AoSSaGCJ, Vol. 4, Issue 1, (2024) page 30-35
Academy of Social Science and Global Citizenship Journal
ISSN: 2988-7968 (Online)
Journal Homepage:
10.47200/AoSSaGCJ. v4i1.2462
State defence education among the younger
Inayah Junika Zahira
, Mas Fierna Janvierna Lussie Putri
Department of Pancasila and Citizenship, Pamulang University, South Tangerang, Indonesia
Article History:
Accepted: 14 March 2024
Revised: April 19, 2024
Approved: 27 May 2024
Available Online: 17 June 2024
National defense education equips us with the knowledge and
skills needed to uphold our duties as citizens in defending our
country from internal and external dangers. The research
method used in this research is the literature method with data
collected from books, journals and other reading materials.
The aim of this research is to explain the importance of
national defense education for the younger generation as
agents of change. Apart from that, the importance of national
defense education is also outlined in a number of articles and
poems which provide encouragement to those who uphold the
country, are ready to defend honor and dignity, and are able
to raise national pride. State defense education is a solution
for national unity and unity. By cultivating a mindset of love
for the country of the younger generation. This can also
prevent radicalism. Radicalism can destroy the integrity of
the Republic of Indonesia.
National Defense
Young Generation
© 2024, Inayah Junika Zahira, Mas Fierna Janvierna Lussie Putri
This is an open access article under CC BY-SA license
How to Cite: ZahiraI., & PutriM. F. (2024). State defence education among the younger
generation. Academy of Social Science and Global Citizenship Journal, 4(1), 30-
1. Introduction
State defence is a form of citizens' love for Indonesia, as contained in the 1945
Constitution article 27 paragraph 3 states that “every citizen has the right and obligation to
participate in the defence of the country”. All Indonesian people are seen in the struggle to
defend the country. Not only the TNI (Indonesian National Army). State defence education at
all levels needs to be studied in order to increase public understanding of the importance of
protecting the country. Because state defence education is one of the important aspects in
growing and improving the character of society, here state defence education seeks to increase
public understanding of the importance of maintaining the sovereignty and integrity of the
state, as we know that factors that threaten the integrity of the state are not only from external
Academy of Social Science and Global Citizenship Journal
Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2024, page: 30-35
factors such as attacks from other nations against Indonesia, but there are also many factors
that divide the nation that occur due to conflicts between communities.
The young generation is the generation that is expected to continue the ideals of the
Indonesian state. In the progress of the nation, the younger generation has an important role.
Therefore, we often hear that the young generation is the agent of change for a nation. This
means that it is the young generation that will determine the progress of a nation. In order to
navigate the swift currents of globalisation, the youth must have a strong nationalist attitude.
However, as we can see today, globalisation is undermining the nationalist spirit in the youth,
threatening the existence of the nation. Today's youth tend to talk about foreign culture rather
than Indonesian culture, which is very rich.
The ability of the younger generation to defend the nation must be nurtured if they are to
succeed in the cruel globalisation. The young generation in Indonesia is becoming less
nationalistic along with the advancement of science and technology, and one of the causes is the
influx of foreign culture into the country, which is then assimilated by the community.
Therefore, there are many deviations from Pancasila values and norms by the younger
generation. Today's youth also tend to like to talk about foreign culture rather than their own
culture, when viewed further, Indonesia actually has a lot of cultural wealth that is interesting to
2. Method
This research uses the literature study method or literary research related to the research
problem. Written works, including research findings that have or have not been published, are
one of the foundations of this research. Zed (Kamil et al, 2023: 928) defines literature study as a
process that involves collecting information from library data, reading, documenting, and
analysing and processing research materials. Therefore, the information collected for this
research took the form of a literature review centred on the problem under study. The theoretical
information for this research was collected from various sources, including books, journals,
online and offline mass media, and other related sources.
3. Result and Discussion
State defence education equips us with the knowledge and skills needed to uphold civil
duties and safeguard the country from external and internal dangers. With this, state defence
education is very important for the younger generation who are the successors of the nation and
as agents of change must be able to foster this sense and bring change towards a more peaceful
State Defence Education
Education is an activity that is carried out consciously as a form of effort in increasing
knowledge and developing potential in an individual. In addition, the general understanding of
education is ‘instilling intellectual, moral and spiritual values to students in accordance with
mental and physical development (Prihatin, 2018). Therefore, the purpose of education is so
that they are better prepared to face the next life in the future. According to Oemar Hamalik
(2006), education is a process that seeks to shape the student's personality to help him adjust to
his environment and develop new skills that will help him in social situations. Therefore, it can
Academy of Social Science and Global Citizenship Journal
Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2024, page: 30-35
Inayah Junika Zahira (State defence education among the.)
be concluded that education is a learning process to instil general and special knowledge in the
environment of students in order to develop their potential.
Education seeks to produce individuals of high calibre and moral character who can
quickly and accurately adapt to various situations, have a broad perspective on the future, and
achieve their goals. Because education inspires us to develop in all aspects of life (Kristiono &
Wiratomo, 2017). To protect the country from every threat from both inside and outside, both
military and non-military, it is important to instil state defence awareness in every citizen.
Because they all have duties and responsibilities towards state defence. A good society is a
society that has a love for its country and plays an active role in state defence efforts.
In essence, awareness of state defence means being ready to sacrifice and serve the
country. There are a wide range of actions that fall under the category of state defence, from the
most vital to the most drastic. They range from fostering positive relations with neighbouring
countries to working together to combat real threats posed by armed enemies.
According to Purnomo Yusgiantoro (2010: 39), ‘state defence is an attitude and behaviour
of the people imbued with love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia’. It is based on
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, to ensure the survival of the nation and state. State defence
is a very important attitude possessed by all Indonesian people, the community plays an
important role in state defence efforts, this state defence action does not always have to take up
arms, for this reason the role of the community in state defence is divided into two, namely
physical and non-physical. Physically, the community plays a role in facing aggression attacks
with defence efforts from parties that threaten the Indonesian nation. One of them is by taking
up arms in the event of an attack from another nation against the Indonesian nation. Meanwhile,
non-physically, the community plays a role in maintaining state sovereignty by increasing
awareness of nation and state and complying with the rule of law in Indonesia. State defence is a
fortress to maintain the integrity of the country, by instilling the value of love for the country,
awareness of the nation and state and other state defence values are expected to be a strong
foundation to ward off various threats to the integrity of the country.
According to the Directorate General of Defence Potential of the Ministry of Defence of
the Republic of Indonesia (in Putri et al., 2020) the elements of state defence have five points,
1. Love of the homeland. A sense of belonging, defending, and caring for every inch of
Indonesian territory without utilising it for personal or group interests, as well as
protecting oneself from actions that harm the country.
2. Awareness of nation and state. Realising one's status as a citizen will help to continuously
improve it by dedicating all of one's potential for the progress of the nation and state.
3. Belief in Pancasila as the state ideology. Upholding and implementing Pancasila as a state
ideology means fully accepting that Pancasila is the basis of the Indonesian state.
4. Willing to sacrifice for the nation. Ready to make concessions to prioritise the interests of
the nation and state above the interests of self or group.
5. Initial ability to defend the country. Every citizen must make a concerted effort to achieve
this by having sufficient basic skills to defend the country when necessary.
In order for people to be proud of their country and understand what nationalism is,
state defence education is very important. This is the reason why the Ministry of Defence of
Academy of Social Science and Global Citizenship Journal
Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2024, page: 30-35
the Republic of Indonesia is implementing state defence education. Four pillars of learning are
used to implement this education; civic education, TNI training, basic military training
required, and specialised training for each vocation. These four criteria are in line with the
values of a universal defence system (Kurniawan & Utanto, 2018).
State defence education is very necessary and at the same time important to be
implemented by all members of the state community. Especially the younger generation who
will lead the country with their thoughts in the future. Therefore, it is important to foster a
sense of nationalism in the younger generation. The sense of nationalism can be fostered by
learning civic education. Love for the homeland is the same as defending the homeland.
State defence education can also raise the awareness of the younger generation of the
richness and diversity of cultures in Indonesia. With that, the younger generation has a sense
of maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. State defence education also not
only covers aspects of national resilience, but is also broadly related to state development.
State defence education is also intended to strengthen the unity and integrity of the younger
The Role of Young Geners in State Defence
The younger generation is considered the country's ‘golden generation’ and is expected
to be able to contribute to the nation and state. The younger generation has the responsibility
to protect the nation. To preserve the life of a country, legislation, and high-ranking officials
of the country have developed a concept called state defence. Discussing the individualism of
the group, or every element of the nation. Generations are tasked with continuing the
development and ideals of the nation. They are the ones who will determine the back and forth
of a nation. The law on youth says that the age range categorised as youth is citizens aged 16
to 30 years.
So it can be concluded that the younger generation has a very important role in the
sustainability of the country in the future, the fate of a nation is at stake in the hands of youth.
If this young generation has a high spirit of nationalism and patriotism, it is possible that the
Indonesian nation will become a developed nation in the future, on the other hand, if the youth
are indifferent to the nation and their country, the country may reap obstacles.
If the younger generation is aware of the need for national defence, then they will take
part in it. As the younger generation will carry forward the difficulties and values of the
nation in the future, it is important to instil in them a sense of responsibility and commitment
to preserve the homeland. The task of this generation is to maintain the unity of the nation
and be able to overcome any problems that arise due to conflicts that can lead to division.
State defence activities that can be carried out by the younger generation include;
1. Involvement in Youth Movements and Organisations
Youth can actively participate in youth organisations such as youth organisations,
community movements or social movements that focus on promoting and protecting the
sovereignty and interests of the nation.
2. Character and Ethics Building
This young generation must be instilled with moral values, integrity, togetherness and
responsibility, the aim is to form a young generation that supports and can strengthen
their role in safeguarding the interests and sovereignty of the country.
Academy of Social Science and Global Citizenship Journal
Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2024, page: 30-35
Inayah Junika Zahira (State defence education among the.)
3. Increased Patriotism
With a good understanding of the importance of defending the country's sovereignty,
they will be more concerned about the continuity and sustainability of the country.
4. Preservation of Culture and Local Values
Understanding the sustainability of local culture will strengthen the sense of nationality
and love for the country, it also acts as a bridge in understanding and respecting the diversity
and uniqueness that exists in Indonesia, so that this becomes a strength in efforts to dispel
threats that can undermine state sovereignty.
The Importance of State Defence Education for the Young Generation
State defence education is important, this is because state defence education is
fundamental especially since the country does not want to have threats that can destroy
national unity and integrity. With the existence of state defence education in the younger
generation, it can make the younger generation become individuals who love the country.
State defence education must be learned by all young people, both in the educational and
non-educational environment. For example, adding local content regarding state defence
education. Examples of non-education itself can be done by the government in the form of
counselling or events that have a state defence theme that can be accessed by the wider
Why do future generations need to be educated about state defence? Because they will
grow into individuals who are aware of their responsibilities and rights as Indonesian
citizens. In this case, the younger generation can lead the development of a just,
compassionate and democratic society and state. However, achieving the nation's goals
requires a protracted process, which is based on the awareness of each community of the
importance of protecting and defending this nation. In reality, national interests are not given
the same priority in society as personal and group interests.
In this case, the younger generation can lead the development of a just, compassionate
and democratic society and state. However, achieving the nation's goals requires a protracted
process, based on the awareness of every citizen of the importance of protecting and
defending the nation. In reality, national interests are not given the same priority in society as
personal and group interests. In this case, the younger generation must be more sensitive to
the national cause, i.e. they must understand the importance of state defence and feel a sense
of love for it. They also need to address every issue with a broader and more critical thought
4. Conclusion
State defence education among the younger generation should get more attention in the
educational environment. Because if the younger generation has a sense of patriotism in
defending their country, the country will experience threats that will be faced in the future.
These threats are not only military threats but can be more complex than that. It can threaten
the welfare of the country and can destroy the country. The future of this nation is in the
hands of the younger generation both in the educational environment and the environment
outside of education. State defence education is a solution to national unity. By fostering a
Academy of Social Science and Global Citizenship Journal
Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2024, page: 30-35
mindset of love for the homeland of the younger generation. It can also hold radicalism.
Radicalism can destroy the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia
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