AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Siti Sarah Sitorus Pane
and Zulheddi
1, 2
North Sumatra State Islamic University Medan
This article aims to find out how to develop Arabic- based worksheets with the theme " "
in increasing student learning interest at MTs Islamiyah Gunting Saga. This study uses a 4-D model;
namely definition, design, development, and deployment. Sampling used a random sampling
technique with class VIII A as the control class and class VIIIB as the experimental class with a total
of 25 students. The results of this study state that the feasibility of Arabic- based LKPD with the
theme " " is feasible to use through 2 expert validation tests, the feasibility of the module is
seen from 2 components, namely material experts, and design. The validation results from the
validator are: the average score of the content component is 7 9, 1 7, and the presentation component
is 82,55. The score indicates a good/proper category, which means that the Arabic- based LKPD
with the theme " " can be used with a little revision. The effectiveness of the Arabic -based
LKPD with the theme " " can improve students' reading and writing Arabic skills when seen
from the test results between the control class and the experimental class. Based on the results of data
analysis, it can be concluded that Arabic- based worksheets with the theme " " can
effectively improve students' reading, writing and language skills in class VIII MTs Islamiyah
Gunting Saga in learning Arabic.
Keyword: LKPD, Arabic Based.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
In the world of education, one of the most influential things in supporting the success
of the learning process is teaching materials. Teaching materials are media that are used as
a tool that can help educators and students learn material that will be discussed during
teaching and learning takes place (Akmalia & Kurnia, 2021) . Teaching materials based on
the subject are classified into two types, namely teaching materials that are deliberately
designed for learning such as LKS, modules and worksheets and teaching materials that are
not designed but can be used for learning such as clippings, newspapers, etc. (Koesnandar,
2008 ) . According to Widodo, teaching materials can be in the form of learning media that
have uses in the hustle and bustle with all its complexities, there is also material and
evaluation contained therein. (Hasdi & Agustina, 2016) . Teaching materials used must also
be in accordance with the needs teachers and students. Learners intelligent, active and critical
thinking and even able to solve problems independently is the goal of designing these
teaching materials.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
To support this goal, so that students are more active and enthusiastic in learning, they
can use the participation of the Student Worksheet (LKPD). This LKPD is designed in a
practical, good and of course easier to understand (Munandar, Yusrizal, & Mustanir, 2015)
. The design of a good Student Worksheet (LKPD) is needed in order to achieve a learning
process that encourages students to play a more active role. With this active role, students
not only gain knowledge, but experience that can be drawn from the pictures and material in
the worksheet.
The results of field observations show that the teaching and learning process of Arabic
only uses K13 Arabic student books and the teacher does not use learning media such as
student worksheets (LKPD), pictorial media and so on. Even though the image media used
can increase motivation, liveliness and good quality learning outcomes for students (Sulfemi
& Minati, 2018) . What happened at MTs Islamiyah Gunting Saga also based on data on
lesson plans used by teachers who teach Arabic subjects. In addition, the interim interview
with the Arabic teacher revealed that the LKPD that is often understood is the sheets that
contain questions and an ordinary appearance that is far from attractive.
In essence, LKPD includes various learning models so that it becomes a support for
students, especially those interested in learning Arabic. LKPD too considered to have great
potential to be developed into interesting and innovative LKPD and complete with various
learning models. Therefore, to overcome various problems related to students' learning
interest in Arabic subjects, an Arabic- based LKPD was developed with the theme " ".
The Arabic subject that uses Arabic- based worksheets with the theme " " uses twenty-
five new interpretations with demands for basic competence, namely reading and writing
about Arabic.
Some relevant research results reveal that LKPD can be used as a guide for students
in carrying out learning activities, such as conducting experiments , because LKPD contains
tools and materials as well as work procedures (Munandar et al., 2015) . In addition, the use
of student worksheets in learning can make students more active, stimulate students while
learning, and can provide variations to learning so students don't get bored easily. (Eliati,
2020) . This is in accordance with the opinion (Noprinda & Soleh, 2019) in his research
which explains that student worksheets can make learning constructive, namely as a guide
for students in discovering the concepts being studied. As for other studies, it has been
revealed that the development of jigsaw-based "LKPD" Student Worksheets for learning
Arabic is considered quite relevant and good for increasing student learning activity
(Wayuni, 2022) .
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
From the explanation above, it can be argued that the more advanced technology is,
the less interest in learning of students, especially in Arabic subjects, if the teacher is unable
to use interesting teaching materials or media. Therefore, researchers still suspect that the
lack of student interest in learning occurs due to a lack of students' understanding and
knowledge of the importance of learning Arabic, while on the other hand the teacher also
lacks self-understanding that using interesting teaching materials such as worksheets is very
effective for honing language and writing abilities of students. For this reason, this article
aims to develop Arabic- based worksheets with the theme " " to increase students'
interest in learning Arabic.
This research belongs to the type of research and development (Reserch &
Development) so it is often abbreviated as R&D. The subjects in this study were students of
class VIII MTs Islamiyah Gunting Saga. Researchers took 25 students as large group tests
and 10 students for small group tests while the object of this study was teaching materials in
the form of Arabic-based worksheets with the theme " ". In this study, researchers used
the 4-D development model. Where in this study Thiagarajan stated that 4D development is
an extension of Define, Design, Development and Dissemination. Researchers use this
model because it aims to produce products in the form of teaching materials in the form of
worksheets. After the teaching materials are completed, the next step is the product will be
tested for feasibility with validity and product trials to determine the effectiveness of the
development of teaching materials that have been developed, this research provides clearer,
systematic, easy-to-understand directions, suitable for research on developing teaching
materials as needed what researchers need. The development procedure is in the stages of
the 4-D development model, while the initial stages in this study are analyzing the
curriculum, as well as designing teaching materials and so on following the flow of learning
The selection of this development is used to produce Arabic-based LKPD teaching
materials with the theme " ". Furthermore, after selecting the development research
model, feasibility will be tested using the validity and product trials in order to find out the
validity of the products that have been produced and how student learning outcomes have
increased after the development of Arabic-based LKPD teaching materials with the theme "
. Saga Scissors.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
1. Product Feasibility Analysis Results
Based on the results of the data analysis previously stated, it shows that the Arabic-
based LKPD with the theme " " "Very Decent" from assessment and improvement
suggestions provided by material, language and design experts. This module is said to be
valid (proper) because it is based on factors, including: First, Arabic-based LKPD with the
theme " " has met the material validation assessment criteria where the components of
the Arabic-based LKPD developed are in accordance with the demands of the curriculum
contained in MTs Islamiyah Gunting. In addition, related to core competencies, basic
competencies, indicators, learning objectives related to religious attitudes. Second, the
Arabic-based LKPD with the theme " " has been able to meet the validation assessment
criteria which means all components of the Arabic-based LKPD have been developed and
are consistently interconnected.
The material validation assessment was given by one of the Arabic material experts ,
namely Mr "AW" with the developed LKPD. The results of the assessment from the material
experts obtained an average score of 7 6.2 5 so that it can be declared " Easy " to be used in
learning. The media validation assessment was given by one of the media expert lecturers
from Arabic language and literature, namely Mr "AH" in the developed LKPD. The results
of the assessment of media experts obtaining an average score of 8 2.5 5 so that it can be
declared " Very Eligible " to be used in learning. This is in accordance with the research
that has been carried out by Rahmayani that LKPD products were tested with limited trials
for teachers and students, the results of teacher respondents with an average score of 4.4 in
the practical category and the results of student respondents' answers with an average score
of 3.54 with a very good category which means that the LKPD developed is suitable for
learning Arabic (Rahmayani, 2022) .
Based on the results of the research above, teaching materials in the form of LKPD
play an important role in supporting the success of the teaching and learning process in the
classroom. Not only that, the process of reading, writing and speaking Arabic in learning
Arabic makes students more active and fun, because there are pictures and characters that
will be used about the twenty-five mufradat. This will lead to students' excitement in
practicing Arabic speaking style. From the explanation above, it can be stated that it is
proven that the LKPD which was developed on an Arabic basis with the theme " " is
appropriate to be used to increase students' learning interest in learning Arabic, and can be
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
used as a support to achieve educational goals, namely changes in learning Arabic so that it
is more attractive to students. learners.
2. Product Effectiveness
Arabic-based LKPD with the theme is included in the "Effective" category
for use in learning. This can be seen by the increase in language and vocabulary of students
before and after using this Arabic-based LKPD . The improvement in students' writing and
reading can be seen from the written test with questions that match the theme, namely twenty
five mufradat . In the initial student test there is an average score of 6 2,52 , after being given
an LKPD there is an average student score of 7 4,61 . Obtained the difference between the
initial test and the final test is 1 2.09 . Based on the difference, there is an increase in students'
writing and reading in learning Arabic. The calculation results from 25 students in the
experimental class in the initial test obtained 9 students categorized as "complete" and 16
students categorized as "incomplete", while in the initial test in the control class, 8 students
were categorized as "complete" and 17 students were categorized as "incomplete" ”. After
being treated with an Arabic-based LKPD , in the experimental class in the final test, 20
students were categorized as "complete" and 5 students were categorized as "incomplete",
while in the initial test in the control class, 14 students were categorized as "complete" and
1 1 student is categorized as "incomplete". The description above shows that there is an
increase in students' writing and reading in learning Arabic based on student completeness
as measured by KKM learning Arabic . In the experimental class there were 16 students
including "passed" in the initial test, while in the final test it increased to as many as 23
students who were "passed". This shows that there is an increase in reading and writing by
using Arabic-based worksheets . In the calculation of classical learning completeness in the
experimental class on the pre-test, it was obtained that 5-6 % were categorized "completed"
and in the control class obtained 2 3 % "completed". After being treated with an Arabic-
based LKPD in the final test in the experimental class, 87 % were categorized as "complete"
and in the control class, 69 % were categorized as "complete". From these results it can be
seen that there is an increase in students' reading and writing skills both pre-test and post-
Effectiveness can be seen based on the learning outcomes for the experimental class
and control class, in the experimental class there is an average value of 62.52 while in the
control class it gets an average value of 6 8, 5 1. In calculating the N Score Gain in the
experimental class it is obtained a score of 0.37 in the moderate category, while in the control
class a score of 0.31 was obtained in the moderate category. It can be concluded that the
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Arabic-based LKPD has been effective based on tests of students' religious attitudes. The
minimum completeness score (KKM) for Arabic subjects is 60 and the average score of
students after treatment in the experimental class is 62.52. This shows that Arabic-based
LKPD has been effectively used in learning Arabic, especially on the theme " " in class
VIII MTs Islamiyah Scissors.
3. Material Expert Validation Results
Validation carried out by material experts on Arabic-based LKPD with the theme "
" that has been developed namely Mr "AWA" as a lecturer in Arabic at UIN SU Medan
. Based on the observation of the results of material validation, it can be seen that the
feasibility of developing Arabic-based LKPD with the theme " " get an average of 7
9,1 7 with the criteria " Valid ".
Table 1.
Feasibility Interpretation of Materials
Achievement level
81.26 % < P ≤ 100%
Very valid
62.26 % < P ≤ 81.25 %
43.76 % <P ≤ 62.25 %
Less valid
25 % < P ≤ 43,75 %
(Sudjana, 2014)
Based on the data in the table above, it can be concluded that the assessment of material
on Arabic-based LKPD with the theme " " especially from material expert validators
included in the range, namely 62.26% <P 81.25% can be classified in the "Valid"
Revision Results of Material Expert Input
This revision was made based on the assessment analysis and suggestions from the
initial product validation by material experts. Revised data on the development of Arabic-
based LKPD with the theme " " summarized in the following table:
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Table 2
Material Expert Revision Result Data
Before Revision
After Revision
It's a good idea to put the letter jim
in parentheses to understand
showing the plural
The LKPD has been equipped with
the letter jim which is given brackets
Adjust pictures and words according
to age student
Already adjusted pictures and words
with age student
4. Media Expert Validation Results
This assessment aims to obtain information on the feasibility of developing Arabic-
based LKPD . Based on observations of the results of material validation, it can be seen that
the feasibility of developing Arabic-based LKPD with the theme " " gets an average
of 8 2,55 with the criteria of "Very Valid ". Based on the data in Tables 1 and 2 , it can be
concluded that the design assessment on the development of Arabic-based LKPD with the
theme " " especially from media expert validators falls within the range of 81.26% <
P ≤ 100% and can be classified in the "Very Valid" categorization. The feasibility level can
be seen in the following table:
Table 5.
Media Feasibility Interpretation
Achievement level
81.26 % < P ≤ 100%
Very valid
62.26 % < P ≤ 81.25 %
43.76 % <P ≤ 62.25 %
Less valid
25 % < P ≤ 43,75 %
(Sudjana, 2014)
Results of Revision of Input from Media Experts
This revision was made based on the assessment analysis and suggestions from the
initial product validation by media experts. Revised data In the Arabic-based LKPD with the
theme “ ” summarized in the following table:
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
Table 6
Media Expert Revision Result Data
Before Revision
After Revision
Add concept maps for each chapter
The use of concept maps has been
Use the dialect system of each direct
speech in dialogue practice
Already using the dialect system
every direct speech in dialogue
The results of the recapitulation of validator values can be seen in table 7 below:
Table 7
Teaching Material Validation Results
Material Expert
7 9 , 1 7
Media Expert
8 2 , 55
Very Valid
From the table above it can be seen the results of the validation of the teaching
materials carried out by the validators. The average given by material experts is 7 9 , 1 7 and
media experts 8 2 , 55 on Arabic-based LKPD development teaching material products with
the theme " " . The average rating is included in the "very valid" category and can be
used with several suggestions and improvements for revision. Furthermore, the results of the
validation provided by the expert team were immediately referred to the established validity
criteria and met the valid criteria so that they could be used. In addition, the results of
observations of the LKPD used by the teacher during the learning process at MTs Islamiyah
Gunting Saga, indicate that there are weaknesses in the learning process in the classroom,
where the implementation of Arabic learning does not fully use LKPD and only uses
textbooks. Therefore, through the Arabic-based LKPD with the theme " " it becomes
a support for the success of learning in the classroom.
Teaching materials with the results of the analysis of experts and practitioners
consisting of material experts with an average value of 7 9 , 1 7 means valid, as well as media
design experts LKPD with an average value of 8 2.55 means very valid . Based on the results
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
of the validator 's assessment , the Arabic-based LKPD with the theme " " is
categorized as appropriate teaching material. The results of this study were used as an
Arabic-based worksheet product with the theme " " for class VIII MTs Islamiyah
Gunting Saga . This product is feasible and valid for use in class VIII students of MTs
Islamiyah Gunting Saga through assessment, revision and validation from several experts
and practitioners. Teaching materials have also been effective to use. This can be seen from
the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of teaching materials.
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