AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Nasnurdin Rahmad
dan Cahaya Permata
1, 2
State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Medan
Email: cahayaperma[email protected]
In buying and selling used clothing or thrifting, sellers often provide promos for the items being sold.
However, there are cases where the buyer is required to add a fee to complete the sale and purchase
of the promo, if this is not fulfilled the product will not be sent or the transaction will not be
completed. This study aims to find out the practice of adding thrifting buying and selling fees on the
@thrift.perempuan account, the additional factors and the law of adding fees as a settlement of
buying and selling transactions according to Wahbah Az-Zuhaili. This type of research is empirical
juridical research with a conceptual approach and living case studies. Data was collected by
interview, observation and document study then the data was processed using qualitative methods
with a deductive thinking approach. The results of this study indicate that the concept of conditional
buying and selling with additional fees on the @thrift.perempuan account, in Wahbah Az-Zuhaili's
opinion, is a fasid sale and purchase because there is no element of honesty from one party and
harms the other party.
Keyword: Additional, Cost, Buying and selling, Thrifting, Wahbah Az-Zuhaili.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
One of the most traded commodities is clothing. Clothing is a basic human need that
always changes with the times. So that clothes will always be a commodity that will never
die. Changes in the quality of clothing, clothing models, and the price of clothing itself affect
the level of demand and supply in society. For some people, especially those who are still
students or even from the community who want to look attractive but at a low cost, they
often take advantage of buying and selling used clothes or commonly called thrifting.
Because thrifting usually has a much cheaper price even though it comes from a fairly well-
known brand, when compared to new clothes that are usually sold in shopping places such
as malls.
One of the practices of buying and selling used clothes or thrifting is in the city of
Medan, in big cities like Medan it is indeed one of the places that is quite popular in buying
and selling used clothes or thrifting. This is because many students or students are often
interested in thrifting because the price is quite cheap and affordable. One of the practices of
thrifting providers is the Instagram account @thrift.perempuan. The account offers several
women's clothing with various models. The clothes sold by the Instagram account are decent
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
used clothes. In the practice of buying and selling offered by @thrift.permpuan there are
various promos in it. However, in some transaction cases, some buyers feel cheated by this
promo. This is because the promo offered by @thrift.permpuan only applies to purchases at
a certain price. On the other hand, in some cases there are buyers who are required to add
costs to fulfill the promo.
Promo provisions and price additions will be the focus of this research. It is known
that buying and selling must be carried out by paying attention to the pillars and conditions
that have been regulated in Islamic law so as not to commit an act that is prohibited by
religion (Hasniati, 2022). Therefore, this study will use Islamic legal theory regarding buying
and selling to find out the concept of buying and selling in transactions that exist on the
@thrift.perempuan Instagram account with an additional fee. In previous research, it has
been discussed about the existence of additional costs in the case of buying and selling. Such
as research from Dwi Rahayu (Rahayu, 2020) which explains the sale and purchase
transaction of electric pulse balances between Tika Cellular Tanjung Bintang, South
Lampung as an agent and a distributor experiencing contract discrepancies. The distributors
unilaterally add price discounts without the knowledge of the agents to make a profit. This
practice is a valid ghairu contract which violates the pillars and conditions of sale and
purchase, so that the contract is considered invalid. Then in research conducted by Yunita
(2017) explained that the law of increasing the price of bank administration fees at PT. PLN
(Persero) Rayon Bagan Batu-Riau is tyranny and the law is illegitimate based on the opinion
of Ibnu Taimiyah. The tyranny in increasing the price lies in the addition of bank
administration fees for electricity payments that are not in accordance with the contents of
the PLN Bagan Batu-Riau electricity sale and purchase agreement. In another study by Afida
(2020) stated that from an Islamic legal perspective, giving discounts is permissible as long
as they avoid usury, fraud, and harm, and do not harm either party. This is explained in the
Al-Qur'an, hadith, and fatwas issued by the Majlis Ulama Indonesia No.
110/DSNMUI/IX/2017. However, sale and purchase transactions by giving discounts at
Ramayana in the city of Salatiga still contain elements of tadlis and gharar. The tadlis
element occurs when there is something that is not known by one of the parties, such as a
price that is not known by the buyer (taking advantage of the buyer's ignorance of market
The difference in this study with previous research is in the transaction model carried
out and the place of research. In previous research, it focused on direct buying and selling
transactions, while the cases that researchers found were online transactions via social
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
media. This study will discuss this using the opinion of Wahbah Az-Zuhaili. The choice of
Wahbah Az-Zuhaili in this case is because he is a contemporary scholar figure who is one
of the legal references in the current era. There is no doubt about his competence in fiqh or
Islamic law. His work in the field of jurisprudence which became a magnum opus is the
book al-fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuhu. The book reviews various kinds of muamalah
problems in the current contemporary era. Wahbah Az-Zuhaili in the book also explains
conditional buying and selling. According to him, buying and selling that applies conditions
in a sale and purchase or buying and selling which is hung with the words if, if and indicating
the words terms, then this buying and selling is fasid. Because if buying and selling is based
on conditions, such things can contain speculation, namely depending on something that will
bring about something that will arise. Departing from this, this study aims to find out the
practice of adding thrifting buying and selling fees on the @thrift.perempuan account, the
Addition Factors and the Law of Adding Fees as the Completion of Sale and Purchase
Transactions According to Wahbah Az-Zuhaili .
This type of research is empirical juridical research and the nature of the research is
analytical descriptive and the research approach uses a conceptual approach and living case
studies. The data were obtained through interviews, observation and document studies, the
informants in the interviews were @Thrift.perempuan consumers. Data analysis was carried
out by examining, reconstructing, then concluding, the method used to process data is
qualitative with a logical deductive thinking approach.
1. Definition, Pillars, Terms of Sale and Purchase
Trading or buying and selling according to language means al-ba'i, at-tijarah . With
regard to the word at-tijarah, as explained in QS Fathir (35): 291 which means: " They expect
tijarah (trade) that will not lose." (Suhendi, 2014). Whereas in terminology what is meant
by buying and selling is the exchange of property (objects) for assets (others) based on a
special method (which is permissible) (Ja'far, 2015). Apart from that, according to Imam
Nawawi, the definition of buying and selling is the exchange of assets with (other) assets for
ownership (Haroen, 2007). Then buying and selling according to Sayyid Sabiq is the
exchange of objects for other objects by giving up each other or transferring property rights
with a replacement in a permissible way (Sabiq, 1997).
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Based on some of the above understandings, it can be concluded that buying and
selling is an agreement to exchange objects or goods that have value voluntarily between
two parties, one party receives the goods and the other party accepts them in accordance with
the agreement or conditions that have been justified by Syara' and agreed. In accordance
with legal provisions, the meaning is fulfilling the requirements, pillars, and other matters
related to buying and selling so that if the conditions and pillars are not fulfilled, it means
that they are not in accordance with the provisions of the Syara.
In order for buying and selling to be carried out legally and to give the right effect,
several conditions must be realized first. The pillars and conditions in buying and selling are
the provisions in buying and selling that must be fulfilled so that buying and selling becomes
legal according to Islamic law (Hasan, 1996). Pillars are mufrad words from the plural word
"Arkan", meaning principles or joints or pillars, that is something that determines the validity
(if done) and invalid (if abandoned) a work and that something is included in that work
(Mujieb, 1994). According to Aljaziri (2001), the pillars of buying and selling are: a) Al-
'Aqidain, namely two contracting parties namely the seller and the buyer, b) Mauqud 'alaih,
which is something that is made into a contract consisting of the price and the goods being
traded, c ) Sighat, namely consent and Kabul.
Then, in terminology what is meant by conditions according to the fuqaha as
formulated by Muhammad Khudlari Bek, is something whose absence requires (results in)
the absence of the law itself. The wisdom from the absence of conditions also results in
negating legal wisdom or legal causes (Suma, 2004). In Shari'ah, pillars and conditions both
determine whether a transaction is valid or not. The legal terms of sale and purchase (Aaron,
2017) are as follows: First; Sellers and buyers are required to have the ability to act perfectly
legal (baligh or adult, Rusyd or mature, and reasonable). Buying and selling carried out by
crazy people or small children is not legal. As for small children who want to buy and sell,
they must be on the basis of permission from the guardian. However, if the goods being
traded are light goods, permission from the guardian is not required. Second; Goods that are
traded (object of sale and purchase). The criteria used as the object of sale and purchase are:
(1) There are goods or ready stock when carrying out a contract transaction, while the goods
are not available at the time of the contract the seller states the ability to procure the goods,
(2) The goods have a beneficial value. Not in the form of goods that are prohibited according
to syara' (such as blood, alcoholic beverages, or wild animals), (3) The goods can be
delivered at a mutually agreed time. The specifications must explain the criteria, both type,
quality and quantity, (4) The goods are fully owned. It is no longer still in the ground or fish
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
in the sea whose ownership still belongs to other people (can be seen), (5) The quality,
weight, quantity and size of the goods being traded must be known, so as not to raise doubts
(Susiawati, 2021).
Third; There is an exchange rate (Money). The exchange rate is a form of
money/goods that has been agreed upon by the seller and the buyer to realize the transaction,
which of course the exchange rate has been through a mutual agreement. Fourth; There is
consent and qabul. There is a clear expression of consent and qabul. Between the seller (who
gives the price) and the buyer (who pays) knows the amount to be paid by mutual consent
or consent, Ijab and qabul are carried out in one majlis. This means that both parties involved
in buying and selling transactions are present and discussing the same topic
2. The practice of adding costs to buying and selling thrifting on the Instagram
account @Thrift.Perempuan
In big cities like Medan, it is indeed one of the places that is quite popular in buying
and selling used clothing or thrifting. This is because many students or students are often
interested in thrifting because the price is quite cheap and affordable. One of the practices of
thrifting providers is the Instagram account @thrift.perempuan. The account offers several
women's clothing with various models. The clothes sold by the Instagram account are decent
used clothes. In the practice of buying and selling offered by @thrift.permpuan there are
various promos in it.
One of the customers who bought clothes on the @thrift.perempuan Instagram account
felt cheated. The customer's initial interest in buying @thrift.perempuan clothing was
because there was a promo. In the promo offered by @thrift.perempuan it is said that there
will be a discount. The customer's statement states that the seller can process the promo for
a minimum of 150,000 transactions and the customer has just purchased 120,000 of an item
at a discount of the original 150,000. so the shortage is sufficient for a transaction of 150,000,
which is 30,000. Then here the seller offers to complete the transaction with a shopping
voucher worth 30,000. From the explanation from the customer who bought at
@thrift.perempuan, he added that the terms of the promo were not explained at the beginning
of the transaction. The seller here will only process transactions with a certain nominal as
mentioned above . So the customer here has no choice but to add a fee so that the transaction
can be completed and the goods can be sent.
Other customers who bought on the @thrift.perempuan account also explained the
same thing. In his transaction of buying used clothing, he stated that the customer was
tempted by the promo offered by @thrift.perempuan because there was a discount on the
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
item he wanted. In the transaction, he explained that originally the normal price of the goods
he bought was 200,000 and then there was a promo for the item so that the price of the item
was 180,000. However, there is a minimum limit to get this promo with a transaction of
200,000 so that the customer is 20,000 less to be able to complete the transaction. Then to
send the item, the seller requires an additional fee of IDR 20,000 as an administrative fee or
delivery of goods. So, indirectly, the transaction here actually doesn't have a discount, but
only a marketing strategy from the seller.
3. Factors Causing Additional Costs in Conditional Sale and Purchase of Thrifing
on the @Thrift.Perempuan Instagram Account
In the practice of thrifting buying and selling, there is an additional fee not without
reason. Judging from the popularity of the practice of buying and selling thrifting, it becomes
commonplace when these commodities are popular so that they have many enthusiasts.
Therefore, goods experience increased demand and make sellers flexible in playing prices.
On the other hand, the seller in obtaining goods traded in the form of used clothes is obtained
by a wholesale system so that the price margin can be determined easily by the seller.
Thrifting buying and selling practices, sellers also take advantage of it by holding a
promo system on the goods being sold. The promo system is used to attract buyers or become
one of the seller's marketing techniques. In implementing the promo, the seller crosses out
the original price to a discounted price. For example, used clothes that originally cost
150,000, then if they get a promo, the price will change to 120,000.
Based on the results of observations made by researchers, there are at least several
factors that cause additional costs in thrifting conditional sale and purchase transactions on
the Instagram account @Thrift.Perempuan. The factor that affects the addition of the first
fee is the promo provisions which require additional costs and this is not mentioned at the
beginning by the seller. This additional fee is considered by the seller as a "purchasing"
promo, which is when the buyer buys goods on the Instagram account @Thrift. Women will
get another discount.
In addition to the additional costs for buying the promo, there are other factors,
namely administrative costs for shipping goods. This additional fee is not stated at the
beginning of the transaction so that the customer or buyer has no other choice but to pay the
fee. And if the additional costs are not paid, the goods purchased will not be sent by the seller
4. 's view of conditional buying and selling
Wahbah Az-Zuhaili expressed his various opinions in his works in book form. One of
his well-known books is Al-Fiqih Al-Islami Wa Adillatuhu. In the book or books, Wahbah
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Az-Zuhaili reviews various fiqh issues and discussions about buying and selling are also
included. According to Wahbah Az-Zuhaili in his book Al-Fiqh Al-Islam Wa Adillatuhu juzu'
, buying and selling that applies conditions in a sale and purchase or sale and purchase that
is hung with the words if, if and indicating the word conditions, then this sale and purchase
is fasid. Because if buying and selling is based on conditions, such things can contain
speculation, namely depending on something that will bring about something that will arise.
In more detail, explained Wahbah Az-Zuhaili in his book Al-Fiqh Al-Islam Wa Adillatuhu
First, buying and selling that depends on terms and buying and selling that is based
on, buying and selling that depends on a certain condition or buying and selling transactions
that are dependent in general are buying and selling that depend on the occurrence of
something else that may occur by using the words words that show dependency, such as the
words if, when and when (Az-Zuhaili , 1985).
Second, Regarding the law of buying and selling depending on conditions and relying
on it, the fiqh experts agree that buying and selling depends on conditions and is not valid.
However, these two types of buying and selling are called fasid, according to the Hanafi
school of thought, while according to others they are called null and void sales. Third, the
legal terms of sale and purchase are the conditions that must exist in each type of sale and
purchase so that the transaction is considered valid according to syar'i. What is meant by
these conditions in general is that transactions must be protected from six defects, namely
ambiguity, coercion, time restrictions, risk or speculation, losses, and conditions that can
cancel transactions.
5. Law of Additional Fees as Completion of Sale and Purchase Transactions
Thrifing on Instagram Account @Thrift.Women According to Wahbah Az-
Thrifting buying and selling transactions on the Instagram account @Thrift.Perempuan
it was found that there was conditional selling. What is meant by conditional buying and
selling here is a requirement for additional costs in buying and selling used clothes that are
subject to discounts or promos. These requirements are things that were not agreed upon
from the start so that in this case the buyer or customer feels cheated. Departing from this
case, it can be seen that conditional buying and selling can be detrimental to one party. In
this case, Wahbah Az-Zuhaili explained how the conditions for buying and selling are.
Wahbah Az-Zuhaili explained that conditional buying and selling is buying and selling
that depends on the occurrence of something else that might happen by using words that
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
show dependence, such as the words if, if and when ( Az-Zuhaili , 1985) . Reflecting on this
opinion, the practice of buying and selling thrifting on the Instagram account @Thrift.
Women is included in the conditional buying and selling category. The reason is, in practice
there is a provision for additional costs which is a form of suspension. More specifically, it
can be stated that the price discount on the transaction is dependent on additional costs,
which is a condition that must be met if the goods are to be sent to the buyer. Regarding the
law of buying and selling depending on conditions and relying on it, the fiqh experts agree
that buying and selling that depends on it is not valid. However, these two types of buying
and selling are called fasid, according to the Hanafi school of thought, while according to
others they are called null and void sales.
On the other hand, Wahbah Az Zuhaili in his book Al-fiqh Al-Islam Wa Adillatuhu
juzu'empat . Buying and selling that applies conditions in a sale and purchase or buying and
selling which are hung with the words if, if, and indicating the words conditions, then this
buying and selling is fasid. Because buying and selling that is relied on can contain
speculation, namely depending on something that will bring about something that will arise.
As explained in his book Al-Fiqh Al-islam Wa Adillatuhu juzu' four.
Buying and selling depending on the terms and buying and selling based on, buying
and selling depending on a certain condition or buying and selling transactions that depend
in general is buying and selling depending on the occurrence of something else that might
happen by using words that show dependence, like the words if and when.
Wahbah Az-Zuhaili's opinion regarding additional fees applies to non-cash
transactions or in installments. This means that transactions made using the installment
system will take time. Compensation for that time which is considered as an appropriate
matter to be charged an additional fee. In the case of buying and selling thrifting here there
are no provisions for non-cash payments with the installment system and will be paid off at
a later date. So the additional price here does not meet the time compensation provisions.
Ash Shiddiq principle , where humans are ordered to uphold honesty and truth, if in
muamalah honesty and truth are not prioritized, it will affect the validity of the agreement
(Kholid , 2018) . In thrifting buying and selling transactions on the Instagram account
@Thrift.Perempuan it is indicated that the seller is not honest in providing information
related to the promo provided along with being dishonest about the terms of increasing the
price so that the agreement which contains elements of deceit can be canceled or invalid.
The provisions of positive law in Indonesia also explain the rights and obligations of
consumers and business actors related to honesty. This is regulated in the law of the Republic
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
of Indonesia Number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection. Article 4 paragraph 3 of
this law states that consumers have the right to correct, clear and honest information
regarding the conditions and guarantees of goods and/or services. Then in Article 7
concerning the obligations of business actors, it is stated in letter b that business actors are
required to provide correct, clear and honest information regarding the conditions and
warranties of goods and/or services and provide an explanation of use, repair and
maintenance. In a sale and purchase there must be a clear expression of consent and qabul.
Between the seller (who gives the price) and the buyer (who pays) knows the amount that
will be paid by mutual consent or consent (Harun, 2017). It is also explained in the hadith
narrated by Ibn Hibban: "Verily, buying and selling departs from mutual pleasure (al
Anshory, et)."
Thrifting buying and selling transactions on the @Thrift.Perempuan Instagram
account, it can be said to be an illegal or fasid sale and purchase as stated by Wahbah Az-
Zuhaili. As previously explained that conditional buying and selling can cause losses to one
of the parties. In addition, in practice, this sale and purchase contains elements of dishonesty
which is contrary to the principle of muamalah, namely Ash Shiddiq. As also regulated in
the Consumer Protection Act, honesty from business actors is an obligation that must be
fulfilled and consumers also have the right to clear information about the goods purchased.
Thrifting sale and purchase transaction on the @Thrift.Women's Instagram account
ultimately did not cause the buyer's pleasure because they felt cheated or harmed by the
additional costs required. And the elements of pleasure and consensual are fundamental
elements in buying and selling transactions. Therefore, sellers should be more honest in
providing information and buyers should be more careful in transactions, so as to avoid
defects, namely: ambiguity, coercion, coercion of time, risk or speculation, causing losses.
There are lots of buying and selling thrifting on the Instagram platform with prices and
promotional methods offered. Notification of the terms and conditions that apply to using a
promo or discount in buying and selling is very important because it forms the basis for
transferring ownership of the object of sale and purchase. In the case of buying and selling
used clothes or thrifting, it is not found that the sale and purchase is a conditional sale. The
reason is, in buying and selling used clothes or thrifting here, the buyer buys a dress at a
predetermined price. However, there are promos or price discounts offered by sellers with
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
terms and conditions that are not explained. And on the other hand the buyer is not aware of
these terms and conditions.
In this case Wahbah Az-Zuhaili explained that conditional buying and selling is buying
and selling that depends on the occurrence of something else. Then regarding the law of
buying and selling, Wahbah Az-Zuhaili explained that buying and selling depends on the
terms and is based on using words that show dependence, such as the words if, if, and when.
Judging from the thoughts of Wahbah Az Zuhaili, the promotion offered by
@Thrifting.Perempuan is a fasid act, so it can be said that thrifting buying and selling
transactions on the @Thrift.Perempuan Instagram account is a sale and purchase that is
canceled or invalid.
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