AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Widiana Sinaga
, Dewi Kesuma Nasution
, Manda Saragih
1, 2, 3, 4
Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra
Emails: mandrasara[email protected]
The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher's role in applying the 3R-based learning
model to the creativity skills of grade 1 students at the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio. This
research is a qualitative research. Namely research produces descriptive data in the form of written
or spoken words from people whose behavior can be observed. The subject of this research is the
principal and teacher. Data collection techniques in this study using observation techniques,
interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the role of a teacher in the
learning process in the classroom is very important, especially in developing students' creative skills.
So in developing creativity skills the teacher must be able to act as a model or example, as a
motivator, guide, facilitator and educator, especially in developing the 3R learning model and 3R-
based learning methods (reduce, reuse, recycle) Grade 1 students at the Kepong Guidance Center
Malaysia in reuse activities namely using a notebook where the paper is still blank and not there for
notes or scribbling. Donating clothes that are still usable, and used for rags or mops, in activities to
reduce waste, namely using electricity as needed. Bring your own shopping bag to reduce plastic
bag waste and process waste into new products. Recycling activities for example: Sorting waste into
organic and inorganic waste. Recycle all items that can be recycled, for example plastic, paper,
cardboard, glass and cans into pencil case.
Keyword: 3R-Based Learning, Student Creativity.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
Given the importance of children's education in Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning
Child Protection article 9 paragraph 1 it is stated that every child has the right to receive
education and teaching in the context of developing his personality and level of intelligence
in accordance with his interests and talents, so elementary schools are a place to grow
develop children's potential, in its implementation it must be in accordance with the growth
and development of children which is expected to stimulate the mentality of the nation's
creators who give birth to scientists ( Syibromilisi , 2021).
In children who are in first grade elementary school, growth and development need to
be directed at laying the right foundations for the growth and development of the whole
human being. (Mulyono, 2003) . Provision of balanced nutrition and nutrition is also very
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
necessary to support the growth and development of children, that way, children will grow
and develop optimally according to their age stages. (Mr. & Ruslan, 2022) . Cognitive
development is the processing of the center of the human nervous system internally when
thinking (Syafrida Siregar, 2017) . The process of children's learning activities can be used
to develop their cognitive abilities so that activities in learning activities should emphasize
the development of cognitive structure, instilling attitudes is built through habituation and
example. The development of knowledge and skills is carried out through a scientific
approach to inculcating attitudes which will be guided by separate guidelines (Lubis et al.,
2021) .
In accordance with Lafendry's opinion , teacher qualifications and competencies are
based on the Indonesian Minister of National Education Regulation Number 16 of 2007
concerning Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher Competency and their
attachments (Lafendry, 2020) . The challenge for educators is to be able to provide a touch
of education that is creative, innovative, smart, and fun so that the world of children does
not just disappear in their lives. (Suprihatiningrum, 2013) . Children feel happy when
learning but can still get the essence of learning that is embedded as an exemplary attitude
and the habit of developing knowledge and skills is carried out through a scientific approach
(Mathematics, 2016) .
Learning for first-graders through working while learning and learning while working
is the main principle in learning in the classroom. Because creativity will explore itself by
using the tools provided so that children will gain various knowledge, skills and attitudes
through their own experiences, thus the use of tools that contain elements of education is
absolutely necessary. (Panjaitan & Suriadi, 2023) . Educative learning is all forms of
creativity designed to provide educational experiences or learning experiences, including
traditional and modern games that are given educational and teaching content on the basis
of that understanding, so that games are designed to provide information or instill certain
attitudes, for example to foster a spirit of togetherness. and mutual cooperation, included in
the category of work because it can provide cognitive and affective learning experiences that
lead to the development of children's creativity (Amina et al., 2022)
Learning methods that increase children's creativity using the 3R approach (reduce,
reuse, recycle). Because in general understanding that 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) is an
innovation in the context of providing learning media for children, because 3R is a strategy
in the procurement of learning media ( Piliang, 2019). In addition to learning to use recycled
waste, children are also taught how to hone their motor skills by adding character elements
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to recycled works in the form of piggy banks that have been made. (Yusnitha, 2020) . Every
individual child has the potential to experience problems. One such individual problem is
fine motor development. In accordance with the opinion (Abidin, Ratno, 2022) that motor
development must be related to the development of the ability to use fingers to use various
activities, such as making movements, sticking, pinching, cutting, painting, and others
(Abidin et al., 2022) .
The 3R-based learning method (reduce, reuse, recycle) certainly cannot be separated
from waste recycling (organic or inorganic). So by utilizing existing used materials it is done
through 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) (Muslihati et al., 2020) . As an effort to reduce, reuse
and recycle requires educators to always innovate in providing learning media in developing
their creativity, and innovation because the environment has prepared materials for children
to learn while playing, some of these materials are in the form of consumable raw materials
(garbage) means material that needs to be processed or modified so that it can be used in
learning. Then, for example, making simple educational game tools, namely made from
scrap or trash, which requires educators to be creative in making and forming object models
( Fitrianan, 2020). .
Creative educational games are also needed which will later function as a source of
knowledge, new skills for children as well as in the development of children's reasoning and
creativity. The formation of creativity is of course greatly influenced by the child's learning
environment. When children are properly trained in developing their creativity by the
teacher, children will certainly produce works according to their imagination and motor
development. In general, the child's creativity itself is an ability through new ideas in solving
a problem. The development of children's creativity is very important to support the success
of their life. 3R learning media is anything that can be used to channel messages from the
sender to the recipient of the message so that it can stimulate the thoughts, feelings, concerns
and interests and attention of the child in such a way that the learning process occurs.
(Ratnasari, 2021) . According to (Aris Slamet, 2022) that the creativity shown by children is
an original form of creativity that appears as if out of control. This age is also a unique phase
of life with unique characteristics, both physically, psychologically, socially and morally.
This characteristic is marked by the child's extraordinary learning ability, namely the child's
desire to learn actively and exploratively (Widodo & Nugroho, 2022) .
The role of the teacher is very important in imparting knowledge to children and
competing to provide the best educational facilities to their students. This development is to
encourage the growth of children's potential in educational institutions. It is necessary to
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
develop children's creativity. One of the goals of children's education that must be developed
is the development of children's creativity through the media of used materials ( Astutik &
Hariyati, 2021). . This creativity can be developed through fun activities. Each child has a
creative capital within him, so the teacher uses appropriate and interesting used media
materials. Then so that learning is more conducive and attracts children's interest, the teacher
should be more creative in designing learning activities according to the theme or topic.
Therefore, to stimulate and improve children's abilities in learning, teachers should create an
active, creative, effective classroom atmosphere or invite children to learn around the school
environment to become a pleasant classroom atmosphere such as utilizing used goods with
the 3R approach (reduce, reuse, recycle). Because the development of creativity is needed
in exploring creative thinking skills and developing children's talents (Darmadi, 2015) .
Preliminary observations were made at the Kepong Guidance Studio in Malaysia that
the teacher had implemented the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) learning model , it was seen that
the children were very active and creative in learning, they were not only focused on the
teacher, they were active in building collaboration in making a work, at their fairly early age
they shouldn't focus too much on learning because their world is a world of play but for
grade 1 students at the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio this happens on the contrary they
prefer and are active in learning in class and produce work and become more creative
students. This can also be measured from the creative role of the teacher in using learning
models in the classroom. One of the models applied by the teacher is the 3R-based learning
method (reduce, reuse, recycle) which is one way to develop creativity, namely using used
media as a medium for training creative arts from ideas owned by children to simple ones
according to the characteristics of the child.
Therefore, in accordance with the background of the problem, the writer is interested
in further research and takes the title The Role of the Teacher in Applying the 3R-Based
Learning Model to the Creativity Skills of Grade 1 Students at the Kepong Malaysia
Guidance Studio. The formulation of the problem in researching how the teacher's efforts in
applying the 3R-Based Learning Model to the Creativity Skills of Grade 1 Students at the
Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio.
The type of research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. As for what
is meant by qualitative research, namely research that intends to understand the phenomenon
of what is experienced by research subjects holistically by utilizing various scientific
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Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
methods. The type of this research approach is descriptive. Descriptive research is research
that seeks to describe current problem solving based on data. This type of qualitative
descriptive research used in this study is intended to obtain information about the 3R-based
learning method (reuse, reduce, recycle) as an effort to empower the Creativity of Grade 1
Children at the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio. Research Instruments In qualitative
research, the researcher is the main instrument (key instrument) in collecting data and
interpreting data guided by interview guidelines and observation guidelines. The data source
in this study is to take data source informants by considering certain data from the parties
studied. Then researchers will conduct observations, interviews and documentation of
people who are seen as research objects. As for the object of research is the teacher. In data
collection techniques, researchers carry out various things that are carried out in research
including: 1) Participant observation, namely researchers make direct observations by
bringing observation data that has been compiled previously to check then the observed
events are matched with observation data. 2) Interview, namely the researcher conducted
face-to-face interviews (face-to-face interviews) with participants. 3) Researchers document
the implementation of research activities through photos or drawings, as physical evidence
of research implementation. 4) Literature Review Researchers read books that can help
researchers conduct research to obtain relevant data. The literature review was used as part
of the data collection technique component. Data analysis in this study is data reduction, data
display and conclusion drawing or verification. It can be explained below, namely: 1) Data
reduction, data reduction means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on the
important things, looking for themes and patterns. Thus the reduced data will provide a
clearer picture. 2) Data display, which is often used to present data in qualitative research, is
narrative text. 3) Data verification, i.e. drawing and conclusions and conclusions may be
able to answer the problem formulation formulated from the start, but maybe not. Testing
the Validity of Data Testing the validity of the data is used to ensure the correctness of the
data obtained. The techniques used to test the validity of the data in this study are
Perseverance and observation to increase persistence in interviews and observations so that
the data and sequence of events can be recorded with certainty and systematically, namely
as follows: 1) Triangulation is a technique for checking the validity of data that utilizes
reliable sources. other. 2) The validity of the data is done by utilizing something other than
the data for checking and as a comparison of the data obtained. 3) In the extension of
participation, namely the researcher as a measuring tool in collecting data includes
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
observations and interviews in various settings and events. This is done in order to study
culture, meaning and interpretation of existing problems.
The Role of the Teacher in Applying the 3R-Based Learning Model to the Creativity
Skills of Grade 1 Students at the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Center
Based on the observations made by the researchers, it appears that in developing
students' creative skills the teacher acts as a facilitator through habituation or providing
opportunities for students to work. The teacher also gives direct examples of how to make a
work well, easy to make. In addition, the teacher also acts as a motivator for students, the
teacher pays attention. The role of the teacher is very important in imparting knowledge to
children and competing to provide the best educational facilities to their students. This
development is to encourage the growth of children's potential in educational institutions. It
is necessary to develop children's creativity. One of the goals of children's education that
must be developed is the development of children's creativity through the media of used
materials. The approach used by the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Center for waste relies on
an approach where waste that can be used is collected and selected according to the
objectives of the lesson. Because actually the garbage in the surrounding environment can
be used as a valuable educational medium for the development of children's creativity.
Given the importance of creativity that needs to be instilled in children, researchers are
trying to increase this observation through 3R activities. Then it was strengthened by the
researchers by conducting interviews directly with the respondents who submitted it to the
Principal of the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio to firmly convey that:
“The learning that is being conducted at the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Center is
actually more focused on the needs of children. Here designed learning by education
in a professional manner with learning media prepared through learning methods that
have been understood by each teacher. In my opinion, creativity is not as easy as
imagined in bringing it out in a child. In my opinion, the 3R approach implemented by
the teacher is very suitable for continued use, because children are trained to work
according to their level of understanding. This means that children are free to be
creative with tools and materials that have been prepared beforehand by the teacher,
then the teacher facilitates it.
Class 1 students of the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio are said to be creative if
they are able to produce products with any variety with the facilities provided by the teacher
and school. In strengthening what was conveyed by the principal, the researcher conducted
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
interviews with teachers or educators who specifically as professionals in educating the lives
of the nation's children said that:
"As a teacher at the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio, I sincerely continue to fight
for how my students learn in a fun way. I make learning media according to children's
wishes through educational games that make children learn while playing. For learning
methods through 3R, such as Reuse, Reduce and Recycle, this is a variation of learning
methods that leads to an increase in children's creativity. So when children are
facilitated by tools and materials, children with their respective abilities create various
works, such as making butterflies, boats, cars and so on.
Based on the findings above, it refers to the achievement of students' skills on students'
Creativity Skills, especially in Class 1 of the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio. Creativity
skills have three indicators of achievement in the learning process, namely: 1) Having great
curiosity. 2) Frequently ask weighty questions. 3) Provide many ideas and suggestions for a
problem. As stated by Slameto, creativity is essentially related to the discovery of something,
regarding things that produce something new by using something that already exists.
Teachers in developing students' creative skills by using several ways, namely:
1. The teacher gives a craft assignment. It is undeniable indeed, giving students
handicraft assignments is one of the most powerful ways you can do to increase
student creativity. Interestingly, handicrafts can be applied to all subjects, even for
Mathematics or History. The method is also simple, for example for Mathematics
lessons, the teacher can ask students to make handicrafts by writing formulas in a
picture book or colored paper. After that ask students to decorate the formula as
attractive as possible. For maximum results, ask students to do this craft task on their
own without cooperating with friends.
2. Give appreciation and suggestions for handicraft tasks carried out by students After
students have succeeded in doing handicrafts, it would be nice for the teacher to
provide appreciation and suggestions for the tasks that have been completed. Even
though basically handicrafts are art and in art there is no right or wrong, there is
nothing wrong if the teacher gives suggestions that can further trigger students'
creativity. For example, if students are still not brave enough to use lots of colors,
suggest students to occasionally use more colors in the tasks they are doing. In
addition, ask students to explain the reason for choosing the color or medium used to
do an assignment. Don't forget to give a small appreciation that can be meaningful
for students. For example, thanking and congratulating them on an assignment, or
giving students a small gift such as a sticker or a chocolate bar. Because this simple
thing can sometimes actually trigger students' creative minds even more.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
3. Use video learning media Learning media with videos is also a way to trigger student
creativity that should not be missed. Because apart from making it easier for students
to understand the subject matter, carrying out the teaching process using video will
also greatly trigger student creativity. Interestingly, learning media using video is
very suitable for all subjects.
4. Familiarize students to give opinions Besides being useful for increasing students'
self-confidence, getting students used to asking questions or giving opinions is also
very useful for increasing student creativity. Because when asked to give an opinion,
students will indirectly think creatively about how to express opinions well. If
necessary, occasionally the teacher can also ask students to explain the subject matter
that has previously been taught. In order for students to be more motivated to give
their opinions, the teacher can also give a small appreciation to students who have
dared to express their opinions. For example by giving star or chocolate stickers.
5. Give group work assignments regularly Group work is probably one of the students'
favorite activities. Because when working in groups students can freely chat while
studying with friends. Interestingly, group study is also useful for increasing student
creativity. Because when working in groups, each team member is usually given the
opportunity to put forward ideas or ideas for doing the task. This is what can be useful
to improve the ability to think creatively. Because when listening to opinions from
other students, students' minds will indirectly be triggered to come up with new ideas.
In order for group work to feel more optimal, limit the number of students in one
group to a maximum of 4 or 5 people. Because if there are too many student group
work results will not be optimal.
6. Create mind mapping Mind mapping is a learning method that is carried out by
mapping information in the form of graphics or images. When making a mind map
students can freely make any image and use any color they like to understand a
subject matter. However, make sure students really understand the mind mapping
that is made. Interestingly, mind mapping can be applied to almost all subjects. Also
tell students that the mind mapping that is made does not have to be understood by
everyone. Because mind mapping is intended for yourself, not other people. To
further trigger student creativity, there is nothing wrong occasionally if the teacher
occasionally asks students to present a mind map that has been done.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
This is done by the teacher so that students are more confident to dare to be creative
so that with the process of guidance and direction that the teacher continues to carry out,
students' creative skills can develop more optimally. The role of the teacher in the learning
process is as an organizer of the learning environment as well as a learning facilitator. The
teacher must be able to be a role model for his students, which in this case is related to
creativity skills, the teacher is able to set a good example. Therefore, the role of a teacher in
the learning process in the classroom is very important, especially in developing students'
creative skills. So in developing creativity skills the teacher must be able to act as a model
or example, as a motivator, guide, facilitator and educator.
The 3R-Based Learning Method Against the Creativity Skills of Class 1 Student
Guidance Studios Kepong Malaysia
The 3R-based learning method (reduce, reuse, recycle) certainly cannot be separated
from the recycling of inorganic waste. As a way to reduce waste, namely by reusing it
innovatively by educators to always provide learning media as an effort to develop children's
creativity. Because the child's creativity grows influenced by learning methods through the
3R approach (reduce, reuse, recycle) with learning environment facilities that have been
prepared by the teacher with materials in the form of consumable raw materials (inorganic
waste) processed and modified so that they can be used in learning by making simple
educational games made from scrap or trash in the form of object models. So the 3R-based
learning method (reduce, reuse, recycle) implemented by the teacher is needed as a source
of knowledge, new skills as well as in developing children's reasoning and creativity. The
3R-Based learning method for the Creativity Skills of Grade 1 Students at the Kepong
Malaysia Guidance Studio is as follows:
1. Reuse
Reuse means to reuse, namely to reuse waste / used goods that can still be used. Class
1 students at the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio in the reuse activity, namely
using notebooks where the paper is still blank and not for notes or scribbling. Writing
paper on both sides. Donating clothes that are still suitable for use, clothes that are
not suitable for use are used for rags or mops. Cans used for candy, or drinks are
decorated for pencil cases. Mineral water bottles can be used for flower pots.
Utilizing used plastic bags for shopping packaging or used newspapers for wrapping.
Utilizing used rags (patchcloths) for handicrafts, cleaning equipment (rags), as well
as various other purposes.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
2. reduce (reduce)
Reduce means reducing waste by reducing the use of materials that damage the
environment. Grade 1 students at the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio in activities
to reduce waste include: Using electricity as needed. Bring your own shopping bag
to reduce plastic bag waste. Reducing the use of non-recyclable items. Reducing the
use of low-demand products.
3. Recycle
Recycle (recycle) Grade 1 students at the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio in the
activity of processing waste into new products. Recycling activities for example:
Sorting waste into organic and inorganic waste. Recycle anything that can be
recycled, such as plastic, paper, cardboard, glass and cans
In the results of the research and discussion in the articles written, it can be concluded
that the 3R-based learning method (reduce, reuse, recycle) certainly cannot be separated
from the recycling of inorganic waste. As a way to reduce inorganic waste, namely by
reusing it innovatively by the students of the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio to always
provide learning media as an effort to develop children's creativity. Because the child's
creativity grows influenced by learning methods through the 3R approach (reduce, reuse,
recycle) with learning environment facilities that have been prepared by the teacher with
materials in the form of consumable raw materials (inorganic waste) processed and modified
so that they can be used in learning by making simple educational games made from scrap
or trash in the form of object models. So the 3R-based learning method (reduce, reuse,
recycle) implemented by the teacher is needed as a source of knowledge, new skills as well
as in developing the reasoning and creativity of grade 1 students.
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