competency
certification, and proficiency tests in English language (Test of English for International
Communication/TOEIC) and additional foreign languages is proposed for the final class of
SMK. Additionally, the payment of honoraria for teachers with non-State Civil Apparatus
(ASN) status is recommended (Zohriah, 2015).
B. The role of BOS funds in improving the quality of education
The use of School Operational Assistance Funds (BOS), which are provided by the
government of Indonesia, has an impact on the overall quality of education in the country. The
funds are allocated towards various educational objectives, including the development and
improvement of graduate competencies, the creation and implementation of content standards,
the development and implementation of process standards, the recruitment and training of
teaching and educational personnel, the construction of facilities and infrastructure, the
establishment and implementation of management standards, the development of financing
standards, and the introduction and evaluation of assessment systems (Budi & Apud, 2019).
These objectives are similar to those related to the development of graduate competencies,
and both are crucial for the improvement of the quality of education in Indonesia. With the
availability of BOS funds, schools are better equipped to organize and optimize the planning
and execution of various activities that contribute to the development of graduation
competencies. These activities include, but are not limited to, the organization of learning,
extra-curricular, tutoring, and competitions, among others. Therefore, it becomes clear how
crucial the role of BOS funds is in enhancing educational quality (Zohriah, 2015).
Furthermore, BOS funds play a pivotal role in the development of content standards. The
advancement of content standards as a means of enhancing the quality of education is
inextricably linked to the necessity of financial resources. With the provision of BOS funds,
educational institutions can undertake a multitude of content standard development activities
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, Juli 2024, Page: 1299-1307
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Reniwati Lubis (The Management of Education ....)
in a seamless and optimal manner. These activities include curriculum review, preparation of
curriculum documents, preparation of division of teacher and education personnel tasks and
lesson schedules, preparation of annual programs, preparation of semester programs, analysis
of SKL, KI, KD, and preparation of GPA, preparation of syllabus, preparation of RPP/service
programs, preparation of science laboratory management programs, preparation of computer
laboratory management programs, preparation of library management programs, professional
development of teachers and education personnel, and development of school management
(Nurdin, 2019).
Subsequently, the role in the development of process standards is discussed. The role of
BOS funds in process development is to provide schools with the financial resources to
implement various activity programs that are aligned with the interests of the learning or
education process. These programs may include, but are not limited to, the management of
teaching and learning activities, extracurricular activities, tutoring, class administration, and
The preparation of extracurricular programs, as well as the allocation of funds for honorariums
and incentives to be distributed among those responsible for leading such programs, represents
another key responsibility. Similarly, the purchase of teaching aids and other practical
resources, learning media, assessment instruments, student learning outcome reports, and
stationery for learning activities also fall within the purview of the budgetary process.
Additionally, the copying of materials for educational use and the allocation of funds for
teacher training and development are essential elements. The implementation of these various
activity programs represents the core effort in implementing and improving the quality of
education. This is because the development of process standards represents the core or heart of
implementing and improving the quality of education. Therefore, developing and improving
the quality of the process must be the focus of all efforts to develop educational standards.
The role of BOS funds in the development of educators and education personnel can be
observed in the capacity of schools to finance, among other endeavors, professional
development activities for teachers and education personnel through the medium of education
and training (diklat), workshops, seminars, and activities in the creation of learning media for
teacher/principal competitions, and continuing professional development. The implementation
of these activities is of course of great importance and strategic value in order to improve the
quality of education.
The role of BOS funds in the development of school facilities and infrastructure is evident
in the capacity of schools to finance a range of essential activities, including power and service
subscriptions, the maintenance and upkeep of school facilities and infrastructure, the
acquisition and maintenance of multimedia learning tools, and the completion of necessary
educational facilities. These activities are undoubtedly crucial for the seamless and conducive
implementation of education in schools.
The role of BOS funds in the development of management standards is to provide schools
with the financial resources to undertake a range of activities, including those related to new
student admissions, PPDB announcements, registration acceptance, re-registration,
introduction to the school environment, review of the school vision and mission, and
preparation. These funds may be used for the following purposes: the development of
RKS/RKAS/RAPBS/APBS/APBSP, school accreditation, office management activities, public
relations activities, the creation of school banners, adiwiyata school workshops, healthy
schools, child-friendly schools, graduation announcements, school management development,
and principal competency development.
The role of BOS funds in the development of financing standards can be observed in the
capacity of schools to finance a range of expenses, including newspaper and magazine
subscriptions, school housekeeping activities, power and services, teacher and employee
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, Juli 2024, Page: 1299-1307
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Reniwati Lubis (The Management of Education ....)
consumption, guest consumption, house, building, warehouse, and parking rent, mobility
facility rent, office supplies and equipment rent, and honorarium payments.
BOS funds play a pivotal role in the development and implementation of the assessment
system. Schools are able to utilize BOS funds to finance a range of assessment-related
activities, including the implementation and assessment of various examinations, as well as
data entry and duplication tasks related to the US and UN.
The effective and optimal implementation of the eight education standards, which is made
possible by the support of BOS funds, allows for the realization of improvements in the quality
of education in schools. The development of the eight standards, which is essential for the
improvement of the quality of education in schools, requires the allocation of funds. Therefore,
BOS funds play a pivotal role in the implementation and improvement of the quality of
education. Furthermore, the utilization of BOS funds has facilitated the expeditious
completion of the nine-year compulsory education program in Indonesia.
C. Quality of Education
In general, quality is defined as the overall description and characteristics of a product that
align with consumer needs. In the context of education, the notion of quality pertains to both
the educational process and the educational outcomes. The process of quality education
involves a number of inputs, including: teaching materials (cognitive, affective, psychomotor),
methodology for delivering materials during the teaching and learning process, educational
institutions’ facilities, administrative support, and other infrastructure and resources; as well as
the creation of a conducive atmosphere. In the context of educational outcomes, quality refers
to the achievements made by educational institutions over a period of time.(Fadhli, 2017).
These achievements can be measured in terms of academic ability test results, as well as other
potential abilities of students, such as sports, arts, and computers. The ultimate goal of quality
education is to achieve customer satisfaction or in accordance with community expectations.
The term "quality of education" can be defined in two ways. First, it refers to the quality
of the educational processes and services themselves. In this sense, quality is determined by
whether these processes and services align with the intended specifications, are suitable for
educational purposes, and are implemented without errors. In other words, quality can be
defined as the extent to which educational processes and services meet planning and
implementation standards.
Second, quality can be defined in terms of how it is perceived by customers. This
definition focuses on the extent to which customers' tastes, needs, desires, and interests are
fulfilled, with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction.
The notion of quality education is dynamic and evolving, responding to changes in
educational outcomes shaped by scientific and technological advances and the evolving nature
of human resources. Schools must therefore demonstrate their ability to effectively and
efficiently manage school-specific elements, enhancing these elements to align with relevant
In order to enhance the quality of education, it is necessary to consider the various
components of the educational institution, including the students, teachers, coaches or school
managers, facilities or infrastructure, and the teaching and learning processes. In summary, the
effective management of these components provides insight into the educational quality. This
can be demonstrated by the operational signs of (1) the relevance of the school
outputs/graduates to the needs of the community, (2) the final score as a measuring tool for
student learning achievement, (3) the school's ability to achieve the maximum percentage of
graduates, and (4) the school's overall appearance in all educational components.
The quality of education can be described as a comprehensive set of characteristics that
demonstrate the ability to fulfill the needs of students and parents. These needs are both
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, Juli 2024, Page: 1299-1307
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Reniwati Lubis (The Management of Education ....)
explicit and implicit in the field of education. The quality of input, process, and output are
essential components of quality education, as defined by 24, which states that "input quality
relates to the quality of everything that must be available because it is needed for the process
to take place." These include human resources (HR), namely school personnel, hardware (e.g.,
infrastructure and facilities), and software (e.g., various written and unwritten rules). Process
quality refers to the quality of the overall process of interaction between learners and the
environment in the school. The output quality refers to the quality of school performance in
the form of school achievements. School achievements encompass the quality of graduates, the
academic achievements of students, and the nonacademic achievements of students resulting
from school processes and behaviours.
The concept of education quality is contingent upon the nature of the output and the
intended recipients of the educational process. The definition encompasses the value added by
education and the parties who process and benefit from the results of education.
In light of the aforementioned explanations, it can be posited that the quality of education
represents a conducive educational input condition. This is achieved through the
implementation of effective management, processes, and educational services, which
collectively facilitate the generation of added value across all components of education, with a
particular focus on students who have demonstrated high academic and non-academic
achievements in accordance with applicable norms or standards and the expectations of
education customers (Utami, 2018).
A multitude of factors contribute to the enhancement of educational quality within
educational institutions. These include the students, educators, curriculum, school
administration, teaching and learning processes, financial management, supervision, and the
relationship between the school and its surrounding environment. These factors can be
described as follows: The following factors contribute to the quality of education in schools:
(1) Students: Ability, including cognitive abilities, physical abilities, and socio-economic,
cultural, and geographical factors; Intelligence, including cognitive abilities and
personality characteristics; Talent and interests, including specific interests and aptitude;
(2) Teachers: Ability, including cognitive abilities, educational background, and work
experience; Educational background, including academic qualifications, vocational
qualifications, and work experience; Work experience, including the number of years
teaching; Teaching load, including the number of students per teacher and the number of
classes taught per day; Socioeconomic conditions, including the socioeconomic status of
students and their families; Work motivation, including intrinsic and extrinsic motivators;
Commitment to duty, including the degree to which teachers are dedicated to their work;
Discipline, including the extent to which teachers adhere to school rules and
expectations; Creativity, including the ability to generate new solutions and ideas;
(3) Curriculum: Program foundations and development, including the curriculum's
theoretical basis;
(4) Educational facilities and infrastructure, including teaching aids/practical tools,
laboratories, libraries, skills rooms, UKS rooms, sports rooms/purpose rooms,
office/administration rooms, BP rooms, buildings and furniture;
(5) School management, including classroom management, teacher management, and student
(6) Teaching and learning process, including teacher appearance, mastery of
material/curriculum, use of teaching methods, utilization of educational tools/ facilities;
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, Juli 2024, Page: 1299-1307
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Reniwati Lubis (The Management of Education ....)
(7) Fund management, which encompasses budgetary and financial planning, including the
preparation of the school budget and expenditure plan (RAPBS), as well as the
identification of sources of funding. It also includes the utilization of funds, the
generation of reports and accountability, and the supervision of these processes;
(8) Supervision and monitoring, which encompasses the role of the principal as a supervisor
within their school, the role of school supervisors as supervisors, and the role of other
(9) School relations with the environment, including relations with parents, relations with
other educational institutions, relations with businesses and community leaders, and
relations with other educational institutions.
D. Improving the quality of School facilities
The allocation of funds for School Operational Assistance (BOS) is a matter for the
schools themselves, with all relevant parties invited to contribute to the decision-making
process. The resulting decisions will be based on the needs and priorities of the individual
schools, as set out in the School Activity and Budget Plan document.
While the responsibility for adhering to the guidelines set out in the BOS Juknis rests with
the schools, there is no prescribed minimum or maximum percentage for teacher development.
As long as the school agrees, they are at liberty to carry out the activities without hindrance,
though schools are only permitted to do so a limited number of times each year. This
limitation is a consequence of the policy governing the distribution of BOS funds, which must
be allocated judiciously for all activities except teacher development. The utilization of BOS
funds is classified into two primary categories for school facilities: goods and services
expenditure. This encompasses power and service subscriptions, maintenance, and the upkeep
of facilities and infrastructure (Nurhadi, 2018).
When contemplating goods and services expenditures, the school should assess the
condition of the school facilities. This facilitates the allocation of BOS funds for the repair and
maintenance of facilities, as all relevant parties in the school are able to directly observe the
condition of the facilities. Conversely, the distribution of funds for capital expenditures,
including computers, LCDs, and laptops, should be aligned with learning activities at the
school. Educational institutions are required to ascertain that the purchased items are capable
of supporting both academic activities and school administration. Moreover, schools are
obliged to document all items purchased with BOS funds as part of their inventory.
A number of factors contributed to the failure to achieve the objectives of fund
management. Firstly, in the planning phase, the amount of School Operational Assistance
(BOS) funds allocated to schools was deemed inadequate in comparison to the operational
costs borne by schools. Second, in terms of implementation, although the use of the budget
adhered to the established guidelines, the lack of socialization of the funds impeded the
accessibility of funds to the schools. Socialization to parents engendered numerous parties to
misunderstand the BOS funds.
In general, the utilization of School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds was predicated
on an agreement and joint determination between the school principal, the teachers' council,
and the school committee. These parties were required to be listed as a source of income in the
School Revenue and Expenditure Budget. The BOS funds were utilized to support various
activities, including the admission of new students, the purchase of textbooks, funding for
learning activities, enrichment, sports, arts, academics, scouting, and the Youth Red Cross,
daily tests, general tests, and exit exams. Furthermore, BOS funds may be utilized to procure
school equipment and supplies, including utilities such as electricity and water,
telecommunications, and minor building maintenance costs. It is important to note that BOS
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, Juli 2024, Page: 1299-1307
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Reniwati Lubis (The Management of Education ....)
funds may not be retained for an extended period with the intention of generating interest,
loaned to third parties, or utilized to pay for insurance premiums, transportation, or clothing
that are not directly related to the interests of students. Furthermore, BOS funds may not be
utilized for costly building renovations or construction. In the event of changes in
circumstances that result in the school no longer qualifying as a BOS fund recipient, or in the
event of the school's closure, the subsidy must be returned to the state treasury (Herawati et al.,
BOS-funded schools are able to purchase and improve infrastructure in order to achieve
the necessary standards of service through various means, including the provision of libraries,
academic and extracurricular activities, procurement of necessary school equipment, and the
use of laboratories and practical materials. Therefore, in the event that a school has adequate
financial resources, it will be able to provide adequate overall facilities that can support
student learning activities. It is clear that the provision of good learning facilities will lead to
more positive learning activities, which in turn will have a beneficial impact on the quality of
education in the relevant school. Furthermore, the procedural and targeted use of BOS funds
can facilitate the improvement of school quality.
4. Conclusion
It is evident that the effective and optimal implementation of the eight educational
standards, as a consequence of BOS funding, can result in a tangible improvement in the quality
of education in schools. In order to achieve this improvement, it is necessary to address the
eight aforementioned standards. It can be reasonably assumed that such an endeavour will
require financial support, which is where BOS funds become a crucial factor. Therefore, it is
clear that BOS funds play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth and successful implementation
and improvement of the quality of education. Furthermore, the BOS funds have facilitated the
acceleration of the completion of the nine-year compulsory education in Indonesia. The
objective of improving the quality of education, as facilitated by BOS funds, is to create
conducive input conditions for education. This encompasses effective management, processes,
and services that enhance the value of all components of education, particularly those of
students who excel academically and non-academically, in accordance with prevailing norms
and standards, as well as the expectations of education customers.
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