Ulumuddin: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Difla Nadjih [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p align="justify">Ulumuddin: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman (UJII); P-ISSN:<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1907-2333</a> &amp; E-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2685-9211</a>; is a national peer-reviewed journal published by Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta.&nbsp; This biannual journal is a medium of diffusion and exchange of the up to date information on the Islamic Studies in Indonesian context research findings. With special interest on Islamic education and law on muslim societies as the main focuses, This journal present the research results of the <strong>formal, informal and non-formal education, sociology of education, history of education, philosophy of education, fikih/usul fikih, socio legal, legal history, legal philosophy</strong>.</p> Relevansi Konsep Kafa'ah Menurut Zainuddin Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Malibary Dengan Konteks Kekinian 2023-05-19T08:59:35+00:00 Khozinatul Asrori [email protected] Ahmad Mahfudz [email protected] <p>In marriage, <em>kafa’ah</em> is often the subject of hot discussion. Jurisprudence studies in Indonesia are also inseparable from the influence of Al-Malibary whose works are studied in almost all Islamic boarding schools. This article aims to state its relation to the concept of <em>kafa’ah</em> offered by Zainuddin bin Abdul Aziz Al-Malibary in the context of today's society. This research is a library research with an analytical descriptive approach. The results of the study show that there are still criteria in kafa’ah which are no longer relevant, namely the hurriyah criteria. At least the criteria offered by Zainuddin bin Abdul Aziz Al-Malibary are religion and wealth. Apart from that, looking at the socio-cultural nature of today's society, it is necessary to have other criteria that must be considered in order to create a happy family, including criteria for education, health and maturity or mutual understanding of one another.</p> 2023-05-08T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Relasi Agama Dan Budaya Bangsa Dalam Gagasan Abdurahman Wahid Tentang Pribumisasi Islam 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Faza Islami [email protected] Busthomi Ibrohim [email protected] Azmi Islami [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study relates to the identification of Islamic relations and national culture from Abdurrahman Wahid, a national figure who has extraordinary education and experience in the plurality of the Indonesian nation, to then analyze democracy as an important way of religion along with Indonesia's plural culture in the perspective of Maqashid Syariah. A qualitative descriptive character study relies on a basic literature review of Abdurrahman Wahid's various works, including relevant secondary sources. Everything is analyzed for its content so that it can be concluded that Islamization is a model that is not needed in the relations of Islam and national culture in Indonesia. Appreciation for the diversity of the nation is a safe gate so that the religion of Islam becomes a staple color in the nation's culture. This would not have been possible unless they put forward a just democratic life in their society. Options that do not deviate from maqashid Sharia</p> 2023-07-11T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Kecakapan Nazhir Dalam Pengelolaan Wakaf Produktif Di Indonesia 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Lulu Sylvianie [email protected] <p>The potential of waqf in Indonesia for strengthening the recipient's economy is still very large if nazhir manages it productively. Although many regulations related to his existence have been made, the quality of nazhir in Indonesia is far from what has been expected. This research aimed to answer the question of why nazhir still faces a low level of professionalism. The methode used was a library research analyzing 29 data. This research found that there were six most influential factors related to the low quality of nazhir performance in Indonesia:&nbsp; lack of managerial skills, lack of education or training, unprofessional recruitment of nazhir, the traditional paradigm of nazhir, legal status of nazhir, and minimum number of nazhir. In order to strengthen waqf governance, it is suggested that a managerial requirement clause be added in addition to integrative and continuous training for nazirs.</p> 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Systematic Literature Review, The Impact Of The Sholawat Nariyah Tradition In Indonesia On Changes In Community Social Behavior 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Ismail Ismail [email protected] Muhammad Hilmi Musyafa [email protected] Faizah Choslan [email protected] <p>Praying to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is a recommendation from Allah to the believers. People who read a lot of Sholawat will get a great reward from Allah Swt. In fact, the Prophet said that even one Sholawat that is read will be rewarded tenfold by Allah. In addition to rewards, Sholawat also has many virtues. One of them is that Sholawat can be the cause of the descent of guidance to a servant. This virtue then makes Sholawat widely used as a means of proselytizing by da'i in guiding the community. They established assemblies and routines whose core activity was the recitation of Sholawat. One of the widely used Sholawat is Sholawat<em> Nariyah.</em> This article aims to see the extent of the impact of Sholawat<em> Nariyah </em>activities on changes in community social behavior. The method used is a Systematic Literature Review of previous studies contained in the Google Scholar data base with several keywords determined. The results obtained from the review are that Sholawat<em> Nariyah </em>activities have a huge impact on changes in people's social behavior. Many things are experienced by Sholawat<em> Nariyah </em>worshipers after participating in this activity which then gradually converts their social behavior from bad to better.</p> 2023-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Systematic Literature Review Tentang Loyalitas Nasabah Bank Syariah Di Indonesia 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Muhammad Arif Fadhillah Lubis [email protected] Muthmainnah Muthmainnah [email protected] <p>In the current era of competition in the banking industry, customer loyalty is a key factor in the existence of Islamic banks. Not a few research results show that customer loyalty among Islamic banks simultaneously influences the increase in profits of Islamic banks so that they can gain a wider market share. This article aims to examine journal papers that discuss customer loyalty in Islamic banks. This study used the systematic literature review (SLR) method with samples in the form of secondary data from journals that were searched through the Google Scholar database. The research results from the Systematic Literature Review show that the Islamic bank that has been studied the most by researchers is Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). The most widely used data collection technique was a questionnaire. The factor that most influences customer loyalty is service quality, followed by customer satisfaction.</p> 2023-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Penguatan Moderasi Beragama Di Pesantren Quran Di Kota Cilegon 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Hasbullah Hasbullah [email protected] Muhaffazh Al Hakim [email protected] Muhammad Sholehuddin Albantani [email protected] <p>The goal of this study is to ascertain how religious moderation is being strengthened at the Pesantren Bany Syafii (PBS), which is situated in the center of a residential neighborhood in the city of Cilegon. Data for this qualitative study were gathered through observation, documentation, and interviews. The findings demonstrated that PBS had implemented religious moderation for students through the teaching of the kitab kuning supported by regular rituals like group prayer, recitation of the book, discussions, jam'iyah, and mutual assistance as well as the involvement of the students in extracurricular activities. Aside from that, santri are trained to respect everyone surrounding the boarding school, regardless of their differing religious beliefs. So, This learning on religious tolerance is complementary.</p> 2023-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Peran Ulama Dalam Perkembangan Institusi Pendidikan Islam Mathlaul Anwar Dan MALNU 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Saepul Bahri [email protected] <p>The teachings of Islam, with the role of scholars, have become dynamic, renewable, and robust in facing the challenges of the times. Scholars are capable of solving problems and providing solutions for religious activities that arise in the digital era. The research method used, namely the "power relations" method, is an approach that focuses on the analysis and understanding of power relationships in social, political, or cultural contexts. This research involves direct observation, interviews, and the collection of data from documents related to both educational institutions over the course of a century. In the context of the existence of Mathla'ul Anwar and MALNU, scholars play a key role in managing power by influencing the development of the curriculum, the delivery of religious teachings, and the guidance of ethics and morals in education. They also act as guardians and supervisors of Islamic teachings, potentially having a significant impact on the views and religious practices of students and the community involved in their education.</p> 2023-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Pengetahuan, Manfaat, Risiko Dan Kepercayaan Investasi Terhadap Minat Investasi Mahasiswa Pada Saham Syariah 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Ethika Kirana Putri [email protected] Fifianawati Fifianawati [email protected] Tri Nur Wahadah [email protected] Alfinda Damayanti [email protected] Diva Meizahra Aulia R [email protected] Citra Ayudiati [email protected] <p>Shariah stock investment is still of the highest interest on the IDX to developing assets productively. However, there are still many obstacles to be faced. The purpose of this study was to know about influence knowledge, benefits, risks and trust on interest in investing in Islamic stocks within the scope of students at Cokroaminoto University, Yogyakarta. The method used is a quantitative approach using a survey method of UCY students as a research sample and data collected through a questionnaire. The results of the research that has been done are that there is a significant influence on the variable of trust in the interest in investing in Islamic stocks while the influence of benefits, knowledge, and risks do not have a significant effect on the interest in investing in Islamic stocks during UCY student.</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Al-Khawarizmi Serta Kontribusinya Untuk Perkembangan Sains Modern 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Fatia Rahmanita [email protected] Durrotun Nashihah [email protected] Muhammad Fadli Ramadhan [email protected] <p>The current development of science is the result of the knowledge development carried out by previous scientists, including Al-Khwarizmi. One of the Muslim scientists who lived during the Abbasid era. He is a leading Muslim scientist who made many contributions to human civilization. As a great figure of his time, Al-Khwarizmi produced many monumental works. This article discusses Al-Khwarizmi's biography and his contribution to the development of science in the modern era. To obtain this information, researchers conducted a literature review related to the topic. The results of the literature review show that Al-Khwarizmi made many contributions and thoughts in the fields of mathematics and astronomy which are very helpful for the benefit and development of science in the modern era.</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sejarah Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Teknologi Dalam Islam 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Imron Ichwani [email protected] Farroha Firmaningrum [email protected] <p>Observing and researching the historical periodization of the growth of science and technology in Islam is the aim of this study. This study uses descriptive analysis which is complemented by a historical analysis approach in conducting library research. The direction of knowledge or data interpretation is prioritized on a historical approach. The research findings show that as science and technology progress today, they are increasingly related to one another. Islam refers to this as the integration of science and technology with the Al-Qur'an which is the main text for this integration and then followed by Hadith as the second proposition after the Al-Qur'an.</p> 2023-12-11T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Kepemimpinan Pembelajaran Guru Berbasis Budaya Kearifan Lokal Dalam Menumbuhkan Profil Pelajar Pancasila Pada SMA Islam Dan Umum 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Ahmad Nasir Aribowo [email protected] Taufik Nugroho [email protected] Joko Wahono [email protected] Resvi Septian Fauziah [email protected] Silvia Oktaviana Lestari [email protected] <p>Research problems include student literacy and low character impact on learning outcomes, as well as the cultural value of local wisdom. The aim of the research is to describe and discover teacher learning leadership based on local wisdom culture, especially Pancasila Education, in growing the profile of Pancasila students. The research method uses qualitative. The research was carried out at public senior high school 5 and senior high school UII Yogyakarta in 2023. Research procedures include: (1) research grand tour; (2) data collection; (3) analysis; (4) results. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, documentation. The results of the research show that teacher leadership in learning to integrate the cultural values of Yogyakarta local wisdom is able to grow the profile of Pancasila students. Local wisdom cultural values include: (1) behavior; (2) cultural products; (3) artifacts; (3) customs.</p> 2023-12-11T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Moderasi Beragama di Kalangan Aktifis Dakwah Kampus Kota Mataram-NTB 2023-12-14T09:33:38+00:00 Arif Nasrullah [email protected] Saipul Hamdi [email protected] Hafizah Awalia [email protected] <p>Religious moderation is an issue that always arises, especially after the reformation and the collapse of the WTC 9/11 in the United States and 2002 Bali Bombing. The Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia made religious moderation a flagship program out of 7 existing programs. The research entitled Religious Moderation among Campus Da'wah Activists in Mataram-West Nusa Tenggara, seeks to explore the views of religious moderation among students, especially Campus Da'wah Activists. Campus Da'wah activists (ADK) became objects of research because ADK carried out an important preaching task. If Campus Da’wah Activists have problems in understanding their religion, the contents of their da'wah and objects of da'wah automatically contain intolerance content that can endanger security. Conversely, if the religious moderation views of the ADK are tolerant, then the content of their da'wah will be calming and constructive. This research uses a qualitative method with phenomenological approach, data obtained by observing and interviewing campus da'wah activist at 6 universities in Mataram City who are members of the Nusa Tenggara Campus Da'wah Institution Gathering Forum (FSLDK) then enriched by a documentation study. From this research it was found that Form of moderation campus da’wah activists is tolerance towards people of other religions by respecting differences in beliefs and understandings, learning and doing assignments together, gathering and organizing regardless of religious, ethnicity and class background. Some activists do not agree with some doctrines different from what they believe in, such as Shia and Ahmadiyya, even so they reject violent ways of responding to these understandings.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##