AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Iman Wahyudi
dan Yulianto Sabat
Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, STKIP Sidoarjo, Jl. Kemiri Sidoarjo 61234 Jatim
The study aims to find out how online gaming affects the emotional and social development of
ULA Sekolah Setara (basic). The method in this research uses a qualitative approach. The study
targeted pupil of the ULA (basic) school age who played online games with a total of five children.
The data collection techniques used in this study was three-day observations and interviews. Based
on the results of interviews and observations done on five (5) ULA (basic) pupils who use online
gaming, researchers found both positive and negative influences. These positive influences include
learning about technology, understanding the various applications of online games, and learning
new vocabulary in foreign languages. As for the negative influence of online games on the
emotional and social development of children, children are more irritable, more aggressive, and
lack of interaction with the people around them.
Keywords: Online Games, Emotional, Social Development, ULA pupils
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
With the onset of the globalization age, technological advancements are quickening
and adapting to changing situations. Technological innovations have a tremendous impact
on people's lives nowadays. One of the influences of such technological expansion is the
increasing advancement of IT or information technology. One of the first things that came
to mind was the internet. Many online storefronts or warnet are available by the side of the
road, illustrating how many people use this approach. Everyone can get a variety of things
through the internet, including communication, information, and even many sorts of
entertainment. The Internet contains the essences of all information or goods that people
require. The Internet is used by businesspeople, students, government or private personnel,
the general public, and the intellectual community. Not only are there advantages to using
the Internet, but there are also numerous disadvantages. Internet users from all walks of life
use the Internet to fulfill their own needs. And we can't limit it as long as the user can pay
quotas or pulses. The negative implications are particularly concerning in some cases.
Using the Internet on certain sites may be highly dangerous; among the most popular types
of entertainment nowadays are online games, which are routinely exploited by the elderly,
young, and even children.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
The use of Internet games has various negative repercussions. Online games are a
sort of visual game that is played on a computer or device that is connected to a network,
either LAN or the Internet. This online game is a game that, when played, has obstacles
that, of course, can make the player addicted to continue playing it, it can become a habit
that, once addicted and becomes a habit, will be tough to stop and make players forget
about the time and conditions around them. Today, the growth of online gaming has begun
to attract many followers from all walks of life, from adults and teenagers to children of
the ULA's school age (basic).
They reach the development stage of passion to explore the surrounding
environment, always want to engage with people, and tend to be happy with new things
that make the kid curious at the ULA (basic) school age. It is not uncommon for students to
play new things and satisfy their sense of targeting through online games, because ULA
(basic) games that exist in gadgets such as online games are highly appealing new things
for their age. They were able to be quiet in the house and spend hours playing online
games due to their excitement for internet gaming. Children of school age should be
playing with their classmates. Playing online games frequently and excessively can have
harmful implications.
This will influence the child's emotional and social development as well as his or her
behavior. At school-age setara ULA (basic), contains the age that is still susceptible to bad
things since the child of its age is unable to discriminate and sort what is good and harmful.
This is consistent with the trend of online gaming, which has already affected a huge
number of school-aged children ranging from setara to ULA (basic), who are now
categorized as being in the stage of online gambling addiction. Children who have reached
the stage of internet gambling addiction, according to Jinan (2011), harm children by being
lazy in learning, lazy in eating, having difficulty concentrating, and working irregular
As a result, the author is keen to learn more about how internet gaming affects the
emotional and social development of schoolchildren in the same manner as ULA does
(basic). The term "Game" in Indonesian means "play." A recreational activity undertaken
by one or more players that incorporates fun or entertainment is referred to as play. The
players in the game are usually competing to win. The online game is an electronic visual
game with a three-dimensional image display and effects that can capture the player's
attention. Online games are often played on electronic devices such as a computer, laptop,
or gadgets with Internet connectivity.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
However, nowadays, the most widely used and easily available media, particularly
for children of school age setara to ULA (basic), is the use of devices. Online gaming is a
game with a challenge that makes the user addicted to playing continuously. The evolution
of online games today has begun to attract fans from a wide range of backgrounds,
including adults, teenagers, and even school-age children (basic). Online games are often
used to pass the time in your spare time. Online gaming has now become a part of
everyday life.
Emotional and social development is crucial in the development of children at the
age of school comparable to ULA (basic), because the way that children interact with
others is significantly influenced by their emotions.
Emotional Development
Emotion is a feeling that a person feels in response to an event or event that the
person has encountered. Emotion is a problem in children's development. This is because
one of the most influential parts of a child's behavior is emotions. According to the
American Academy of Pediatrics, a child's emotional development may influence his
ability to organize and express emotions. The ability of a youngster to create relationships
with peers and adults is determined by whether he or she is feeling happy or negative
emotions, according to the expression. It is according to Nurmalitasari (2015).
Suriadi and Yuliani (2006) state that children aged 6 to 12 years, or the setara
school level of ULA (basic), often exhibit three forms of emotional development:
a. Children as young as 5-6 years of age frequently reach the stage of learning,
recognizing, and comprehending what restrictions may apply to a child their age. At
this age, children may comprehend the concepts of secrecy and justice. It demonstrates
the child's capacity to conceal knowledge from others.
b. By the age of 7-8, the child is beginning to understand and may feel both guilty and
proud of something. At this age, children may express and express their sentiments.
c. By the age of 9-10, the child has the ability to choose whether to express or hide his
emotions. At this age, the child can already react to other people's emotions and
experience a range of emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger, allowing him to
adjust and transmit his sentiments.
d. By the age of 11-12 years, the child has already begun to grasp what he thinks to be
good and evil, the values, norms, and laws that apply to the surrounding environment,
as well as the progress in its development, which is not as smooth as it was during
early childhood. At this age, children's behavior is becoming increasingly distinct.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Emotional development in school-age children is intricately tied to how the child
responds to the various feelings and reactions that occur. The stage at which these
emotions arise has an impact on how the child behaves, solves problems, and makes
decisions. The emotional development of the child is always in line with each stage of its
development, especially during the equivalent school age of the ULA (basic), who is in a
very complicated time of development reacting to any experiences and events that he has
already gone through. Children's mental development is significantly influenced by their
emotional development; therefore, emotional development of the kid is important to pay
attention to at the age of school children similar to ULA.
The social development
Social development may be defined as a process of accomplishment towards an
individual's entry into a social connection, as well as learning so that an individual can
adapt and adapt to values, rules, and social expectations that may apply to his age and the
environment in which he lives. The extension of relationships or interactions carried out
during their learning activities in the classroom or when the child plays with the
environment outside of school can be called social development in children of the similar
school age of the ULA (basic). In addition to expanding relationships and interactions with
family members, children at the ULA (basic) school setara can begin to form new
relationships with children their own age. It is stated by Tusyana & Trengginas (2019).
Suyanto (2005) describes social development as a child's ability to successfully
adapt to their social settings. Social development can be considered as an opportunity to
increase one's ability to engage, adapt, and live with others. A transformation in a person's
behavior in reaction to the myriad social demands that surround him is also termed as
social growth. Each child's social needs are unique and are customized to the community's
beliefs, norms, and cultures in which the child grows and develops. ULA's school setara
(basic) age correlates to its rapid social growth.
They are vulnerable to negative influences at this age, thus parental and teacher
supervision and care are required to guarantee that the child is not influenced by incorrect
social development. ULA (basic) children of equal school age are the successor generation
that determines the nation and the future of the country. Because each child is at a different
stage of development and growth, the following generation of children will have to adjust
to those stages. Children of the ULA setara school age (basic), according to Beichler and
Snowman, have growth and development patterns that enter the physical, socio-emotional,
cognitive, language, creativity, and communication components that correspond to the
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
stage that the child is in. At the ULA (basic) setara school age, they are still particularly
vulnerable to negative things since they are not yet able to discern between positive and
negative behavior and which behavior is best to show while dealing with others.
At the ULA (basic) school age, a child's sensitivity is increasing and rapidly
developing. Children reach the growing stage of a desire to explore their surroundings,
engage with people, and be joyful with new things that catch their attention during ULA
(basic) school age. The setara's school-age attribute ULA (basic) is someone who is
rapidly developing in order to adapt to or capture everything around him through many
dimensions of existing development.
A child is at a quickly developing stage when he or she enters the ULA (basic)
school age of 6-12 years old. Not just in terms of physical development, but also
psychological development. At this age, they will gain a wide range of skills in all
activities, including physical skills while playing, fundamental reading, writing, and
counting skills, and skills in interpersonal relationships with family and peers.
The qualitative descriptive method was employed to complete this script in this
study. The processing of descriptive data is the foundation of research methodologies
(Djam'an Satori, 2011). Descriptive qualitative research is used to describe current research
without manipulating variable data through direct interviews. (Bahri, 2017). The research
technique used in this piece is done in two ways:
a. A field observation study is a type of data collection that takes place directly in the
field by establishing what is required and capturing everything connected to the
research. Because they are conducted directly from the owner of the study location,
interviews are conducted to collect very reliable data.
b. Researchers conduct research by reading books from libraries and searching for
references on the Internet. The subjects of the study were youngsters of the ULA
(basic) school age who played online games with a total of five children. Three-day
observations and interviews were employed to obtain data for this investigation. To
investigate how internet gaming affects the emotional and social development of
ULA-setara kids, a qualitative approach is used. (basic).
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
The researchers conducted three-day observations and interviews with five ULA
(basic) school-age children playing online games, three of whom were upper-class ULA-
setara students and two of whom were lower-class ULA comparable students. The
following are the findings and interviews:
Results of Interview
1. Q: Do you have your own gadget or belong to parents?
Of the five children, four have personal gadgets facilitated by their parents and one
still uses gadgets belonging to their parents.
2. Question: What apps do you often use in gadgets?
Answer: The five children use the same apps: Google Classroom, Whatsapp, Tiktok and
several online games.
3. Question: How do you know about online games?
Answer: The five kids all know the online games from their friends.
4. Question: What online games do you play?
The five boys are also using three games apps: Mobile Legend, PUBG Mobile, and G-
arena Free fire.
5. Question: Do you understand the English words in online games?
Answer: The five children understand foreign words in online games by asking older
people and searching for meaning in Google.
6. Question: How long do you normally play online games a day?
Of the five children, three of them played more than eight hours a day and the other two
only played for six to seven hours.
7. Question: Do you often chat with your peers while playing, or just playing online
Answer: The five kids rarely communicate even when they meet.
8. Do you often talk to your family at home?
Of the five children, three of them rarely communicate and the other two still communicate
9. Question: Are you often angry or happy when playing online games?
Answer: Out of the five children, three of them often feel emotional when losing online
games, and two of them feel usual.
10. Question: Do you feel something in your eyes while playing online games or
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Answer: Five of the children, three of them often feel itching in the eyes and heat after
playing online games, and two of them are normal.
Result of Observation
1. Indicators: Knowledge of technology/gadgets The five children are all skilled in
Results: They understand using gadgets and various applications.
2. Indicator: Online game introduction
Results: The five children are familiar with online games from peers.
3. Indicator: Understanding foreign vocabulary
Results: The five children understand the foreign vocabulary that exists in online games.
4. Frequency of playing online games
Out of five children, three of them played more than 8 hours and the other two only played
6-7 hours.
5. Indicators: Impact on social development
Results: Lack of interaction with friends or family.
6. Indicators: Impact on emotional development
Observation: Children experience angry emotions when losing to play online games.
7. Category: Health of the eyes
Observations: Children experience itching in their eyes and a feeling of heat after playing
online games.
The discussion of the research is based on the results of interviews and observations
conducted by the researchers on five (5) youngsters of school age setara to ULA (basic)
who utilize online games.
Four of the five children have personal gadgets provided by their parents, and one
child continues to use parental gadgets, with more parents providing gadgets facilities to
their children who are still in the school-age setara ULA (basic), allowing the child to
access whatever one is online games. As a result, it may have both positive and negative
outcomes. Children can understand several programs in gadgets such as Google
Classroom, WhatsApp, TikTok, and several online games such as Mobile Legend, PUBG
Mobile, and G-arena Free fire. Furthermore, the child gained a new understanding of
foreign language vocabulary, notably English, which is found in online games such as
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
"Buff", "Farming", "Ganking", and so on. As for the negative influence of online gaming,
the child becomes addicted to online gaming.
Excessive use of online games by youngsters can have a number of negative
implications, including an influence on the child's eye health as well as emotional and
social development. The effect on eye health is that the child feels itching and hot after
playing online games on the device for an extended amount of time, producing a reduction
in eye health due to the radiation present on the gadget. Despite the fact that their vision
has degraded, they continue to play.
When children lose in online games, they are easily angered in their daily lives, and
children who play online games become more violent. Aggressive behavior that is still at a
moderate level may emerge as negative behaviors such as attacking an object, verbally or
symbolically attacking others, and violating their property. Children who play online
games regularly use harsh language, which they interpret as an emotional outpouring.
Children interact with others less than they do with their peers or even their family, which
has an impact on their social development. As a result, the child's connections with his or
her parents, family, and close friends suffer. Children also develop more acclimated to
their environment, which allows them to feel more at ease playing alone, to engage in less
activities outside the home, and to be less concerned with their surroundings.
With more harmful than beneficial impacts of online gaming on school-age children,
according to the ULA (basic), parents and teachers must work together to treat children
who are already hooked to online gambling so that the bad impact does not worsen. Parents
and teachers can work together in a variety of ways, including the ones listed below:
Parents and teachers can help their children understand the negative repercussions of
playing online games.
Second, agree on a time limit for playing online games with your child. Parents can
give additional activities to replace their children's lost internet gaming time by playing
halma or other traditional games with them.
Third, putting the child to sleep earlier is critical since the youngster's sleep schedule
is frequently erratic because he or she plays online games till midnight almost every day.
Getting the youngster to sleep sooner will reduce the frequency with which the child plays
online games.
Fourth, offer counsel, monitoring, and assistance to the child while he is using his
device; often, the child loses track of time when using the device.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Fifth, increase dialogue with the child so that he develops accustomed to interacting
with others. It is hoped that by doing so, the negative impact on children who play online
games will be reduced.
Based on the researchers' past research, it is feasible to conclude that technological
growth has a positive impact, making it easier for humans to have access to a variety of
information and enjoyment. Online games are one of the most popular types of
entertainment for school-aged children ranging from setara to ULA (basic). This online
game, on the other hand, is damaging to its users. The development of unstable emotions
(easy anger) and the child's social development are specifically affected. Children prefer to
spend their time alone with their technological devices. His interaction with those around
him becomes less intense.
Given the numerous negative effects of online gaming, parents and teachers must
work together to reduce the negative impact on children who play online games in a
variety of ways, such as providing children with an understanding of the negative effects of
online gaming, prohibiting children from playing online, providing guidance, supervision,
and support when playing online, accustoming children to sleep early, and developing a
higher intensity of c Some of these measures are expected to have a less negative
influence, especially on the emotional and social development of ULA similar children
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