AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Shinta Zumana Harahap
dan Darwin Zainuddin
1, 2
North Sumatra State Islamic University
Email: shintakaraha[email protected]
The purpose of this study was to analyze the Development of Internet-Based Arabic Learning Media
at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara. This type of research is
qualitative research which describes data using a series of sentences. The nature of the research to
be carried out by researchers is descriptive in nature, namely research that describes in detail about
an object under study. This research refers to data sources collected from direct visits to research
objects, in this case homeroom teachers and students, as well as secondary data obtained through
library research. This study uses a combination of technical triangulation and source triangulation
to test the validity of the data and analyze data based on data sources. From this study it is known
that the Development of Internet-Based Arabic Learning Media at Madrasa Aliyah Darul Hakim
Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara is still conventional, namely the learning process in which the
material is described by the teacher using learning media that is less interesting or without learning
media then gives assignments to students with limited material and books, so that many students do
not achieve completeness in the competencies being taught. Practicality is obtained based on the
results of the teacher's and student's assessment of learning media, where the average teacher's
assessment of the media is in the very practical category and the average student's assessment of the
media is in the very practical category. Effectiveness is obtained based on the results of observations
of teacher activity on the use of learning media, where the average assessment of teacher activity on
media use is in the very effective category.
Keyword: Learning Media, Internet Based.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
Arabic is an international language in the world which is spoken by more than
200,000,000 human beings. UNESCO has set December 18, 2010 as World Arabic
Language Day . This is based on the role and contribution of the Arabic language to the
preservation and spread of human civilization and culture. (Abidin and Satrianingsih 2018)
. Arabic has become the official language of 25 countries and is the language of worship in
Islam because it is the language of the Qur'an. Along with the development of Islam in the
country, it became one of the factors for the entry of Arabic into Indonesia, so that the
teaching of Arabic for the first time in the archipelago was to meet the needs of a Muslim in
performing his worship. (Nurislaminingsih and Prime 2019) . However, nowadays, Arabic
has become one of the foreign languages studied in formal and non-formal educational
institutions, starting from the elementary school level up to the tertiary level. This can be
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
proven by the enactment of the Regulation of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 912 of 2013 which reads: "Decided: Establish the 2013 Madrasah
Curriculum for the Subject of Islamic Religious Education and Arabic". Based on the
Regulation of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 912 that Arabic
is a language subject that is directed to encourage, guide, develop and foster abilities and
foster a positive attitude towards Arabic, both receptive and productive (Fatkhurrohman
2018) .
Receptive ability is the ability to understand other people's speech and understand
reading. Productive ability, namely the ability to use language as a means of communication
both orally and in writing (Ali Dodego 2022) . For this reason, Arabic in madrasas is
prepared to achieve basic language competence, which includes four language skills that are
taught integrally, namely listening ( maharatu al istima' ), speaking ( maharatu al-kalam ),
reading ( maharatul al Qira'ah ), and writing ( maharatu al kitabah ). It is hoped that students
will be able to achieve the four language competencies through learning Arabic. Learning
Arabic can be said to be successful if students have mastered the four language skills orally
and in writing (Nisa' 2018) .
However, the background of the problem in this study when the initial observation was
carried out at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara were still
experiencing difficulties in reading Arabic text skills, as well as the low level of students'
understanding of Arabic reading. This is evidenced by the low average value of students'
daily tests, namely 59.6. This score is still far from the KKM that has been determined for
Madrasah Aliyah students, namely 80. One of the factors is because the Arabic language
learning media used by the teacher, which is in Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung Tua
Padang Lawas Utara is very low, so that learning seems monotonous.
Based on the problems found, the researcher found the most prominent factor in
students' lack of reading mastery in learning Arabic, namely due to students' low interest in
reading, the limited media used and even teachers who were less able to develop the media
themselves. So that this can have an impact on students' lack of understanding in learning
Arabic materials and less than optimal results of student achievement in learning Arabic,
especially in reading skills. Conditions like this cannot be ignored, but require solutions and
appropriate handling. Creative learning media is needed in accordance with today's
developments so that students do not easily feel bored or monotonous in participating in
Arabic learning. One of the media that can be used is YouTube.
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
YouTube is a social media that is most in demand by the public, its popularity is
projected to continue to increase along with the number of users. Previously, Youtube
recorded the number of registered monthly viewers of 1.5 billion in mid. In fact, the market
research institute Statistics predicts that the number of users will reach 1.8 billion. In 2021,
the growing popularity of Youtube will be driven by the high value for the video sharing
platform on the site for its users. Youtube can be used as a learning resource. The existence
of a video sharing platform allows students to independently seek and share information in
the form of knowledge and practice. Youtube can be used by educational institutions as a
teaching medium that is liked by students. With actions like this, it is expected to be able to
increase students' interest in reading and maximize student achievement in learning Arabic
(Judge 2020).
Sadiman (2009:4) states that media is anything that can be used to channel messages
from senders to recipients so that they can stimulate thoughts, feelings, concerns, and
interests and attention of students in such a way that the learning process occurs. (Unsi 2018)
. Media is a component of learning resources or physical vehicles that contain instructional
material in the student's environment that can stimulate students to learn (Hamid et al. 2020)
. Learning media is a tool that can be used to help students carry out learning actions, so that
teaching and learning activities are more efficient and effective. With the help of various
media, learning will be more interesting, concrete, easy to understand, save time and effort
and learning outcomes will be more meaningful (Jennah 2009).
Based on the observations of researchers, most of the current students or at least the
environment around them already have cellphones or smartphones with an Android-based
operating system. So as to provide opportunities for students to relearn material that is less
mastered wherever and whenever. This certainly can provide a different experience in the
learning process for students. In addition to these advantages, the development of Android-
based learning media can provide opportunities for students to relearn Arabic material that
has been taught, especially in reading skills, in an environment outside the madrasa. In fact,
because of its practicality, students can relearn material that has been taught anywhere and
anytime. So it is hoped that there will be an increase in the interest and quality of reading
Arabic students (Jafar 2022).
The research was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung Tua Padang
Lawas Utara. This type of research is qualitative research which describes data using a series
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
of sentences (Moleong 2018) . The nature of the research to be carried out by researchers is
descriptive in nature, namely research that describes in detail about an object under study.
In this study the study method used is a case study, which seeks to maintain the integrity of
the object of research (Wahab 2013) . This research refers to data sources collected from
direct visits to research objects, in this case homeroom teachers and students, as well as
secondary data obtained through library research. To collect accurate data, observation,
interviews, and documentation approaches were used as research data collection techniques.
The process of analyzing the researcher's data includes data reduction, data presentation, and
drawing conclusions. This study uses a combination of technical triangulation and source
triangulation to test the validity of the data and analyze data based on data sources (Grace
2009) .
Development of Internet-Based Arabic Learning Media at Madrasa Aliyah Darul
Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara
This chapter describes the results of the research and discussion that has been carried
out. The results of this study are matters relating to (1) the type of internet media used by
teachers in learning Arabic at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas
Utara and (2) the use of internet media in Arabic learning at Madrasa Aliyah Darul Hakim
Gunung Tua North Plains.
Judging from the results of interviews conducted with Arabic teachers, the learning
process was very well implemented because it was influenced by several factors in it. In this
case, one of them is the process of transferring knowledge to students which becomes
material for continuous renewal. A material cannot be absorbed perfectly by students if the
message conveyed cannot be presented properly. The use of videos as teaching aids in Arabic
at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara provides a new
experience for each student. In teaching and learning activities, teachers use the internet as
a learning medium. Using types of internet media, namely: YouTube (videos and text in
learning Arabic). Videos and texts are used to attract students to better follow learning. From
the YouTube media used by the teacher, it becomes easy for the teacher to provide learning
to students. Media used by teachers such as video and text can complement conventional
learning. In addition, video and text media sourced from the internet (Youtobe) help teachers
deal with the obstacles they face. The media used by the teacher are: video conversations,
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
vocabulary and songs. The three videos are used by the teacher to help students be more
interested in participating in learning and to increase student interest in learning.
Students better understand learning with interesting media to use. In addition to video
media, text is also used as a learning medium that the teacher uses for examples in conveying
Arabic material. There are two text media used, namely: descriptive text media and
procedural text. Videos downloaded from internet sources can facilitate teachers in learning.
While the text is obtained through Google sources. With videos and text, teachers can help
students understand each lesson used. The following types of videos are often used by
teachers in learning. Teachers often use the YouTube application to search for learning
videos. Youtube is an application that originates from the internet using a network to run it.
The following is a video used by teachers in learning Arabic at Madrasa Aliyah Darul Hakim
Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara.
The teacher uses Arabic conversation in learning which is able to help students in
learning and motivate students to take part in learning more. The teacher looks for videos
that are suitable for learning via the internet, namely by opening the Google network first
and then searching for YouTube to open the video the teacher wants. The teacher uses the
video conversation as an example given to students. The type of video used by the teacher
is "daily conversation in class". Videos are used to attract learners.
In learning to describe an object, in addition to textbooks used as a type of learning
media. The teacher uses a type of video media sourced via the internet in learning. The
description video is used as teaching material to show students how to describe objects. The
teacher searches for descriptive videos through the internet that are directly used by the
teacher or online. In online learning, the teacher searches for videos via YouTube and gives
them to students as examples of learning. In the ongoing learning the teacher uses textbooks
in learning. In addition, teachers use video in learning. Teachers use videos in learning to
motivate each student to be more active in learning. In addition, teachers are also more
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
creative in making learning media not dependent on textbooks. In learning procedural text
the teacher also uses video as a learning medium.
With this video the teacher proves that video learning media is very helpful in carrying
out the teaching and learning process. Video media sourced from the internet can help
teachers directly provide material that is not understood by students. With the help of this
type of video learning media students become motivated to be more active in learning.
From the results obtained by the author at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung Tua
Padang Lawas Utara, in learning conducted by Arabic teachers, teachers often use video
media. In addition to video media used by teachers, text media is also used in learning. The
text media used is sourced via the internet. Not only from the internet, text media can also
be in the form of textbooks used by teachers. With the internet teachers are able to get very
diverse types of media. Text as a medium in learning can help each student understand and
find examples of the material being taught in learning. Teachers utilize text media because
for each teacher the text used makes it easier for students to get maximum learning. Even
though the use of text media in the current curriculum is less, teachers still use this type of
media. As is the case with the material delivered by the Arabic teacher at Madrasah Aliyah
Darul Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara, the teacher uses a type of text learning
media sourced from the internet, namely descriptive text and procedural text.
So, the results that have been obtained are the types of media that are often used,
namely video media and text media sourced from the internet through different sources. The
video media used by the teacher comes from the internet by using YouTube to find videos
to use. In this study, the use of internet media as a learning material used by teachers at
Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara is good. In learning Arabic
the teacher uses video and text media as learning materials. Many considerations of teachers
in using the learning media. Through moving images the teacher finds it very easy to provide
an explanation of the material using video media. The teacher is helped to explain the
contents of the material provided. Besides that, teachers through the use of the internet can
easily find learning resources in the form of videos to be given to all students. Not only video
is used by the teacher, but the teacher also uses text media as a tool to provide a clearer
understanding of the material. The use of text media sourced via the internet helps teachers
in delivering the material being taught.
The first research was conducted on Thursday July 2023, class 3-4 (08.45-10.15 WIB)
in class XII. In this study, three stages of learning implementation were obtained, namely
introduction, core activities, and closing. The following describes the stages of using internet
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
media as a source of learning carried out by teachers in learning Arabic at Madrasah Aliyah
Darul Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara . In the preliminary activities there are five
activities carried out by the teacher. The five activities are described as follows. First, the
teacher enters the class and students greet. Second, greetings are answered by the teacher.
Third, the teacher makes attendance. Fourth, the teacher asks students to open a book about
the material in question and read the material provided by the teacher, then the teacher relates
the material to the students' daily lives (apperception activities). Fifth, the teacher conveys
the learning objectives.
From research conducted in learning Arabic at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung
Tua Padang Lawas Utara regarding data on the Development of Internet-Based Arabic
Learning Media, it was found that the use of the internet in learning is very useful. The
benefits obtained are being able to provide examples to students, find relevant learning
resources, and to send assignments. The use of internet media in learning which is used to
provide examples to students really helps students' understanding in participating in learning
well. In addition, students understand more about the material explained by the teacher when
teaching. In learning that uses resources via the internet it really helps teachers to find
learning materials more easily and practically, besides that teachers can use learning
materials via the internet to add insight and develop increasingly advanced technologies.
Apart from that, in this era, the internet is no longer foreign. The assignments given by the
student teacher will be sent via WhatsApp internet media to make it faster and more practical
Development of Internet-Based Arabic Learning Media at Madrasa Aliyah Darul
Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara
Each teacher has their own way of conveying material so that it can be accepted by
students. The method given by the teacher to attract students in learning is through the media
used. The teacher uses the media by presenting the relevant material through power points
or videos as learning materials. The teacher explains each point that is presented giving
stimulation to students. Based on the results of the interview, it was found that the teacher
delivered learning media using video and text sourced from the internet. In learning the
media used really helps every teacher to provide good teaching in the teaching and learning
process. Learning media is useful for students who help properly receive the material
provided. The type of media used is the same as video media which helps a lot for every
teacher who will deliver the material. As in conversational learning, teachers use videos
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
sourced via the internet to attract students to be more enthusiastic about participating in
Based on the results of the opinion interviews obtained from the teacher regarding the
type of media used, it can help properly in providing maximum learning outcomes. In
addition, students understand the material more from the video media used and students are
more active in learning. Internet media can complement conventional learning when students
search for information on the internet and respond to material they don't understand. The
results of this study are in line with what was said (Haris, 2015) internet learning media is
used conventionally to provide easy understanding for each student. Information obtained
by students is conveyed during meetings in class, if something is missing or wrong, the
teacher will respond to this information so that students can understand it better.
If the teacher uploads material on WhatsApp and there are questions from students,
the teacher also responds through face-to-face meetings. Development of Internet-Based
Arabic Learning Media at Madrasa Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara
is very helpful as a source of subject matter information for teachers to find difficult material
and books do not cover all subject matter. When this happens, the teacher uses the internet
as a source of information. The obstacle that is often faced in using electronic media, such
as using internet facilities, which often becomes a problem, is that the network is still
inadequate to access the internet.
In addition, most teachers are still new to the increasingly advanced technology. Thus,
the obstacles that are often faced by teachers are that the network is still not reachable due
to high costs, when electricity is being repaired the use of the internet and other types of
media will be hampered. Therefore, learning Arabic by utilizing internet media types in
learning has maximum results. the use of learning media that is often used by teachers uses
projection media because this media directly interacts with the message to be conveyed. The
purpose of this message is of course the subject matter to be conveyed.
So, the teacher uses projection media so that the material can be absorbed properly. In
addition to the projection media used by the teacher, non-projection media are also used so
that students can more clearly understand the meaning given. This is in line with the
statement (Maman, 2010) that in terms of usage, media can be grouped into projection media
and not projections. The use of media as learning material helps students understand and
further develop student interest in learning. Teachers at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim
Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara use video and text learning media sourced via the internet
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
for learning materials. In the use of video media used by teachers it becomes very easy to
convey learning material. The teacher uses the video repeatedly in each class.
In addition, the teacher uses the media as an example in learning. Teachers using the
internet in learning only look for the media used and teachers still use textbooks as learning
guides. Seeing the phenomena above, this research certainly has implications for learning by
utilizing technology and internet media. The results of research on the use of the internet as
a medium in learning Arabic show very effective results. This has implications for both
teachers and students. So far, teachers have only used the internet as a place to send
additional material, assignments, and notifications about repeats being held. By holding this
research, it can have a good impact in overcoming this problem. To overcome these
problems, efforts and efforts are needed on the part of the teacher to improve the quality of
learning by using the internet as a learning medium by providing more understanding to find
sources from the internet in order to get a better understanding, after that the teacher can ask
students to read out the results. sought to be discussed in a face-to-face meeting.
In addition, the teacher can also provide rewards in the form of added value for those
who ask questions and are able to answer questions related to the material requested to find
sources through internet media. In addition, with this research it is necessary to conduct
further research regarding the use of technology and internet media as a medium in learning
Based on the results of the research and discussion that has been described, a
conclusion can be drawn that: 1. Conditions for Development of Internet-Based Arabic
Learning Media at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hakim Gunung Tua Padang Lawas Utara are still
conventional, namely the learning process in which the material is described by the teacher
using Learning media that are less attractive or without learning media then give assignments
to students with limited material and books, so that many students do not achieve
completeness in the competencies being taught. Seeing these conditions, an interactive
learning media was developed using internet-based media.
The process of developing interactive internet-based learning media is valid, practical
and effective based on the validation carried out by media experts, teachers and students.
Validity was obtained based on instrument validation and product validation carried out by
two highly professional media experts. Practicality is obtained based on the results of the
teacher's and student's assessment of learning media, where the average teacher's assessment
of the media is in the very practical category and the average student's assessment of the
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
media is in the very practical category. Effectiveness is obtained based on the results of
observations of teacher activity on the use of learning media, where the average assessment
of teacher activity on media use is in the very effective category.
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