AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
(Case Study in Hamparan Perak District)
Tanzilul Aziz
and Abd. Mukhsin
1, 2
North Sumatra State Islamic University, Medan
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas Undang-undang No. 16 tahun 2019 dalam
mendegradasi angka pernikahan dini. Indonesia merupakan negara yang penduduknya terhitung
masif dalam pernikahan usia dini. Pernikahan usia dini sah-sah saja dilakukan dengan syarat dan
ketentuan yang terpenuhi. Ironisnya, sejalan dengan maraknya pernikahan usia dini, angka
perceraian justru ikut meningkat. Lebih lanjut lagi, penggugat cerai adalah remaja-remaja yang
awalnya melakukan pernikahan usia dini. Urgensi penelitian ini adalah untuk meninjau efektifitas
Undang-undang dalam mengurangi angka penikahan dini di Kecamatan Hamparan Perak. Artikel ini
menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan
data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sumber data primer dalam
penelitian ini adalah hasil yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan observasi sedangkan data sekunder
yang digunakan adalah kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Kecamatan
Hamparan Perak perubahan Undang-undang ini terhitung efektif karena mampu menekan angka
pernikahan usia dini. Meski demikian, penulis masih menemukan beberapa pasangan berusia muda
yang memilih untuk menikah. Permasalahan ini dapat ditekan melalui regulasi dan persyaratan yang
ketat. Adanya perubahan Undang-undang mengenai usia pernikahan sangat efektif dalam menekan
angka pernikahan usia dini di Kecamatan Hamparan Perak.
Keywords: Efektifitas, Perubahan Undang-undang, Pernikahan Usia Dini.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
This article aims to analyze the effectiveness of Law no. 16 of 2019 in reducing the rate of early
marriage. Indonesia is a country whose population is relatively large in early marriage. Early
marriage is legal if the terms and conditions are met. Ironically, in line with the rise in early
marriage, the divorce rate has actually increased. Furthermore, divorce plaintiffs are teenagers who
initially married at an early age. The urgency of this research is to review the effectiveness of the
law in reducing the number of early marriages in Hamparan Perak District. This article uses a
qualitative method with a normative juridical approach. The data collection techniques used were
interviews, observation and documentation. The primary data source in this research is the results
obtained through interviews and observation, while the secondary data used is a literature review.
The results of the research show that in Hamparan Perak District, changes to this law were effective
because they were able to reduce the number of early marriages. However, the author still found
several young couples who chose to get married. This problem can be suppressed through strict
regulations and requirements. The change in the law regarding the age of marriage is very effective
in reducing the number of early marriages in Hamparan Perak District.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Changes in Laws, Early Marriage.
Early marriage is a marriage carried out by underage teenagers, namely between 13
and 19 years, who can be said to be not yet mature enough, both physically and
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
psychologically. According to Hengki (2022) , young marriage means teenage marriage
which from an age perspective is still insufficient, where in Law Number 16 of 2019
concerning the age of marriage, the maximum age for young marriage for both men and
women is 19 years. At this level, early marriage is specifically discussed with a legal review
and supported by psychological arguments. Early marriage has been studied for a long time
but has experienced massive development. This can be clearly seen from the changes to Law
no. 1 of 1974 with Law no. 16 of 2019.
Nowadays, it cannot be denied that early marriage is very common in Indonesia.
Marriage has a high essence both from a religious and social perspective. Ironically, the
context of the marriage ritual is still not deeply absorbed among some Indonesian teenagers.
As evidence, the author has attached the divorce rate in the introduction and the majority of
the plaintiffs are young couples. Some of the problems regarding early marriage are
unregistered marriages. Even though religion considers unregistered marriages to be a valid
act of worship, according to the state, unregistered marriages are not recognized as legal
marriages. Then another problem faced by the Indonesian people in the alternative context
of early marriage is the age dispensation and marriage isbat.
Early marriage is a trend nowadays, especially in Indonesia. Reporting from VOA
(2022) , referring to data from the Supreme Court, the number of early marriage
dispensations in 2019 reached 65,301, much higher than in 2020 which was only 25,281.
This problem has given rise to a new contemporary phenomenon in Indonesian society.
Basically, this phenomenon has been anticipated by the Indonesian government. Initially,
the law regarding the age of marriage in 1974 was set at 16 years for women and 19 years
for men. With various considerations, under President Joko Widodo's administration the
marriage age for women and men was changed to 19 years. This regulation aims to reduce
the overpopulation of Indonesia's population. Apart from that, early marriage gives rise to
many new problems in society. As a comparison, field survey data shows that divorce in
Indonesia in 2020 amounted to 291,677 cases and increased in 2021 to 447,743 cases
(Komnas, 2022) .
To emphasize the above phenomenon, divorce data shows that the majority of divorce
plaintiffs are couples who married at an early age (Dedoe, 2020) . On Generally, couples
who marry at a young age still do not have good mental maturity. Therefore, there needs to
be more emphasis and deeper socialization regarding the essence of marriage. The lack of
educational contact among teenagers has led to widespread marriage at an early age. This is
made worse by the channelization of several religious leaders who always explain the
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
wisdom of the marriage ceremony itself. Teenagers who consume lectures on early marriage
only want to fulfill their biological needs. This can be clearly seen from several social
experiments of young couples who say that the purpose of marriage is to avoid adultery.
The problems that the author describes above are actually related to one another. Siri
marriage (marriage without involving KUA) causes many problems for subsequent
offspring. Marriages that are not registered by the state will not be able to identify marital
status and so on. This unregistered marriage ultimately gave rise to marriage isbat and age
dispensation. The reason is that children from early marriages will not be able to be
registered as legal citizens because the children's parents were married illegally. The reasons
young couples get married show that they do not understand the essence of marriage itself.
Statements made by young couples about getting married actually dwarf the value of the
ritual of marriage itself. This shows that the wisdom of marriage explained by religious
leaders has not touched the true substance and essence.
This research is qualitative with a normative juridical approach. The author's approach
is to collect material, compile literature studies, analyze data and draw conclusions. This
research was conducted at the Religious Affairs Office located at Jalan Perintis Independen
No. 2, Klumpang KB. Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra,
Postal Code 20374.
The author collected primary data through interviews and observations (Sugiyono, 2014) .
Meanwhile, for secondary data the author uses literature review (Creswell, 2014) . Once collected,
the author will conduct a content analysis to describe the climate of early marriage (Cohen et al.,
2017) . According to Moeloeng (1998) , content analysis is a procedure for optimizing procedures to
make a valid conclusion. Furthermore, Holsi in Moeloeng defines it as any technique used to draw
conclusions through an effort to discover the characteristics of the message and is done objectively
and systematically (Weber, 2017).
The word marriage is mentioned in the Qur'an 23 times with various changes (Baqi,
1994) . In QS al-Nur verse 32 there is a suggestion to get married because the beginning of
the verse begins "marry" which is understood as a command sentence. The essence of this
verse is that marriage is a form of worship that can prevent humans from heinous behavior
(Hamka, 1983) . Unfortunately, marriage is understood by most people only as a ceremonial
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
form so that the substantive values in marriage are not fully internalized. Current problems
show that early marriage gives rise to various problems, so the government is revising the
marriage age regulations through the constitution.
Generally, marriage in Islam is much more essential than simply marrying two
individuals. Apart from that, Islam also teaches that marriage must be based on love,
affection and mutual understanding between the two partners. Therefore, early marriages
carried out without the agreement of both parties and only because of pressure from the
family or surrounding community, can cause unhappiness and even domestic violence. In
Islam, marriage is also considered a form of worship that must be carried out with full
responsibility and awareness. Therefore, before deciding to get married, both partners must
make thorough preparations, both in terms of religion, physical, mental and financial.
In this research, the author obtained data on early marriages from the Religious Affairs
Office (KUA) in Hamparan Perak District. The data that the author collected is as follows:
Table 1. Data Visualization After Changes to the Marriage Age Law (2020)
From the data tabulation above, it can be seen that there are no couples who married
beyond the regulatory age of Law no. 16 of 2019. This data shows that in Hamparan Perak
District there are no substantive marriage age problems because registration shows the
marriage age of couples in accordance with the applicable law. The urgency of implementing
the new regulations is well understood by the KUA of Hamparan Perak District, because the
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KUA provides guidance and advice to prospective brides and grooms so that divorce does
not occur.
Apart from that, there is guidance regarding household divisions so that they do not
lead to divorce. KUA Hamparan Perak took the initiative so that divorce is not the final
destination of a dispute. This latest regulation is seen as a positive trend by the KUA so that
early marriage and various other problems do not continue.
Table 2. Data before changes to the Marriage Age Law (2017)
The change in the law regarding the age of early marriage is considered effective
because from the data before and after the change in the law, there is a decrease in the number
of marriages outside the regulations which looks very biased. The author assumes that the
change in marriage age is to avoid early marriage. At this level, early marriage is one of the
factors in divorce between husband and wife due to instability and psychological immaturity.
Unfortunately, the author found two pairs of husband and wife who married outside
the regulatory age, namely MR and PZ, then PP and R (the names of the sources are only
initials to maintain identity confidentiality). Both couples admitted to having an unregistered
marriage because their marriage age was outside the applicable regulations. The interview
data that the author conducted is as follows:
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Table 3. Tabulation of Interview Results
Is changing the
marriage age an
It's not very
because it's
not urgent.
Depends on
which way you
look at it.
However, the
set age must be
It is
but there
must be some
It is necessary,
but this age is not
yet substantive
because there are
no exceptions
yet. The law
accommodate the
interests of
society at large
What impact will
there be after the
change in the
marriage age law?
According to
this source,
the impact
that occurs is
the number
The number of
marriages is
The rate of
marriage is
Because the rate
of underage
marriage is
decreasing, there
will be a potential
for divorce
degradation. So
the impact is
quite significant.
Can this
regulation reduce
the number of
early marriages?
It can be
but there will
be many
that are not
according to
It can be
suppressed, but
increases the
number of
marriages. So
it's less
Of course,
outside the
age will be
Quite effective in
reducing the rate
of early marriage.
Because of the
involved in
getting married
outside the
PZ suggests that the regulatory age should be reviewed in the light of specific
exceptions. The reason is, PZ and MR married to avoid adultery with good intentions.
Regulations make it difficult for the good intentions of some young prospective couples to
perfect their religion. On the other hand, PP stated the same thing. Regulations should
impose several special exceptions in view of the urgency of marriage itself. This regulation
is considered not substantive because the age of marriage does not have to be limited. Getting
married is a ritual that requires the ability of both prospective bride and groom so that the
age of marriage is very subjective and cannot be limited by regulations.
General Impact of Changes to the Early Marriage Law in Hamparan Perak
Viewed from a beneficial perspective, we can see the impact resulting from changes
to Law no. 16 of 2019 is reproductive health. Women aged 19 years have the right to health
and safety in childbirth. However, from a medical perspective, the age of 19 years is not
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appropriate because generally women aged 20 years are still vulnerable to medical
complications, miscarriage and are at risk of death after childbirth.
In Bahriyah (2021) , from a psychological perspective there are several tendencies that
influence early marriage, including:
1. Economy
Economic factors greatly influence early marriage. Not a few cases of early marriage
are caused by forced arranged marriages in order to take responsibility away from
their children. Even though there is no law that regulates this problem, in the end
there are misconceptions about marriage.
As a result of the problems the author describes above, some consider marriage to be
a shortcut in improving the economy. This is in line with low education as the author
explains in the next point.
2. Low Education. Low education means that the essence of the marriage ritual is not
properly and correctly internalized. In line with economic factors, education also
influences early marriage. Due to low education, parents who match their children at an
early age cannot provide a good understanding of household relationships.
3. Implementation of health programs is inadequate. A number of service providers
highlighted the fact that it was difficult to reach the community. The reason is, many
people do not attend some of the health programs organized by the government. Some
reasons include lack of knowledge, inability to leave the house and distribution of
transportation. Therefore, a competent strategy is needed to be able to reach teenagers.
Maintain honor
4. Cultural and religious values
In some cultures there are cultures that specialize in the ritual of marriage. Indonesia
itself is known as a cultural nation, so marriages caused by the culture of an ethnic
group cannot be avoided.
Apart from that, there are also certain religious tendencies in marriage. It cannot be
denied that one of the religions that contribute to young couples is Islam itself. This
is because of the sacredness of the marriage ceremony itself. However, counseling
regarding religion and marriage never touched on anything substantial.
5. Losing a parent. Psychologically, losing parents is a factor in early marriage. In several
case studies, children who live without parents or with single parents tend to marry
early. This happens because the partner experiences psychological loneliness because
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their parents have abandoned them for a long time. Couples hope that marriage can fill
the void in their lives that their parents have left behind.
6. There is no doubt. The lack of sanctions for early marriage is thought to be one of the
factors causing the rise in early marriage. The ease of age dispensations and other things
make early marriage seem like a less big problem.
7. Sexual needs. Early marriages that do not touch on substantial values only use sexual
needs as a reason for marriage. Basically marriage involves many aspects other than
biological aspects. Finally, many early marriages are based on religion and avoid
Effectiveness of Changes to the Early Marriage Law in Hamparan Perak
Early marriage law in Indonesia is regulated in Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning
the Second Amendment to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. Some of the
relevant provisions in this law are as follows:
First, Minimum Age: The law sets the minimum age for marriage in Indonesia. Article
7 paragraph (1) states that the minimum age for marriage is 19 years for men and 16 years
for women. However, in certain situations, with permission from a religious judge, the
minimum age can be lowered to 16 years for men and 13 years for women. Second,
Permission from Parents or Guardians: Article 7 paragraph (2) states that those who have
not reached the minimum age for marriage must obtain permission from their parents or legal
guardians. This permission is obtained through a Marriage Permit Certificate (SKIP) issued
by the marriage registrar.
Third, Consultation and Approval: Article 7 paragraph (3) regulates that before
granting a marriage permit to a child under the minimum age, the marriage registrar must
consult and obtain consent from the child and their parents or guardians. Fourth, Restrictions
on Freedom: Article 7B states that children who have not reached the minimum age for
marriage have an obligation to continue their education and must not be forced to have sexual
relations during marriage. Fifth, Violations: The law also stipulates sanctions for those who
violate the provisions on early marriage. Article 82 paragraph (1) regulates that violations of
the minimum age provisions for marriage can be subject to criminal sanctions in the form of
imprisonment and/ or fines.
It should be noted that this law views early marriage as a serious problem that can have
a negative impact on children's development. The main aim of this law is to protect children
and ensure that they receive optimal education and development before marriage. The author
believes that the early marriage law is an urgency that must be implemented. From the results
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
of the author's research, it can be assumed that changes to the early marriage law are effective
in Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency. This is shown by the KUA Hamparan
Perak records which indicate that the rate of early marriage has decreased. This explanation
indicates the effectiveness of changes to the early marriage law in Hamparan Perak in
accordance with government regulations and expectations.
Even though there are several arguments, this regulation must be analyzed from a
positive side considering that the large number of divorces in Indonesia is caused by
immature psychology. This regulation does seem subjective, however the establishment of
this regulation is considered very urgent and pressing considering that the divorce rate in
Indonesia often starts from trivial problems and is resolved emotionally.
Material: Through the explanation above, it can be concluded that the regulatory
changes that occurred in Hamparan Perak were effective because there was no data recording
regarding couples who married outside the regulatory age. This shows that the regulatory
changes made by the government are appropriate and right on target. On the other hand,
there is not much of an early marriage phenomenon in Hamparan Perak District. The author
only found two couples who married outside the regulatory age for several quite rational
reasons. Changes in regulations still have pros and cons among couples who want to get
married. This regulation is considered not substantive because the age of marriage should
not be limited by regulations. Therefore, the author suggests that the government review
existing regulations by adding several special exceptions depending on the urgency. This
research is only on a sub-district scale and would be very interesting if it were continued at
a wider level.
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