Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2024, Page: 1047- 1055
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Yakin Niat Telaumbanua (Students Metacognitive Awareness in ...)
Students' Metacognitive Awareness in Mathematics
Yakin Niat Telaumbanua
, Edi Syahputra
, Edi Surya
Universitas Nias, Ombolata Ulu, Kec. Gunungsitoli, Kota Gunungsitoli, Sumatera Utara
Universitas Negeri Medan, Kenangan Baru, Kec. Percut Sei Tuan, Kab. Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara
Email Corresponding:
Article hisrory:
Accepted: 25 January 2024
Reviced: 04 February 2024
Approved: 10 March 2024
Available online: 29 May 2024
Understanding students' level of metacognitive awareness in the process of
learning mathematics can assist them in developing their metacognitive
abilities and enhancing their mathematical comprehension. Through this
research, students' metacognitive awareness is analyzed so that educators
can design and develop more effective teaching strategies to address
students' difficulties in solving mathematical problems. This study is a
descriptive quantitative research conducted to describe the metacognitive
awareness of students in the Mathematics Education Study Program at the
University of Nias involving a total of 58 students. The data collection
technique employed in this research is through the Metacognitive
Awareness Inventory (MAI) questionnaire. The research findings indicate
that metacognitive awareness measured from the cognitive regulation
aspect obtained higher scores compared to metacognitive knowledge. In
terms of metacognitive knowledge aspect, the highest statement values
related to procedural knowledge processes, indicating that students have
specific goals for each strategy they use, while the lowest values were found
in declarative knowledge processes, stating that students are adept at
organizing information. The smallest overall percentage value in the
assessment of metacognitive awareness is associated with statements such
as slowing down when finding important information and using pictures or
diagrams to aid understanding while learning.
Metacognitive Awareness,
Metacognitive Awareness
Mathematics Learning
©2024, Yakin Niat Telaumbania, Edi Syahputra, Edi Surya
This is an open access article under CC BY-SA license
1. Introduction
Mathematics is commonly perceived as a challenging subject by many students.
Numerous learners encounter difficulties in solving complex mathematical problems.
Therefore, the presence of metacognitive awareness among students is necessary in tackling
these complex mathematical problems within the realm of mathematics learning.
Metacognition involves thinking about thinking, as expressed by Livingston (2003), who
defines it as the process of thinking about thinking. The term "Metacognitive" was first
introduced by John Flavel in 1979. Metacognition plays a crucial role in acquiring information,
understanding problems, finding solutions, and self-regulation. In this context, students process
all information by contemplating whether the information received is correct or not. This
thinking activity contributes to students' increasing confidence in learning, especially during
the process of learning mathematics.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2024, Page: 1047- 1055
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Yakin Niat Telaumbanua (Students Metacognitive Awareness in ...)
Furthermore, Masoodi (2019) asserts that metacognition relates to theory of mind,
which is the ability to understand one's own mental state. Novia et al. (2019) state that
metacognition is a fundamental ability that students must possess and develop as it represents a
crucial indicator in teaching. Moreover, Tak, Zulnaidi, & Eu (2022) also suggest that students
with high self-confidence and metacognitive awareness significantly influence students'
reasoning abilities.
According to Panchu, Bahuleyan, K., & Thomas (2016), metacognitive awareness is a
crucial aspect in the learning process, not only for elementary and middle school students but
also for higher levels. Students' metacognitive awareness in the process of learning
mathematics supports their understanding of effective learning methods, the extent of their
problem-solving abilities in mathematics, and the appropriate strategies for solving
mathematical problems. This metacognitive awareness influences the utilization of cognitive
abilities to be more effective and efficient in resolving issues (Wilson & Conyers, 2016).
According to Flavell (1979), metacognition consists of metacognitive knowledge and
regulation or metacognitive experiences. Metacognitive knowledge refers to an individual's
understanding of metacognitive concepts, such as their comprehension of learning strategies,
ability to monitor their own understanding, and knowledge of the learning process itself.
Regulation or metacognitive experiences encompass an individual's practical experience in
organizing, managing, and controlling their thinking processes and learning. This includes the
ability to plan learning, monitor comprehension, evaluate learning strategies, and overcome
learning obstacles or difficulties.
Schraw and Dennison (1994) and Tak, Zulnaidi & Eu (2022) revealed that
metacognitive knowledge comprises three processes: declarative knowledge, procedural
knowledge, and conditional knowledge. Declarative knowledge involves facts, concepts, or
information related to self-understanding in the context of learning or problem-solving.
Procedural knowledge is understanding the steps or strategies on how to do something, such as
steps to solve a problem or learning tasks. Conditional knowledge pertains to understanding
specific conditions or contexts that influence the use of procedural knowledge in certain
situations or contexts.
The metacognitive experience or regulation consists of five process components:
planning, information management strategies, comprehension monitoring, debugging
strategies, and evaluating. Planning involves the process of planning or pre-planning before
starting a specific task or learning. Information management strategies are methods for
managing the necessary information acquired during the learning process. Comprehension
monitoring is the process of monitoring understanding of the material or task being studied.
Debugging strategies involve efforts to address problems or errors in comprehension or
learning strategies. Evaluation is the process of re-evaluating learning outcomes or the learning
process itself.
Additionally, Wardana et al. (2021) suggest that metacognitive awareness can be
measured by the aspects of metacognitive knowledge and cognitive regulation processes.
Besides its association with academic achievement, metacognitive abilities enable students to
succeed in completing their tasks. However, some research indicates that some students have
limited metacognitive awareness in mathematics learning. They might not be aware of
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2024, Page: 1047- 1055
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Yakin Niat Telaumbanua (Students Metacognitive Awareness in ...)
strategies supporting effective learning, fail to monitor their understanding adequately, or
struggle to regulate and organize their thinking when solving mathematical problems.
Analyzing students' metacognitive awareness in mathematics learning is essential.
Understanding the level of students' metacognitive awareness allows educators to design
appropriate teaching strategies to help students develop their metacognitive abilities and
improve their mathematical understanding. According to AlAli, Wardat & Al-Qahtani's
research (2023), metacognitive thinking can be enhanced through the SWOM (School Wide
Optimum Mode) strategy. SWOM strategy is a recent trend in teaching thinking skills and
integrating them into learning content aiming to enhance learning and outcomes in preparing a
generation with comprehensive, critical, and creative thinking awareness. Additionally, in
STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) learning, students'
metacognitive awareness tends to be higher than those in traditional learning methods (Wahba,
Tabieh & Banat, 2022).
This analysis will involve researching students from the Mathematics Education
program to evaluate their metacognitive awareness in mathematics learning. Data will be
collected through a metacognitive awareness questionnaire to obtain comprehensive insights
into students' metacognitive awareness. By understanding students' level of metacognitive
awareness in the mathematics learning process, this research can provide valuable insights for
educators and curriculum development. Through a solid understanding of students'
metacognitive awareness, educators can design more effective teaching strategies to assist
students in overcoming difficulties in solving mathematical problems.
2. Method
This research method utilizes a quantitative descriptive approach. The aim is to describe
the Metacognitive Awareness of students enrolled in the Mathematics Education Program at
the University of Nias, involving a total of 58 students. The data collection technique employed
is through the administration of the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) questionnaire,
adapted from the work of Gregory Schraw & Dennison (1994). This questionnaire comprises
52 closed-ended statements encompassing aspects of metacognitive knowledge (declarative,
procedural, and conditional) and metacognitive experience or regulation (planning, information
management strategies, comprehension monitoring, debugging strategies, and evaluating).
The statements are for Declarative Knowledge consisting of: 1) I understand my
intellectual strengths and weaknesses, 2) I know what kind of information is most important to
learn, 3) I am good at organizing information, 4) I know what the teacher expects me to learn,
5) I am good at remembering information, 6) I have control over how well I learn, 7) I am a
good judge of how well I understand something, 8) I learn more when I am interested in the
The statements are for Procedural Knowledge consisting of: 1) I try to use strategies
that have worked in the past, 2) I have a specific purpose for each strategy I use, 3) I am aware
of what strategies I use when I study, 4) I find myself using helpful learning strategies
The statements are for Conditional Knowledge consisting of: 1) I learn best when I
know something about the topic, 2) I use different learning strategies depending on the
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2024, Page: 1047- 1055
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Yakin Niat Telaumbanua (Students Metacognitive Awareness in ...)
situation, 3) I can motivate myself to learn when I need to, 4) I use my intellectual strengths to
compensate for my weaknesses, 5) I know when each strategy I use will be most effective.
Then, the statements are for Planning consisting of: 1) I pace myself while learning in
order to have enough time, 2) I think about what I really need to learn before I begin a task, 3) I
set specific goals before I begin a task, 4) I ask myself questions about the material before I
begin, 5) I think of several ways to solve a problem and choose the best one, 6) I read
instructions carefully before I begin a task, 7) I organize my time to best accomplish my goals.
The statements are for Comprehension Monitoring consisting of: 1) I ask myself
periodically if I am meeting my goals, 2) I consider several alternatives to a problem before I
answer, 3) I ask myself if I have considered all options when solving a problem, 4) I
periodically review to help me understand important relationships, 5) I find myself analyzing
the usefulness of strategies while I study, 6) I find myself pausing regularly to check my
comprehension, 7) I ask myself questions about how well I am doing while learning something
The statements are for Information Management Strategies of: 1) I slow down when I
encounter important information, 2) I consciously focus my attention on important information,
3) I focus on the meaning and significance of new information, 4) I create my own examples to
make information more meaningful, 5) I draw pictures or diagrams to help me understand
while learning, 6) I try to translate new information into my own words, 7) I use the
organizational structure of the text to help me learn, 8) I ask myself if what I’m reading is
related to what I already know, 9) I try to break studying down into smaller steps, 10) I focus
on overall meaning rather than specifics.
The statements are for Debugging Strategies of: 1) I ask others for help when I don’t
understand something, 2) I change strategies when I fail to understand, 3) I re-evaluate my
assumptions when I get confused, 4) I stop and go back over new information that is not clear,
5) I stop and reread when I get confused.
Then, the statements are for Evaluation of: 1) I know how well I did once I finish a test,
2) I ask myself if there was an easier way to do things after I finish a task, 3) I summarize what
I’ve learned after I finish, 4) I ask myself how well I accomplish my goals once I’m finished,
5) I ask myself if I have considered all options after I solve a problem, 6) I ask myself if I
learned as much as I could have once I finish a task.
Each statement in the questionnaire offers two answer choices: true or false.
Respondents select true if they have experienced the statement and false if they have not. A
correct response receives a score of 1, while an incorrect response is scored as 0. Data analysis
involves computing total scores and percentages for each statement. These calculations are then
detailed per aspect and indicator to derive a comprehensive conclusion.
3. Result and Discussion
Overall, metacognitive awareness measured through the cognitive regulation aspect
obtained higher scores than metacognitive knowledge. Cognitive regulation had an average
percentage of 82.88%, while metacognitive knowledge had an average percentage of 77.75%.
Within the metacognitive knowledge aspect, procedural knowledge had the highest average
percentage score at 81.48%, followed by conditional knowledge with a score of 80.2%, and the
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2024, Page: 1047- 1055
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Yakin Niat Telaumbanua (Students Metacognitive Awareness in ...)
lowest was declarative knowledge with a score of 71.56%. These aspects of metacognitive
knowledge are also illustrated in Graphic 1 below.
Graphic 1. The Average Percentage of Metacognitive Knowledge Aspects
Metacognitive Knowledge
The Average Percentage of Metacognitive
Knowledge Aspects
Procedural Knowledge Conditional Knowledge Declarative Knowledge
In aspects of cognitive regulation obtained values from the highest to the lowest,
namely action strategies (debugging strategies) by 88.98%, then planning (including planning)
by 85.24%, evaluation (evaluating) by 83.03%, comprehension monitoring (comprehention
monitoring) by 82.51%, and information management strategies (information management
strategies) by 74.65%. Aspects of cognitive regulation is also shown in Graphic 2 below.
Graphic 2. Average Percentage of Cognitive Regulation Aspects
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2024, Page: 1047- 1055
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Yakin Niat Telaumbanua (Students Metacognitive Awareness in ...)
From all aspects of metacognitive awareness assessment, in terms of cognitive
regulation, statements where students consider several alternatives to a problem before
responding, as well as statements where students seek help from others when they do not
understand something, have the highest percentage scores at 98.3% each.
When viewed from each aspect of metacognitive knowledge processes, the highest and
lowest values for each indicator are delineated. In the declarative knowledge process, the
highest value is obtained from the statement that students learn more when interested in the
topic, with a score of 91.4%. Meanwhile, the lowest value is associated with the statement that
students are skilled in organizing information, scoring 46.6%.
Regarding procedural knowledge processes, the statement indicating that students have
specific goals for every strategy they use has the highest score at 96.6%, while the lowest value
is attributed to the statement that students know how to use beneficial learning strategies
automatically, scoring 67.2%.
In the conditional knowledge process, the highest value is associated with the statement
that students learn well when they have some prior knowledge about the topic, scoring 89.7%.
Conversely, the smallest value is linked to the statement that students know when each strategy
they use will be most effective, scoring 70.7%.
Moreover, within the regulation process, there are five components: planning, with the
highest value attributed to the statement that students carefully read instructions before starting
a task, scoring 96.6%. Conversely, the lowest value is linked to the statement that students ask
themselves questions about the material before starting to study it, scoring 70.7%.
In the information management process, the highest value is associated with the
statement that students consciously focus their attention on important information, scoring
94.8%. Conversely, the lowest value is attributed to the statement that humans create their own
examples to make information more meaningful, scoring 67.2%.
Finally, in the comprehension monitoring process, the highest value is attributed to the
statement that students consider several alternatives to a problem before responding, with a
high score of 98.3%. The lowest value is linked to the statement that students can analyze the
usefulness of strategies when they learn, scoring 65.5%.
In the action strategy process (debugging strategies), the highest score is obtained from
the statement where students seek help from others when they do not understand something,
scoring 98.3%. The lowest score is associated with the statement where students stop and
reread unclear new information, scoring 82.8%.
In the final process, the aspect of evaluation, the statement with the highest score is
where students ask themselves if there is an easier way to do something after completing a task,
scoring 91.4%. The lowest score is linked to the statement where students summarize what
they have learned after finishing, scoring 74.1%.
Based on the data obtained from the research results, it indicates that individuals'
awareness or ability to regulate, plan, monitor, and evaluate their own learning processes tends
to be higher than their understanding of metacognitive concepts. It also suggests that
individuals' understanding of metacognitive concepts, such as comprehension of learning
strategies or understanding learning conditions, tends to be slightly lower than their ability to
manage the learning process.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2024, Page: 1047- 1055
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Yakin Niat Telaumbanua (Students Metacognitive Awareness in ...)
4. Conclusion
Overall, metacognitive awareness measured through cognitive regulation aspects
obtained higher average scores compared to metacognitive knowledge. Among all aspects
assessing metacognitive awareness, the highest values lie in the cognitive regulation aspect,
specifically in statements where students consider several alternatives to a problem before
responding and seek help from others when not understanding something. These statements
received the highest percentage scores. Conversely, the lowest percentage values overall in
assessing metacognitive awareness relate to statements where students slow down when
encountering crucial information and when they draw or create diagrams to aid their
understanding while learning. This also illustrates the values specifically within the cognitive
regulation aspect.
In terms of metacognitive knowledge processes, the highest value is associated with
procedural knowledge, particularly in the statement where students have specific goals for
every strategy they use. On the other hand, the lowest value in declarative knowledge processes
is linked to the statement where students are skilled at organizing information.
Based on these descriptions, this research indicates that respondents tend to have better
skills in applying cognitive regulation strategies (metacognitive experiences) in organizing and
managing their learning compared to their understanding of metacognitive concepts themselves
(metacognitive knowledge). There is potential to strengthen their understanding of
metacognitive concepts to enhance their overall metacognitive awareness, complementing their
already strong cognitive regulation abilities. This enhancement could lead them to become
more effective and independent learners. In the context of learning, these findings can be
utilized to adjust learning strategies. It's crucial to focus on developing an understanding of
metacognitive concepts while still emphasizing the development of management and regulation
skills in the learning process.
Based on the findings of the study which indicate differences in metacognitive aspects
such as cognitive awareness and metacognitive knowledge, as well as the tendency of
respondents to apply cognitive regulation strategies, there are several suggestions for future
research: 1) Focus on Metacognition Development; Further research can be focused on
developing students' or respondents' metacognition. This could involve developing specific
educational programs or interventions designed to enhance their understanding of deeper
metacognitive concepts. 2) Interventions in Learning; Investigating the effectiveness of
educational interventions focused on improving understanding of metacognitive concepts, for
example with the use of teaching strategies or learning techniques specifically aimed at
increasing awareness of metacognitive processes; 3) Use of Metacognitive Measurement
Tools; 4) developing or using new, more sensitive and specific measurement tools to measure
metacognitive components, both in terms of cognitive awareness and metacognitive
knowledge, to gain a deeper understanding of the differences between the two; 5) Comparative
Studies; conducting comparative studies between groups of students or individuals who have
high metacognitive knowledge and those who have high cognitive awareness, to understand the
differences in their learning strategies and how the use of these strategies affects their learning
outcomes; 6) Implementation in the Learning Environment; 7) Implementing these findings
into the actual learning environment, such as adopting learning strategies that can improve the
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2024, Page: 1047- 1055
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Yakin Niat Telaumbanua (Students Metacognitive Awareness in ...)
understanding of metacognitive concepts while still strengthening students' cognitive
regulation abilities; 8) Developing Learning Resources; Building educational resources or
materials that focus on metacognitive understanding, which can be used by students, educators,
or educational institutions in supporting more effective learning. Future research can explore
these areas to better understand the dynamics between cognitive awareness and metacognitive
knowledge and how developing both can help improve overall student learning outcomes.
5. Acknowledgement
In the execution of this research, the researcher expresses gratitude to all parties who
assisted and contributed by providing constructive feedback, suggestions, and supplying
information in the form of questionnaires, which supported the research data until its successful
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Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2024, Page: 1047- 1055
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Yakin Niat Telaumbanua (Students Metacognitive Awareness in ...)
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