AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 2 Tahun 2023
trial or test of life (QS. an-Nahl: 112 dan QS. al-Baqarah: 155) (Qardhawi, 1997). Wealth
should not be deified or made into a berhala to be worshiped other than Allah, according to
Islam. Because the wealth obtained can be used to slander those who obtain them. Allah
SWT said: "Do not let your possessions or children distract you from remembering Allah,
you who believe. Whoever does so lose." (al-Munafiqun: 9)
These verses explain that this fraud does not arise simply because of wealth, but
because of the person's belief that wealth is everything, where he no longer needs anything
else when he already has wealth, and even believes that he no longer needs to serve Allah.
The categorization of property in Islam
The following is how property is distributed in Islam:
1. Mal Mutaqawwim and Mal Ghairu Mutaqawwim. Mutaqawwim assets are anything
that can be mastered and used by Syara'. This understanding implies that every use
of something is closely related to the legal provision of positive value, which is
related to the method of obtaining and using it. Muslims, for example, eat halal
buffalo if they are slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law. Whereas Ghairu
Mutaqawwim assets are the inverse of mutaqawwim assets, namely everything that
cannot be controlled and is prohibited from being used by Syara'. Property in this
sense is prohibited from being exploited by syara'. Pigs, for example, are included
in the property of ghairu mutaqawwim due to their species. Shoes obtained through
theft are ghairu mutaqawwim because the method of acquisition is illegal.
2. Mal Mitsli and Mal Qimi. Mall Mitsli is defined as something that has market
similarities or equality, with no differences in its parts or units, namely differences
or deficiencies that normally occur in economic activity. Mitsli assets are classified
into four types: those that are measured, those that are weighed, those that are
calculated, and those that are sold by meters. Whereas Mal Qimi is property that
has no similarities in the market or has similarities, but there are differences in
value according to custom, such as animals and trees. Thus, the treasure which is
both is called mitsli and the treasure which is neither is properly called qimi.
3. Mal Istihlak and Mal Isti’mal. Istihlak assets are only used once. The assets of
Istihlak are divided into two groups: Istihlak Haqiqi and Istihlak Huquqi. While
Isti'mal assets can be used repeatedly, the form of the object is not used up or
destroyed in a single use.
4. Mal Manqul and Mal Ghairu al-Manqul. Manqul assets are anything that can be
moved and changed from one location to another, either remaining in their original
form and state or changing shape and condition as a result of such movement and
change. Money, merchandise, various animals, vehicles, and various weighed and
measured objects are examples of assets in this category. Meanwhile, Ghairu al-
assets Manqul's include all fixed assets that cannot be moved or changed from one
location to another due to their origin, such as gardens, houses, factories, rice fields,
and so on.