headphonemic identi drink). Finally, word recognition is achieved when a single candidate
remains in the cohort.
Fuzzy Logical Model
Speech perception, according to this model, is a prime example of pattern recognition
(Massaro, 1987, 1989; Massaro & Oden, 1980). The model assumes three operations in speech
perception: feature evaluation, feature integration, and decision. The model makes use of the
idea of prototypes, which are summary descriptions of the percep- tual units of language and
contain a conjunction of various distinctive features. The features of the prototype correspond
to the ideal values that a token should have if it is a member of that category. Continuously fed
feature information is evaluated, inte- grated, and matched against prototype descriptions in
memory, and an identification decision is made on the basis of the relative goodness of match
of the stimulus infor- mation with the relevant prototype descriptions.
This is a neural network model developed by Elman and McClelland (1984, 1986).
States that processing occurs through excitatory and inhibitory connections among numerous
processing units called nodes. Phonetic or distinctive features, phonemes and words constitute
nodes that represent different levels of processing. Each node has a resting level, a threshold,
and an activation level that signifies the degree to which the input is consistent with the unit
that the node represents.
In particular, the model for understanding speech during lectures also needs to be
adapted to the stages of development of students' English language skills (Mora & Valls‐Ferrer,
2012). For example, students' understanding at the final level will be better than at the first
level. Also, students majoring in English usually have a higher understanding of speech than
other majors. Therefore, the development model must consider the diversity of students'
background experiences and English language proficiency achievements.
2. Method
To collect data, the participants studied were the 5th semester population of the English
education study program, especially at Nias University. Random samples were used and the
samples were 7 people from class A. This is related to the aim of finding out what model is
dominantly used by these students in responding to speech perception. Specifically, this
research is classified as qualitative research. Qualitative research is research based on inductive
reasoning patterns based on objective and participatory observations of social phenomena.
Problematic social phenomena include the past, present and even the future. Related to social
studies subjects, economics, culture, law, history, humanities and other social studies subjects,
Suyitno in Islamuddin et al (2023). According to Walidin et al in Fadli (2021), qualitative
research states a type of research method, a procedure for understanding humanitarian or
societal aspects of phenomena through developing a comprehensive and complex picture that
can be expressed orally, providing a comprehensive information perspective. Obtained from
informants, and carried out in an authentic environment. One type of social action that
emphasizes how people interpret and interpret their experiences to understand the social reality
they live in is qualitative research.
Data is collected, analyzed and interpreted using various methods such as interviews,
tests using audio/recordings, and observation. In addition, an open-ended questionnaire was
also used. Because this research requires information from English students at lectures, the
research instrument is a test. This test is in the form of a speech perception test which tests
students' perception based on the sounds they hear. This test is available in two drafts, namely
draft A and draft B. They function as a data collection method where the researcher and the
subject under investigation engage in a process of asking and responding Abdusama et al in