AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Angelina Pinta Ria Zebua
, Elwin Piarawan Zebua
Adieli Laoli
Nursayani Maru’ao
1, 2, 3, 4
Undergraduate Thesis, Univeritas Nias
Jl. Yos Sudarso,Ombalata Ulu, Kota Gunungsitoli, Sumatera Utara 22812
Email: maruao.nursa[email protected]
Penguasaan kosakata adalah kemampuan menggunakan kata-kata dalam melakukan komunikasi
dan memahami makna kata atau frasa dalam bahasa Inggris. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
Meningkatkan Penguasaan Kosakata Siswa Melalui Permainan Jeopardy di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri
1 Gunungsitoli Barat yang jumlah siswanya adalah 26 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan
menggunakan desain Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini diterapkan dalam dua siklus.
Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Instrumen yang digunakan
peneliti untuk mengumpulkan data adalah lembar observasi, lembar evaluasi, dan catatan lapangan.
Dari hasil setiap Siklus, peneliti menemukan bahwa siswa mendapatkan peningkatan dalam kosa
kata mereka melalui Jeopardy Game. Pada pertemuan kedua siklus II peneliti memperoleh
peningkatan siswa, yaitu, siswa secara keseluruhan mencapai KKM (70).
Kata Kunci: Penguasaan kosa kata, Jeopardy Game, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
Vocabulary mastery is the ability to use the words in conducting the communication and
understanding the meaning of the words or phrases in English. The purpose of the research is to
Increase the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Jeopardy Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP
Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat which the total numbers of the students was 26 persons. The research
was conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR) design. This research was applied into
two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The instruments
used by the researcher to collect the data were observation sheet, evaluation sheet and field note.
From the result of each Cycle, the researcher finds that the students get an improvement in their
vocabulary through Jeopardy Game. At the second meeting of cycle II the researcher obtained an
increase in students, that students overall reached MCC (70).
Keywords : Vocabulary Mastery, Jeopardy Game, CAR
Vocabulary was the basic foundation in learning a language. Vocabulary always
takes part in every aspect of language in the world. Vocabulary was a word that expressed
a wide meaning. There were 4 aspects of skill in English, namely: speaking, writing,
listening and reading. Before studying the four aspects of these skills, vocabulary was the
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
first skill that must be learned and introduced to students. As Murcia in Kartini and
Kareviati (2019:1) in general, that the center of mastering the language is learning
vocabulary, both in the first, second and foreign language. This means that vocabulary is
the first stage that bring students in the process of mastering English. Having little
knowledge of vocabulary makes it difficult to master in English.
Vocabulary was one of the important thing in English. According to Novi and
Fitrawati in Putri & Fitrawati (2018:3), vocabulary as one of the main components learnt
by student from the beginning until intermediate level. With a lot of vocabulary that
students know and learn, they can improve their ability in language skills. It is supported
by Wilkins (1972 pp. 111112) in Clouston (2021:2) who states that while without
grammar very little can be conveyed, but without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. It
means learning grammar does have an effect on learning English but, it is still empty
without vocabulary. Vocabulary is known as the most common element in sentences
because language is a collection of words. The success of learning English in terms of
vocabulary mastery.
Based on syllabus of 2013 Curriculum that was used in SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli
Barat particularly in the eighth grade, vocabulary was one of skill that have part in every
material in learning. The core competence was to understand, apply, analyzes factual,
conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge based on his curiousity about
science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with human, nationality, state and
civilization insights related to the causes of phenomena and events, and apply procedural
knowledge in a specific field of study according to their talents and interests. The indicator
based on the syllabus is to know the social function, structure, language features and the
topic. As well as related to the students’ achievement in learning especially in english
subject of eight grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat, the school has determined the
Minimum Competence Criteria (MCC) that should be reached by the students which is 70.
The student should be able to pass the MCC as the indicator of the students’ succes in
learning. So the students of the eighth grade can be said successful in writing ability if the
students can get at least 70.
Based on the researcher’s observation at the eighth grade (VIII) of SMP Negeri
1 Gunungsitoli Barat, the researcher found some problems from students such as, difficult
to name objects around them by reason of forgetting (difficult to memorize); had little
knowledge about vocabulary (lack of vocabulary); less to practice their vocabulary;
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
embarrassed to express themselves. The lack of students’ vocabulary were influenced by:
internal and external factors. The internal factors caused by students’ interest and
motivation. The external factors were environment, parents, teacher, including teaching
strategy. Teaching vocabulary was not an easy activity, because teachers need to think
about appropriate teaching strategy that was used in the classroom. Students need
motivation for them to be interested in learning English. Sadiman in Novilisa et al (2019:2)
In general, “Many teachers teach vocabulary based on handbook without using other media
indirectly”. The way of teaching-centered, material was monotonous, taking notes from the
blackboard and then completing assignments certainly make them get bored quickly.
Students often felt that English was very difficult. Even though the learning and teaching
strategies were interesting, it was increase the students' motivation and interest. In this era
of globalization, teachers must be able to adjust to the learning style of students. There
were lots of techniques and strategies that can be adopted and build an interesting learning
Game could be used as an appropriate teaching strategy related to Sanders et al in
Suryani, Kareviati (2021:2) says, the used of games in the learning process was one of the
pedagogical practices of this technique which is useful for excellence in learning
techniques, is responsive to various types of student motivation, and makes students closer
to each other. A pleasant atmosphere certainly builds students' interest and motivation in
learning. Application of games can be made in various forms both individually and in
groups. Games in learning had a big role in created bonds between one student and
another. Improve cooperative and competitive among students. To overcome the problems,
the researcher tried to apply Jeopardy Game. Friedman in Novilisa et al (2019:4) says,
Jeopardy game is adopted from television quiz show and adopted into language game for
educational tool. Jeopardy game is a popular American TV game or quiz show. That build
in educational tool as one of games that can be use to increase the students’ vocabulary
mastery. According to Sepyanda (2020:7), A Jeopardy game is an activity that encourages
students to think about the questions which may lead to a particular answer. This game can
make students think creatively about a particular answer. As a result, they can remember
the words after knowing the answer. Also, a jeopardy game can build students’ motivation
due to the nature of its competitiveness. These game can challenge students to be more
enthusiastic about finding the right word with a high score for the question. Putri and
Fitrawati (2018:4), for teachers, this greatly help Jeopardy Game can transform the
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
traditional classroom into a game show period. Through this game the teacher as a
facilitator can generate a monotonous class become a fun class for students.
Inspired by the fact, in this research the researcher conduct Classroom Action
Research (CAR) design because the researcher wanted to increase the students’ vocabulary
mastery. Classroom Action Research is a method of finding out what works best in a own
classroom so that teacher can improve student learning. Gwynn Mettetal in Nanda et al
(2021:13) explain that CAR is a reflective process in which instructors gather empirical
data, to improve their teaching practices. Therefore, the researcher concluded that
Classroom Action Research was a research conducted directly in the classroom to observe
and reaching the activities of the learning process carried out. To achieve the target which
is stated in syllabus, the school has decided the Minimum Competence Criteria (MCC) that
70 the indicator of students’ success in vocabulary mastery.
Based on the explanation above the researcher carried out the research to solve the
students’ problem entitled, Increasing the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through
Jeopardy Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in 2022/2023.
Based on the research purpose, this research was conducted through classroom
action research (CAR). The specific educational problems appear in students’ vocabulary
mastery. Therefore action research provided an opportunity for educator (researcher) to
reflect on the own practices. It is supported by Fitriani & Wahyuni (2020), Classroom
Action Research is an applied research that aims to improve and improve the quality of the
learning process and the quality of student learning.
The researcher used Jeopardy Game to take the opportunity in increasing the
students’ vocabulary mastery. The meeting of CAR attended to know the students’
progress by using Jeopardy Game. Suryabrata in Nanda (2021), classroom action research
is research that aims to develop new skills, new strategies or new approaches to solving
problems with direct application in the world of work or the actual world that other.
In action research, the researcher worked in close collaboration with a group of the
students to improve a situation in a particular setting. The researcher did not do research on
the students, but instead works with them, acting as a facilitator. Therefore, good group
management skills and an understanding of group dynamics were important skills for the
researcher to acquire. The object of the action in the research was to improve students’
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
achievement in vocabulary through Jeopardy Game especially at the eighth grade of SMP
Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in Academic Year 2022/2023.
Kemmis in Daulay (2021), relies on a spiral system of self-reflection that begins with
planning (plan), action (action), observation (observation), and reflection (reflection).
Classroom Action Research consists of four components, they are:
1. Planning : The researcher arranged the lesson plan, preparing the observation sheet
and field note
2. Action : The researcher implement the arranged procedures of Jeopardy Game
3. Observation : The researcher collaborator observed the teaching-learning process by
using observation instrument.
4. Reflection : The researcher reflected how Jeopardy Game overcomes the problem in
The subject of this research was the students at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1
Gunungsitoli Barat. The subject of this research was the grade VIII-B which consisted of
26 students.
The Population of the Students at the Eighth Grade of
SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat.
Data collection technique are the steps that carried out in collecting data and
information during research. In this study, the data collection technique were observation,
field notes and test/evaluation sheet.
1. Observation
Observation activities were carried out by observing all activites that take place during
2. Field notes
Field notes was prepared by the researcher during the process of implementing learning
activities, to record what activities occur during the learning process.
3. Test/ evaluation sheet
Given in the form of written questions to measure and determine the ability of students
after implementing the teaching and learning process using the Jeopardy Game.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
The data analysis technique in this study carried out by means of qualitative and
quantitative analysis techniques. Data analysis technique are divided into two techniques as
1. Qualitative analysis
Qualitative analysis is used to analyze the data obtained from the results of the
observation sheets during the learning process. The data was analyzed by researchers in
several stages : data reduction, data presentation, take conclusion.
2. Quantitative analysis
To evaluate the students’ vocabulary mastery, the researcher choose multiple choice
about descriptive text. To get the students’ mark individually, the researcher will use the
formula as suggested by In determining the result of the students’ test the researcher uses
formula adapted from Wahidin and Yahya (2020) as follows:
The classifies that 0-39 is very less, 40-59 is less, 65-74 is enough, 75-84 is good,
and 85-100 is very good.
Research Findings
This research was conducted in two, the meeting begin May to
June 2023.
a. Cycle I
In the Cycle I, the researcher examined the students’ vocabulary mastery by using
Jeopardy Game. After checking the result of the students’ evaluation, it was explained in
table below:
Table 2
The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Jeopardy Game at The Eighth Grade of
SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in Cycle I
85 100
Very Good
4 students
75 84
8 students
60 74
11 students
40 59
3 students
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
0 39
Very Less
26 students
From the table above explained the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary
Jeopardy Game in Cycle I was failed. Some of the students did not pass of Minimum
Competence Criterion (MCC) stated at school was 70 score. There were 4 (15%) students
reached the “very good level and there were only 8 (32%) students who reached the
“good” category. Students who reached “enough” category were 11 (42%) as the indicator
of success. The rest of them got score below the enough category, there were 3 (11%)
students who reached the “less” category and 0 (0%) students reached the “very less”
category. Then, the average of the students value was 67. The highest score that the
students got was 85 and the lowest score that the students got was 40. Therefore, the
researcher concluded that the indicator of success was not achieved.
The result of the students vocabulary test cycle I could be reviewed in the following
Graphic 1. The Percentage of the Students’ Score in Cycle I
Based on the explanation above, the researcher concluded that the studentsability in
mastering vocabulary by using Jeopardy Game was not increased in the cycle I. It was
indicated by looking at the Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) was not achieved by
the students regarding to the average of the students’ value above.
The researcher did some improvements to be applied in the next cycle such as:
1) The researcher explained the material clearly and enjoyable.
2) The researcher guide the students to pronounce the words and guess the meaning of
the word in Jeopardy game.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
3) Asking the students to bring the dictionary when studying English subject in order to
help them to find out the appropriate words and the meaning of the unfamiliar words.
4) The researcher motivate the students to learn more about vocabulary.
b. Cycle II
In the Cycle II, the researcher examined the students’ vocabulary mastery through
Jeopardy Game. After checking the result of the students’ evaluation, it can be explained in
table bellow:
Table 3
The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Jeopardy Game at the Eighth Grade of
SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat In Cycle II
85 -100
Very Good
14 students
75 84
11 students
60 74
1 students
40 59
0 students
0 39
Very Less
0 student
26 students
100 %
Table above showed that from 26 students, there were 14 (53%) students reached the
“very good” level and there were only 11 (42%) students who reached the “good”
category, there were 1 (4%) students reached the “enough” category as the indicator of
success. The rest of them got score below the enough category, there is no students reached
the “less” category and “very less” category. In Cycle II the average was 84, the highest
mark was 95 and the lowest was 65. Therefore, the researcher concluded that the indicator
of success was achieved.
The result of the students vocabulary test cycle II could be seen in the following
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Graphic 2 The Percentage of the Students’ Score in the Cycle II
Based on the explanation above, the researcher concluded that the students’ ability in
mastering vocabulary by using Jeopardy Game increased the students ability in the cycle
II. It was indicated by looking at the Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) could be
achieved by the students (100%). From the table above, it showed that the students’ ability
were increased in cycle II, based on the indicators of the research that the researcher put in
chapter III. There were 26 (100%) students who reached the score ≥70 or past the
Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC). The students’problems were overcame in Cycle
The research findings was Jeopardy Ganme can increase the students vocabulary
mastery at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat. Based on the findings
that the researcher gets in analysis the data, the researcher takes the conclusion as follow:
1. In Cycle I, most of students could not pass the Minimum Competence Criterion. In
Cycle I, there no one students who got score among 0-39 classified as Very less
Criteria, 3 (12%) students got score among 40-59 classified as “Less Criteria”, 11
(42%) students who got score among 60-74 classified as “Enough Criteria, there were
8 (31%) students only who got score among 75-84 classified as “Good Criteria and
there were 4 (15%) students who reached the Very Good Criteria”. In cycle I the
average was 67, the highest mark was 85 and the lowest was 40.
2. In Cycle II, there was no students categorized into very less criteria, the students got
score higher or same than Minimum Competence Criterion. In Cycle II there were 14
(53%) students who got score among 85-100 classified as “Very Good Criteria, 11
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
(42%) students got score among 75-84 classified as Good Criteria”, 1 (4%) students
who got score among 60-74 classified as Enough Criteria, no one students who
reached the “Less Criteria and no one students who reached the “Very Less Criteria”.
In Cycle II the average was 84, the highest mark was 95 and the lowest was 65. It
implies that the students’ vocabulary mastery is increase in cycle II.
Based on the research findings above, the researcher concluded that Jeopardy Game
increases the students’ vocabulary mastery at the eughth grade of SMP Negeri 1
Gunungsitoli Barat.
Based on the research findings, the researcher gives some suggestion, as follows:
first, the researcher suggest the English teachers apply Jeopardy Game to increase the
students’ vocabulary mastery. Because, by using Jeopardy Game, the teacher should select
the topic for the students to make them interest and active in the teaching-learning process.
Further expectation for the next researcher can use the knowledge as a comparison and
motivation to conduct a research.
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AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
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