AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
would be different, no longer subject to an hourly fine, but calculated as a full day's rent.
Obviously the lessee feels disadvantaged, because it is not in accordance with the verbal
agreement at the beginning of the contract.
So in this case, the lessor made a mistake against the lessee in carrying out
compensation fines resulting from an oral agreement, because the initial contract was not in
accordance with the fine given to the lessee. The lessor should explain in detail before
entering into a contract with the lessee so that there is no misunderstanding between one
another and so that the contract being executed is clear in accordance with existing
regulations and does not harm any party.
In resolving this case, both parties agreed to resolve this case using non-litigation legal
remedies. Where both parties resolve it in a peaceful and amicable way and do not proceed
to litigation. From the lessee (consumer) provide half of the compensation determined by
the lessor (manufacturer)
The conclusion in this study is that there was a default by the producer. As a result of
an unwritten or oral agreement made by both parties, one party feels disadvantaged because
the agreement is not valid enough to prove. The legal remedies taken by both parties were
using non-ligitimation legal remedies, which were resolved amicably. Where the consumer
provides compensation for half of the compensation price given by the producer, and is
carried out by mutual agreement.
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