AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
encourages students’ critical thinking since students are more likely to exchange views
among a team of peers. Teachers also should be periodically trained to adopt innovative
and creative teaching strategies such as the use of mobile learning method in Gallery Walk
Technique to further enhanced the benefits for students. Head teachers, principals, school
administrators are also encouraged to support teachers to use Gallery Walk in class since it
involves experimentation and demonstration that can increase students’ achievement.
According to Sani (2013) cited in Jimun et al., (2020), Gallery walk Technique
encourages students to study in groups where special cases are discussed. According to
Tan (2017), cited in Jimun et al., (2020), Gallery Walk is a communication technique for
different types of student intelligence, such as kinesthetic learning because it involves
movement and walking activities, interpersonal students when they communicate in small
groups, as well as oral learners to discuss and answer questions. Presentation of material in
visual learning conditions using images and sound through presentations by other
groups.In this technique, the researcher will divide the students into five groups. Each
group will rotate and answer some questions based on the announcement given. Here, the
group will practice as a small group discussion. After they have finished answering all
questions, there will be a class discussion. by using Gallery Walk, each group also can
leave a comment or feedback to other groups’ works.
Based on the case above, the researcher was interested to conduct a research entitled:
Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Announcement through Gallery Walk Technique at
the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi in 2022/2023.
In this research, Classroom Action Research (CAR) was the method of the
research. The study consist of four stages; planning, action, observation and reflection.
Planning stages focuses designing lesson plan, preparing the model of Gallery Walk
Technique, preparing materials and media and determining criteria of success, preparing of
observation sheet for the researcher’s and the students’, and preparing field notes. (to know
the situation of teaching learning process when the technique is applied), and Preparing a
test. The action stages the researcher conducted the action in the classroom, the teaching-
learning process consisted of the pre-teaching-learning activities, the whilst-teaching-
learning activities, and the post-teaching-learning activities. The observation stages
involved the activities of the students and the researcher during the teaching process