AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No. 2 Tahun 2023
Alya Shafira Agustia
and Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin
1, 2
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
Jl. Airlangga No.4 - 6, Airlangga, Kec. Gubeng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60115
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of KPOP or Korean Pop, where one of the famous
artists is Bangtan Sonnyeondan (BTS), making the Love Yourself album and campaigning for the
movement to love yourself at the 73rd UN General Assembly session which was held in New
York, United States, on November 24, 2018. One of the songs from the album that was most
talked about because of its influence in encouraging self-love is the song Love Myself: Answer.
This song will be the object of this research. This study shows how undergraduate students who are
members of the ARMY fandom or the designation of BTS fans interpret the song Love Myself:
Answer and the effects after interpreting the song. This research was conducted using a qualitative
method with a descriptive type of research. Data was collected using the interview method with
purposive sampling technique. The population in this study were 5 University students at Airlangga
University who met 2 criteria, namely undergraduate students and members of the fandom ARMY.
The data analysis technique was carried out using Miles and Huberman analysis. The results
showed that the participants interpreted the song as an encouragement to be confident on theirself
and caused a motivated and enthusiastic influence to love theirself and they are not feeling lonely
after that. We hope that future research can identify reasons people have motivations in life other
than music. In this study, only a limited number of subjects were included so that it could not be
generalized to a large number of subject groups.
Keywords: BTS, Fandom, Music
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License.
Music is one of the media used by a person to convey his feelings or imagination.
Music is widely enjoyed by modern society as it is now and has become like a daily
necessity. There are two categories of why people like music, first from the tone and
second from the lyrics. In our daily activities, music can influence human cognitive ability.
It can be proved that after the listeners listen to their favorite music; indirectly music will
be accepted by the brain waves that can make the nerves of the brain become relaxed. If
the brain is relaxed it will influence the human physical work performance. The mind
becomes relaxed (Nasrullah, MF. 2020).
In the 21st era, music can be accessed easily via streaming on the internet and is
obtained for free. Technology makes music accessible to anyone and without any
restrictions. The internet has become like a mandatory item. As a result, there has been a
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No. 2 Tahun 2023
change in the behavior of people who are increasingly accustomed to the use of
information technology, demanding fast-paced services and being more active (Nugroho,
P. 2019) Most people use technology devices almost two-thirds of the time they have
(Hoeroestijati, 2019). The internet can be said to have taken over human life today.
There are several genres of music that have caught the world's attention, one of
which is KPOP or Hallyu wave. K-POP is a genre of music originating from South Korea.
Since the beginning of technology entering our lives, the increasingly rapid flow of
globalization has made cultures from various countries accessible to people all over the
world. KPOP music or hallyu wave is present as a means of entertainment from all walks
of life in the world, especially teenagers. Many teenagers follow the KPOP cultural trend
as a form of their love for South Korean products. KPOP music is one form of product that
is loved by many people around the world.
KPOP music that is liked the most by the general public is performed by girl groups
and boy groups. KPOP girl group is a musical group consisting of teenage girls who
debuted as artists at an agency in South Korea. The same meaning applies to KPOP boy
groups but comes from among men. Before debuting as artists, they received an average of
more than one year of training in order to become good and professional artists in music.
The trend of girl groups and boy groups in Korea initially peaked in the early 90s.
Precisely in 1992, a group called Seo Taiji and Boys debuted and started to change the
Korean music industry (J ournal Sociolla, 2021) After the internet was created, KPOP
artists got better promotions and could spread their music all over the world without any
BTS is sheltered by the Big Hit Entertainment agency which is owned by Bang Si-
Hyuk which was founded in 2005 but is now known as HYBE Corporation. There is an
interesting story in BTS' music journey. Before being successful as it is now, BTS was
almost disbanded due to a lack of funds. Big Hit Entertainment is a small agency in South
Korea and faced a financial crisis during the early days of BTS promotions. They also only
rely on YouTube as their promotion. However, thanks to the good quality of their music,
they ended up having a lot of fans from all over the world. In addition to the beautiful tone,
the lyrics of BTS' songs raise a lot about life issues that inspire many people.
In 2017, BTS created an album titled Love Yourself with the theme of loving
yourself. The songs from the album were a huge success because they contain beautiful
songs and have a deep meaning about an invitation to love yourself that can motivate fans
and non-fans alike. Among the songs contained in the Love Yourself album, the song Love
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No. 2 Tahun 2023
Myself: Answer is the song that is most talked about because the meaning and influence
that is spread is very good. This song is packed with beautiful melodies containing
encouragement and motivation for BTS music listeners to always love themselves. Quoted
from, the humanist vision in BTS's new album succeeded in bringing them to
the 73rd UN General Assembly session which was held in New York, United States, on
November 24, 2018. The campaign carried out by BTS at the UN session entitled "Love
Myself" is “True love first begins with loving myself” (Kompas, 2021). Through the song
Love Myself: Answer, BTS wants to spread their concern for issues that are currently rife
in the current generation, namely insecurity or low self-esteem. BTS doesn't want their
fans to only listen to their songs because of the trend, but also to be motivated in life. This
is in line with what was described by Fatmawati E, if one of the characteristics of
millennials is that they have a tendency to adhere to a consumptive culture, so it can be
said that consuming something is motivated only to follow trends that are developing, so
that problems in terms of function are neglected (Fatmawati, E. 2020).
1) Music
Music itself is a copyrighted work in the form of sound or sound either produced by
the human voice or the sound of certain tools (Lussiyandari, S. 2020). The process of
creating a song or music certainly involves several roles such as songwriter, record
producer, and singer (Njatrijani, R. 2020). Music is also a human creation using the
medium of sound to enjoy it (Marlina, R. 2019). Music is the art of sound arranged into
patterns that can please our ears or communicate feelings or moods (Izzah, L. 2020). Just
like other sounds, music is a wave that is processed by our sense of hearing, converted into
electrical impulses, then the auditory nerve transmits these impulses to the brain and
interpreted. Receptors in the brain will be responsible for dimensions of music such as
pitch (tone), timbre (tone color), rhythm (rhythm and harmony), and tempo (fast or slow)
(Rizky, A. 2019).
2) Fandom
This fan culture is often referred to as fandom. Fandom is another name for a group
of fans or fans. The term "Fandom" comes from the English word Fan (fan) and is added
with the suffix -dom. (Clarissa C. 2020) Fandom is then argued as an expression of a larger
phenomenon related to consumption-related and brand-related fanaticism that exists in
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No. 2 Tahun 2023
today's modern society (Fuschillo, G. 2020). Members in a fandom have a motto that is
"we and other members have the same feeling, admiration, and belief in the same aspects"
such as aspects of the music, film, and television industries (Alvermann, D. E, 2000).
This study was conducted to analyze the meaning contained in the song Love
Myself: Answer by BTS by undergraduate students who are members of the fandom army
and further analyze how the students who have been selected by researchers feel after
interpreting the song. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative methodology with the
type of research used was descriptive. Qualitative research is research that aims to
understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects. For example, behavior,
perception, motivation, action, and so on, holistically in a descriptive way in a special
natural context without human intervention and by utilizing optimally as a commonly used
scientific method (Umar, S 2019.). From this statement, the researcher will present the data
in the form of sentences rather than numbers.
In this study, the researcher chose a purposive sampling technique. Purposive
sampling technique is a sampling technique with certain considerations (Andre. D, 2019).
From this statement, the researcher did not take a random sample, but met the criteria set
by the researcher. The criteria are:
1. An undergraduate student at Airlangga University.
2. Like BTS or join the ARMY fandom.
From these criteria, it was obtained that there were 5 informants selected by the
researchers to conduct interviews related to the predetermined topics.
Data collection techniques were carried out by conducting interviews and
observations of selected participants. In this case, the interview method is carried out by
asking questions related to the research topic that has been prepared by the researcher. The
interview process was carried out to obtain sufficient data for research. The data collection
technique with the interview process was carried out by researchers through personal chat
on the WhatsApp application.
The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman (1992) model by going
through three stages, namely data reduction (data reduction), data presentation (data
display), and the conclusion drawing stage (Miles. B, 1992). Data reduction is done by
selecting and then separating the answers of the informants by categorizing them based on
certain discussions. Data validity by triangulation of sources by conducting member checks
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No. 2 Tahun 2023
on each participant. Then the data is presented in the form of a narrative based on the
results of interviews that have been categorized. Drawing conclusions based on the data
that has been obtained as a whole. The last stage is drawing conclusions which is the
answer to the formulation of the problem.
How do undergraduate students who are members of the ARMY fandom interpret
the lyrics to the song Love Myself: Answer from BTS and what effect does it have on
To find out how undergraduate students who are members of the ARMY fandom
interpret the song Love Myself: Answer from BTS and the effects that arise after
interpreting the song.
The first informant is Bella. Informant Bella said that she interpreted the lyrics of the
song Love Myself: Answer as a good song about trying to love yourself. She explained that
the song can be a reminder to ourselves that no matter how much we find flaws in
ourselves, there is always something good that we can love if we can find it. It all depends
on our focus, if we can focus on the good things then we will always be able to see it, and
that applies if we only focus on the bad things. In addition to focusing on the good in
yourself, Bella's informant said that the song can be a comfort in overcoming her
loneliness. Its good and soothing lyrics can make it seem like you no longer face problems
alone. The effect received by Bella's informant after listening to and interpreting the lyrics
of the song is that she feels motivated by musicians like BTS who have a humanistic vision
in creating and spreading their work. It also gives her reassurance that a great musician like
BTS will give people a lot of motivation. Informant Bella admitted that she was relieved
by this because songs are universal and can be easily accepted by many people so that
good messages can be conveyed easily. For Bella's informant, the touching message of
music for listeners is more important than making music just to compete.
The second informant is Silvia. Informant Silvia explained that the diction in the
lyrics of BTS' Love Myself: Answer was very well packaged and motivating. Informant
Silvia said through the song Love Myself: Answer, BTS conveyed to listeners of their
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No. 2 Tahun 2023
songs and their fans that don't set high standards for yourself. Every human being is
certainly not perfect, and this song is like telling us that humans have their own standards
which are actually sufficient if they can see it well. Humans sometimes choose high
standards to apply in their lives because they feel inferior to their environment, even
though everyone has their own strengths. Informant Silvia said that to leave high standards
and start loving ourselves is a difficult thing and this song has made her realize that.
Therefore, this song tells us that somehow we must love ourselves and forget the various
pasts that can remind us that we are worthless human beings. The effect felt by the
informant Silvia after hearing and interpreting the song Love Myself: Answer was that she
became more courageous and did not hesitate in loving herself. The self-hatred that Silvia's
informant felt suddenly also began to subside after reading some lyrics that could
encourage her and make her realize the importance of loving ourselves. In addition, Silvia's
informant admitted that there were several dictions that she had never known and found in
the song lyrics so that she could broaden her horizons.
The third informant is Aprilia. Informant Aprilia explained that the lyrics of the song
Love Myself: Answer have a deep meaning, meaning that they are not just ordinary song
lyrics, but have a strong foundation in the process of making them. An Aprilia informant
admitted that this song is suitable for people who lack confidence, despair, have no goal to
move forward, and are less grateful in their lives. The lyrics contained in Love Myself:
Answer give confidence to the listener to always be sure in the future and want to try to
give the best results. The lyrics in the song also give the impression that loving yourself
first is important before loving others. For Aprilia's informant, this song shows that loving
ourselves is very difficult to do, but we can easily love others so that we tend to undervalue
ourselves and cannot find the specialties within us. Apart from the meaning, Aprilia's
informant admitted that the tone of the song is very beautiful and fits the song for
motivation. So, Aprilia's informant agreed that this song is very meaningful for the
listeners as well as calming and suitable to be used as a motivational song. The effect felt
by Aprilia's informants was to be more enthusiastic in going through the day. There is also
a feeling of happiness from Aprilia's informant after hearing and interpreting this song
because it is her favorite idol who performs this song.
Fourth, there is Sharfina's informant. Informant Sharfina admitted that the lyrics
were very positive when she read it. The song as a whole makes her motivated to accept
herself as she is. According to informant Sharfina, the lyrics also mean that we must love
the shortcomings that exist within us so that we can improve our abilities without any
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No. 2 Tahun 2023
obstacles. Informant Sharfina said that the shortcomings in us that we perceive badly will
eliminate motivation so that it inhibits our desire to do something, or in other words, low
self-esteem will appear in us if we do not believe in our own abilities. For informant
Sharfina, this song is enough to convince ourselves that what makes us able to start the day
and move forward is ourselves. Everything can happen if there is a strong belief and will
from within yourself. Informant Sharfina admitted that the influence she felt after studying
the meaning of the lyrics of the song Love Myself: Answer was that she became very
motivated, especially in increasing self-love. Especially on the lyric "You have shown me
that for a reason, I must love myself,". For informant Sharfina, the lyrics of the song made
her very touched, plus the melodious voice of BTS. After listening to this song, informant
Sharfina confessed that she gained confidence in her ability to face the next obstacle.
The fifth informant is Shaffana. Informant Shaffana admitted that she really liked the
meaning of the lyrics of the BTS song Love Myself: Answer. For her, this song is very
emotional and has good motivation for the listeners. For Shaffana's informant, the
emotions she felt in this song made her feel that this song was sincerely made by BTS
towards their fans who are struggling with feelings of inferiority. Informants Shaffana
agreed that the meaning of this song is to give encouragement to people who are less able
to accept themselves. In addition to being meaningful about the process of self-acceptance,
Shaffana's informant admitted that this song conveys the meaning of the relationship
between BTS and their fans. Through the song Love Myself: Answer, Shaffana's informant
said that the meaning of this song is a signal that BTS really cares about their fans, such as
knowing the problems that often arise among their fans, namely the issue of lack of self-
love. The effect felt by the informant Shaffana after listening to the song Love Myself
Answer was that she felt loved by herself and was compelled to remain like this towards
herself. For Shaffana's informant, when she feels loved by herself, she feels happy and no
longer thinks about her shortcomings.
From the explanations of the five informants, we know that the song BTS Love
Myself: Answer performed by BTS has a good meaning and influence for its fans. The five
informants on average had the same opinion that this song was packaged beautifully and
well according to the title. Through interviews conducted by the five informants, we can
find out that BTS's mission in campaigning for self-awareness which is packaged in
successful music makes many people motivated and enthusiastic in living life.
BTS as public figures who have fans around the world realize that they are a group
of people who should be a good influence on everyone who pays attention to them. BTS
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No. 2 Tahun 2023
realized that they are people who have a big influence and then made a humanist mission
in spreading their work. Through the song Love Myself: Answer, BTS provides many
beautiful words in the lyrics that aim to provide motivation and enthusiasm to love yourself
to their music listeners.
As explained by 4 out of 5 informants, namely Silvia, Aprilia, Sharfina, and
Shaffana, that they had experienced low self-esteem which made them less motivated in
life. When listening and interpreting the song Love Myself Answer, the four informants
admitted that the song could increase their self-confidence again. They are also happy
because the song that motivates them is the song of their own idol, BTS. For them, BTS
has managed to raise their confidence through the song Love Myself: Answer. In contrast
to informant Bella, who said that the song Love Myself: Answer was more like a friend in
filling her loneliness than overcoming her low self-esteem. Informant Bella also explained
that BTS is a good example of musicians because they can spread a humanist vision in
their work.
Music is universal. As a medium that is consumed by many people today, music
must play a role in giving good influence to the listeners. This is what BTS did in making
the song Love Myself: Answer which aims to motivate listeners by compiling song lyrics
that can be used as an encouragement to love yourself. Based on the results of research that
has been conducted on undergraduate students who are members of the ARMY fandom or
BTS fans, they admit that the song is enough to motivate them and reduce feelings of
inferiority in their hearts. Especially a motivating song like that sung by BTS or their idol.
Through the song Love Myself: Answer, BTS shows that songs can be used as a
medium in spreading a humanist vision as a form of concern for the issue of low self-
confidence experienced by many people today. Apart from motivating their fans, BTS is
also an example of a musician that other musicians can imitate, namely composing songs
and campaigning on humanitarian missions. As they did in the song Love Myself: Answer,
music is universal and this song can be enjoyed by everyone in hopes of being a motivation
to overcome low self-esteem.
There are many sources other than music that can change people's perspectives or
change the way people perceive things. In the future, it is hoped that there will be many
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 14 No. 2 Tahun 2023
studies exploring other media that are useful today and carried out on a large scale or not
only in small samples so that their accuracy can be guaranteed.
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