4. Conclusion
The research described how the teachers used strategies in teaching reading
comprehension. What are the appropirate strategies used to teach reading comprehension.
Teachers had prepared the teaching materials such as lesson plan and textbook so that they
know what to do in the classroom (Albiladi, 2018). They had known and mastered the strategies
to use and teach the students in order they found it easy to learn English. They had written step
by step in teaching reading, start from the beginning of class by preparing students to pray,
making a roll call, motivating, delivering the topics and assessing the students’ comprehension
and skill. In the classroom, they had done such activities they planned in advance, but
sometimes they made an improvement.
All strategies used were very effective to help the students in learning reading
comprehension. It was proven by the condition of the classroom activities and the students’
attention in following the teacher while explaining the materials. The strategies used also gave
benefit for the teacher. By having the combination of strategies the teacher tought and manage
the students easier. In addition, the both teachers agreed that He used reading aloud was the
most suitable and appropriate strategy to teach the students in learning reading comprehension.
He pointed out that the most students difficulties in reading comprehension was read and
pronouncing the text. This reason became their guidance to have reading aloud as theirr main
strategy in teaching the students of reading comprehension.
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