AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Agus Kriswinar Larosa
Afore Tahir Harefa
Trisman Harefa
1, 2
English Education Study Program, Universitas Nias
Jl. Yos Surdaso, 118 E/S, Gunungsitoli, Nias 22812
This research was aimed to improve the students’ ability in writing announcement through Gallery
Walk Technique at tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi in 2022/2023. The researcher
employed a classroom action research design conducted over two cycles. The research focused on
the students of X-MIPA. The instruments utilized for this study were a writing test, and an
observation sheet. The results of each cycle revealed that in Cycle I, the technique was not
successful. Therefore, the research continued to the next cycle after revising the plan based on the
weaknesses identified in Cycle I. The findings of Cycle II indicated that 7 students (33%) reached
the 'good' level, while 14 students (67%) achieved the 'very good' level. These results demonstrate
that the implementation of the 'Gallery Walk Technique' in this study successfully enhanced
students’ writing announcement text.
Keyword: Gallery Walk Technique, writing announcement text.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
As an international language, English is used as a means of communication in many
countries and plays an important role in many areas of life. Also, English cannot be
separated from the development of technology, science, economy and education. In the
Indonesian education system, English is included in the curriculum of elementary school,
junior high school, senior high school, vocational school or university. The purpose of
teaching English language learning is to develop four language skills: listening, speaking,
reading, writing.
Government regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2005 concerning
National Education Standards states that graduate competencies for language subjects
emphasize the ability to read and write in accordance with the level of education. Based on
those rules, writing is one of the most important skills that students should know and
master. According Ariyanti (2016) cited in Aliah et al., (2020) that writing is an important
skill in learning English among other skills: listening, reading and speaking. Writing is also
a complex process that allows the writer to explore thoughts and ideas and make them
visible and tangible. If we take a look at the teaching learning process at schools, writing is
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
difficult to be learned by students but it is important for them which especially in
mastering short functional text. One kind of short functional texts that students have to
master is announcement text. Announcement is a statement in spoken or written form that
makes something known publicly.
Based on the observation that has been made by of the researcher May 14
during internships of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi. The students were not interest
and looked bored in English class, some of them noisy and did another activity, rather than
paid attention and explanation to the teacher. Besides, the students were also passively
involved in teaching and learning process. The condition of students’ announcement
mastery was supported by the teacher statement, she said, “The ability of students in this
school in writing is still lacking, especially in writing announcement texts. They are
sometimes still lack in organizing the composition of writing Announcement when she tell
them to write even though they know the topic. That may be due to the lack of vocabulary
of the students here. So, they make many mistakes in writing and difficult to find ideas in
From the argument above, it is said that influence the students’ announcement text
mastery are the teacher and the students. In the syllabus of Curriculum 2013 in tenth grade
of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi has core competencies, namely students are
expected to be able to distinguish social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements
of several special texts in the form of announcements, capture meaning contextually and
compose announcement text. So the students should master short functional texts,
especially in announcement text. They should be brief and could answer what, when,
where, and who. Often it includes why and how.
It seems that it is easy to make announcement, but most of students always feel
difficult when they are asked to make their own, and the students’ achievement is not only
affected by their ability and skills in writing but also influenced by the method which is
used. Some teachers taught writing just gave explanation and exercises. It makes students
less comprehended, less interest in writing, and makes students bored. In order to helping
students in writing announcement text, the researcher will try to use Gallery Walk
The researcher chose this Gallery Walk Technique to improve students’ ability in
writing announcement because according to Makmun (2020) Gallery Walk is promising
strategy for teaching process because this learning method encourages active participation
of students, collaboration within group and peers and the use of this method also
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
encourages students’ critical thinking since students are more likely to exchange views
among a team of peers. Teachers also should be periodically trained to adopt innovative
and creative teaching strategies such as the use of mobile learning method in Gallery Walk
Technique to further enhanced the benefits for students. Head teachers, principals, school
administrators are also encouraged to support teachers to use Gallery Walk in class since it
involves experimentation and demonstration that can increase students’ achievement.
According to Sani (2013) cited in Jimun et al., (2020), Gallery walk Technique
encourages students to study in groups where special cases are discussed. According to
Tan (2017), cited in Jimun et al., (2020), Gallery Walk is a communication technique for
different types of student intelligence, such as kinesthetic learning because it involves
movement and walking activities, interpersonal students when they communicate in small
groups, as well as oral learners to discuss and answer questions. Presentation of material in
visual learning conditions using images and sound through presentations by other
groups.In this technique, the researcher will divide the students into five groups. Each
group will rotate and answer some questions based on the announcement given. Here, the
group will practice as a small group discussion. After they have finished answering all
questions, there will be a class discussion. by using Gallery Walk, each group also can
leave a comment or feedback to other groups’ works.
Based on the case above, the researcher was interested to conduct a research entitled:
Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Announcement through Gallery Walk Technique at
the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi in 2022/2023.
In this research, Classroom Action Research (CAR) was the method of the
research. The study consist of four stages; planning, action, observation and reflection.
Planning stages focuses designing lesson plan, preparing the model of Gallery Walk
Technique, preparing materials and media and determining criteria of success, preparing of
observation sheet for the researcher’s and the students’, and preparing field notes. (to know
the situation of teaching learning process when the technique is applied), and Preparing a
test. The action stages the researcher conducted the action in the classroom, the teaching-
learning process consisted of the pre-teaching-learning activities, the whilst-teaching-
learning activities, and the post-teaching-learning activities. The observation stages
involved the activities of the students and the researcher during the teaching process
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
designed based on the lesson plan. It was used by the teacher-collaborator to observe the
advantages or weaknesses of the students' and the researcher's activities during the
teaching-learning process that took place. The reflection stages the researcher evaluated the
result of the observation sheet and the researcher
1. The Researcher’s Activities of All Cycles
In the first meeting of Cycle l, the researcher’s activities that had been done were
14 activities (74%) and there were 5 activities (26%) that was not done by the researcher’s.
Then, in the second meeting of Cycle l, the researcher’s activities that had been done were
15 activities (83%) and there were 3 activities (16%) that was not done by the researcher.
In the second meeting of Cycle II, the obtained result of the researcher’s activities that had
been done were 16 activities (89%) and there were 2 activities (11%) that was not done by
the researcher.
Moreover, in the second meeting of Cycle II, the researcher’s activities that had
been done were 18 activities (100%) and there was not activities (0%) that was not done by
the researcher. To make clearer the researcher’s activities for all cycles, it are viewed in the
table below:
Table 1
The Researcher’s Activities of All Cycles
Percentage (%)
First Meeting
Second meeting
First Meeting
Second meeting
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
2. The Students Activities of All Cycles
In the first meeting of Cycle l, the students’ activities that had been done were 294
activities (74%) and there were 105 activities (26%) that was not done by the Students’.
Then, in the second meeting of Cycle l, the students’ activities that had been done were
315 activities (83%) and there were 63 activities (16%) that was not done by the Students’.
In the second meeting of Cycle II, the obtained result of the students’ activities that had
been done were 336 activities (89%) and there were 42 activities (11%) that was not done
by the students’.
Moreover, in the second meeting of Cycle II, the students’ activities that had been
done were 378 activities (100%) and there was not activities (0%) that was not done by the
students’. To make clearer the students’ activities for all cycles, it are viewed in the table
The Students’ Activities of All Cycles
Percentage (%)
First Meeting
Second meeting
First Meeting
Second meeting
3. The Result of the Students’ Writing Announcement through Gallery Walk
Technique for All Cycles
The students’ writing announcement in Cycle 1 showed that there were 7 students
(33%) who got the value classified in “Enough Level”. There were 10 students (48%) who
got the value classified in “Less Level”. There were 4 students (19%) who got the value in
classified in “Fall Level”. In Cycle I, the average of the students’ ability in writing
announcement is 54.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
The students’ writing announcement in Cycle II, showed that there were 14
students (67%) who got the value classified in “Very Good Level”. There were 7 students
(33%) who got the value classified in “Good Level”. In Cycle II, the average of the
students’ ability in writing announcement was 85.
The Students’ Writing Announcement through
Gallery Walk Technique for All Cycles
Percentage (%)
Very Good
Very Good
4. The Analysis and Interpretation of the Research Findings
After conducting of the research in two cycles, the researcher analyzed the result of
the students’ writing announcement and the observation sheet either for the researcher’s
and students’ activities.
Based on the result of this research, in cycle I there some weakness when the
researcher conducted this researcher. The weakness that research found are:
a. It were for the students difficult to make announcement text.
b. The students did not understand the generic structure of the announcement.
c. The students did not have a lot of vocabulary, so it is difficult for them to
compose sentences into announcement.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
d. There were students did not follow the instruction from the researcher.
e. There were some students who did not give their opinion about the
Of the weakness above make the implementation of this Gallery Walk Technique in
teaching writing announcement not successful. This failure and weakness occurs because
there are activities that are not carried out. This can be seen from the results of observation
sheet. Based on the result of the observation sheets the students’ percentage activities in
the first meeting of Cycle I only 74% and 83% in second meeting. The percentage
activities in the first meeting 74% in second meeting 83%.
In Cycle I especially in the second meeting, the researcher gave test to the students
was extend to assessed the students’ writing announcement and the students’ result showed
that most of the students did not pass Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC). There no
students got the very good level. The result of students’ writing ability in Cycle I, were 4
students (19%) who got mark classified in “Fail” level. There were 10 students (48%) who
got mark classified in “Less” level. And there were 7 students (33%) who got mark
classified in “Enough” level. Regarding to results of students’ writing ability the MCC
could not be achieved, and then the researcher continued in Cycle II.
Based on the result of this research, in Cycle II there some strength when the
researcher conducted this researcher. The strength that research found are:
a. The students were able to make announcement properly and correctly.
b. The students understood the generic structure of the announcement.
c. The students had a lot of vocabulary to compose sentences into announcement.
d. There students follow the instruction from the researcher.
e. There students who gave their opinion about the announcement.
Of the strength above make the implementation of this Gallery Walk Technique in
teaching writing announcement successful. This can be seen from the results of
observation sheet. Based on the result of the observation sheets the students’ percentage
activities in the first meeting of Cycle I only 89% and 100% in second meeting. The
percentage activities in the first meeting 89% in second meeting 100%.
In Cycle II especially in the second meeting, the researcher gave test to the students
was extend to assessed the students’ writing announcement and the students’ result showed
that all of the students pass Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC). In the result of Cycle
II, were 14 students (67%) who got mark classified in “Very good” level and there were 7
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
students (33%) who got mark classified in “Good” level. Because the score In Cycle II has
passed the MCC; the research interpretation that all the students are able to get score
higher than MCC, which the students could implement Gallery Walk Technique and the
result of the students writing announcement ability in Cycle II was increased. The
researcher decided to stop the research in Cycle II.
5. The Research Findings versus the Latest Related Research
The latest related research of this research search by Hakim et al., (2019), the results
of this research showed that the students’ speaking ability was improved after the actions
were given to the students. The result of this result also indicates that using Gallery Walk
Technique in teaching English can be useful to improve the students’ ability especially in
speaking. Besides, by using Gallery Walk Technique can motivate the students to speak up
confidently and also can make the students become more active and enjoy in learning
process at the classroom. Most of the students gradually gained good scores at the end of
the cycle. The minimum score of Mastery Criterion od English subject was 71 (seventy-
one). In Cycle I, the result of the students’ score was failed, where the mean score of the
students was 70.19 (poor). However, in Cycle II, the result of the cycle showed that there
was good improvement. The students’ mean score in this stage was 80.83 (very good). In
conclusion, Gallery Walk Technique could improve students’ speaking ability.
In addition the latest related research of this research search by Khasturi & Swondo,
(2020) stated that Gallery Walk Technique can motivate students to improve learning way
students about reading comprehension learning. This research was conducted by using
Experimental method with quantitative form. The researcher analyzed the data using the t-
test, from the results of statistical calculations through SPSS, it was obtained the value of
(2.999) and the t
value of df (58) at the 0.05 significance level was (2.002). it
means that t
was higher than the value of t
Based on the results, the alternative
hypothesis (H
) was accepted and the null hypothesis (H
) was rejected. Therefore, it can
concluded that the Gallery Walk Technique significantly affects students’ abilities in
reading Comprehension.
Based on above the latest related research, there is a same strategy used is Gallery
Walk Technique especially in writing announcements. In the research, the researcher
would use Gallery Walk Technique in improving the students in writing announcements.
Which the subject at the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi. The result of
this research was the average of the students’ mark in cycle I in writing announcement by -
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
using Gallery Walk Technique was 50. The students’ score in Cycle I, were 4 students
(19%) in “Fail level”, 10 students (48%) in “Less level” and 7 students (33%) in “Enough
level”. There were many students in fail and less level and it was very necessary to
improvement to the next cycle. In Cycle II, the students ability got improvements in
writing especially in announcement by using Gallery Walk Technique, the students got
mark higher or same than MCC. Which the students’ score in Cycle II, were 7 students
(33%) in “Good level” and were 14 students (67%) in “Very good”. These results indicate
that the Gallery Walk Technique could improve students’ ability to write announcements
properly and correctly.
6. The Research Findings Versus Theory
After getting the result of the research, the researcher compares it with the theory
written by experts. According to Bram et al., (2021) cited in Iswariani (2022) Gallery Walk
Technique provide benefits is encourages the use of higher-order thinking ability when
choosing the degree of abstraction when creating questions. But based on the results of this
research, the researcher found that there were several students not higher-order thinking
ability when choosing the degree of abstraction when creating questions.
7. The Research Findings Implication
Based on the result of the research findings, the researcher found the implication of
the research, as follows:
1. The implication is that this technique can be valuable tool in education to help
students develop their writing skills.
2. The implication is that this technique can stimulate students’ creatively and
encourages them to think outside the box in writing announcements.
3. The implication is that this technique can strengthen social relations between
students in a learning environment.
4. The implication is that this technique can increase students’ interest in writing
and build their confidence as writers.
5. The implication is that this technique can deepen students’ understanding of the
concepts and strategies from writing announcement.
8. The Research Findings Limitation
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
The limitation is necessary to explain in order that the readers have the same insight
with the researcher. The research findings limitations are:
1. The subject of this research was the students of the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1
Gunungsitoli Idanoi. The reason for chose this school was identify the problem
to be researched was found in this school.
2. The research used Classroom Action Reseacrh (CAR) method. The reason for
chose this method was to get a deeper understanding of how the “Gallery Walk
Technique” significantly affects the improvement of students’ ability to write
announcements. The CAR method allows researchers to be directly involved in
the learning process in class, monitor changes that occur, and take appropriate
actions to increase the effectiveness of learning.
3. The text used in this research was announcement text because suitable with the
using gallery Walk technique in writing in text and the students’ at the tenth
grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi. It was possible to get the different
result if it used the other materials and given to the same class students with
different school
Based on the result of the research, the researcher takes some conclusions as follows:
the result researcher’s activities in all Cycle : In the first meeting of Cycle l, the
researcher’s activities that had been done were 14 activities (74%) and there were 5
activities (26%) that was not done by the researcher’s. Then, in the second meeting of
Cycle l, the researcher’s activities that had been done were 15 activities (83%) and there
were 3 activities (16%) that was not done by the researcher’s. In the second meeting of
Cycle II, the obtained result of the researcher’s activities that had been done were 16
activities (89%) and there were 2 activities (11%) that was not done by the researcher.
Moreover, in the second meeting of cycle II, the researcher’s activities that had been done
were 18 activities (100%) and there was not activities (0%) that was not done by the
The result students’ activities in all Cycle: In the first meeting of Cycle l, the
students’ activities that had been done were 294 activities (74%) and there were 105
activities (26%) that was not done by the Students’. Then, in the second meeting of Cycle
l, the students’ activities that had been done were 315 activities (83%) and there were 63
activities (16%) that was not done by the Students’. In the second meeting of Cycle II, the
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
obtained result of the students’ activities that had been done were 336 activities (89%) and
there were 42 activities (11%) that was not done by the students’. Moreover, in the second
meeting of Cycle II, the students’ activities that had been done were 378 activities (100%)
and there was not activities (0%) that was not done by the students’.
The result of the students’ ability in writing announcement through Gallery Walk
Technique: The average of the students’ mark in Cycle I in writing announcement by -
using Gallery Walk Technique was 50. The students’ score in Cycle I, were 4 students
(19%) in “Fail level”, 10 students (48%) in “Less level” and 7 students (33%) in “Enough
level”. There were many students in fail and less level and it was very necessary to
improvement to the next cycle. In Cycle II, the students’ ability got improvements in
writing especially in announcement by using Gallery Walk Technique, the students got
mark higher or same than MCC. Which the students’ score in Cycle II, were 7 students
(33%) in “Good level” and were 14 students (67%) in “Very good”. These results indicate
that the Gallery Walk Technique could improve students’ ability to write announcements
properly and correctly
There are some suggestions from the researcher after doing the research as follows:
Students should be motivated to use Gallery Walk Technique, the researcher suggests to
English teacher can apply Gallery Walk Technique as one of the alternative way to
improve students’ writing skill. It could help the teacher in applying various activities in
the classroom, the researcher suggests to future researchers to conduct further research
related to the impact of the Gallery Walk Technique on improving students’ abilities in
various aspects of learning, as well as its potential to improve overall learning outcomes,
the researcher suggests that Gallery Walk Technique in order that students are able to
know how higher-order thinking ability when choosing the degree of abstraction when
creating questions.
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