ideologies and interests that shape a country's political system. Therefore, policy is a tool used
by the government to take action in certain areas, such as transportation, education, health,
housing, welfare, etc., which are considered to benefit society. In another sense, public policy
is just official regulations such as legislation and government regulations. However, some
people consider public policy to be an outline of actions, strategies and references chosen or
established by the government to implement development projects (Bakry, 2010). There are
three functions of evaluation: first, providing accurate information, second, providing criticism
or suggestions, and third, providing techniques or analysis for future policies (Sari & As’ari,
Evaluation is research, analysis, providing information, observing objects by looking at
the results. Policy evaluation is an effort to estimate or assess policy, which includes the
substance, implementation and impact of the policy itself (Siagian, 2005). In addition, policy
evaluation must meet several standards such as effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity,
responsiveness and accuracy (Wirawan, 2012).
Implementation of the Free Education Program
Education is a public good and service, and everyone has the right to education and
education. In this case, the government is responsible for doing so, especially its important
role in providing learning opportunities. Therefore, the element of education as a public good
in the dimensions of education policy must be studied from a public policy perspective from
various points of view, both quantitative and qualitative (Sutapa, 2008).
Regional governments are given the freedom to exercise their own autonomy, which has
consequences such as education being regulated by the government and regional governments.
Free and easy education for the people means that education is free and accessible to everyone.
Free schools are schools where children and parents do not have to pay school-managed fees,
such as tuition fees, development, registration and books. Thus, free education is education
where everyone, especially those who are less fortunate, can participate in education at low
cost and easily (Rahman & Nasihin, 2020). The term "free school" is only used verbally. Only
officials, especially candidates for governor, regent or mayor, uttered these remarks. Frankly,
the applicable law does not include the term "free school". There are no expressions
whatsoever. In Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, the terms
"The government is obliged to finance it" and "The government must not charge fees" are
existing. Let's look at the second quote from the principle of legality. Article 31(2) of Law
Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System states that: "The government
and regional governments guarantee the implementation of mandatory minimum education at
the basic education level without charging fees," while Article 31 (2) of the 1945 Law D as an
amendment states that: "Every citizen is obliged to attend basic education and the government
is obliged to pay for it." So, the meaning of this mandate is actually the same as "free". That
cannot be denied (Suyahman, 2016).
Free education can be defined as an effort to free students from school fees as part of
efforts to open wider access for the community to obtain education, which is guaranteed by the
1945 Constitution as the right of every citizen (Aditya et al, 2019). This free education policy
was implemented by the North Sulawesi provincial government with the aim of completing
the compulsory education program in primary and secondary schools to reduce school costs
and improve education management. In this way, the quality of education will increase to
support the achievement of national education goals, namely creating quality resources.
All costs related to the educational process and school construction activities are
considered free for students and their parents. The BOS and BOSDA programs take advantage
of free education issued by the government to ease the burden on society regarding financing
education with 9 years of compulsory education and 12 years of compulsory education