AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Fitdarlin Waruwu
, Hidayati Daeli
, Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua
, Kristof
Martin Efori Telaumbanua
English Education Study Program, Universitas Nias
Jalan Yos Sudarso 118 E/S Gunungsitoli Nias 22812
Kosakata merupakan komponen terpenting dari keseluruhan kompetensi komunikatif yang
memungkinkan siswa untuk menyampaikan informasi, ide atau gagasan kepada orang lain dalam
bentuk tertulis maupun lisan. Penguasaan kosakata adalah kemampuan untuk menggunakan kata-
kata dalam melakukan komunikasi dan memahami makna dari kata-kata atau frasa dalam bahasa
Inggris. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK).
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan,
observasi, dan refleksi. Pada pertemuan kedua siklus II, peneliti memperoleh peningkatan jumlah
siswa yang mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (70). Terdapat 14 (53%) siswa yang
mendapatkan nilai antara 85-100 dengan kategori "Sangat Baik", 12 (42%) siswa mendapatkan
nilai antara 75-84 dengan kategori "Baik". Berdasarkan hasil di atas peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa
permainan How Special Am I dapat digunakan dalam mengajarkan kosakata dan meningkatkan
kemampuan siswa dalam menguasai kosakata.
Kata kunci: Kosakata, Penguasaan Kosakata, Permainan How Special Am I.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
Vocabulary is the most important component of the overall communicative competence
that enables students to convey information, ideas or notions to others in such written and
oral form. Vocabulary mastery is the ability to use the words in conducting the
communication and understanding the meaning of the words or phrases in English. The
research was conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR) design. This research
was applied into two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation, and
reflection. In the second meeting of cycle II, the researcher obtained the improvement of
students, who achieved the Minimum Competence Criterion (70). There were 14 (53%)
students who got score among 85-100 classified as “Very Good Criteria”, 12 (42%)
students got score among 75-84 classified as “Good Criteria”. Based on the result above
the researcher concludes that How Special Am I Game could be done in teaching
vocabulary and increasing the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary.
Key word: Vocabulary, Vocabulary Mastery, How Special Am I Game.
Vocabulary is important to support the four English skills, such as reading, writing,
listening and speaking. Writing is one of the skills of organizing information or opinions in
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
written form. Ruth in Yunus (2020) says that writing is one of the skills closely related to
vocabulary learning. Writing as a thinking process involves a student's ability to organize
words and explain them in writing. In other words, without vocabulary, students cannot
write well and communicate their ideas.
Vocabulary is words used to express ideas through writing skills. She is supported by
Fachrozi in Humairoh (2022) which states that vocabulary is the number of words that
people recognize and use in their linguistic activities. One of the most important elements
of writing is vocabulary, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. And Endarto and
Subekti (2020) also argue that vocabulary is one of the most basic and important pillars of
English proficiency.
Regulations of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia no. Decree No. 19 of
2005 on national educational standards stipulates that the competence of graduates in
language subjects that emphasize reading and writing varies by grade level. Writing is one
of the language skills that the students use to communicate indirectly and not directly with
others. Without vocabulary, the students cannot communicate ideas or ideas. Moreover, the
choice of words also needs to be carefully selected and adjusted according to the rules of
the language, so mastering vocabulary for the students is extremely important.
Based on the syllabus of the 2013 curriculum that he used in SMK Negeri 1
Gunungsitoli, especially in the tenth grade, there are four skills that students must master.
Building on the Core Competencies, students are expected to understand, apply, analyze
and evaluate practical, conceptual, operational, analytical, and metacognitive knowledge
relevant to business and use. language in English at a technical, specific and
comprehensive level in the context of potential self-development. as a member of family,
workplace, community and international, regional and national community. Based on basic
skills, students must write short and simple descriptive texts, spoken and written, that relate
to people, things, and places, paying attention to social functions, cultural structures, etc.
text and linguistic elements, precisely and in accordance with their context. And this too,
the program hopes that the children can master the vocabulary to make descriptive writing
language in the future. In addition, regarding the student's academic performance,
especially English in the tenth of SMK Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli, the school has determined
the Minimum Comprehensive Criteria (MCC) that the students must meet , specifically 70.
The tudents may achieve MCC as an indicator of student success academically.
Based on the observation of tenth grade of SMK Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli, the
researcher found that the students were not able to pass or pass MCC 70, which was caused
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
by the students' inability to write a short descriptive passage. and simply related to the
topic. describe personality. The reason why students can't write is because the descriptive
text contains many unfamiliar words. The students' vocabulary problems are affected by a
number of root problems such as: the students have difficulty identifying and
understanding the meaning of words, the students are not motivated to memorize
vocabulary, the students lack interest in English since it is not their mother tongue and the
students it is difficult in distinguishing noun and adjective.
This problem needs to be solved because it is difficult for the students to keep track
of the English learning process. The students need new strategies to enjoy learning
English. One of the strategies that can improve the students' vocabulary is the game How
Special Am I. How Special Am I is a more effective game to teach vocabulary to the
students. This game is intended to be a learning strategy where teachers will prepare
learning materials and practice in class using this game in relation to themselves. O'dell in
Sudirman (2020) argues that How Special Am I is a game that involves searching for
personal information, and also according to Long, Grout in Putri 2018 says the game "Who
am I" can expand information and understanding This game aims to practice vocabulary
and discover what we have in common with others.
Based on the previous explanation, the researcher will conduct a classroom action
study (CAR) because the researcher wants to improve the students' vocabulary building
ability. CAR is one of the techniques to enhance teacher managed learning through
continuous improvement of Sanjaya to Jalaludin (2021). This means that the quality of
learning needs to be assessed from two perspectives: the learning process and the
assessment/ evaluation of learning outcomes.
Considering the problems of the above the students, the researcher conducted a study
with the title, Increasing the Student’s Vocabulary Mastery through How Special Am I
Game of the Tenth Grade SMK Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli in 2022/2023”
The methods used in this research are quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative
data is data on students' abilities in writing skills by How Special Am I Game. This data is
obtained based on the evaluation results of each action taken in statistical form, namely in
the form of student answer scores. Quantitative data is obtained from oral tests (fill in the
blank) given to students by using the results of writing descriptive text. Qualitative data is
non-countable data that is needed to evaluate and analyze. In other words, qualitative data
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
is subjective data that only requires reflection. In this study, qualitative data was obtained
from observation sheets and field notes.
In the research title was “Increasing the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through How
Special Am I game of the Tenth Grade of SMK Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli in 2022/2023”. The
subject of the research was X-UPW 2 of SMK Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli in 2022/2023. Which
the total numbers of the students were 26. In conducted the research, the researcher used
classroom action research (CAR). The research conduct in two Cycles, the researcher
analyzed the result of the students’ vocabulary mastery and the observation sheet either for
the researcher’s and students’ activities the researcher did the research in two Cycle.
In Cycle I especially in the second meeting, the researcher gave test to the students
was extend to know the students’ ability in writing, and the students’ result showed that
most of the students did not pass Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC). There were 4
students (15,38%) who got mark classified in “Good” level. There were 5 students
(19,24%) who got mark classified in “Adequate” level. And there were 17 students
(65,38%) who got mark classified in “Less adequate” level. The higher value that the
students got was 80 and the lowest value was 50 while the average of the students’ value
was 60. Based on the students value in Cycle I, it can be concluded that the students’
vocabulary mastery in Cycle I still less. The students were not able to write descriptive text
especially in describing a people because the students did not have enough vocabulary
about the topic they got.
In Cycle II, the researcher taught the students about the improvements that had been
designed in the previous meeting. The improvements had been brought a huge influence of
the students’ achievements in Cycle II. It showed from the result of observation sheet, most
of the students had done all the activities or procedures of Conscience all strategy. The
students’ percentage activities in the first meeting Cycle II was 96,06%, and in second
meeting was 100%. Moreover, the students’ mark was upgrading, all of them passed of the
Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) 70 score. There were 14 students (53,84%) who
got mark that classified in “Very good” level. There were 12 students (46,16%) who got
mark that clasified in “Good” level. The higher value that the students got was 84 while the
average of the students’ valuie was 86.
Based on the result of the research, the researcher observed that the students were
interested in teaching and learning vocabulary mastery. They were enthusiastic the learning
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
process. The researcher assumes that teaching by How Special Am I Game. Using How
Special Am I Game the students could practice how to determine vocabularies, how to
make a descriptive text, and how to understand writing ability more easily and effectively.
So, it has proved that How Special Am I Game can be interesting technique in learning
writing. It is concluded that How Special Am I Game can increased the students
vocabulary mastery in writing descriptive text, so this strategy can used in teaching writing
for the students by using that How Special Am I Game the students problem in writing was
In Cycle I especially in the second meeting, the researcher gave test to the students
was extend to know the studentsability in writing, and the students’ result showed that
most of the students did not pass Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC). There were 4
students (15,38%) who got mark classified in “Good” level. There were 5 students
(19,24%) who got mark classified in “Adequate” level. And there were 17 students
(65,38%) who got mark classified in “Less adequate” level. The higher value that the
students got was 80 and the lowest value was 40 while the average of the students’ value
was 60. Based on the students value in Cycle I, it can be concluded that the students’
vocabulary mastery in Cycle I still less. The students were not able to write descriptive text
especially in describing a people.
In Cycle II, the researcher taught the students about the improvements that had been
designed in the previous meeting. The improvements had been brought a huge influence of
the students’ achievements in Cycle II. It showed from the result of observation sheet, most
of the students had done all the activities or procedures of Conscience all strategy. The
students’ percentage activities in the first meeting Cycle II was 96,06%, and in second
meeting was 100%. Moreover, the students’ mark was upgrading, all of them passed of the
Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) 70 score. There were 14 students (53,84%) who
got mark that classified in “Very good” level. There were 12 students (46,16%) who got
mark that clasified in “Good” level. The higher value that the students got was 100 while
the average of the students’ valuie was 86.
Based on the clarification above, the researcher concludes that How special am
game. can increase the students’ vocabulary mastery through How special am game.of the
tenth grade of SMK Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli in 2022/2023.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Based on the research findings, the researcher gives some suggestions, as follows:
The English teachers in SMK Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli encouraged to apply How special am increase the students’ vocabulary mastery in writing descriptive tex. In teaching
writing by using How special am game, the teacher should select the writing material for
the students to make them interest and active in the teaching-learning process. For the
reader, it was better this research be a guide of other research in order to enhance more
information about teaching writing strategies. Further expectation for the next researcher
and the teacher to use How special am game in teaching writing in other skills.
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