AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 1 Tahun 2023
Marlisha Nisa Fatur Rahma
, Mansyur Srisudarso
, Fauzi Miftakh
Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Jl. HS. Ronggo Waluyo, Puseurjaya, Telukjambe Timur, Kota Karawang 41361
This study aims to determine the extent to which students understand English learning by using
Edmodo in Flipped classroom media. To find out students' experiences in speaking skills, there are
many features that can be used or utilized by Edmodo in Flipped classroom. The method used is
Narrative inquiry with a qualitative approach. The sample used in this study was only 3 students
taken from one class. The data analysis used consisted of data reduction, data display, and
conclusion. First, Emodo media is very helpful in the online learning process. With Edmodo media,
students can easily access and carry out learning activities, especially discussing speaking skills in
the Flipped classroom. Second, for the past 1 year several schools have implemented a flipped
classroom system where students are required to take part in online and offline teaching and
learning activities. And finally, Edmodo media can make students independent in learning English.
Students can learn on their own without the help of a teacher when they understand the use of
Edmodo, students can immediately practice their speaking skills with the features available on
Keywords: edmodo; flipped classroom; speaking skill
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
In education today, there are still a lot of students that are less interested in their
academics. As a result, learning becomes entirely teacher-focused. Students have trouble
developing themselves in relation to the subjects being taught since teacher-oriented
learning alone results in a lack of student knowledge of the content being taught. A teacher
can recognize and define problems, analyze and formulate problems, formulate problems,
formulate problems, and then take corrective actions against existing problems during
learning through the application of appropriate learning designs. Teachers can then find
solutions to problems by applying the stages of research conducted in the classroom during
the lesson cycle. The educator can then come to a conclusion and assess how well the
changes worked.
The concept of Edmodo learning media, which is based on the flipped classroom,
was chosen to enhance teacher effectiveness and student learning outcomes because it
makes it simpler for teachers to create and manage virtual classes so that students can
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 1 Tahun 2023
connect with classmates and teachers whenever and wherever they like. Balasubramanian
and Jayakumar (2014). The flipped classroom, also known as reverse class, is a type of
learning style that calls for participation from the students. Before classes begin, students
complete homework assignments as part of the flipped classroom learning process. In
class, students complete assignments, debate the topic, and work on difficulties they don't
understand (Subagia, 2017).
According to research by Balasubramanian, Jaykumar, and Fukey (2014) titled
"Students' Preferences Toward the Use of Edmodo as a Learning Platform to Create a
Responsible Learning Environment," Edmodo is a free and secure educational learning
network that is used to give teachers a simple way to create and manage online classroom
communities and allow students to connect and work with their classmates' teachers
wherever they are. According to research by Sezer and Esenay (2022) titled The impact of
flipped classroom approach on critical thinking skills of nursing students, it is crucial for
undergraduate programs in nursing to incorporate creative approaches. One such approach
is the reverse classroom method, which can help students' metacognitive learning
strategies. In their study titled "Students' attitude: Key to understanding the improvement
of their academic outcomes in a flipped classroom environment," Carmen, Martnez,
Liceran, and Garca-Mart (2022), The motivation of students and their academic
achievement have been proved in recent years to benefit from the flipped classroom
approach. based on Matius's (2017) research, "Edmodo mediated English speaking
resources for nursing students," which was based on his own research. Being a professional
nurse today means having the knowledge and skills necessary to provide patients with
high-quality medical care. This medical service includes the ability to speak English
fluently with individuals from all backgrounds and countries.
A study by Balasubramanian, Jaykumar, and Fukey (2014) found no significant
differences between online standard lecturing and the flipped classroom technique
designed for a portion of pediatric nursing education. According to Sezer and Esenay's
research from 2022, students regard Edmodo to be a wonderful and user-friendly social
learning platform that makes taking online classes fun. The findings of this study may
prompt educators to reconsider how they run their classrooms. According to Carmen,
Martnez, Liceran, and Garca-(2022) Mart's research, a student's attitude is a crucial factor
in encouraging more and better learning, which enhances performance. The results of the
pre-test and post-test show that students improve more in terms of their score after taking
the online course, according to research done by Matius (2017). The majority of
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 1 Tahun 2023
individuals demonstrate growth in their comprehension. In the conclusion, the author
hopes that the created model can serve as a tool for better teaching English speaking to
Several research on the use of Edmodo have been conducted on the basis of
numerous earlier studies. However, there are variations in the findings of earlier
investigations. The author chose the subject of using Edmodo with a flipped classroom as
part of its utilization due to the disparity in the study's results. According to a number of
earlier studies, no study has particularly looked at the utilization of Edmodo in a flipped
classroom. Researchers are drawn to studying how "high school student participation using
Edmodo learning media in the classroom is reversed" due to the association between the
use of class-based Edmodo. By employing the flipped classroom model to teach Speaking
English, this study seeks to ascertain the degree to which students in SMAN 6 Karawang
use Edmodo.
This study uses qualitative. The research subjects were students of SMA Negeri 6
Karawang class XII Science 4. The population of the students was 2 girls and 1 boy. The
data taken consists of the number of students' participation in the implementation of
learning using Edmodo. Instruments made in the form of interviews and writing reflective
journals are given several questions that must be answered by students. Data analysis uses
according to Miles & Huberman in the form of data reduction, data display, and
This section contains an explanation of the discussion based on research questions.
Results of interviews conducted with three (3) grade 12 students. This general study is
based on how students' experiences in the classroom are reversed with learning to speak
English through Edmodo.
According to the findings of the conducted interviews with students, the usage of
Edmodo media based on the flipped classroom was highly beneficial in the teaching and
learning of English. Because the resources or tests can be downloaded and viewed
frequently, Edmodo's capabilities can assist students in carrying out English learning
activities. Because Edmodo's material looked similar to other social media platforms, the
students found its aesthetic to be very appealing. Because it may be done anywhere and at
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 1 Tahun 2023
any time, the use of Edmodo media is incredibly flexible. Outside of class, it may aid
pupils in their English-language learning.
From the interview's findings, there are benefits to using Edmodo media, one of
which is that it is simple and straightforward to use. The learning method is simple to use
with Edmodo anywhere, at any time. There are numerous features available since, in the
opinion of Edmodo students, it has an excellent appearance. Due to the fact that Edmodo
media is used online, there are additional drawbacks with the platform, such as the need for
computers, cellphones, and internet restrictions. There are still some pupils who cannot
access Edmodo media because they lack sufficient laptops and telephones. The utilization
of a lot of network resources and internet quotas is still a barrier to accessing Edmodo
The findings of the reflective journal's findings, using Edmodo material presents no
problems. Students believe that Edmodo is incredibly beneficial for both teachers and
students. There are no issues with completing projects, gathering films, taking tests, or
awarding incentives. However, there is a challenge for a teacher who wishes to offer a
lesson on Edmodo, namely that the lesson is only briefly explained to the pupils. Edmodo
media significantly restricts how much time each user can utilize. Because Edmodo media
is used online, impediments to using it include laptops, cellphones, and internet quotas.
There are still some pupils who cannot access Edmodo media because they lack sufficient
laptops and smartphones. he need of a lot of network resources and internet quotas is still a
barrier to accessing Edmodo media. Online learning is one of the online learning methods
that is accomplished using the internet network, according to Mustofa et al. (2019:153).
Students are thought to have improved as a result of utilizing Edmodo media to develop
speaking skills since it is simpler for them to do so because they can see the dialogue text
that needs to be delivered. Students are required to watch an English dialogue video and
listen to an English conversation without a video to start the class.
It was discovered via the reflective notebook that certain students really enjoyed
participating in speaking lessons. Create assignments, tests, and prizes are just a few of the
many tools available in Edmodo. They are overjoyed that studying English is now simpler
thanks to Edmodo media. Additionally, there is a ton of information that may be reviewed
at home. Different definitions of speaking have been offered by experts. According to
Tarigan (1985), speaking is the act of expressing one's thoughts, ideas, and feelings
through the use of articulation sounds or words. Speaking, in general, is the most complex
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No 1 Tahun 2023
kind of human activity since it draws on a wide range of biological, psychological,
neurological, semantic, and linguistic elements.
In line with the study's findings, students claimed that Edmodo media, which is
based on a flipped classroom, assisted them in learning to speak English. Students may be
inspired to learn because they believe Edmodo material to be more interactive. The social
media-like Edmodo function keeps pupils from getting easily bored while they are
studying. Students can quickly access educational resources by downloading and playing
the class-based Edmodo media several times. Anywhere and at any time, Edmodo Media
can be used in a flipped classroom setting. The ability to connect Edmodo media to other
programs like YouTube, Zoom, and others enhances the learning experience. The ability to
connect Edmodo media to other programs like YouTube, Zoom, and others makes the
learning process more seamless. However, there are still certain challenges with its
utilization. For example, using Edmodo media requires a smartphone or laptop, a
reasonably strong network, and a sizable amount of internet capacity.
Hopefully this journal can be helpful for readers, especially for writers. And also can
help the next generation who are interested in reading my journal.
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