AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 1 Tahun 2023
b. Visual and fun-based learning. Because this generation’s brain structure
prioritizes the development of visual aspect, learning must be presented in a visual
format. The reason behind is because learning activity which presented by visual
or in the form of image is easier to understand. The visual-based learning method
makes use of the edutainment method, which eliminates conventional teaching
methods. This method combines visual and narrative learning material, game-
based learning, and informal teaching.
c. Using apps and social media to enhance learning. The millennial generation has
become inextricably linked to social media. Based on survey results, this
generation spends 79% of their daily time interacting with their smartphones.
Meanwhile, they use social media at least ten times per day, including Facebook,
Twitter, WhatsApp, and so forth. given their high level of social media interaction,
there is nothing wrong for us as teachers attempting to use and maximize social
media as a medium for learning. There are numerous applications that can be used,
such as Google classroom, E-learning, Zoom Cloud Meeting, and Learning
Management Systems (LMS), which are all forms of social media that can be used
for leaning.
d. Entrepreneurship and creativity-oriented learning. When it comes to learning
creativity, if it is related to Islamic Education subjects, for example, teachers can
ask students to create personal blogs or YouTube accounts to post Islamic topics
(short lectures), which to sharpen their creativity.
e. Optimizing group learning. Mintasih stated that this generation enjoys working
with their peers because they have a high self-confidence. This becomes their
primary capital for them to show themselves to share their ideas to others.
3. Distributing Sirah Nabawiyah books
During this activity, the PEMA team distributed Waqaf Sirah Nabawiyah books to the
students of MDTA Alfa Salim, Tanjung Mulia. Following the data reduction process, data
were obtained regarding moral education using various methods during the time of the
Prophet Muhammad saw. The moral education contained in Shafiyyurrahman Al-
Mubarakfuri’s Sirah Nabawiyah includes four types of moral education: moral education in
relation to Allah SWT., moral education in relation of the Messenger of Allah SWT., moral
education in relation to ourselves, and moral education in relation to others.
Basically, morality is fundamentally linked to education, specifically the effort to
internalize values, teachings, attitudes, and experiences so that they become morals that are