AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Strategy is a strategy that involves the process of thinking in reading. It involves the
articulation of thinking, and has been identified as an effective instructional tool. Think
Aloud Strategy requires readers to pause during reading to think, reflect, and discuss their
process. According to Sönmez and Sulak (2018), Think Aloud Strategy is the most
effective strategy to inform readers who have problems in reading comprehension, about
their reading process. It provides opportunity for the teacher to ask questions for the
students related to the content of the text with the aim to encourage students’ thought
during reading. In this strategy, teachers read the text aloud to open up students’ mind
when they read the text. Meanwhile, students read the same text silently. Besides, the
students are quiet listeners and focus on how their teachers explaining.
Think-aloud is one type of verbal report in which an individual expresses everything
that he or she is thinking as she performs a given task. Dr. Tien (2020) argues, Think-aloud
Technique is a way for enabling the understanding of the causes of comprehension
problems and make informed decisions about subsequent instruction because learners will
be able to see the reasoning their teacher, a more experienced reader, is using while she is
reading. In addition, Mofid (2019) argues, “Think Aloud is one of the “transactional
strategies” because it is a joint process of teachers and students working together to
contract understandings of text as they interact with it” where the interaction that think
aloud promotes a better understanding of the texts may emerge in the classroom.
It’s supported by Gunning (1996) in Dr. Tien P (2021) Think-aloud is used to model
comprehension processes such as making predictions, creating images, linking information
in a text with prior knowledge, monitoring comprehension, and overcoming problems with
word recognition or comprehension. Nurdianti, et al. (2019) argue, people get the
information of the written text by reading comprehension where comprehension is the aim
of reading activity. It is supported by Sonmez and Sulak (2018) stating that reading
comprehension refers to the fact that a reader reaches new conception by synthesizing what
has been learned and read from the sources (visual and written). In line with these theories,
Haris and Hodges (2011:9) in Laoli and Zebua (2022) state that reading comprehension is
the construction of meaning of written or spoken communication through a reciprocal and
holistic interchange of ideas between the interpreter and message.
Based on observation conducted by the researcher during Internship III course at
SMK Negeri 1 Sitolu Ori on March 24, 2022 and April 7, 2022 in class X TKJ 1, the
researcher found that the students had difficulty in understanding the content of text given
by the teacher where some of the students were not able to answer the teacher’s questions