AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Wildem Grant Ester Gea
, Elwin Piarawan Zebua
Riswan Zega
Afore Tahir
1, 2
Undergraduate Thesis, Univeritas Nias
Jl. Yos Sudarso,Ombalata Ulu, Kota Gunungsitoli, Sumatera Utara 22812
There were some problems that students writing hortatory exposition text first students were
difficult to find any ideas in writing hortatory exposition text, second did not know how to organize
paragraph, third students did not able to write hortatory exposition text with correct structure. The
purpose of the research was to find out the significant effect of Stop and Dare Strategy on the
Students’ Ability in Writing Skill at the Eleventh Grade of SMK Swasta Kristen Tomosa
1Gunungsitoli Idanoi in 2022/2023. The researcher used quantitative research with quasi
experimental design, by pretest and posttest to the experimental group and control group. The
sample of the research were consisted of 60 students. The researcher concluded there was a
significant effect of Stop and Dare Strategy on the Students’ Ability in Writing Skill at the Eleventh
Grade of SMK Swasta Kristen Tomosa 1 in 2022/2023 at the significant level 5%.
Keywords : Writing Ability, Stop and Dare Strategy, Experimental Research
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
Language is a tool for communication to convey thoughts, ideas, concepts or
feelings. Language is the principal keys to human life due to the language can interact with
each other and a resource for social life. English is the International language that used in
the world. In learning English, as students of second language learning must have patience
and perseverance because it is a continuous process so that it can create adequate language
Writing is one of the important aspects in English teaching and learning process.
Writing is a tool to communicate and a part of productive skills. Writing is more
complicated that it seems at first, and often seems to be the hardest skill, since it involves
not only a graphic presentation of speech, but also the development and presentation of
thoughts in a structured way. Writing effectively is a critical competency that all students
should develop.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Writing is one of the language that need to be develop in studying English. It can be
medium for expressing a person’s ideas, feeling and opinion in written from, and the result
can be meaningful for the writer himself/and or for other (Indrilla & Ciptaningrum,2018).
In syllabus of 2013 Curriculum at the eleventh grade of SMK Swasta Kristen
Tomosa I Gunungsitoli Idanoi the basic competence expects the students are able to
arrange oral and written texts, students are expected to learn how to write some texts
according to account social functions, structures text, and linguistic elements, correctly and
in context. Students should learn about some types of texts such as narrative, descriptive,
recount, etc.
However in writing students has some difficulties because they have trouble
developing arguments and supporting their points of views. Based on the researcher's
observation from the midterm exam results about hortatory exposition text and also the
results from interviews with teacher who teaches this subject in SMK Swasta Kristen
Tomosa I, the researcher found some problems that affected the students’ ability in writing.
First, the students got the difficulty in finding idea, this problem was found by researcher
when students’ gave responses when researcher asked their difficulty in writing we have
difficulty in finding ideas in writing hortatory exposition text”. They need a long time to
figure out what they want to write. Second, after the students got the idea, they not know
how to organize or to arrange it well in form of a paragraph, the students’ said “after we
found idea it was also difficult to make paragraph properly and correctly, very often the
topic sentence should be at the beginning of the paragraph but we wrote it in the middle or
end of the paragraph”. Third, They are also do not able to write with correct structure of
hortatory exposition text, the students said we also do not able to write with correct
structure of hortatory exposition text”. Besides that, the students are look bored in writing
class this can be seen by the presence of students who are sleepy and noisy. Even this
happens because they only write without any other activity that motivated them to write.
Furthermore based on the observation the English teacher applied conventional
method. Conventional method is a teaching strategy used by the teacher to transfer
information to the students verbally. Moreover, Hidayat and Wiyono in Sherley, et al.,
(2019:78) says, Conventional method are learning processes that only centered on teachers
so that students will be required to memorize the material without being connected to the
surrounding environment. The weakness of conventional method are students who prefer
visually will find it difficult to receive lessons than students who like to listen, students
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
will be passive, because they only listen to the teacher, and the teacher means that all
students like and understand the learning material.
The most important factor in teaching writing is that students need to be personally
involved in order to make the learning experience of lasting value. Encouraging students
participation in the exercise, while at the same time refining and expanding writing skills,
requires a certain approach. Many researches recommend helping students by providing
them with suitable strategies for solving problems that are a part of the writing process.
These strategies act as scaffolds, which can help students identify thinking skills and basic
cognitive processes. One problem that hinders students is their difficulties in using their
existing knowledge with regard to learning strategies, and in adjusting their thinking
processes. Ideally, the students need to be provided with the necessary support and
strategies to master the writing process.
In order to solve this problem, the writer is tried to offer a different and good strategy
in teaching writing at school. This strategy is well known as the STOP and DARE strategy.
This is actually a two-part strategy in order to helped the students to develop their ideas
and organize the ideas into a comprehensive persuasive text. The researcher chose this
strategy because STOP and DARE strategy make students' got writing achievement. This
strategy used active students’ brainstorming and also involves collaboration or direct
guidance by the teacher. It is in line with statement from Fidagol (2017:81) stated, in
practice STOP and DARE strategy can be use to enable students in writing skill by teacher
and students describe and discuss using brainstorming parts of a well written, evaluate
current students performance and practice the mnemonic. Strategies can help students to
get more ideas and organize them because they are carried out based on the right rules and
steps. In addition, this strategy also increases students' activeness in the learning process
because they have to do some of the activities required in the strategy.
Stop and Dare strategy is asophisticated strategy for writing a persuasive essay that
addresses both sides of an issue stated Graham,et al (2008) in Anita (2019). This strategy
consists of eight steps that should be followed by the students in making a writing plan
before writing the essay. ‘STOP’ stands for suspend judgment, take a side, organize ideas,
plan more as you write. ‘DARE’ stands for develop topic sentence, add supporting ideas,
reject possible arguments, and end with a conclusion. Regarding to the explanation above,
the researcher uses Quantitative Research with the type, Experimental Method. According
to Bryman in Daniel (2016:94) argue that quantitative research approach is the research
that places emphasis on numbers and figures in the collection and analysis of data.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
In this research, the researcher used Quantitative Research with the type,
Experimental Method. According to Bryman in Daniel (2016:94) argue that quantitative
research approach was the research that places emphasis on numbers and figures in the
collection and analysis of data. Imperatively, quantitative research approach can be seen as
being scientific in nature. Sugiyono stated in Sundari, et al., (2019:54), classified the
experiment into four types, they are Pre-experimental design, true experimental design,
factorial experimental design, and quasi -experimental design. Regarding to the
explanation above, in did this research, the researcher used quasi-experimental design by
pretest and post test.
There were two variables in this research. The first variable is STOP and DARE as
independent variable (X), and the second variable is the students’ writing ability as
dependent variable (Y). In this research, the researcher used the two variables in conducted
this research that was to find out the effected of Stop and Dare Strategy on the Students’
Ability in Writing Skill at the Eleventh Grade of SMK Swasta Kristen Tomosa 1
Gunungsitoli Idanoi.
The population of this research was the eleventh grade of SMK Swasta Kristen
Tomosa 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi that consist of 60 students.
The Population of the Eleventh Grade of SMK Swasta Kristen Tomosa 1
Gunungsitoli Idanoi
The population the researcher would used was the eleventh grade of SMK Swasta
Kristen Tomosa 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi into two class namely XI-TKJ 1 consisted 30
students and XI-TKJ 2 consist 30 students, so the total population is 60 students. Based on
the population, the researcher took sample which consisted of 60 students consisted male
34 students and female 26 students at the eleventh grade of Swasta Kristen Tomosa 1
Gunungsitoli Idanoi randomly.
In conducting the research, the researcher used quantitative data. Quantitative data is
numerical in nature and can be mathematically computed. Quantitative data measure uses
different scales, which can be classified as nominal scale, ordinal scale, interval scale and
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
ratio scale. The data was taken directly through the tests. According to Sugiyono
(2012:225), the primary data is data source which is got by the writer directly. This
primary source could be interview result and test which was done by the writer. So, the
primary data in this research was the Eleventh Grade of SMK Swasta Kristen Tomosa 1
Gunungsitoli Idanoi. So researcher conducted the instrument that were be used was
evaluation sheet. It was very important for the researcher to got the data from the students
by giving test to the students. In this research, the types of test, that were pretest and
posttest. Pretest was give to the students before they got any treatment to examine the
normality and homogeneity of data, and posttest was give to the students after they got a
treatment to examine the research hypothesis.
To evaluate the students’ ability in writing, the researcher asks the students to make
one text about hortatory exposition text. To get the students’ mark individually, the
researcher will use the formula as suggested by In determining the result of the students’
test the researcher uses formula adapted from Wahidin and Yahya (2020) as follows:
The classifies that 0-39 is fail, 40-59 is less, 65-74 is enough, 75-84 is good, and 85-
100 is very good.
Research Findings
Mean Score
Mean score was used to measure of central tendency that give an indication of the
average value of a distribution of figures.
The Mean Score Of Pre-Test And Post-Test In
Experimental And Control Group
Control Group
Experimental Group
Standard Deviation
Standard deviation was statistical value used to determine how spreads out the data
in a sample are, and how close individual data points are to the mean or average value of
the sample.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
The Standard Deviation Of Pre-Test And Post-Test In Experimental And Control Group
Control Group
Experimental Group
The Variance
The function of variance is to show how far the data are spread out from the average
The Variance Of Pre-Test And Post-Test In Experimental And Control Group
Control Group
Experimental Group
The Normality of Data
Examining the normality of the data was used to found out whether the sample
comes from the normal distribution or not. Based on Appendix 17, the calculation of the
normality data of the pre-test in control group was Lcount Ltable (0,1788 0.161) in the
significant 5% with n=30. So, it can be stated that the pre-test in control group was
Normal Distribution.
The calculation of the normality data of the post-test in control group was Lcount
Ltable (-0,42360,161) in the significant level 5% with n=30. So, it can be stated that post-
test in control group was Normal Distribution.
The calculation of the normality data of the pre-test in Experimental Group was
Lcount Ltable (0,09740,161) in the significantlevel 5% with n=30. So, it can be stated
that post-test in control group was Normal Distribution.
The calculation of the normality data of the post-test in Experimental Group was
Lcount Ltable (-0,33650,161) in the significant level 5% with n=30. So, it can be stated
that post-test in control group was Normal Distribution.
Based on the result of the normality data above, the researcher can concluded that
the pre-test and post-test in control and experimental group was Normal Distribution. For
more comprehending, table below will show it.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
The Normality Data Of Pre-Test And Post-Test In Experimental And Control Group
Normality of Pre-Test
Normality of Post-
Homogeneity of the Sample
Determining homogeneity was used to figure out the homogeneity of the sample. The
result of homogeneity of the pre-test computations indicated F
= 1.859 and F
1,441. Because F
(1,441) F
(1.859), so it can be concluded that both of the
samples in pre-test were Homogeneous.
The result of the homogeneity of post-test computations indicated F
= 1.859 and
= 1.178. Because F
= 1.178 and F
= 1.859, so it can be concluded that both of
the samples in post-test were Homogeneus. For more clearly, it can be seen on the
following table.
The Homogeneityof Pre-Test And Post-Test In Experimental And Control Group
Homogeneity of Pre-Test
Homogeneity of Post-Test
The Testing Hypothesis
Testing hypothesis was used to examine the hypothesis. Based on appendix 23, it
shown that the table value of t-table df=58, in the significant level 5% was T
= 2.002
and T
= 6,337. Since, T
(6,337) T
(2.002). It can be concluded that Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted. So, based on the testing hypothesis, it can be stated that
there is any significant effect of Stop and Dare Strategy on the Students’ Ability in Writing
Skill at the Eleventh Grade of SMK Swasta Kristen Tomosa 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi in
2022/2023. For more clearly, it can be seen on the table.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
The Result Of Examining Hypothesis
(2.002) Ha
is accepted
In conducting this research, the researcher applied STOP and DARE Strategy. Before
the researcher applied the strategy, the researcher gave pre-test to both of groups. Based on
data analysis of the students ability in writing skill, it has indicated that the result of control
group was enough and experimental group was enough. After calculating the score, the
students mean score of pre-test in control group was 49,86 and classified poor level. While,
the mean score of pre-test in experimental group was 57,93 and classified fair level.
Reflecting to the pre-test result, the researcher identified some roots of the students
problem in writing. After the researcher gave the pre-test, the researcher treated the both of
group with teaching them with different teaching strategy. The researcher thought the
students of experimental group by using STOP and DARE Strategy, while the students of
control group thought through Conventional Teaching Method. After the researcher has
applied the method, the researcher gave post test both of group to find out whether there
was a significant effected of this strategy on students’ writing ability.
Regarding to the analysis of the research findings, the three of identification of the
problems in the research has been affected. First, they have difficult to find any idea in
writing hortatory exposition text. Second, students has difficulties to organize a paragraph,
and they are difficult to write hortatory exposition text with correct structure.
To find out the effect of problems above, the researcher applied STOP and DARE
Strategy. Moreover, the result of implementing strategy can be seen when the Researcher
gave post-test in experimental group compares with using Conventional Method in control
group. Based on data analysis, the students mean score of post-test in control group was
58,83 and classified fair level. While, the mean score of post-test in experimental group
was 77,1 and classified good level. Because the score of students in experimental group
were passed MCC 75, the researcher interpreted that all students in experimental group
were able to got score higher that MCC 75, which the students could implemented the Stop
and Dare Strategy in students writing ability.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
In conclusion, STOP and DARE Strategy can help students to write hortatory
exposition text with correct structure. In other words, STOP and DARE Strategy has a
significant effect on students writing ability.
After getting the result of the research, the researcher knew STOP and DARE
strategy effected the students writing ability. According to Anita (2019) searched The
Use of Stop and Dare Strategy to Improve Students Achievement in Writing Analytical
Exposition Text”. Anita was conducted research findings which conducted in one cycle, it
can be concluded that the use of ‘STOP’ and ‘DARE’ strategy can improve students’
writing achievement. It can be seen in students’ writing content quality and the results of
post-test in Cycle 1 that 75.75% of students passed the minimum passing grade score
(KKM). Therefore it met the criteria of success 70% of the students pass the minimum
passing grade score (KKM); 75. In other words, based on the criteria of success, the
research was successful. While in this research focused on investigating the significant
effect of Stop and Dare Strategy on the students writing hortatory exposition text. The type
of the research was quasi experimental design, which used experimental class and control
class. The researcher two classes that class was XI-TKJ 2 as Control class and XI-TKJ 1 as
a Experimental class by selected randomly. Both class are administrated a pre-test at the
beginning, different treatment in the middle and post test at the end of the research. Finally,
the researcher found that the significant number was 000 < 05, and the implementation of
STOP and DARE Strategy well done. The investigating the significant effect of using
STOP and DARE Strategy in Writing Skill at the Eleventh Grade of SMK Swasta Kristen
Tomosa 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi in 2022/2023. The researcher applied STOP and DARE
strategy on the students ability. Based on the data analysis, the mean score of pretest in
control group was 49,86 and the mean score of posttest was 57,93. While, the mean score
of pretest in experimental group was 58,83 and the mean score of posttest was 77,1. And
based on the result of examining hypothesis, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha
is accepted.
Regarding to the explanation above, it can concluded that there is different result
from the latest Researchers with thus research. The result of research from the first
researcher is researcher showed that there is a significant difference to improve students
achievement in writing analytical exposition text between the experimental and the control
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
groups. And the result of the research from second STOP and DARE Strategy give
effected in students writing hortatory exposition text.
The conclusions of this research has derived from some date collections and
calculations previously, first based on the result of computation of mean score of the test, it
go that the students’ mean score of pretest in control group was 49,86, while the students’
mean score of posttest in control group was 57,93. Second, the students’ mean score of
pretest in experimental group was 58,83, while the students’ mean score of posttest in
experimental group was 77,1. Third Based on the result of examining the hypothesis, it got
= 2.002 and T
= 6,337. Since, T
(6,337) T
(2.002), so Ha is accepted and
Ho is rejected. It can be concluded that there is a significant effect of Stop and Dare
Strategy on the Students’ Ability in Writing Skill at the Eleventh Grade of SMK Swasta
Kristen Tomosa 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi in 2022/2023. Last Stop and Dare strategy has a
significant effect to the students’ ability in writing skill rather than the students who are not
taught by using of STOP and DARE Strategy.
In order to be successful in teaching writimg, the researcher gives some suggestin,
first The researcher suggests the English teacher to apply STOP and DARE Strategy in
teaching teaching writing ability because the strategy can make the students easy to write
hortatory exposition text and Stop and Dare Strategy because the strategy easy to
implement. Second the next researcher can use the knowledge as a comparison and
motivation to conduct a research.
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