AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Nur Azlinda
, Syamsuyurnita
, Suci Perwita Sari
, Ismail Saleh Nasution
1, 2, 3, 4
Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra
The purpose of this study was to determine the Implementation of the Gallery Walk Cooperative
Learning Method in Improving Student Science Learning Outcomes at the Muhammadiyah Guidance
Center in Kampung Bharu Malaysia. This research is a qualitative research. This research was
carried out by the Muhammadiyah Guidance Center in Kampung Bharu Malaysia. The types and
sources of data are in the form of Primary data and Secondary data. Primary data obtained directly
through interviews. Secondary data is research supporting data such as documents, activity results
reports, through words and actions from research informants and research subjects related to the
Implementation of the Gallery Walk Cooperative Learning Method in Improving Student Science
Learning Outcomes. Data collection techniques in this study are through observation, interviews,
and documentation. The results of this study indicate that there are several things that are done by
science teachers in implementing the Gallery Walk Cooperative Learning Method in Improving
Student Science Learning Outcomes at the Muhammadiyah Guidance Studio Kampung Bharu
Malaysia, namely implementing planning before carrying out science learning using the Gallery
Walk method for students in the Studio Guidance of Muhammadiyah Kampung Bharu Malaysia.
Furthermore, the implementation of the Gallery Walk method is going well, this is evidenced by the
smooth science learning activities carried out in class. And the evaluation of the application of the
Gallery Walk method in learning science has gone smoothly because it is in accordance with the
planning and implementation.
Keyword: Gallery Walk Cooperative Learning, Learning Outcomes.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
Education is a very important part for humans to actualize their potential in order to
carry out their functions as caliphs on earth, therefore elementary schools are places where
students can undergo basic education in order to develop their potential so as to form
knowledge and skills. new ones (Mu'in, 2016). Educators as one of the components that
determine the success of students in teaching and learning activities must have the ability to
teach professionally and be skilled in using models, methods and learning media that are
innovative, varied and interesting (Wuryandani & Fathurrohman, 2016 ) . Not only that,
educators are also required to be able to take concrete actions in class in providing
information emphatically, politely and effectively (Pusposari, 2017).
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Educators not only transfer the knowledge needed by students but are also more
oriented towards learning process efforts and transforming ethical values according to
Islamic religious teachings (Asari. 2018). An educator is required to be creative to be able
to create innovative, varied, interesting, and contextual methods, and according to the level
of needs of students in the class (Syamsi, 2018). The success or failure of the process of
teaching and learning activities, whether or not learning objectives are achieved depends on
the pedagogic competencies that must be possessed by all educators. Therefore, an educator
plays a very important role in helping the learning development of students to achieve
optimal learning goals (Ngatiman & Ibrahim, 2018).
Educators are also the main factor and key determinant of successful learning and also
the successful implementation of policies, innovative efforts in education (Firmansyah &
Iman, 2019). In learning, an educator and students are two subjects who interact and
determine the quality of learning. Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education
system and its functioning in developing capabilities and forming dignified national
character and civilization in order to educate the nation's life and aims to develop the
potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have
noble character , healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and being a
democratic and responsible citizen, it is the duty of the government to improve the quality
of education towards a better direction (Raharja, 2018).
Learning is a learning process carried out by each individual to learn a skill in the
process of his life, but good learning must be done as well as possible with more mature
planning, as an educator certainly has skills that can be carried out, one of which is by
choosing a model, strategy, appropriate learning methods or media to be applied to students.
The learning method is a way that has been prepared and used by educators in implementing
the plans they make so that learning objectives can be achieved. Educators play a role in
determining the right method to use when learning activities will affect the sustainability of
a teaching and learning process (Rohani, 2021). Conventional learning methods make
students' learning interest less than optimal because they feel bored with learning. The
inaccuracy of the method certainly cannot support learning. Therefore, it is necessary to use
various learning methods or ways of teaching which can later attract the enthusiasm of
students and create a pleasant learning atmosphere (Adisusilo, 2012).
For Elementary School Education, educators must be more creative in determining the
models, methods, and media used to make learning fun. The accuracy of an educator in
choosing and using effective learning methods will produce the desired learning objectives,
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
and the inaccuracy of educators in selecting and using effective learning methods can lead
to failure in achieving learning objectives that are in accordance with what is desired
(Yudasmara and Desi Purnami. 2015 ) . Every teacher must have the ability to make learning
more interesting by developing their creativity so that students can receive good learning
and obtain optimal learning outcomes, especially in science subjects which are one of the
subjects taught at all levels of education starting from the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah level up to a
higher level of education. One interesting learning method is cooperative learning, in which
students study together as a team in completing group assignments to achieve common goals.
Cooperative has many methods, one of which is the gallery walk method . The use of
methods in learning alone is not enough, innovation is needed to stimulate learning, namely
by using learning media .
Initial observations were made at the Muhammadiyah Guidance Center in Kampung
Bharu Malaysia, it turned out that the teachers had implemented learning methods that
involved students' activeness. The students were very cheerful and enthusiastic when
learning in class, they were very enthusiastic about answering and asking the teacher not a
single student was moody or sleeping during the teaching and learning process in class. This
is in accordance with the purpose of applying the gallery walk method, which is to attract
students to the topic to be studied. Provide opportunities for students to show their
knowledge and beliefs about the topics to be discussed and invite students to discover things
that are deeper than the knowledge they have, especially in science subjects. It can be seen
that the children's development has increased, seen by the children's ability to answer the
questions given by the teacher. They get scores above the average. Not only that, with the
walk gallery learning method, students are more creative when working on questions and
also homework. Apart from being able to do the questions, they are also creative by making
attractive pictures and colors that match the questions given. They don't focus only on the
question, they also decorate the answer sheet for the question.
Based on the results of interviews conducted with science study teachers, it shows that
science learning in the classroom by students is included in the optimal learning achievement
category. appointed to ask questions or be given questions willing to ask and answer
questions given, students enjoy learning and discussing with the teacher. This condition is
due to the good interaction between the teacher and students in the class, learning is not
dominated by teacher activities as the main source of knowledge which is guided by
textbooks only, but is active due to the teacher's creativity and skills in choosing and using
learning methods.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Based on the description of the background above, the authors are interested in further
researching how the Implementation of the Gallery Walk Cooperative Learning Method in
Improving Student Learning Outcomes and the authors take the title of this research is the
Implementation of the Gallery Walk Cooperative Learning Method in Improving Student
Science Learning Outcomes in the Muhammadiyah Guidance Studio Kampung Bharu
This research is a qualitative research. Qualitative research is a procedure that will
produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable
behavior. This research is directed at the background and the individual as a whole. This
research is used to describe everything related to the process of implementing the Gallery
Walk Cooperative Learning Method in Improving Student Science Learning Outcomes
(Wahab,, 2013). This research was conducted at the Muhammadiyah Guidance Center in
Kampung Bharu Malaysia
Determination of informants in this study using a purposive sampling technique,
namely how to determine informants who have been determined deliberately according to
predetermined criteria. Researchers will record, record, and observe the behavior of these
informants. The informants in this study were teaching staff at the Muhammadiyah
Kampung Bharu Malaysia Guidance Studio . The types and sources of data are in the form
of Primary data and Secondary data (Moleong 2018) . Primary data was obtained directly
through interviews from research informants, namely school principals, education staff and
students of the Muhammadiyah Kampung Bharu Malaysia Learning Studio. Secondary data
is research supporting data such as documents, activity results reports, through the words
and actions of research informants and the subjects studied which are related to Gallery Walk
Cooperative Learning in Improving Student Science Learning Outcomes . Data collection
techniques in this study are through observation, interviews, and documentation (Luthfiyah
2020) .
The interview technique in this study used a structured interview technique, in which
the researcher determined the problems and questions to be asked, in other words, the
researcher already knew that the information would be obtained and had written down the
questions in the interview guide. Documentation studies are carried out by studying
documents related to research problems including relevant books (Gunawan 2013) .
Documentation is extracting information by utilizing, notes, archives, pictures, videos,
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
photos and other documents, in the documentation the researcher must be able to understand
the meaning implied in the document carefully and thoroughly. Furthermore, the data that
has been collected will be tested for validity using the source triangulation technique in order
to check and compare the degree of trustworthiness of the information obtained from
informants who have been interviewed and those observed by researchers in the field. Then,
the researcher carried out data reduction in the selection process, centralization and
simplification of raw data that emerged from field notes. Furthermore, the researcher
presents the data using narrative text that can be understood by the reader. Finally, the
researcher verifies and draws conclusions from the results of the study (Fadli 2021) .
The researcher made observations at the Muhammadiyah Guidance Center in
Kampung Bharu Malaysia, while the observations made during the study were direct
observations, namely observations by asking the science teacher when the lesson was over.
Observations were made at the Muhammadiyah Guidance Center in Kampung Bharu
Malaysia. Observations were made to the science teacher, he said that the Gallery Walk
method was one of the appropriate methods to be used in classroom learning so that students
could foster a sense of togetherness and creativity. There are several things done by science
teachers in implementing the Gallery Walk Cooperative Learning Method in Improving
Student Science Learning Outcomes at the Muhammadiyah Guidance Studio Kampung
Bharu Malaysia, which include the following:
1. Planning
Planning carried out by science subject teachers using the Gallery Walk method at
the Muhammadiyah Guidance Center in Kampung Bharu Malaysia is to make plans in
science material then the next planning step is to determine the method the teacher wants to
use, namely by using the Gallery Walk method, after that the next planning namely
informing the media and materials that need to be prepared as well as telling the steps to be
carried out for the next meeting at the science subject meeting the teacher explains the group
assignments for the next meeting. Students are divided into several groups and each group
is given the task of preparing the tools and materials ordered.
From the analysis that the authors found from observations made that science
teachers apply planning before carrying out science learning using the Gallery Walk method
for students at the Muhammadiyah Guidance Studio Kampung Bharu Malaysia. The
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
following is the result of an analysis of the Gallery Walk method planning in science learning
at the Muhammadiyah Guidance Studio Kampung Bharu Malaysia :
a) Make lesson plans
Science subject teachers make plans in science learning by starting to make lesson
plans, this is done because they want to make it easier to plan what will be done in
the future and to make it easy to share material in each lesson that will be carried out.
At the time of observation the teacher made a plan in science material regarding the
concept of protecting the environment
b) Determine the learning method then the next planning step is to determine the method
the teacher wants to use, namely by using the Gallery Walk method.
c) Determine media and materials
After determining the method in learning, the next thing the teacher does is inform
the media and materials that need to be prepared and tell the steps to be carried out
for the next meeting at the science subject meeting, the teacher explains the group
assignments for the next meeting. Students are divided into several groups and each
group is given the task of preparing the tools and materials ordered.
2. Implementation
The implementation of the Gallery Walk method in the Muhammadiyah Guidance
Center in Kampung Bharu Malaysia according to observations is that of the teacher after
ordering each group to prepare HVS or Plano paper, markers and decorations. Then each
group distributed materials. One group gets one piece of material. After each group has
received material, the group must write a summary of the material onto HVS or plano paper
by providing the best possible decoration, they do the group's assignments not at school but
at home, this is done because if they do assignments like that at school they can there won't
be enough time. After they finished working on the group assignment, then the results of the
assignment were brought to school when science lessons were carried out. The next thing to
do is to explain the results of the summary that has been done to other groups. After finishing
explaining, other groups may ask or refute opinions regarding the explanation from the group
that has presented.
Analysis of the application of the Gallery Walk method at the Muhammadiyah
Guidance Center Kampung Bharu Malaysia, the author provides an analysis carried out by
the teacher on the application of the Gallery Walk method carried out in science learning,
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
a) Split Groups
The teacher divides into groups to work on science subject assignments, each group
consists of 5 people. There are a total of 6 groups in class that will be given
assignments with different materials. in determining the group he divides based on
calculations 1 to 5, then arranges the seats based on the order of the group so that in
the learning process there is no need to use a projector or other media.
b) Provide materials and assignments to students
For the provision of material and assignments, he gives each task and different
material, this is done so that students and students become critical and active and
courageous in expressing their opinions and thoughts about the material during
learning at school and can hone their social skills by how to work with friends in
groups. Materials and opinions expressed by students will be easily accepted by other
students without confusing students, because the concept of fiqh material and
worship in Islam includes several chapters, so it is necessary to use the Gallery Walk
method. This learning will be very lively because almost all students take part in
learning activities, this is because each group member is required to be able to
understand the material that has been given so that when other groups ask questions
all members can answer correctly and maximally.
c) Prepare learning materials
The teacher instructs each group to prepare HVS or Plano paper, markers and
decorations. Then they are given the task of working on it together with their group.
So during the learning process students use textbooks and students' personal
experiences as learning materials.
d) Doing group assignment
After all the tools and materials are ready, the group must write a summary of the
material onto HVS or plano paper by providing the best decoration possible, they do
the group's assignments not at school but at home, this is done because when doing
tasks like that at school may not be enough time. After they finished working on the
group assignment, then the results of the assignment were brought to school when
science lessons were carried out. The next thing to do is to explain the results of the
summary that has been done to other groups. After finishing explaining, other groups
may ask or refute opinions regarding the explanation from the group that has
presented. The last thing to do in the implementation of the Gallery Walk method
activity is to try to conclude together the material that has been studied that day. After
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
doing science lessons using the Gallery Walk method, he also evaluated his learning
activities. This can be seen in the Evaluation Analysis of the Gallery Walk method
at the Muhammadiyah Guidance Center in Kampung Bharu Malaysia
3. Evaluation
In the evaluation of the Gallery Walk method at the Muhammadiyah Guidance
Center Kampung Bharu Malaysia, the teacher provides an evaluation of the learning that is
carried out by observing students in terms of preparing the material that has been given, how
to work on how to present one by one and assessing the students so that he can find out how
the effectiveness of the Gallery Walk method applied to students at the Muhammadiyah
Kampung Bharu Malaysia Guidance Center.
Evaluation of the Gallery Walk Method at the Muhammadiyah Guidance Center in
Kampung Bharu Malaysia. The use of the Gallery Walk method in science subjects is very
appropriate because in science materials there are many learning skills that students can have
so that students are more creative and independent in accepting the subject matter.
Particularly in the Muhammadiyah Guidance Center in Kampung Bharu Malaysia which has
implemented the Gallery Walk method by observing from the start planning, implementing,
and the results of the ongoing learning, namely by several things, namely:
a) Planning a. The teacher prepares learning devices regarding the material to be
delivered. b. The teacher opens the lesson interestingly and not monotonously so that
it gets the attention of students. c. The teacher prepares and fosters motivation to
always study hard.
b) Application a. Because this is the teacher's first meeting in class so there is no
material to be reviewed. However, the teacher provides a stimulus to students on the
material to be delivered b. The teacher provides a stimulus in the form of
questions related to the material. In addition, the teacher gives examples of students'
experiences to be used as material related to the material. c. The teacher conveys the
material clearly so that students can do what the teacher assigns properly and
correctly. d. Teachers don't just sit at the teacher's desk. However, the teacher goes
around to ensure that students are listening to what is being said. Especially during
group discussions, the teacher monitors each group in carrying out their assignments.
c) Evaluate. The teacher provides verbal reinforcement at the end of the lesson. In
addition to reinforcement from the teacher, students are also obliged to conclude and
provide reinforcement about what they have learned. c. The teacher always gives
feedback when students have finished doing something, such as giving applause d.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
The teacher closes the lesson by concluding and praying. After all the groups have
finished expressing their opinions the teacher will give a very good response to all
student activities in terms of preparing the material that has been given, then how to
work on how to present one by one from the participants and assess the students so
that he can find out how effective the method is. Gallery Walk which is implemented
for students at the Muhammadiyah Kampung Bharu Malaysia Guidance Workshop.
Based on the results and discussion above, the planning of the Gallery Walk method
in learning science is going well, this is in accordance with the plan that has been designed
by the teacher. The application of the Gallery Walk method is going well, this is evidenced
by the smooth science learning activities carried out in class. And the evaluation of the
application of the Gallery Walk method in learning science has gone smoothly because it is
in accordance with the planning and implementation .
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