and chose to be quiet and listen to the teacher's explanation. This makes students less skilled at
communicating with teachers.
Furthermore, through the results of observations, researchers also saw the learning process
using the lecture method and classic note-taking techniques. This was due to the lack of new
ideas and teacher creativity in packaging learning material in an interesting way or method so
that it influenced the improvement of students' skills. As a result, the information conveyed
during learning is less conveyed and sticks with students and students' speaking skills become
Learning speaking skills in elementary school must be facilitated by teachers who make
learning fun so that students can more easily master the learning. As stated by (Andayani,
2015), a teacher should master the material and skills in teaching, and be able to teach
knowledge to students, have a lot of experience, know various speaking techniques, and be
able to practice them in teaching speaking. In line with this (Maruti, 2016) also said that in
learning Indonesian teachers must pay attention to three components, namely planning,
implementation and evaluation. Planning includes activities (1) preparing learning scenarios;
(2) determining learning materials; (3) determining learning media or tools; (4) design of task
formation and learning evaluation and (5) design of class organization. Learning
implementation activities contain activities that have been previously designed. Then the
learning evaluation activities contain process assessment activities to measure learning
From the explanation above, it can be seen that learning speaking skills in elementary
school cannot be separated from the teacher's ability. Therefore, students need to receive
intensive direction and guidance from the teacher. This needs to be done through testing and
practice for students and providing the widest possible opportunities for students to develop
potential related to the skills being studied. In classroom learning, students prefer activities
that are related to everyday life and use language that is easy for children to understand. When
learning material is linked to things that students know, students will actively express their
opinions and ideas regarding this matter.
A skill cannot be taught to students by just lecturing, but more than that, teachers need to
provide direct experience to students (learning by doing). Learning methods that are
considered capable of improving speaking skills in elementary school are methods that meet
the criteria for achieving goals, (Andayani, 2015) explains several criteria for learning
methods, namely being relevant to the goal, making it easier for students to understand the
material, then teachers and students can develop process skills material, students can apply
learning experiences, teachers can attract students' attention to learning, can develop students'
skills, can be easily implemented and create a pleasant learning atmosphere. If there is a
connection between learning methods and experiences, the means of realizing learning
experiences should be to use methods that have been designed for implementing certain
From the several theories above, it can be seen that teachers must be skilled in choosing
methods in order to help students deepen their own speaking skills. Communicating is
important and speaking skills can really help students to apply communication well in
everyday life. Teachers can act as facilitators and motivators who can help students acquire
optimal speaking skills. The method that can be used is the show and tell method. Show and
tell is the activity of showing and explaining/telling to the audience. Kindergartens and
elementary schools usually use the show and tell method to develop public speaking.
As stated by (Kaltsum, 2018) entitled "Application of the Show and Tell Discussion
Method in Improving Communication Skills in Grade 3 Elementary School Students" which
concluded that the show and tell method could improve communication skills in Grade III