AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
Rossa Handini
, Reinhard Immanuel Setiawan
, Evan Jonatan Satyagung
, Oliviero
Michael Putra Rasetya
, Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin
Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Jl. Dharmawangsa dalam Selatan, Campus B Surabaya-East Java, Indonesia, 60286
(031) 5915551
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
In the development of the era of disruption, the role of students is required to have above average
ability, to compete in the world of work. From these demands, allowing the emergence of apathy
towards the social environment that does not follow the values of citizenship, then came the
solution of the donation movement to stem the apathy of students in the era of civic education-
based disruption. Therefore, researchers want to find out if the sense of humanity in this era of
disruption is reduced? Is the donation movement the right solution to overcome the lack of
humanity in the era of disruption? The research method used is a combination of quantitative
and qualitative through E-surveys and interviews to 40 student respondents of Universitas
Airlangga 2021, five out of 40 representing interviews. From the results of the research obtained
that the donation movement is the right solution for students to foster a sense of humanity
through civic education.
Keywords: Globalization, Era of Disruption, Donation, Students, Citizenship
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 CC BY-SA International License
Era of Disruption
According to (Fitriani, 2019) Disruption itself is a term that arises due to the existence of
industry 4.0 which then proceeds through digitalization, while the era of disruption itself is an
era characterized by massive innovations that change the order of life, especially in the field of
digital-based business. The era of disruption pioneered the emergence of new creative,
innovative and massive model interactions, so that every event that occurred in life could be
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
witnessed together at different times, the development of the era of disruption had positive and
negative impacts, this positive impact has been mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph,
but from the negative impact brings some crimes such as injustice, and criminality (Malatuny
et al, 2020). From these negative impacts arise increasingly complex problems, one of which is
the lack of humanity due to injustice that has occurred lately.
As a young generation, we must be able to adjust in the midst of technological disruption
that is increasingly overhauling the living system. What's more (Yusniyawati & Panuju, 2020)
said this year is a lucky, the demographic bonus opportunity must be utilized because only once
every 500 years occur. Especially students are strived to master the skills needed in the world
of work today such as public speaking, leadership, creative, innovative, negosiation, copywriters
and many others. To get this ability, of course, it takes diligent attitude and hard work, it is good
of course for the direction of the nation's progress. From the negative side, the growth of ability
in the era of technological disruption that is closely related to digitalization means the same as
the collapse of nationalism and national identity when studied according to civic education,
because the values contained in citizenship are not in harmony with human actions in this digital
era that tends to be fast-paced, thus allowing humans to be apathetic towards the surrounding
environment. Therefore, seeing the problems that occur in the field is expected to make us
students to be more aware of the responsibilities carried for the nation and state, but still pay
attention to the values of citizenship in order to create an intellectual nation that upholds
The writing of this scientific article is expected to answer the problems discussed, as for
the title of the article that has discussed the era of disruption in the midst of the covid-19
pandemic especially among millennials related to the reduction of nationalism and lack of
tolerance as the times are seen from a historical perspective (Alviana & Pandin, 2021). In this
era of disruption is also related to the lack of morality of the younger generation. In addition,
the role of the younger generation in politics is still passive, even if the younger generation
actively voice opinions will be found a solution from the negative impact of the era of disruption
(Suparno & Putranti, 2021). So from the references that have been found, we decided to examine
the role of students in the era of disruption to the donation movement to share love in the values
of citizenship.
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
Donation Movement
The Donation Movement is a humanitarian act by raising funds and goods for those in
need. The Donation Sharing Love Movement is the name of the citizenship project that
researcher took, the donation researcher did in the form of collecting used goods worth using,
then the proceeds of this donation will be donated to the Don Bosco Orphanage Surabaya, where
the orphanage is an orphanage that accommodates children until the age of adolescence. The
purpose of our activities is to realize the importance of caring about the surrounding
environment and fostering a sense of humanity towards others that is in accordance with the
values of citizenship, considering the role of students in this era of disruption tends to lead to
apathy as a result of competition in the world of work that seeks the ability of workers above
In the opinion of Achmad W (2019), apathy is caused by internal and external factors.
These internal factors include everything that exists in humans such as character and nature.
While these external factors stem from technological and social influences in the current era of
globalization. In addition, Ramadhani and Rosadi (2021), apathy factors are also caused by the
covid-19 pandemic, since the covid-19 pandemic, indonesian people, especially the younger
generation, have become more vigilant. It is this vigilance that increases the attitude of
individualism, then this individualism leads to apathy.
The result of recent research on the donation movement is that there is a design of donation
media through mobile applications as a form of planting moral values towards others. The fellow
persons referred to here are not only between people but also pay attention to the surrounding
environment (Rosa & Setyadi, 2021) so that the value of citizenship can be implemented in real
terms in this era of disruption, thus minimizing apathy and individualism.
Value of Citizenship
Citizenship education is the key for young people to live in the midst of an era of
disruption. In citizenship education is taught about human rights, defending the state, and the
values of Pancasila that can be applied in everyday life. Not only that, but all aspects related to
morality, Pancasila, and Indonesia were also discussed. So that the younger generation has
provisions in leading the direction of progress of a nation and country later. As well as from
citizenship education is expected to realize a nation with friendly, superior, and civilized
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
characteristics. Therefore, the donation movement is the right solution in accordance with
human values.
The factors that play a role in civic education include national awareness. Awareness of
nationalism is needed in this era of disruption as a contributing factor for the realization of
civilized generations (Hayati & Pandin, 2021). For the formation of a more precise personality,
pancasila values are also needed in order to create a life that is in harmony with others and the
surrounding environment (Adha & Susanto, 2020) and human values are achieved.
In addition, the benefits that can be taken from loving sharing donation activities are that
students can realize practices taught by citizenship education, such as fostering a sense of
humanity and solidarity with fellow human beings, training themselves to be more airy and
grateful, the last is to be a superior human being and character based on nationalism in the
perspective of civic education. So in this scientific article we try to find out whether the sense
of humanity in this era of disruption is diminishing? Is the donation movement the right solution
to overcome the lack of humanity in the era of disruption?
The method in this study uses a quantitative approach, where data sources are obtained
from various journals in the last three years, as well as using E-survey. The population comes
from students of Airlangga University, especially the class of 2021, with respondents coming
from various faculties at Airlangga University As many as 40 respondents with two questions
in the E-survey as follows:
1. In the midst of the era of disruption, students are required to hone their skills in order to
compete with above-average standards in the world of work, so that they are vulnerable
to reduced attitudes to the surrounding environment. Do you agree with that statement?
2. The donation movement is an effective effort to re-cultivate humanity in the midst of this
era of disruption. From the point of view of civic education, do you agree with the
The reliability of the first question was 64% of the 40 respondents. While the reliability
for the second question as much as 100% of the 40 respondents. And also researchers use non-
probability sampling techniques with accidental sampling methods, while the data analysis
technique we use is descriptive statistical analysis, which describes the data collected but does
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Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
not make generalization conclusions. But to strengthen the existing data, researchers conducted
interviews with five respondents from different faculties and obtained almost the same answer.
The interview was conducted online via "Whatsapp" with the following interview question:
1. What is the effect of the era of disruption on social life?
2. What are the challenges for students in the era of disruption?
3. What is the impact of the era of disruption on humanitarian attitudes?
4. What is the importance of civic education in the era of disruption?
5. Does the donation movement affect students?
6. Is the donation movement in accordance with the morals and culture of the nation?
Figure 1. Study Design
We get results on the questions we spread through google forms questionnaires. We asked
two questions, where each result of this question is divided into two variables, namely the
faculty and the region of origin and the results of the interview are shown by coding network
below. Here is the first question:
Table 1. First question by faculty and domicile
In the midst of the era of disruption, students are required to hone their skills in order to compete
with above-average standards in the world of work, so they are vulnerable to reduced caring
attitudes towards the surrounding environment. Do you agree with that statement?
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
In the midst of the era of disruption, students are required to hone their skills in order to
compete with above-average standards in the world of work, so they are vulnerable to reduced
caring attitudes towards the surrounding environment. Do you agree with that statement?
Luar Jawa Timur
The results of the second question are as follows:
Table 2. The second question is based on faculty and domicile
The "Sharing Love" donation movement is an effective effort to re-cultivate humanity in the
midst of this era of disruption. Viewed from the point of view of civic education, agree with
the statement ?
The "Sharing Love" donation movement is an effective effort to re-cultivate humanity in the
midst of this era of disruption. Viewed from the point of view of civic education, agree with
the statement?
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
Luar Jawa Timur
Figure 2. coding network
The Influence and Challenges of the Era of Disruption in Social Life on Student Roles
The era of disruption is an era full of change (Handayani, 2020). Those who are unable to
keep up with change by adapting will be left behind by the rapid flow of change. As a generation
of disruption eras, students must be able to adapt to the changes that occur and be ready to face
all competition in the international community so that students can be the vanguard in various
lines of national and state life. Students are hopes and new faces who represent the changing
nation (Supardi, 2020). Students can take a role in social life to respond to the era of disruption
such as gotong royong or provide all assistance in order to improve social progress in the
surrounding environment.
These days, social life as a form of interaction between individuals that develops into
relationships needs each other, as if marginalized by the dominance of science and other
sciences. Even so, the era of disruption has facilitated humans with technologies that allow
humans to communicate efficiently and effectively. With the anxiety and ease that exist,
students can play a big role in social life. As a generation that can adapt quickly, students have
a broad and influential role in advancing social life around them. The most examples we can see
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Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
through social media. Many students and youth who take the initiative to open fundraisers in
creative ways such as with concerts or selling artwork for charity activities, such as charity
concerts at activities commemorating National Children's Day in Semarang (Sadida &
Setyabudi, 2021). This big role must be fulfilled by every young man in the era of disruption.
With this fast-paced era, the influence of students as aspirational advocates is also very
important in social life. Students also help support the social foundation that has been built and
strengthen it for the future progress of the nation.
Students also have a great influence to re-instill the values of the nation's identity,
pancasila. In this era of disruption, the awareness of the younger generation of the importance
of pancasila values is fading (Paramestri & Pandin, 2021). As technology develops, many new
cultures and values from outside are coming in so as to attract the younger generation to choose
these cultures or values over Pancasila (An'Umillah & Supriyono, 2021). The technology also
makes many people become addicted and becomes a bad influence for those who cannot control
their desires, especially the use of social media. Therefore, students are needed to return society
to the true ideology and culture of the nation.
In today's modern era, everyone can see information scattered easily. Unfortunately, there
is a lot of information or news that displays people who take advantage of social inequality to
reap profits for personal interests (Sarvianto, 2021). It often comes to mind about how painful
the behavior of such persons for social foundations has been painstakingly constructed. Students
as agents of change must bring a breath of fresh air to this heartbreaking form of offense. With
the integrity that has been possessed and the knowledge that has been obtained, youth and
students must be reliable to fulfill their role as supporters of social life.
Students need to be initiators of the improvement of the nation's better social life
(Cahyono, 2019). Students have obtained the opportunity to enrich their insights so that students
must channel the knowledge they have gained by showing their devotion to the community such
as through KKN-PPMD activities (Sueb, et al., 2019). Therefore, the role of students as
intellectuals can be relied upon for the improvement of social life in society.
Students can initiate change in an easy way such as fundraising to help address social
issues. With the internet and technology, social media has broken down geographical barriers
and made humans more independent in the sense that humans are no longer limited regionally
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Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
to communicate so that social media can be used to campaign for their actions (Tsadiras,
&Nerantzidou, 2019).
When a change arises, there are only two things in sight, whether the change will be an
opportunity or a challenge for society. As intellectuals, students must be able to see all the
changes and challenges that come as an opportunity. With the perception of all opportunities,
students should also see the era of disruption as an opportunity that is wide open to be utilized
(Ohoitimur, 2019). People often see the era of disruption as a challenge because of all the
consequences caused by the era of disruption, but students must see the various gaps that open
as an opportunity to be used. Although many people have enjoyed the ease with which
technological advances present now, it turns out that there are still few people who can take full
advantage of existing technological advances. Therefore, this great opportunity can be an
opportunity for students to work and play an active role to contribute to society.
The Impact of the Era of Disruption and the Importance of Citizenship Education for
Students on Humanitarian Attitudes
The era of disruption is an era of massive system, order, and management changes.
According to experts, in this era found a method that produces a new innovation. In the digital
age, there is a change in the development of technology. This is seen from the development of
computer use, the birth of the internet, the development of mobile phones, to the rapid use of
social media (Merida, et al., 2021). That way, the advancement of technology can facilitate all
activities and activities that occur in the midst of community life. But with change and progress,
some impacts occur and appear in people's lives.
Based on the data we examined, the era of disruption caused some negative impacts. Such
as, the lack of interaction and communication between each other directly, the fading of social
values of society, to the loss of a sense of concern for the surrounding environment. Thus, a
more selfish nature of individualism can occur in a community environment. The nature of
individualism arises because of the increasing complexity of people's lives and the busier society
responds to rapid developments (Rahmad, 2021). In this era, society prioritizes its own interests
rather than common interests. So that the sense of empathy between each other will be lost.
Students who are referred to as agents of change are expected to be able to realize changes
that can make steps of progress. As an agent of change, students are advised to always dig into
the potesinya so that in the learning process is full of innovations that can advance the quality
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
of education, so that what is expected can be achieved (Jannah & Sulianti, 2021). Because
students are the next generation of the nation who must make new breakthroughs in order to
solve all the problems that occur in people's lives. Students are able to make movements that
can change a system. Therefore, students are agents of change who can lead a society to be able
to move into existing progress.
However, before becoming an agent of change in society, students must be ready to face
situations and conditions in community life. In the process of entering community life, mental
readiness and social adjustment must already be owned by every student. Social adjustment is
an adjustment that deals with interactions between individuals and others who are in the
environment they are facing. Social adjustment means covering how individuals are able to
adapt well in the surrounding environment and are able to adjust themselves well (Rashid
&Chusairi, 2021). Social adjustment is important for students to master in the process of
becoming agents of change in society. By making social adjustments, students are able to see
how the condition of society in an area. Slowly, it will increasingly understand how the state of
society from the environment is a factor in its influence. Thus, through social adjustment, a
student will have a stronger readiness in the face of any situation.
In addition to readiness in self, a student must also have sufficient knowledge. Citizenship
education is one of the answers. Citizenship education is a learning that has a mission to be able
to build and shape the character of the nation (Firmansyah & Dewi, 2021). As we know, civic
education is one of the important things to learn for students. Citizenship education teaches how
to become a citizen who is able to contribute to society and the country. The function of civic
education is to foster nationalism and as an instrument of strengthening the identity of the nation.
In accordance with the notion of civic education, character education is expected to give
birth to educators and learners who love the homeland, nusa and bangsa (Sudirman & Dewi,
2021). Not only that, citizenship education also guides students to have character and morals in
the nation. Moral development with civic education is a good way to build and foster morale in
students (Febrianti & Dewi, 2021). With moral development in the self, students will grow into
someone who has morals and can become someone who is seen as good in society.
In addition, the values contained in citizenship education come from the points of
Pancasila that can be used as provisions and guidelines in community life. Because the basis of
civic education is also based on the values of Pancasila. These two things cannot be separated
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Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
and must always be together. In the second precept Pancasila is taught that all human beings
must be fair and have balance and unity. The second precept is that just and civilized humanity
has a humanitarian principle that surrounds all people as human beings created by God Almighty
has dignity and dignity, all individuals are balanced, have the same rights and obligations, and
do not discriminate against religion, race, and group (Fadhila & Najicha, 2021).
In general, citizenship education is important so that students are able to become more
prepared and understand the rights and obligations as citizens. In addition, civic education trains
students to be able to think more critically in dealing with everything related to community life.
Citizenship education is not just knowledge, but must really affect every individual (Hikmah
&Dewi, 2021). Students are the spearhead of a country so they must love the homeland. And
the knowledge received during college must be applicable in public life (Setyowati, 2021). So,
by studying citizenship education the character of a student should be able to set a good example
for the community environment.
The Role of Students Through the Donation Movement in the Moral and Cultural
Viewpoint of the Nation
As we know, students play an important role in a movement to bring about change or
justice. (Jatmiko, 2019). The student movement, which is also a moral movement, is still needed
in a democracy, as well as to achieve the goals of nationhood and statehood. (Lian, 2019). The
idealism and independence of these students is the foundation so that they are not easily
influenced by others. (Kertayasa, et al., 2021).
In addition, today's students are also challenged in the digital era 4.0 where all changes
are very fast happening. (Cholil, 2019). Therefore, the problems faced are also increasingly
complex so students must also think comprehensively. Even so, students still play a role by
using the sophistication of technology and information to make a more structured movement.
(Beautiful, 2021).
Donation movement to orphanages is a moral activity that can be done by everyone. This
is a common thing in society. When viewed in terms of civic education, this activity is in
accordance with the morals and culture of the nation because this activity aims to share love and
help others. This activity also illustrates the behavior of Indonesian people who always behave
according to morals. (Al Munawaroh, 2021).
Donation activities have long been done by the community. Donation activities are a form
of humanity and also increase the sense of concern among others. Donations in the current era
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
of disruption are more contextual to donating money. (Hayu, 2021). Because the donation can
be done for a location that is located far enough away. Even so, it can still also make donations
of goods through freight forward couriers. (Ni'matus, 2020). In essence, donation activities
carried out by students in the current era of disruption will continue to run smoothly and continue
to run as usual. (Hia, et al., 2020). Even with the transfer method, it will be very easy in donation
activities. (Anggraeni, 2019).
The donation movement is a form of people's tolerance to others with the aim of helping
each other. The donation movement also has several values, including being able to help various
parties in need and improve morality. In addition, the donation movement has an effect to
increase the sense of concern and improve social skills. In this era of disruption, there are several
influences, namely increasing more efficient and effective interaction, as well as facilitating
technology that makes humans more independent and creative in social media. Behind that,
there are challenges in facing the era of disruption. That is, having good adaptability and having
creative and innovative ideas, also ready for change and competition. But the era of disruption
also has a negative impact and a positive impact. The negative impact is individualism and life
becomes an instant all-rounder that makes it lazy to do something from scratch. The positive
impact is that with technology, life can be done easily. As a student, there is also a civic
education lesson is an instrument of strengthening the nation's identity that makes students with
a spirit of nationalism. Thus, the donation movement is the right activity to foster a sense of
humanity among students in the era of disruption and the function of civic education is realized
through the donation movement itself.
In the era of dirsupsi students are expected to continue to develop their sense of
nationalism based on civic education. In addition, in the manufacture of this scientific work
researchers still have limitations in research, this limitation lies in the number of respondents
and the results obtained. The hope for future research is that other researchers can analyze more
deeply the attitudes of students in the era of disruption, does this era of disruption have a major
AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
effect on the development of student behavior so that it impacts the surroundings? In order to
obtain maximum analysis to support the progress of human resources in Indonesia.
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AoEJ: Academy of Education Journal
Vol. 13 No. 2 Tahun 2022
Ramadhan, S.D., & Rosadi, F.A. 2021. Jaminan Hak Asasi Manusia Dalam Penanganan
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Rosa, D.A., & Setyadi, D.I. 2021. Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile sebagai Media Donasi
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Koordinator Sponsorship. Interaksi Online , 271-279.
Sarvianto , D. F. (2021). Analisa Maraknya Pemanfaatan Platform Dalam Pengumpulan Zakat
Melalui Prespektif Strukturasi Ala Giddens. Al-Mutharahah: Jurnal Penelitian Dan
Kajian Sosial Keagamaan, 1-12.
Setyowati, R. (2021). Penanaman Nasionalisme Melalui Mata Kuliah Pendidikan
Kewarganegaraan Di Perguruan Tinggi. ISTORIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah
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Sudirman, P. R., & Dewi, D. A. (2021). Menerapkan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Dalam
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Melalui Pemaksimalan Hasil Produksi Rumah Tangga di Wilayah Jatinangor. Jurnal
Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat , 121-122.
Supardi, S. (2020). Menciptakan Semangat Bela Negara Dalam Lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi.
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Suparno, & Putranti, H. R. (2021). Sosialisasi Pendidikan Politikpraktis di Era Disrupsi Kaum
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