AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Krisna Yanti Lase*
, Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua*
Yaredi Waruwu*
Riswan Zega*
Universitas Nias
Strategy Discovery Learning merupakan strategy yang digunakan guru bahasa inggris dalam proses
pembelajaran. Stratey Discovery Learning dapat meningkatkan ke aktifan siswa dalam proses
pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan Strategi
Discovery Learning dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris dan yang kedua untuk menganalisis
bagaimana hasil belajar bahasa inggris siswa dalam penerapan Strategi Discovery Learning pada
pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, yaitu
penelitian yang lebih menitikberatkan pada penggambaran sifat atau hakikat nilai dari suatu objek
atau gejala tertentu. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah RPP, Lembar Pengamatan, dan
Catatan Lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dalam proses pembelajaran dengan
menggunakan Strategi Discovery Learning, guru telah menggunakan RPP sebagai pedoman dalam
pembelajaran. Di dalam RPP terdapat prosedur yang dilakukan oleh guru bahasa Inggris.
Penerapan Strategi Discovery Learning dalam pembelajaran greeting card sudah berjalan dengan
baik, terbukti ketika guru bahasa inggris melakukan proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan
Strategi Discovery Learning siswa terlihat aktif dalam mengikuti pembelajaran khususnya pada
materi greeting card. Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Discovery Learning di kelas VIII-B
memberikan dampak pada hasil belajar siswa. Dari hasil tes yang dilakukan oleh guru Bahasa
Inggris di kelas tersebut bahwa penerapan Discovery Learning Strategies berdampak positif
terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa, dari hasil tes yang telah diberikan banyak siswa yang
menjawab dengan benar dan mencapai KKM.
Kata Kunci: Discovery Learning Strategy, Greeting Card, Penelitian Kualitatif
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
Discovery Learning Strategy is a strategy used by English teacher in English learning process.
Discovery Learning Strategy can increase the students' activeness in English learning process. The
purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of Discovery Learning Strategy in the
English learning process and secondly to analyse how students' English learning result in the
implementation of Discovery Learning Strategy in English learning process. This research uses a
descriptive qualitative approach. The research instruments used were lesson plans, observation
sheets, and field notes. The results showed that in the learning process using the Discovery
Learning Strategy, the English teacher had used the lesson plan as a guideline in learning. In the
lesson plan, there are procedures carried out by the English teacher. The implementation of
Discovery Learning Strategy in greeting card learning has been going well, it is proven that when
English teacher do the learning process by using Discovery Learning Strategy, the students look
active in participating in learning, especially in greeting card material. The implementation of
Discovery Learning Strategies in class VIII-B had an impact on the student learning result. From
the results of tests conducted by English teacher in the class that the implementation of Discovery
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Learning Strategies has a positive impact on improving the student learning results. From the test
results that had been given many students who answer correctly and reach the MCC.
Keywords: Discovery Learning, Greeting Card, Qualitative Research
Education for everyone is very important. Dewantara in Syam, et al (2021:74)
formulates the purpose of education as self-mastery, because education aims to humanize
humans so that they can control themselves, have a firm attitude so that it will foster an
independent and mature attitude.
The quality and success of learning tends not only to be influenced by the
competence of a teacher but also by the accuracy of the learning model or strategy used.
According to Putry (2020) a learning model is a plan or pattern that is used as a guide in
planning teaching and learning activities. Students can learn well if the facilities and
infrastructure for learning are adequate. The maka siswa lebih aktif dalam proses
pembelajaran dan siswa tidak merasa jenuh atau bosan saat mengikuti pembelajaran di
The selected learning model needs to consider the characteristics of students,
learning materials, as well as the available facilities and infrastructure. In the 2013
curriculum there are 4 learning strategies or learning models, namely: the first is of
Strategy Discovery Learning. According to Wahyudi (2019), discovery based learning is
one of the suggested teaching models in 2013 curriculum where this curriculum
emphasizes the scientific approach as well as the 4C skills. This learning model requires
the students to understand the information and concepts independently through minimal
guidance such as simulations, feedbacks, and examples of problems given by the teacher.
One of the advantages of discovery learning is that it assist students in improving their
thinking and learning skills as well as arouse curiosity and make students active in
providing ideas or opinions. And one of the disadvantages of discovery Learning is that it
is not efficient in teaching large numbers of students, as it takes a long time to help them
discover theories or solve other problems.
The second strategy is Inquiry Learning Strategy. The inquiry learning strategy is a
series of learning activities that emphasize the critical and analytical thinking process to
seek and find answers to a questionable problem. The thinking process itself is usually
carried out through questions and answers between teachers and students (Tahapary 2022).
There are several things that characterize the main characteristics of inquiry learning
strategies. First, the inquiry strategy puts maximum pressure on student activity to seek and
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
find, meaning that the inquiry strategy places students as learning subjects. In the learning
process, students do not only act as recipients of lessons through the teacher's explanation
verbally, but their role is to discover for themselves the essence of the subject matter itself.
Second, all activities carried out by students are directed to seek and find their own
answers to something in question, so that it is expected to foster self-confidence. The main
purpose of learning through inquiry strategies is to help students to develop intellectual
discipline and thinking skills by asking questions and getting answers on the basis of what
they want to know. The inquiry learning strategy is a form of student-oriented learning
approach. It is said so, because in this strategy students play a very dominant role in the
learning process.
The third strategy is Problem Based Learning Strategy. According to Andi (2016) in
Setyo (2020: 19) problem-based learning is a learning model whose focus of
implementation is carried out to bridge students to gain learning experience in organizing,
investigating, and solving complex life problems. One of the advantages of problem-based
learning strategy is that it can develop students' ability to think, increase students'
independence, encourage students to learn and improve students' skills and ability to work
together. Meanwhile, the disadvantage of the problem-based learning strategy is that
sometimes students have no interest or no confidence that the problem being studied is
difficult to solve, so they will feel reluctant to try it.
The Problem-Based Learning Model is characterized by the use of real-life problems
as something students have to learn. With the Problem Based Learning model, students are
expected to get more abilities from memorized knowledge. Starting from the ability to
solve problems, critical thinking skills, ability to work in groups, interpersonal and
communication skills, as well as the ability to seek and process information (Hotimah
The fourth strategy is the project-based learning strategy. Poonp states that project-
based learning is a teaching approach that contextualizes learning by giving learners a
problem to solve or a product to develop (Lutfiyanto 2022). According to Simpson in
Lutfiyanto (2022) in project-based learning, students are fully responsible for their own
learning. They work collaboratively to solve problems. Project-based learning relates to
learning activities based on real-world problems and challenges that require students to
work as a team through meaningful activities and produce a final product, as a team
through meaningful activities and result in a final product. One of the advantages of
project-based learning strategies is that it can increase student motivations, students can
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
connect learning at school with real events in the surrounding environment, and form
student work attitudes and improve communication with their friends. And one of the
disadvantages of project-based learning strategy is that it can be concluded that project-
based learning must require teamwork, and teachers must always supervise or control
because it may be difficult for teachers to detect and be aware of these features in the
implementation of project-based learning.
According to Arends (2012) in Putri (2020), learning strategy is a plan or pattern that
is used as a guide in planning learning in the classroom. The learning strategy refers to the
learning approach used, including teaching objectives, stages in learning activities,
learning environment, and classroom management. According to Sanjaya (2008) strategy is
defined as a plan that contains a series of activities designed to achieve certain educational
goals. With a good strategy, it is hoped that the educational goals that have been set can be
The four learning strategies of the 2013 curriculum, the one that is used in schools is
Discovery Learning Strategy because the use of discovery learning is very effective in
learning because it increases students' interest in learning and is required to be more active
in the learning process and helps students strengthen understanding, memory and students
feel happy.
In accordance with the results of observations done during the learning process in
class VIII-B students at SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho on November 28,2022 and January
16,2023, in the classroom the teacher used a Discovery Learning Strategy in English
learning process. One of the advantages of Discovery Learning Strategy is that it make
students active in following the learning process. But in the phenomenon that occurs, in the
learning process the students were less active. Therefore, the researcher is interested in
describing Discovery Learning Strategy as one of the learning strategies. According to
Hammer (1997), in Trisnadi 2021 Discovery Learning is a learning model where students
are involved in investigations of material guided by the teacher. Discovery learning first of
all gives students a structured experience so they can discover the definitions, concepts and
structures of a material.
Some similar studies had shown the implementation of discovery-based learning in
improving the students’ critical thinking ability. A study conducted by Rudibyani (2018)
which investigated the effectiveness of Discovery Learning in improving critical thinking
of the college students. The study showed that Discovery Learning was effective and have
a high effect size in improving critical thinking ability of the college students. Another
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
study was done by Martaida, Bukit, and Ginting (2017). They investigated which one was
giving a better effect on critical thinking and cognitive ability of the students applying
discovery based learning model or applying conventional learning in junior high school.
The result of the study showed that the critical thinking and cognitive ability of the
students applying Discovery Learning model was better than students' critical thinking and
cognitive ability with conventional learning.
Discovery Learning Strategy is an effective learning model in improving the
students’ critical thinking. It is a model for developing activeness and critical thinking of
students by discovering self-investigation. Hakim, Sariyatun, & Sudiyanto (2018) argued
that the results of the learning process will be remembered long lasting in their long-term
memory. This learning model will make the students learn to think critically, analyze, and
solve their own problems.
Based on this explanation, the researcher conducted research to analyze Discovery
Learning Strategy, entitled “An Analysis of Discovery Learning Strategy in English
Learning Process at Eighth Grade on SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho in 2022/2023”.
To conduct this research, the researcher used a qualitative research approach.
Creswell (1998) in Murdiyanto 2020 defines a qualitative approach as a research and
understanding process based on a methodology that investigates a social phenomenon and
human problems. This is in line with (Abdussamad 2021: 79) Qualitative research is
research that is more focused on describing the nature or nature of the value of a particular
object or symptom. Therefore, to observe how the implementation of Discovery Learning
Strategy in the classroom, researcher used descriptive analysis which is a type of
qualitative Research.
a. Setting and Schedule of the Research
Researcher would conducted this research on May 2023 at SMP. Negeri 2
Hiliduho, which is located in Dima village, Hiliduho sub-district. This research
would be focused on class 8-B. The subjects of this research are English teacher
and students in the class who pursue English learning by using Discovery Learning
b. Instrument of the Research
Research instrument is a tool used to collect, measure, and analyze data related to
your research interests. The research instrument is usually determined by researcher
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
and is tied to the study methodology. Research instruments are tools used to collect
data in research. According to Purwanto (2018), research instruments are made
according to the purpose of measurement and the theory used. Based on the
research focus, researcher used 4 types of instruments:
1. Lesson Plan
According to Permendikbud Number 65 of 2013 concerning Process Standards,
a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) is a face-to-face learning activity plan for one
or more meetings. RPP develops from the syllabus to better direct students' learning
activities to achieve Basic Competency. This plan is a teacher objectives for what
students should accomplish and how they will learn the material. Here, a teacher must
plan what they want to teach students, why a topic is being covered and decide how to
deliver a lecture. Learning objectives, learning activities and assessments are all
included in a lesson plan.
In this study, researcher used lesson plans as material to obtain data about
Discovery Learning Strategy procedures used by teacher in the learning process for
class VIII-B students at SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho. In accordance with the observation
sheet in the field, the procedures are listed in the RPP (preliminary activities, core
activities, closing activities). To obtain this data, the researcher was guided by the
procedure used by the teacher by ticking each step of Discovery Learning Strategy.
2. Observation Sheet
In the observation guideline that contains the aspects that can be observed, the
researcher ticked (done and undone) to determine whether the activities or learning
steps had been carried out by the teacher based on the content of the lesson plan.
3. Field Notes
According to Bogdan and Biklen (2007: 119) field notes is a written record of
what is heard, seen, experienced, and thought in the context of collecting data
reflection on data in qualitative research. Basically, field notes consist of two parts,
namely the descriptive part and the reflective part. Field notes was used by researchers
to make it easier to make brief research notes based on what is seen or observed while
in the field. The following is a table of research conducted based on the
implementation time. Then the researcher will record all activities that occur in food
such as recording teacher activities that have not been carried out by the teacher in the
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
4. Students Test Result
Student test results are tests used to measure students' mastery of the material
that has been taught and can measure the development of students' learning progress. It
can be in the form of an exercise guide for developing cognitive aspects or a guide for
developing all aspects of learning in the form of an experiment or demonstration guide.
Researcher used student test results as a tool to determine student learning outcomes in
the implementation of Discovery Learning Strategy.
c. Data Collecting Technique
To achieve the research objectives, the researcher would collected data through
two techniques, namely: video recording and also conducting interviews with teachers.
1. Document (Lesson Plan)
Gottschalk (1950) in Murdiyanto (2020) states that documents in its broader
sense are any evidentiary process based on any type of source, be it written, oral,
pictorial, or archaeological. documents are a source of data used to complement
research, in the form of written sources, films, images (photographs), and monumental
works, all of which provide information for the research process. Documents provide
very valuable information in helping researcher understand the phenomena in this
study. The research took documentation from lesson plans (RPP) and student test
results in learning english by using Discovery Learning Strategy.
2. Observation Sheet
Cartwright defines observation as a process of seeing, observing and observing
and recording behaviour systematically for a specific purpose Herdiansyah, 2010) in
Murdiyanto (2020). The purpose of observation is to describe the object's behaviour
and understand it or it could just want to know the frequency of an event.
This observation sheet is to make notes and some important events in English
learning related to the problem formulation in the research, this observation is to
identify the implementation of Discovery Learning Strategy in the learning process.
Observations were made when the teacher was teaching the students.
3. Field Notes
Field notes allow researchers to access subjects and record what they have in an
unobtrusive way. Researchers used test results as a tool to collect data and determine
student learning result in the implementation of Discovery Learning Strategy.
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
a. The Result of Lesson Plan
To answer the first research focus, the researcher used lesson plan taken during
Internship 2 to English teacher at SMP Negeri 2 Hiliduho as a guideline in conducting
research. Lesson plans were made by teacher to help them teach in the classroom. The
lesson plan is the design of the learning unit that is implemented by the English teacher in
the classroom. The lesson Plan was used by the researcher as a guideline to organize the
observation sheet. The following is the lesson plan, particularly the teacher's activities in
implementing Discovery Learning Strategy in the learning process. The steps according to
the above procedure are grouped as follows:
Table 4.1 Teacher’s Activities in Discovery Learning Strategy
Core Activities
Students listen to a brief explanation or reading
of some expressions from the teacher related to
greeting card.
The teacher instructs the learners to discuss and
identify the problem at hand.
The teacher instructs the learners to formulate
the problem.
The teacher instructs the learners to make a
provisional answer in determining the
similarities and differences in the greeting cards.
The teacher provides opportunities for students
to collect data and information needed, such as
reading literature, observing objects, conducting
their own tests, interviews and so on.
the teacher asks the students about last week's
The teacher asks learners to prove the
information or data that they have obtained.
Teacher asks learners to make conclusions from
the data that has been obtained and analysed
Closing Activities
The teacher conducts a question and answer
session on the material that has been taught
Summarising the material.
The teacher asks the students about any
difficulties they faced while learning.
The teacher gives an assignment.
The teacher invites students to pray together.
The teacher says his/her greetings
The results of the research as long as the researcher did or followed the English
teacher in the teaching and learning process using Discovery Learning Strategy there were
several activities that had not been carried out by the English teacher from all activities in
the lesson plans above. The introduction activities there were 2 activities that had not been
done and there were 2 activities that had been done by English teacher. In the core
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
activities there were 8 activities that have been done by English teacher and there were 2
activities that had not been done. While in the closing activity there were 5 activities that
had been done by English teacher and 1 activity that has not been done, this is seen on the
observation sheet, where there were activities that had and had not been carried out by
English teacher.
b. The Result of Observation Sheet
The researcher did or followed the English teacher in the teaching and learning
process using Discovery Learning Strategy, the researcher used an observation sheet to
find out the activities that had been done and those that had not been done by the English
teacher in the classroom by checking the activities that had been done and those that had
not been done in accordance with the activities contained in the lesson plan. The following
observation sheet is seen in Table 4.1.2.
Table 4.1.3. Students’ test result
Teacher Activity
Greetings, followed by checking student attendance,
and asking how the students are doing.
Inviting students to pray before starting the lesson.
Invite and remind students about what motivates
them to learn.
Stating the topic, competence, objectives, benefits of
the material to be learnt.
Students listen to a brief explanation or reading of
some expressions from the teacher related to greeting
The teacher instructs learners to discuss and identify
the problem at hand.
The teacher gives directions to learners to formulate
The teacher instructs the students to make a
provisional answer in determining the similarities and
differences in the greeting cards.
At this stage, to answer the questions or hypotheses
that have been given, students are given the
opportunity to collect the data and information
needed, such as reading literature, observing objects,
conducting their own trials, interviews and so on.
The teacher asks the students about last week's
The teacher asks students to prove the information or
data that has been obtained with the hypothesis and
problems that have been set.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
The teacher asks learners to make conclusions from
the data that has been obtained and analysed together.
The teacher conducts a question and answer session
about the material that has been taught
Summarizing the material
Asking about any difficulties faced by students while
Giving Assignments
Inviting students to pray together
Saying greetings
From the results of the observation sheet above, there were 14 activities that had
been carried out by the English teacher and there were 5 activities that had not been carried
out, this is written in the field note why it happened. But from the researcher's observation
that of the 8 steps of Discovery Learning Strategy there were 2 activities that were not
carried out by the teacher, namely the English teacher has not given directions to the
students to discuss and identify the task or problem at hand, the English teacher does not
provide opportunities for students to collect data and information needed by the students in
answering questions given by the English teacher.
c. The Result of the Field Note
While the researcher was observe or followed the English teacher in the teaching and
learning process using Discovery Learning Strategy, the researcher used field notes to
record activities after being in the classroom. Field notes were used by researcher to make
it easier to make brief notes of research based on what was seen or observed when
conducting research in the field.
a. First Meeting
The first meeting was held on Thursday, 25
May 2023. Learning started at
11.15. In the introductory activity, the researcher noted that the first activity was
carried out by the teacher was starting with the teacher was greeted the students, after
that the English teacher asked how the students were doing, checked the students'
attendance and informed the material to be learned. The English teacher conveyed the
topic of learning, namely greeting card.
Before the English teacher explained the greeting card material, the English
teacher first asked questions to the students and the students were so enthusiastic when
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
answering questions given by the English teacher. The English teacher explained the
greeting card material
, and the students were listened to the explanation of the English
teacher well. After the English teacher explained, the English teacher directed the
students to analyze the examples of greeting card contained in the package book and
directed the students to look for differences and similarities in the card
. The English
teacher gave time to the students to find the similarities and differences in the greeting
card and make a temporary answer about the task given by the teacher
The Students
still looked active in completing the tasks given by the English teacher. The English
teacher directed the students to do the assignment at home and discussed it at the next
meeting because the lesson was over.
Before the English teacher closed the first meeting she made conclusions
together with the students about what has been received in today's learning. After that,
the English teacher asked the students if there were things that had not been received
clearly or there were things that they wanted to ask. Furthermore, the English teacher
conveyed that the students should not forget about the assignment at the next meeting,
after which the English teacher closed the learning activities by praying and saying
In the first meeting, the researcher also noted activities that had not been carried
out by the English teacher in implementing Discovery Learning Strategy. The English
teacher did not invited the students to pray before learning and the teacher also did not
remind the students about their motivation to learn. In the core activities, the teacher
had not given directions to the students to discuss and identify the tasks she gave. The
English teacher did not say greetings, but the teacher closed in a different way by
saying see you at the next meeting.
b. Second Meeting
The second meeting was held on Friday 26 May 2023 at 11.15 WIB and in the
same class, namely class VIII-B. In the preliminary activities, the researcher noted that
the first activity carried out by the English teacher was that the learning activity was
opened by the teacher by giving greetings and then asking how the students were. Then
the next activity was to check the attend list the students by calling students' names one
by one, then proceed with giving apperception to students about the connection of the
previous meeting and giving an explanation regarding today's learning objectives. Then
provide motivation to the students so that learning activities can be carried out actively,
enthusiastically, so that it was expected that the material provided can be useful.
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Entering the core learning activities, especially at the stage of processing data,
the English teacher began to guide learning with the students related to the assignment
at the last meeting. The teacher then asked about the previous task by determining the
differences and similarities of greeting card and determining what types of greeting
card were used in the existing greeting card examples. The teacher asked students to
convey their observations about the greeting card task by reading out the results they
have obtained
. The English teacher and other the students appreciate the results read
out by their friends in the classroom. After that, the English teacher asked the students
to make a conclusion from the task.
Then the last activity was the closing activity. The English teacher conducted a
question and answer session with the students to test the students' understanding of the
greeting card material that had been learnt. The students were still active in answering
questions and were able to answer all questions well and correctly. After summarizing
the learning material, the English teacher asked about the difficulties faced by the
students while learning. The English teacher gave time to the students to ask if there
was still something they did not understand about greeting card material. The English
teacher gave assignments to the students to test students' understanding of greeting
card. The task given by the English teacher was in the form of multiple-choice. And
according to the teacher's direction, they immediately did the task and collected it
before going home. Before going home, the English teacher asked the class leader to
collect the task and the class leader immediately collected the task and handed it to the
teacher. After that, the teacher closed the learning activity by praying together.
In the second meeting, the researcher also noted activities that had not been
carried out by the English teacher in implementing the first Discovery Learning
Strategy. The English teacher had not invited the students to pray before learning and
the teacher also did not remind the students about their motivation to learn. In the core
activities, the teacher did not give directions to the students to discuss and identify the
tasks she gave. The English teacher did not say greetings, but the teacher closed in a
different way by saying see you at the next meeting.
In the first meeting and the second meeting of the research in implementing
Discovery Learning Strategy, the researcher saw that the English teacher appeared very
enthusiastic in providing understanding and direction in each stage of Discovery Learning
Strategy, the students also followed the learning process well, but the students were still
less active because during the English teacher implemented Discovery Learning Strategy
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
in the classroom the English teacher only used printed books and did not use other media.
This was evident when the teacher asked questions and the students actively answered
these questions. However, the weakness of the English teacher in implementing Discovery
Learning Strategy in the learning process noted by the researcher was that some of the
activities in the lesson plan have not all been carried out by the English teacher. After the
teacher explained about the greeting card material the teacher did not ask the students
whether the students understood or not, but the English teacher immediately gave the task
to the students. Furthermore, during the research the English teacher only stood in front of
the class.
The Result Description of Discovery Learning Strategy in English Learning Process
a. Lesson Plan
Based on the results of observations made by the researcher in the
implementation of Discovery Learning Strategy in class VIII-B SMP Negeri 2
Hiliduho which has been carried out by English teacher. The learning process was not
separated from the lesson plan.
In the research findings, researcher used lesson plans as documents in the
research instrument. The lesson plans as initial data prove that the English teacher used
Discovery Learning Strategy in the learning process. After the researcher observed the
English teacher twice in the same class using Discovery Learning Strategy. Although
one step was not done in the first meeting and in the second meeting one step was not
1. First Meeting
The first meeting was held on Thursday, 25 May 2023. Learning began at
11.15 WIB, which was the last hour of the Thursday schedule at SMP Negeri 2
Hiliduho. In the introductory activity, the researcher saw the first activity the
English teacher did was starting with the English teacher’s greeting and the
students answering the greeting. After that the English teacher asked how the
students were doing. Then the next activity was to take attendance by calling
students' names one by one, and the students answered present according to their
names. Next, the English teacher conveyed the learning topic which was greeting
card. After that, the students got motivation from the English teacher about the
importance of learning greeting card.
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
After that the English teacher began to carry out the core learning activities,
especially the stimulating stage by providing material and explanations about
greeting card. According to Setiawan (2021:177) in Annisa (2022), Discovery
Learning is that the teacher plays the role of presenting the learning, the material is
not in its final form, and then implements the prepared plans so that the plan is
executed in a timely manner optimal. In line with the statement of Setiawan (2021:
177) in Annisa (2022), English teacher explain material to the student. But before
the teacher explained what greeting card, the teacher first asked students if they had
ever heard of greeting card? The question was answered by the students, some
students answered that they had and some students answered that they had not.
After that the teacher again asked what was a greeting card? One of the students
answered that greeting card was card that contains congratulations such as birthday
greetings given to close friends. The teacher's reaction after hearing the student's
answered was that the teacher appreciated it by giving applause and was followed
by all the students in the class. After that, the English teacher again asked if anyone
wanted to give a response about what a greeting card is? However, the student
answered no. After that, the English teacher began to explain what a greeting card
is. Greeting card was small letters in the form of cards given to others to show
greetings. Greeting card is given to congratulate birthdays, graduating from school,
winning competitions, getting married, holidays, and other anniversaries, including
condolences. After that, the English teacher explained about the structure of
greeting card, the structure of greeting card consists of receiver, content, and
sender. During the English teacher explained the students just sat and listened to all
what the English teacher said about the greeting card material.
After the English teacher explained about greeting card, here the English
teacher gave problems to the students. Giving problems was given through
questions to the students. The English teacher told the students to open the book
pages 67 and 69. And immediately the students opened the page that the teacher
had delivered. The teacher said that "on the book pages 67 and 69 there are
examples of greeting card, paid attention or analyze the cards, then look for
differences and similarities from the cards and determine the type of card. Learners
immediately noticed and analyzed what the differences and similarities in the
greeting card". At this stage the English teacher gave students time to answer these
questions, then gave directions to the students to think of answers that were in
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accordance with the questions that have been given. Next was the step to collect the
data needed to answer the questions given, but because the time duration of the
learning activity had run out, the activity would be continued at the next meeting.
The English teacher directed the students to do the assignment at home and
discussed it at the next meeting.
2. Second Meeting
The second meeting was held on Friday 26 May 2023 at 11.15 WIB.
Researcher observed learning activities opened by the English teacher by giving
greetings and then asking how the students were doing. Then the next activity was
the English teacher absent the students by calling students' names one by one, and
the students answer present according to their names. Then proceed by giving
apperception to the student about the connection of the previous meeting and
providing an explanation regarding today's learning objectives. Then provided
motivation to the students so that learning activities is carried out actively,
enthusiastically, so that it was hoped that the material provided can be useful.
Entering the core learning activities, especially at the stage of processing
data, the English teacher began to guide learning with the student related to the
assignment at the last meeting. The teacher then asked about the previous task of
determining the differences and similarities of greeting card and determining what
type of greeting card is used in the existing sample greeting card.
Furthermore, the students were directed by the English teacher to prove
their findings. The student would conveyed the results of their observations about
the greeting card task by reading out the results they had obtained. The English
teacher and other the students appreciate the results read out by their friends in the
After conveying the results of their observations about greeting card, the
next activity was drawing conclusions. At this stage, the students were asked by the
English teacher to concluded or make conclusions from obtained and analysed
together related to the similarities and differences contained in the greeting card
examples on pages 67 and 69. Of the 25 students in the class, the English teacher
chose 2 the students to make conclusions about greeting card. The first student who
made the conclusion was Hendrikus Laoli and the second student was Merina
Telaumbanua. During the learning process the students look enthusiastic and still in
following the learning process carried out by the English teacher. This is in line
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with Mayer (2004) in Muliati (2020), exploratory learning strategy is a teaching
method that encourages students to be more active in the learning process by
answering a series of questions or solving problems designed to introduce a general
Then the last activity was the closing activity, the English teacher conducted
a question and answer session with the students to test students' understanding of
the greeting card material that had been learned. The students were still active in
answering questions and were able to answer all questions well and correctly. After
that, concluding the learning material, after concluding the learning material the
English teacher asked about the difficulties faced by the students while learning.
The English teacher gave time to the students to ask if there was still something
they did not understand about greeting card material. However, there were no the
students who asked questions, meaning that the students had understood and
comprehended the material that had been explained previously. Because there were
no questions from the students, the English teacher gave assignments to the
students to test students' understanding of greeting card. The task given by the
English teacher was in the form of multiple choice. And according to the teacher's
direction, they immediately did the task and collected it before going home. Before
going home, the English teacher asked the class leader to collect the assignment
and the class leader immediately collected the assignment and handed it to the
teacher. After that, the English teacher closed the learning activity by praying
b. Observation Sheet
To find out which activities had been carried out and had not been carried out,
researcher used an observation sheet as a guide to see whether the English teacher had
carried out the activities or not in the teaching and learning process. The observation
sheet contained activities that were carried out and not carried out.
In the teacher's activities in the lesson plan, there were 13 activities that had
been implemented by the English teacher and 5 activities that had not been
implemented by the English teacher (Table 4.1.2) In reality that occurs in the field,
some activities that were not implemented by the English teacher were: In the
introductory activity, the teacher had not invited the students to pray before starting the
lesson, and the English teacher had not reminded them about what their motivation was
to learn. In the core activities the English teacher had not given directions to the
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students to discussed and identify the problems faced, the English teacher does not
provide opportunities for the students to collected the data and information needed,
such as reading literature, observing objects, conducting their own trials, interviewed
and so on. And in the closing activity the English teacher does not say greetings.
Based on the previous explanation, all teacher teaching activities were written
in the lesson plan. However, what happened in reality was that there were several
activities that were not carried out by the English teacher but had been written in the
lesson plan. According to Wicaksono (2022) "one of them is learning steps that are not
written in detail resulting in a stage or process that should be passed by students, not
done. This condition ultimately affects the learning objectives to be achieved.
c. Field Note
In accordance with the English teacher’s activities that had been implemented
and not implemented, the researcher used field notes to record the reasons why the
English teacher did not carry out these activities according to what happened in the
field (Table 4.1.3). Some of the reasons for the notes of activities that were not
implemented by the English teacher according to the research results are as follows:
the English teacher did not invited the students to pray before starting the lesson.
This happened because before the first lesson the students had prayed in the field at
the morning assembly. The English teacher did not remind the students about what
motivated them to learn. This happened because the English teacher immediately
proceeded to the next stage, namely by stating the learning topic. The students did
not discussed because the English teacher had not given the students time to
discussed in doing the assignment. But the English teacher immediately proceeds to
the next stage. The English teacher did not provide opportunities for students to
collect the data and information needed, such as reading literature, observing objects,
conducting their own trials, interviews and so on. This happened because the
learning hour was over and the English teacher only said the task was continued at
home. The English teacher did not say greetings before going home. However, the
English teacher closed in a different way by saying saw you at the next meeting.
Based on the findings above regarding the implementation of Discovery
Learning Strategy, as previously explained, the teacher's activities in the teaching
and learning process were listed in the lesson plan. According to Antari (2021) in her
research that every educator in the education unit is obliged to prepare lesson plans
completely and systematically so that learning takes place interactively, inspiring,
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fun, challenging, efficient, motivating students to participate actively, and providing
sufficient space for initiative, creativity, and independence in accordance with the
talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of students. However,
in reality, after conducting the research, the English teacher did not carry out all the
activities listed in the lesson plan. Wahyudi (2022) states that this lesson plan can be
used by every teacher for general guidelines in conducting learning to their students,
because it contains detailed instructions, meetings, objectives, scope of material to be
taught, teaching and learning activities, media and evaluation that must be used.
Therefore, with this plan guided by this teacher would be able to conduct teaching in
a routine manner, focusing on the objectives, scope of material, teaching and learning
strategies, or outside the appropriate evaluation system.
From the above statement, there was a gap in the statement whether the
lesson plan was used as a guideline, while in reality not all activities that had been
written in the lesson plan were carried out by the English teacher. Although in this
study, the English teacher had done Discovery Learning Strategy procedure well and
almost all activities were carried out by the English teacher.
Description of Student Test Results in English Learning Process
Learning results were the achievement of learning objectives obtained through
learning experiences that is seen from the results of written and unwritten assessments that
have been carried out.
In the research findings, the researcher had taken the results of the student work that
had been given by the English teacher. The purpose was to determine the learning results
of the students after the implementation of Discovery Learning Strategy in accordance with
the researcher's question 2. The type of test given by the English teacher to the students
was in the form of multiple choice questions related to greeting card material as many as
10 items.
From the results of the value findings above (table 4.2) of the 25 the students in class
VIII-B who have taken the test that has been given, there were 23 the students who
answered question number 1 correctly. The students answered question number 1 correctly
because in question number 1 the answer was already in the text or written directly in the
text that had been made by the English teacher so the students easily get the answer to the
question. In question number 2 the number of the students who answered correctly was 23
the students. The students answered question number 2 correctly. The answer to question
number 2 was not written directly in the text that had been given but the students were able
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to analyse the type of text so that they determined that the type of text was a greeting
Furthermore, in question number 3 the number of the students who answered was 17
people. 16 of these students answered the question correctly. After paying attention to
question number 3 is a medium question and can still be answered by the students because
the answer to question number 3 has been written directly in the text that has been included
by the English teacher (explicit). Of the 25 students who took the test that the teacher had
given, there were 13 students who answered question number 4 correctly. Based on the
research observation, the answer to question number 4 has not been written directly
(implicit) in the text that had been given. So the students need time to understand and
answer the question correctly. This is in line with the statement (Rahman, 2017) Discovery
Learning is a learning strategy that allows students to gather information and find and
solve problems themselves, the students build their own knowledge by conducting
experiments to find a principle from the experiment. In question number 5, the number of
the students who answered the question correctly was 16 students. The students answered
the question correctly because in question number 5 the answer was already in the text or
written directly in the text that the English teacher had made so the students easily got the
answer to the question (explicitly). Although the alternative answers in number 5 had
answers that were almost the same as the real answers, the students managed to answer the
question correctly. Then in question number 6, the number of students who answered
correctly was 20 students (implicit)
Furthermore, in question number 7, the number of students who answered the
question correctly was 20 students. The answer to the question has been written directly
(explicitly) in the text. Even so, the students still pay attention to the text and observe the
text so that they got the correct answer. Question number 8 was answered correctly by 18
students. The students need time to find out the answer because the answer to question
number 8 is written indirectly (implicit), so the students had to read the text repeatedly so
that in the end they found the correct answer. In question number 9 there were 23 the
students who answered the question correctly. The answer to the question has been written
directly (explicitly) in the text. And in the last question the students answered the question
correctly. There were 24 students who answered correctly. In this question the students try
to understand what was the most appropriate answer because the answer to number 10 is
not written directly so that it made students thought and reread correctly so the students
answered the question correctly and correctly (implicit).
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Based on the researcher's findings, the implementation of Discovery Learning
Strategy in class VIII-B had an impact on the student learning result. This was evident
from the results of tests conducted by English teacher in the class that the implementation
of Discovery Learning Strategy has a positive impact on improving the student learning
results. According to Ali & Setiani (2018), Discovery Learning Strategy learning model
influences student learning results, because this learning model had advantages so that
students are motivated to be active in understanding the concepts student. We can see from
the explanation above that from the test results that had been given many students who
answer correctly and reach the MCC.
a. Conclusion
After conducting qualitative research on the implementation of Discovery Learning
Strategy in English language learning, based on the research findings in the previous
chapter, the researcher concluded that first, the English teacher were interested, happy and
enjoy when doing learning by using Discovery Learning Strategy. In the learning process
by applying Discovery Learning Strategy, the teacher had used the lesson plan as a
guideline in learning. In the lesson plan there were procedures carried out by the English
teacher listed in the lesson plan (introductory activities, core activities, closing activities).
The implementation of the Discovery Learning Strategy has gone well, and students also
follow the learning until the end. However, students are still less active both in asking
questions and in answering the teacher's questions because as long as the teacher
implements the Discovery Learning Strategy in the classroom the English teacher only
uses printed books as teaching media and does not use other media such as projector.
Based on the researcher's findings, the implementation of Discovery Learning
Strategy in class VIII-B had an impact on the student learning results. This was evident
from the test results that had been conducted by English teacher in the class that the
implementation of Discovery Learning Strategy has a positive impact on improving the
student learning results. Student test results reach MCC or above the average MCC applied
at the school.
b. Recommendation
Considering the results of the study, the researcher would like to make the following
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For teacher, teacher were not the source of knowledge, therefore teacher must
provide many opportunities for students to find knowledge with teaching strategies in the
teaching and learning process.
For the students, the effective learning is the learning that makes students as the
center of learning. Thus, students can increase their ability to be actively and creatively
involved in learning activities. The learning process can produce results that are in
accordance with the supposed learning objectives.
For the next researcher, the researcher should find out what the impact is if the
teacher does not implement all the steps of Discovery Learning Strategy in the English
language learning process.
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