AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
first skill that must be learned and introduced to students. As Murcia in Kartini and
Kareviati (2019:1) in general, that the center of mastering the language is learning
vocabulary, both in the first, second and foreign language. This means that vocabulary is
the first stage that bring students in the process of mastering English. Having little
knowledge of vocabulary makes it difficult to master in English.
Vocabulary was one of the important thing in English. According to Novi and
Fitrawati in Putri & Fitrawati (2018:3), vocabulary as one of the main components learnt
by student from the beginning until intermediate level. With a lot of vocabulary that
students know and learn, they can improve their ability in language skills. It is supported
by Wilkins (1972 pp. 111–112) in Clouston (2021:2) who states that “while without
grammar very little can be conveyed, but without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. It
means learning grammar does have an effect on learning English but, it is still empty
without vocabulary. Vocabulary is known as the most common element in sentences
because language is a collection of words. The success of learning English in terms of
vocabulary mastery.
Based on syllabus of 2013 Curriculum that was used in SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli
Barat particularly in the eighth grade, vocabulary was one of skill that have part in every
material in learning. The core competence was to understand, apply, analyzes factual,
conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge based on his curiousity about
science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with human, nationality, state and
civilization insights related to the causes of phenomena and events, and apply procedural
knowledge in a specific field of study according to their talents and interests. The indicator
based on the syllabus is to know the social function, structure, language features and the
topic. As well as related to the students’ achievement in learning especially in english
subject of eight grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat, the school has determined the
Minimum Competence Criteria (MCC) that should be reached by the students which is 70.
The student should be able to pass the MCC as the indicator of the students’ succes in
learning. So the students of the eighth grade can be said successful in writing ability if the
students can get at least 70.
Based on the researcher’s observation at the eighth grade (VIII) of SMP Negeri
1 Gunungsitoli Barat, the researcher found some problems from students such as, difficult
to name objects around them by reason of forgetting (difficult to memorize); had little
knowledge about vocabulary (lack of vocabulary); less to practice their vocabulary;