AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Based on syllabus of 2013 curriculum that is used in SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa,
particularly in the eighth grade, the core competencies was understand, apply, analyze
factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge based on curiosity about
science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with humanity, nationality, statehood,
and civilization related to the causes of phenomena and events and apply procedural
knowledge in a particular field of study according to their talents and interests to solve
problems. The basic competence was that students could Compose oral and written recount
texts, very short and simple, related to personal experiences in the past (personal recount),
taking into account social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements, correctly and in
context. The Indicators based on the syllabus were knowing social functions, text
structures, and linguistic elements In teaching reading students are required to be able to
understand the text well. To achieve the target in the school syllabus, the Minimum
Competency Criteria (MCC) for English subjects is 70. So, the student can be said to be
successful if the student get a minimum score of 70.
Based on researcher’s observations at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa, the
researcher found the problems faced by students at the schools were the students’ reading
is still low and then the students’ have problem in comprehending skill in their reading and
the students’ have difficult in aspects comprehending reading and also the strategy used by
the teacher was not suitable to improve the students’ reading comprehension. Another
problem that also existed was that students could not identify the main ideas and they
could not conclude topics and they find it difficult to found important points from the text.
This meant that students' comprehend is lacking and students' reading comprehension was
not increasing as well as students' lack of motivation in reading. Sometimes the strategies
used by teacher did not affect students in learning. The problems that occur can be
influenced by several factors, the first is the internal factor found in students, namely the
lack of student motivation to read, where motivation is one of the important learning
factors in reading comprehension, then the lack of self-actualization, is one of the basic
physical needs where students have the feeling to create and improve their reading ability
to be the best. Second are external factors, namely the influence of the school environment
which is sometimes not supportive, then the lack of reading culture in the school
environment and schools which sometimes do not have a special place for reading other
than the library, and the role of the library which is less than optimal.