Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Maret 2024, Page: 832-840
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Jeane Tuilan (Evaluation of the Implementation of...)
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of The Free
Senior High School Education Program In North
Jeane Tuilan
, Jeane Mantiri
, Brain Fransisco Supi
, Margareth I. R. Rantung
Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Manado
Faculty of Social Science and Law, Universitas Negeri Manado
1 ;
2 ;
3 ;
Email Corresponding:
Article hisrory:
Accepted: 04 December 2023
Reviced: 17 January 2024
Approved: 25 February 2024
Available online: 29 March
The implementation of free education must be guaranteed to be
implemented in accordance with existing government policies. One of them
is evaluating the implementation of free education. This research aims to
evaluate the implementation of the free senior high school education
program in North Sulawesi Province. The research method used is a
descriptive-qualitative method with purposive sampling technique. Data
collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation.
The research results show that the evaluation was carried out to measure
the extent to which free education was successfully implemented effectively
and efficiently. Evaluation of the implementation of free education programs
certainly does not necessarily always go according to what has been
determined. By analyzing according to the evaluation approach
implemented at State Senior High Schools in North Sulawesi, it can be
concluded that the implementation of free education evaluation still does
not meet the criteria for efficiency, equity, accuracy and responsiveness.
Free Education Program
High School
©2024, Jeane Tuilan, Jeane Mantiri, Brain Fransisco S, Margareth I. R. rantung
This is an open access article under CC BY-SA license
1. Introduction
Education is one of the most important accesses for the nation's children to a decent life
in the future, and is also an important thing in human life starting from the formation of
personality and knowledge (Hidayat & Abdilah, 2019). Various efforts have been made by the
government to fulfill the aspirations of the nation's children, one of which is free education that
can be enjoyed by the nation's children, from elementary school to undergraduate level, they
can experience free education.
Due to the importance of education for human development, every individual needs it.
Education not only gives people special skills but also deeper knowledgeknowledge,
thought, and wisdom. Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an environment and
learning process in which students actively develop their potential to acquire religion,
personality, intelligence, noble character, self-control, and the skills necessary for society and
themselves. As a result, it is said that the quality of education greatly influences the quality of
the human resources it produces.
In the high school level education sector, free education is implemented regardless of
status and degree. The implementation of free education at the high school level must of course
run in the same direction and in accordance with applicable regulations. In implementing the
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Maret 2024, Page: 832-840
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Jeane Tuilan (Evaluation of the Implementation of...)
government's policy of providing free schools, especially at the elementary to high school
levels, of course it is necessary to evaluate its implementation. Evaluation is a form of
supervision of the implementation of free education, especially at the high school level.
Evaluations are carried out to see to what extent the free education program meets the targets
set by the government, in this case the provincial regional government.
Education is life, education is a learning experience from all environments throughout
life (Abubakar, 2017). Education is everything that influences individual growth. Education is
a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere where teachers teach students
actively about religious concepts, self-control, personality, intelligence, skills and noble morals
in the learning context. Development is very dependent on the ability of the authorities to
create programs and policies to be implemented by the government and participating
community groups, with the support of existing facilities and infrastructure.
To meet future needs, education has a strategic role. Education is very important for
every parent, society and nation. Education is an important part of a country's efforts to create
ideal human resources (HR). Basically, education is like an experiment that will never end until
human life ends. It is said that, because education is a component of human civilization that
continues to develop over time. This is in line with the natural human potential to always
discover new, innovative and creative things in all areas of life. The government has
established a free education policy to ensure that education is available equally and
appropriately. Methods for encouraging an education system that includes increasing student
participation and improving the quality of education. However, education is something that can
be accessed by all levels of society, especially those who are less fortunate. Free education
ensures that all students receive a proper education without additional costs, as it waives tuition
fees, construction, registration, books, and other operational costs.
Public policy is a decision made by state authorities to regulate people's lives. Public
policy with the aim of distributing state resources and public policy with the aim of absorbing
state resources are different. Regulative versus deregulative is the second distinction of policy
objectives. Regulative policies regulate and limit, while deregulative policies liberate.
From this explanation, it is clear that the government is increasing resources by providing
equal opportunities to students. To achieve this goal, education costs are deducted from tuition
fees, textbooks and other operational costs. Free education provides opportunities for everyone,
especially for those who cannot afford their children's education. Therefore, it is important to
conduct evaluation research on the implementation of free senior high school education in
North Sulawesi province.
2. Method
In conducting this research, researchers used qualitative descriptive methods. Where in
the qualitative research method there is one approach taken, namely the descriptive analysis
method, because by using the descriptive analysis method the researcher is able to explain and
present how the situation actually happened in a more structured manner.
The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. In
determining research informants, researchers used purposive sampling. The types of data
obtained in expressing the phenomena that are the object of this research are primary data and
secondary data. Primary data comes from informants in the form of information and data from
interviews with interested parties. Secondary data is data and various information obtained
through searches originating from various literature studies and related documents, through
literature and document studies in the form of journal articles and literature studies.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Maret 2024, Page: 832-840
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Jeane Tuilan (Evaluation of the Implementation of...)
3. Result and Discussion
Monitoring and Evaluation
The supervisory team formed by the education service team oversees all activities and use
of school funds. The purpose of this supervision is to prevent as small an error as possible in
carrying out tasks or work. Because of the problem, the process of carrying out tasks or work
can deviate or conflict with applicable procedures and regulations. This is very common,
especially in finance. Supervision is an effort to reduce or avoid problems such as abuse of
authority, illegal levies, leakage and waste of state money, and other types of fraud. Budget
oversight is basically assessing records and ensuring budget implementation is in accordance
with rules, policies, and regulations.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that there is an independent monitoring
team responsible for supervising the implementation of free education. This supervision team
is responsible for ensuring that all school responsibilities and the use of funds provided by the
government do not occur, whether technical or procedural. No organization will have the same
monitoring system. Internal supervision can be carried out by the principal and other staff
members together with school administrators. In addition, functional supervisors, such as
school supervisors, regional or regional inspectorates, BPIC, BPKP, and other financial
institutions, can carry out supervision. Furthermore, non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
operating in the field of public accounting or education can also carry out supervision.
Evaluation is a process or activity to select, collect, analyze and convey information. This
information can be used for decision making and further program creation. (National Study
Committee on Evaluation (National Study Committee on Evaluation) (Stark & Thomas, 1994).
Evaluation of policy implementation is intended to evaluate whether the type of policy that
needs to be implemented and the appropriate way to do it are appropriate. For this purpose, the
ambiguity-conflict matrix guide can be used to evaluate policy implementation. For example,
policies such as residence cards can be implemented in Indonesia. Political methods can be
used to implement education cost policies. The experimental method allows the
implementation of more effective poverty reduction policies. Symbolic methods make it
possible to implement gender policies. Because public policy cannot be simply released, it
must be monitored, and one way to monitor it is through "policy evaluation". Evaluation
usually aims to determine how effective public policies are so that constituents can be held
accountable for them. The extent to which goals are met. Evaluation is needed to see the gap
between "expectations" and "reality". According to Dunn, there are 3 evaluation functions,
1. Evaluation provides valid and reliable information about policy performance, showing
how far public actions have achieved value needs and opportunities. In this case,
evaluation reveals how far the goal, objectives and specific targets have been
2. Evaluation helps in clarification and criticism of the values underlying the selection of
goals and targets. By identifying and operationalizing goals and targets, the values are
clarified, and the values are criticized by systematically asking whether the goals and
targets are appropriate to the problem being addressed. Analysis can examine
alternative sources of value (e.g., interest groups, civil servants, and clients), as well as
different bases of rationality (technical, economic, legal, social, and substantive). This
is done to determine the appropriateness of goals and objectives.
3. Application of other policy analysis methods, such as problem formulation and
recommendations, assisted by evaluation. Information about poor policy performance
can lead to a reformulation of the policy problem, for example by indicating that goals
and objectives should be redefined.
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Maret 2024, Page: 832-840
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Jeane Tuilan (Evaluation of the Implementation of...)
In addition, evaluation can help in determining policy alternatives or policy revisions by
indicating that previously preferred policies should be removed and replaced with new ones.
Considered as a way to show that a program is successful or failed in its implementation,
evaluation is often used to indicate stages in the program management cycle, which includes:
1. Evaluation at the planning stage (EXANTE): Evaluation is often used at the planning
stage to select and determine priorities from various options as well as potential ways
to achieve previously established goals.
2. Evaluation at the implementation stage (ONGOING). At the implementation stage,
evaluation is used to determine the level of progress in program implementation
compared to previously determined plans.
3. After the program ends, an evaluation at the post-implementation stage (EX-POST) is
carried out to assess relevance (impact compared to input), effectiveness (impact
compared to output), usefulness (impact compared to results), and sustainability
(impact compared to results and output ). The purpose of evaluation at this post-
implementation stage is to find out whether the program's achievements (outputs,
results, or impacts) are able to overcome the development problems it wants to solve.
However, the model created by William Dunn became very popular during the
development of public policy science.
Evaluation of the public policy environment is divided into two parts: evaluation of the
policy implementation environment and evaluation of the policy formulation environment.
Evaluation of policy formulation provides an explanation of how and why the policy was
created. Evaluation of policy implementation evaluation focuses on what environmental
factors cause policy implementation to fail or succeed. Educational goals can be achieved
through an evaluation process. According to Brikerhoff in Munthe (2015), There are seven
steps that must be taken to carry out an evaluation: namely:
a. Focusing the evaluation,
b. Designing the evaluation,
c. Collecting information,
d. Analyzing and interpreting,
e. Reporting informan,
f. Managing evaluation, and
g. Evaluating evaluation.
In this sense, the initial stage in conducting an evaluation is determining the focus.
Evaluated and the methods that will be used. Then data collection is carried out followed by
analyzing and interpreting the collected data and making a report. Then arrangements are
made for the evaluation and evaluating what has been done in carrying out the overall
evaluation carried out by the evaluator. The purpose of evaluation itself is to obtain accurate
and unbiased information about a program. This information can include how the program is
run, the results and impacts achieved, efficiency, and how the evaluation results are used for
the program itself, namely to make decisions about whether the program should be continued,
improved, or stopped. Apart from that, it is used to prepare subsequent programs and related
Appraisal, rating, and assessment are all meanings of the term evaluation. Policy
evaluation can be defined as assessing a policy program in terms of performance and solving
public problems. This is because evaluation is usually concerned with gathering information to
assess the benefits or results of a policy (Dunn, 2013). Decisions or actions that directly
regulate the distribution and use of natural, financial and human resources for the public
interest, namely the people, society or citizens, are called public policies (Ray & Surtyani,
2020). In a process perspective, public policy is defined as the result of various ideas, theories,
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Maret 2024, Page: 832-840
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Jeane Tuilan (Evaluation of the Implementation of...)
ideologies and interests that shape a country's political system. Therefore, policy is a tool used
by the government to take action in certain areas, such as transportation, education, health,
housing, welfare, etc., which are considered to benefit society. In another sense, public policy
is just official regulations such as legislation and government regulations. However, some
people consider public policy to be an outline of actions, strategies and references chosen or
established by the government to implement development projects (Bakry, 2010). There are
three functions of evaluation: first, providing accurate information, second, providing criticism
or suggestions, and third, providing techniques or analysis for future policies (Sari & As’ari,
Evaluation is research, analysis, providing information, observing objects by looking at
the results. Policy evaluation is an effort to estimate or assess policy, which includes the
substance, implementation and impact of the policy itself (Siagian, 2005). In addition, policy
evaluation must meet several standards such as effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity,
responsiveness and accuracy (Wirawan, 2012).
Implementation of the Free Education Program
Education is a public good and service, and everyone has the right to education and
education. In this case, the government is responsible for doing so, especially its important
role in providing learning opportunities. Therefore, the element of education as a public good
in the dimensions of education policy must be studied from a public policy perspective from
various points of view, both quantitative and qualitative (Sutapa, 2008).
Regional governments are given the freedom to exercise their own autonomy, which has
consequences such as education being regulated by the government and regional governments.
Free and easy education for the people means that education is free and accessible to everyone.
Free schools are schools where children and parents do not have to pay school-managed fees,
such as tuition fees, development, registration and books. Thus, free education is education
where everyone, especially those who are less fortunate, can participate in education at low
cost and easily (Rahman & Nasihin, 2020). The term "free school" is only used verbally. Only
officials, especially candidates for governor, regent or mayor, uttered these remarks. Frankly,
the applicable law does not include the term "free school". There are no expressions
whatsoever. In Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, the terms
"The government is obliged to finance it" and "The government must not charge fees" are
existing. Let's look at the second quote from the principle of legality. Article 31(2) of Law
Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System states that: "The government
and regional governments guarantee the implementation of mandatory minimum education at
the basic education level without charging fees," while Article 31 (2) of the 1945 Law D as an
amendment states that: "Every citizen is obliged to attend basic education and the government
is obliged to pay for it." So, the meaning of this mandate is actually the same as "free". That
cannot be denied (Suyahman, 2016).
Free education can be defined as an effort to free students from school fees as part of
efforts to open wider access for the community to obtain education, which is guaranteed by the
1945 Constitution as the right of every citizen (Aditya et al, 2019). This free education policy
was implemented by the North Sulawesi provincial government with the aim of completing
the compulsory education program in primary and secondary schools to reduce school costs
and improve education management. In this way, the quality of education will increase to
support the achievement of national education goals, namely creating quality resources.
All costs related to the educational process and school construction activities are
considered free for students and their parents. The BOS and BOSDA programs take advantage
of free education issued by the government to ease the burden on society regarding financing
education with 9 years of compulsory education and 12 years of compulsory education
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Maret 2024, Page: 832-840
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Jeane Tuilan (Evaluation of the Implementation of...)
(Supriyadi, 2016). Free education is defined as education that is available to students without
any cost. However, students still have to pay for free education, such as books and textbooks.
Free education can also be provided through grants or scholarships, which cover some or all of
the cost of education (Munib et al, 2022). Legislation then establishes the right of every
citizen to receive appropriate, relevant and high-quality education. This right also applies
equally in all regions of Indonesia.
To ensure that all citizens have optimal access to education, the government designed a
free education policy. To run free education well, a proper evaluation system is needed. This is
because the government, community and other stakeholders involved and responsible for
educational activities must be responsible for their implementation.
The government actually has the responsibility to provide the widest possible access to
education for everyone, at various social levels, in accordance with the government's program
in the education sector, namely expanding access. In situations like this, the free education
system can be used to expand access to the education in question (Sasmiharti, 2023).
When the free education policy at the upper secondary level was implemented, many
opinions emerged. Each perspective has different reasons to justify it. Likewise, the public and
policy makers from province to district/city have different views. What's worse, candidates for
regent and governor use the free education policy as a promise in their campaigns.
Many of these phenomena certainly occur inconsistencies and errors in practice. Facts on
the ground show that many high schools continue to charge students fees for various reasons.
The school does not ask parents or students directly, but the school committee functions as a
representative for parents. The school committee seems to represent the wishes of the students'
parents. However, this is just a theory because the school committee always supports the
school's goals, which are desired by the students' parents at various costs. The policy of free
education in senior secondary schools must be understood correctly: for whom is it free?
Because the field is available free of charge to all students, no matter their socio-economic
status or position, children of sub-district heads, regents, governors, chancellors, executive,
legislative and judicial officials also enjoy it.
The free education policy must be reviewed to achieve its goals in a situation like this.
Therefore, resetting is needed to create a new pattern for implementing the free education
policy in senior high schools. The free education policy in senior high schools must be
accompanied by legal sanctions if deviations occur, whether intentional or unintentional.
These legal sanctions are intended to deter people who try to use free education. It is very
important to pay attention to the legal consequences due to the attitude of some officials who
want to benefit from the government in all its fields and aspects. So that it is not misused or
taken advantage of by irresponsible parties, strict regulations must be applied to the free
education policy at secondary level in the future. The policy of free education in secondary
schools does not always support the quality of higher education; on the contrary, they cause
the quality of education to decline.
Perspectives on High School Education
"Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning
process for students to actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-
control, personality, intelligence, noble morals and extraordinary learning skills," said Law
No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system. Management of free education for
primary and primary schools is the responsibility of the district government and high schools
are the responsibility of the province (Rolos et al, 2022). In accordance with the mandate of
Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, the management of Senior High
Schools (SMA) in Indonesia was transferred in 2017. Junior High Schools (SMP) and
Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, Maret 2024, Page: 832-840
ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
Jeane Tuilan (Evaluation of the Implementation of...)
Elementary Schools (SD) were only managed by the district government, but are now
managed by the provincial government (Sumuweng, 2021).
Because the responsibilities of policy makers differ at each level of government and must
be in accordance with their authority, policies are created and implemented at all levels of
government. It provides an overview of the policy making process and the various
considerations associated with it according to the stages of policy formulation (Gerston, 2014).
Senior High School (SMA) is a level of formal secondary education in Indonesia that
begins after graduating from junior high school or equivalent. This level of education starts
from Grade 10 to Grade 12 and involves students who are generally aged between 15 and 18
years. In the first year, or Grade 10, students are given general subjects, but in the second year,
or Grade 11, students are required to choose one of three available majors: Science, Social
Sciences, or Languages, and the curriculum is tailored to the major they choose.
There are no high schools included in the nine-year compulsory education program. This
program includes six years of elementary school (or equivalent) and three years of junior high
school (or equivalent) as planned by the government. On the other hand, since 2005, several
regions such as Yogyakarta City and Bantul Regency have implemented a 12 year compulsory
education program by adding Senior High School (SMA) which is taken within 3 years as a
required education program, including in North Sulawesi Province.
4. Conclusion
Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that the implementation of free senior
high school education in North Sulawesi still does not meet the evaluation criteria for the
North Sulawesi government's free education implementation policy, namely: The target group
does not receive sufficient assistance from the regional government, and the recipients are not
on target, meaning Recipients with qualifications that do not match receive free educational
assistance, while students in categories that comply with existing regulations are not included
in the target category. The North Sulawesi Provincial Government must be more significant
and careful in implementing the provision of free education which must be in accordance with
applicable regulations, so that there is no mismatch between the target groups receiving free
education. Equity: Students attending private schools do not have access to free education,
indicating that free education is not evenly distributed throughout the North Sulawesi region.
Responsive: The public's perception of free education is inconsistent due to a lack of
information about this regulation, so that many students are not included in the target group
receiving free education. Accuracy: the assistance provided has not achieved the policy
objectives. Apart from that, the criteria that have been met meet the requirements stated in the
regulations, namely effectiveness, and tuition fee exemption has been implemented in
Tomohon City. Regional government assistance and its effectiveness have helped parents, but
it needs to be reviewed whether the target group receiving free education is appropriate in
accordance with applicable rules and policies.
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ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
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ISSN: 1907-2341 (Print), ISSN: 2685-4031 (Online)
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