be concluded that education is a learning process to instil general and special knowledge in the
environment of students in order to develop their potential.
Education seeks to produce individuals of high calibre and moral character who can
quickly and accurately adapt to various situations, have a broad perspective on the future, and
achieve their goals. Because education inspires us to develop in all aspects of life (Kristiono &
Wiratomo, 2017). To protect the country from every threat from both inside and outside, both
military and non-military, it is important to instil state defence awareness in every citizen.
Because they all have duties and responsibilities towards state defence. A good society is a
society that has a love for its country and plays an active role in state defence efforts.
In essence, awareness of state defence means being ready to sacrifice and serve the
country. There are a wide range of actions that fall under the category of state defence, from the
most vital to the most drastic. They range from fostering positive relations with neighbouring
countries to working together to combat real threats posed by armed enemies.
According to Purnomo Yusgiantoro (2010: 39), ‘state defence is an attitude and behaviour
of the people imbued with love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia’. It is based on
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, to ensure the survival of the nation and state. State defence
is a very important attitude possessed by all Indonesian people, the community plays an
important role in state defence efforts, this state defence action does not always have to take up
arms, for this reason the role of the community in state defence is divided into two, namely
physical and non-physical. Physically, the community plays a role in facing aggression attacks
with defence efforts from parties that threaten the Indonesian nation. One of them is by taking
up arms in the event of an attack from another nation against the Indonesian nation. Meanwhile,
non-physically, the community plays a role in maintaining state sovereignty by increasing
awareness of nation and state and complying with the rule of law in Indonesia. State defence is a
fortress to maintain the integrity of the country, by instilling the value of love for the country,
awareness of the nation and state and other state defence values are expected to be a strong
foundation to ward off various threats to the integrity of the country.
According to the Directorate General of Defence Potential of the Ministry of Defence of
the Republic of Indonesia (in Putri et al., 2020) the elements of state defence have five points,
1. Love of the homeland. A sense of belonging, defending, and caring for every inch of
Indonesian territory without utilising it for personal or group interests, as well as
protecting oneself from actions that harm the country.
2. Awareness of nation and state. Realising one's status as a citizen will help to continuously
improve it by dedicating all of one's potential for the progress of the nation and state.
3. Belief in Pancasila as the state ideology. Upholding and implementing Pancasila as a state
ideology means fully accepting that Pancasila is the basis of the Indonesian state.
4. Willing to sacrifice for the nation. Ready to make concessions to prioritise the interests of
the nation and state above the interests of self or group.
5. Initial ability to defend the country. Every citizen must make a concerted effort to achieve
this by having sufficient basic skills to defend the country when necessary.
In order for people to be proud of their country and understand what nationalism is,
state defence education is very important. This is the reason why the Ministry of Defence of