AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
outskirts of the Nile, around Dar-Nuhas near the al-Jadid Mosque in Egypt. He was the son
of Nuruddin 'Ali (d. 77 H/1375 AD), a great scholar who was known as a mufti and also a
writer of religious poetry. His mother named Tujjar, was a rich woman who was active in
trading activities, also left him first.
Then, Ibn Hajar was raised by a merchant named Zakiuddin Abu Bakar al-Karubi, who
died when Ibn Hajar was 14 years old. Ibn Hajar is a hadith scholar, historian, Shaykh al-
Islam, a hafiz, Amir al-Mu'minin in the field of hadith. Ibn Hajar has the title Syihanuddin
and his graduate name is Abu al-Fadl and is a scholar of the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence.
The nickname al-Asqalani was found because of Muslim family traditions that spread
everywhere. Ibn Hajar is a scholar who has written more than 150 books.
In the field of 'ulum al-Qur'an, he wrote Asbab al-Nuzul, al-Itqan fi Jami' al-Hadis,
Fadha'il al-Qur'an, and Ma Waqa'a fi al-Qur'an min Gair al -Lugah al-'Arab, Al-Ihkamu li
bayani ma fil Qur'an min al-Ibham, and so on. In the field of 'ulum al-Hadis, he wrote
Nukhbah al-Fikr fi Mustalah Ahl al-Asar, and Nuhzat al Nazar fi Nukhbatil Fikr. In the field
of fiqh, he wrote Bulugul Maram min Ahadis al-Ahkam, in sharh al-hadith he wrote Fath al-
Bari bi Syarhi Sahihil Bukhari, al-Nukah 'ala Tauqih al-Zarkasyi 'ala al-Bukhari. Whereas
in the field of rijal, he wrote Tahzib al-Tahzib, Taqrib al-Tahzib, Lisan al-Mizan, Al-Ishabah
fi Tamyiz al-Shahabah, and so on. There are many other works by Ibn Hajar in other fields
(Laiya, 2018).
2. The Practice of Buying and Selling Land on Other People's Sale and Purchase
that Occurred in Sialang Gatap Village
The buying and selling of land in Sialang Gatap Village uses a consensual buying and
selling system. In the process of buying and selling transactions, prices, land conditions, and
accessibility are important factors in the implementation of buying and selling land.
Expensive or cheap land prices are determined by an agreement between the seller and the
buyer in accordance with the prevailing market price at that time.
Before the sale and purchase agreement process takes place, the buyer usually
conducts a survey to see first hand the condition of the land he is going to buy. However,
during the process, the land seller in Sialang Gatap Village also offered it to other people.
Based on the results of an interview conducted by one of the interviewees in Sialang Gatap
Village, most of the land sellers there offer not only land that will be sold to one person. This
is so that the land seller gets the highest price from one of the buyers.
As explained by the source, the seller chose the highest price even though one of the
buyers had made an agreement with the seller of the land. This happens due to several