AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Educators not only transfer the knowledge needed by students but are also more
oriented towards learning process efforts and transforming ethical values according to
Islamic religious teachings (Asari. 2018). An educator is required to be creative to be able
to create innovative, varied, interesting, and contextual methods, and according to the level
of needs of students in the class (Syamsi, 2018). The success or failure of the process of
teaching and learning activities, whether or not learning objectives are achieved depends on
the pedagogic competencies that must be possessed by all educators. Therefore, an educator
plays a very important role in helping the learning development of students to achieve
optimal learning goals (Ngatiman & Ibrahim, 2018).
Educators are also the main factor and key determinant of successful learning and also
the successful implementation of policies, innovative efforts in education (Firmansyah &
Iman, 2019). In learning, an educator and students are two subjects who interact and
determine the quality of learning. Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education
system and its functioning in developing capabilities and forming dignified national
character and civilization in order to educate the nation's life and aims to develop the
potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have
noble character , healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and being a
democratic and responsible citizen, it is the duty of the government to improve the quality
of education towards a better direction (Raharja, 2018).
Learning is a learning process carried out by each individual to learn a skill in the
process of his life, but good learning must be done as well as possible with more mature
planning, as an educator certainly has skills that can be carried out, one of which is by
choosing a model, strategy, appropriate learning methods or media to be applied to students.
The learning method is a way that has been prepared and used by educators in implementing
the plans they make so that learning objectives can be achieved. Educators play a role in
determining the right method to use when learning activities will affect the sustainability of
a teaching and learning process (Rohani, 2021). Conventional learning methods make
students' learning interest less than optimal because they feel bored with learning. The
inaccuracy of the method certainly cannot support learning. Therefore, it is necessary to use
various learning methods or ways of teaching which can later attract the enthusiasm of
students and create a pleasant learning atmosphere (Adisusilo, 2012).
For Elementary School Education, educators must be more creative in determining the
models, methods, and media used to make learning fun. The accuracy of an educator in
choosing and using effective learning methods will produce the desired learning objectives,