AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
will be passive, because they only listen to the teacher, and the teacher means that all
students like and understand the learning material.
The most important factor in teaching writing is that students need to be personally
involved in order to make the learning experience of lasting value. Encouraging students
participation in the exercise, while at the same time refining and expanding writing skills,
requires a certain approach. Many researches recommend helping students by providing
them with suitable strategies for solving problems that are a part of the writing process.
These strategies act as scaffolds, which can help students identify thinking skills and basic
cognitive processes. One problem that hinders students is their difficulties in using their
existing knowledge with regard to learning strategies, and in adjusting their thinking
processes. Ideally, the students need to be provided with the necessary support and
strategies to master the writing process.
In order to solve this problem, the writer is tried to offer a different and good strategy
in teaching writing at school. This strategy is well known as the STOP and DARE strategy.
This is actually a two-part strategy in order to helped the students to develop their ideas
and organize the ideas into a comprehensive persuasive text. The researcher chose this
strategy because STOP and DARE strategy make students' got writing achievement. This
strategy used active students’ brainstorming and also involves collaboration or direct
guidance by the teacher. It is in line with statement from Fidagol (2017:81) stated, in
practice STOP and DARE strategy can be use to enable students in writing skill by teacher
and students describe and discuss using brainstorming parts of a well written, evaluate
current students performance and practice the mnemonic. Strategies can help students to
get more ideas and organize them because they are carried out based on the right rules and
steps. In addition, this strategy also increases students' activeness in the learning process
because they have to do some of the activities required in the strategy.
Stop and Dare strategy is asophisticated strategy for writing a persuasive essay that
addresses both sides of an issue stated Graham,et al (2008) in Anita (2019). This strategy
consists of eight steps that should be followed by the students in making a writing plan
before writing the essay. ‘STOP’ stands for suspend judgment, take a side, organize ideas,
plan more as you write. ‘DARE’ stands for develop topic sentence, add supporting ideas,
reject possible arguments, and end with a conclusion. Regarding to the explanation above,
the researcher uses Quantitative Research with the type, Experimental Method. According
to Bryman in Daniel (2016:94) argue that quantitative research approach is the research
that places emphasis on numbers and figures in the collection and analysis of data.