AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No 2 Tahun 2022
boredom. Students are no exception with difficulty, because this learning method is in the
form of a story and is very useful.
The lessons delivered on the talqin method and lectures gave rise to boredom, and
could not even be followed by the younger generation except for the sense of difficulty and
took a long time. Thus, Uslub Qasasi is so useful and has many benefits. Generally,
students like stories, pay attention to the history of the story and the child's memory can
accommodate what is historyd for him. Furthermore, imitate and tell the story of this.
In general, people prefer to hear and pay attention to stories, our memories are easy
to accept what is a story until we tend to imitate and tell the story back. In this fitrah,
educators should take advantage of it when teaching. Especially when teaching religious
lessons as the core lesson and the fundamentals of the purpose of an education. In the
qur'ani story there is a good thing to help the success point of the educators to do their job
and provide educational provisions with examples of the lives of the prophets, The news of
the ancients sunnat to tell . Teachers are required to be able to present Qur'ani stories with
uslubs adjusted to the level of reasoning of students at each level, (Jalal, 2000: 304-308).
The story method is used in introducing and providing information and explanations
about the latest things to develop various basic competencies, (Tambak, 1970: 1) The
educational content that exists in the story in the Qur'an as part of the educational method
is quite effective for developing intelligence and forming a resilient and obedient soul (QS.
Al-A'raf: 176). The verse on the story passed down in Makkah (Makkiyyah) during the
Makkah phase, when the apostles preached prioritized instilling a sense of faith. This
shows that the story influences efforts to internalize the values of faith, morals and social
ethics. This effort in building morals and social ethics to create Karimah morals for the
habit of a jahiliyah society that has no morals, is done by intermediary the story of the
previous people who continue to do the opposition of God's commands and the
consequences it will experience, and this can knock on the heart of someone who ponders
the wisdom behind this story. Stories are also a gentle means of changing the fallacy of a
community in society, and with this method it seems that it does not patronize or blame it.
Story is a medium in the learning process that can be packaged with various types,
for example films, dramas, arts and others. The whole thing affects the students. All
positive stories can be used as a reference for the teaching and learning process and the
internalization of values. The positive story and the example in it have similarities with the
story in the Qur'an, which is to educate the individual to be a kamil person and a blessing