AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 1 Tahun 2023
connect with classmates and teachers whenever and wherever they like. Balasubramanian
and Jayakumar (2014). The flipped classroom, also known as reverse class, is a type of
learning style that calls for participation from the students. Before classes begin, students
complete homework assignments as part of the flipped classroom learning process. In
class, students complete assignments, debate the topic, and work on difficulties they don't
understand (Subagia, 2017).
According to research by Balasubramanian, Jaykumar, and Fukey (2014) titled
"Students' Preferences Toward the Use of Edmodo as a Learning Platform to Create a
Responsible Learning Environment," Edmodo is a free and secure educational learning
network that is used to give teachers a simple way to create and manage online classroom
communities and allow students to connect and work with their classmates' teachers
wherever they are. According to research by Sezer and Esenay (2022) titled The impact of
flipped classroom approach on critical thinking skills of nursing students, it is crucial for
undergraduate programs in nursing to incorporate creative approaches. One such approach
is the reverse classroom method, which can help students' metacognitive learning
strategies. In their study titled "Students' attitude: Key to understanding the improvement
of their academic outcomes in a flipped classroom environment," Carmen, Martnez,
Liceran, and Garca-Mart (2022), The motivation of students and their academic
achievement have been proved in recent years to benefit from the flipped classroom
approach. based on Matius's (2017) research, "Edmodo mediated English speaking
resources for nursing students," which was based on his own research. Being a professional
nurse today means having the knowledge and skills necessary to provide patients with
high-quality medical care. This medical service includes the ability to speak English
fluently with individuals from all backgrounds and countries.
A study by Balasubramanian, Jaykumar, and Fukey (2014) found no significant
differences between online standard lecturing and the flipped classroom technique
designed for a portion of pediatric nursing education. According to Sezer and Esenay's
research from 2022, students regard Edmodo to be a wonderful and user-friendly social
learning platform that makes taking online classes fun. The findings of this study may
prompt educators to reconsider how they run their classrooms. According to Carmen,
Martnez, Liceran, and Garca-(2022) Mart's research, a student's attitude is a crucial factor
in encouraging more and better learning, which enhances performance. The results of the
pre-test and post-test show that students improve more in terms of their score after taking
the online course, according to research done by Matius (2017). The majority of